Article THE TRUE MASON. ← Page 5 of 5
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The True Mason.
whole thought has been of you . Mabel , say you love me in return , and I am happy . " " Fitz , are you in earnest 1 " " Yes , as there is a heaven , I am ; I have loved you long and earnestly , and never could forget you now , if I tried—say , dearest , will you be mine ?" Mabel looked CIOAVII , but never said a word . " Silence gives consent then , " Fitz said , " and so I seal our compact thus , " and he bent over and kissed her .
Mabel blushed a little ancl looked more- beautiful than eA-er as she lifted her soft violet eyes and looked upon her lover . And there Avas that look therein Avhich quite satisfied him , and I think his face approached again far nearer hers than Avas necessary in turning over the leaves of music . The engagement AA-as soon knoAvn , and everybody congratulated Mabel , including Miss Renard , ho was more than usually unctuous in her congratulations , but Avho mentally resolved that if she bad her OAVU Avay it should never be .
Miss Renard was a lady of a certain age , Avhom Fitz had met the first night of his coming to the Elms , when there was " a muffin struggle , " a thing in which old maids delight , and Fitz , AVIIO was a thorough Irishman , made desperate love to the said lady , as he said afterwards , just for the sake of variety , and " in order to keep his hand in . '' Miss Renard , poor lady , bad thought the handsome stranger as she called him , Avas struck Avith her great personal attractions , and had quite made up her mind to accept
him ; so Avhen she found he had only been making game of her , as she Avould express it , she Avas determined he should rue the day . "HOAV nicely they have decorated the theatre , " Mabel says to her friend , Miss Renard , Ai'ho had accompanied the party thither through the kindness of Mr . Seymour . He Avould persist in inviting the ancient damsel to share the private box Avith them that evening , on the occasion of the bespeakwhen all the rank aud fashion of Wolverston
, and its neighbourhood thought fit to patronise the temple of the drama . " Yes , clear , it is very nice , " Miss Renard ansAvers , " but where is your cousin 1 I thought he Avas coming , '' she continued , knowing all the time that shesaAv him talking below to some one who looked like one of the company , probably the lessee himself . "Oh , yes , Reginald will be here directly , I suppose , '' Mabel says languidly . She rather thinks Miss Renard a bore .
The fact is , Master Fitz , in coming in , is struck with a name on the play-bill Avhich he fancies he knoAvs . " Yes—no—can it be that they have engaged Nellie -Longmore for the ni ght from London ?'' " Not unlikely , though , they must have some good leading lady on these occasions , and 1 daresay it Avould pay too ' ' he mutters to himself .
, "By the Avay , I'll send in my card , I daresay she'll see me , " aud , thus saying , Fitz slips behind the rest , ancl presently hails the manager , Avhom he kneAV in London as the ' second IOAV comedian' at the old Adelphi Theatre , who HOAV had graduated in another ' line of business . '
' I say , Mr . Foster , AVEI you be goocl _ enough to send this round to Miss Longmore , and ask for an ansAver for me ? " Fitz says , handing the manager a card Avith a Avord or IAVO scribbled upon it . " Yery well , sir , I daresay it will be all ri ght . Shall be happy to introduce you to Miss Longmore , if you like . The fact is we are not in the habit of letting any stranger behind the scenes . It doesn ' t pay , you knoAV , aud they never do it even in London now at the best theatres , as you are aAvare , But of course Ave consider you as one of ourselves , if
I may say so . " " Thank you , I feel complimented I'm sure , " replied Fitz , Avith the slightest possible sneer in his tone . " Perhaps you'll be so kind as to send round Avord to me at the stage box where my Party are ; " ancl with that off stalked Mr . Fitzgerald , curling his moustaches , ancl smiling to himself a rather haughty , sarcastic smile , as he thought of the manager classing him Avith the actors . To be continued .
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The True Mason.
whole thought has been of you . Mabel , say you love me in return , and I am happy . " " Fitz , are you in earnest 1 " " Yes , as there is a heaven , I am ; I have loved you long and earnestly , and never could forget you now , if I tried—say , dearest , will you be mine ?" Mabel looked CIOAVII , but never said a word . " Silence gives consent then , " Fitz said , " and so I seal our compact thus , " and he bent over and kissed her .
Mabel blushed a little ancl looked more- beautiful than eA-er as she lifted her soft violet eyes and looked upon her lover . And there Avas that look therein Avhich quite satisfied him , and I think his face approached again far nearer hers than Avas necessary in turning over the leaves of music . The engagement AA-as soon knoAvn , and everybody congratulated Mabel , including Miss Renard , ho was more than usually unctuous in her congratulations , but Avho mentally resolved that if she bad her OAVU Avay it should never be .
Miss Renard was a lady of a certain age , Avhom Fitz had met the first night of his coming to the Elms , when there was " a muffin struggle , " a thing in which old maids delight , and Fitz , AVIIO was a thorough Irishman , made desperate love to the said lady , as he said afterwards , just for the sake of variety , and " in order to keep his hand in . '' Miss Renard , poor lady , bad thought the handsome stranger as she called him , Avas struck Avith her great personal attractions , and had quite made up her mind to accept
him ; so Avhen she found he had only been making game of her , as she Avould express it , she Avas determined he should rue the day . "HOAV nicely they have decorated the theatre , " Mabel says to her friend , Miss Renard , Ai'ho had accompanied the party thither through the kindness of Mr . Seymour . He Avould persist in inviting the ancient damsel to share the private box Avith them that evening , on the occasion of the bespeakwhen all the rank aud fashion of Wolverston
, and its neighbourhood thought fit to patronise the temple of the drama . " Yes , clear , it is very nice , " Miss Renard ansAvers , " but where is your cousin 1 I thought he Avas coming , '' she continued , knowing all the time that shesaAv him talking below to some one who looked like one of the company , probably the lessee himself . "Oh , yes , Reginald will be here directly , I suppose , '' Mabel says languidly . She rather thinks Miss Renard a bore .
The fact is , Master Fitz , in coming in , is struck with a name on the play-bill Avhich he fancies he knoAvs . " Yes—no—can it be that they have engaged Nellie -Longmore for the ni ght from London ?'' " Not unlikely , though , they must have some good leading lady on these occasions , and 1 daresay it Avould pay too ' ' he mutters to himself .
, "By the Avay , I'll send in my card , I daresay she'll see me , " aud , thus saying , Fitz slips behind the rest , ancl presently hails the manager , Avhom he kneAV in London as the ' second IOAV comedian' at the old Adelphi Theatre , who HOAV had graduated in another ' line of business . '
' I say , Mr . Foster , AVEI you be goocl _ enough to send this round to Miss Longmore , and ask for an ansAver for me ? " Fitz says , handing the manager a card Avith a Avord or IAVO scribbled upon it . " Yery well , sir , I daresay it will be all ri ght . Shall be happy to introduce you to Miss Longmore , if you like . The fact is we are not in the habit of letting any stranger behind the scenes . It doesn ' t pay , you knoAV , aud they never do it even in London now at the best theatres , as you are aAvare , But of course Ave consider you as one of ourselves , if
I may say so . " " Thank you , I feel complimented I'm sure , " replied Fitz , Avith the slightest possible sneer in his tone . " Perhaps you'll be so kind as to send round Avord to me at the stage box where my Party are ; " ancl with that off stalked Mr . Fitzgerald , curling his moustaches , ancl smiling to himself a rather haughty , sarcastic smile , as he thought of the manager classing him Avith the actors . To be continued .