Article THE TRUE MASON. ← Page 2 of 5 Article AMABEL VAUGHAN. Page 1 of 1
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The True Mason.
He may seem a good brother in sight of his fellow , Be high in his Order and learned in its code ; But still his pretensions are truthless and shallow , And he is no Mason in si ght of his God . But he ' s a true Mason Avhose soul ever rises Above the small honours and glories of earth—Who all
the poor glitter of tinsel despises , And loves to be measured alone by his worth With Square and the Plumb-lead as emblems to guide him , From the line of strict duty he scorns to depart ; With the Rule and the Compass both ready before him , He rears a true Temple of God in his heart .
ills thoughts are as pure as the snow Avhen it falleth ; His zeal is enlisted on rectitude ' s side ; No fear of men ' s scoffing his courage appalleth , As he stands the oppressed and the friendless beside . At the cry of misfortune his love is awakened ; Large minded , he succours , with nought of display The widoAvthe
, orphan , the hungry and naked , From his portals are never sent empty away . In precept though firm , he is soft as a mother , Who seeks in affection her offspring to mould , More apt by example to Avin a lost brother , And waverers keep in the Good Shepherd ' s fold
Unsullied by contact with lusts that surround him Large hearted , he loves with a God-like regard ' - He lives a rich blessing to all who are round him , ' And dies to receive the true Mason's reward
Amabel Vaughan.
BY BRO . EMKA HOLMES , Author of-TalesPoems and Masonic Papers ; " "Mildred , an AutumnRomance ; " "My Lord the King f "The Path of Life , an Allegory ; " "Another Fenian Outrage ; " "Notes on the United Orders of the Temple ancl Hospital , " $ c . § c
CHAPTER V . A PKOPOSAL . —THE FIKST APPEAL . WOLVERSTON is an old toAvn in the north of England with an ancient church and a history ; also barracks , a theatre , a concert hall , and a Mayor and Corporation . It has a large population , and as it is . a seaport as well as a market town , I need not add that there are always ships sailing in with cargoes from the North , East , South and West , and innumerable sailors , fishermen , brokers and tradesmen generally bustling about ancl carrying on their business from morning to ni <* kt on the
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The True Mason.
He may seem a good brother in sight of his fellow , Be high in his Order and learned in its code ; But still his pretensions are truthless and shallow , And he is no Mason in si ght of his God . But he ' s a true Mason Avhose soul ever rises Above the small honours and glories of earth—Who all
the poor glitter of tinsel despises , And loves to be measured alone by his worth With Square and the Plumb-lead as emblems to guide him , From the line of strict duty he scorns to depart ; With the Rule and the Compass both ready before him , He rears a true Temple of God in his heart .
ills thoughts are as pure as the snow Avhen it falleth ; His zeal is enlisted on rectitude ' s side ; No fear of men ' s scoffing his courage appalleth , As he stands the oppressed and the friendless beside . At the cry of misfortune his love is awakened ; Large minded , he succours , with nought of display The widoAvthe
, orphan , the hungry and naked , From his portals are never sent empty away . In precept though firm , he is soft as a mother , Who seeks in affection her offspring to mould , More apt by example to Avin a lost brother , And waverers keep in the Good Shepherd ' s fold
Unsullied by contact with lusts that surround him Large hearted , he loves with a God-like regard ' - He lives a rich blessing to all who are round him , ' And dies to receive the true Mason's reward
Amabel Vaughan.
BY BRO . EMKA HOLMES , Author of-TalesPoems and Masonic Papers ; " "Mildred , an AutumnRomance ; " "My Lord the King f "The Path of Life , an Allegory ; " "Another Fenian Outrage ; " "Notes on the United Orders of the Temple ancl Hospital , " $ c . § c
CHAPTER V . A PKOPOSAL . —THE FIKST APPEAL . WOLVERSTON is an old toAvn in the north of England with an ancient church and a history ; also barracks , a theatre , a concert hall , and a Mayor and Corporation . It has a large population , and as it is . a seaport as well as a market town , I need not add that there are always ships sailing in with cargoes from the North , East , South and West , and innumerable sailors , fishermen , brokers and tradesmen generally bustling about ancl carrying on their business from morning to ni <* kt on the