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"Vale Pontifex Maxime!"
seals . If any one candidate obtains more than two-thirds of the votes he is declared elected . The Avhole of the schedulle are then opened entirely by breaking the seals , ancl the name of each elector verified . In the mean time the baldacchino over each of the Cardinal ' s seats , except that of the elected Pope , is loAvered , and all eyes are turned at once in the direction of the chair thus silently indicated .
If , hoAvever , as so often happens , the requisite majority is not secured , a most curious practice immediately follows . The scrutator takes up the schedulle , transpierces them all with the needle ancl thread before mentioned , and carries the bundle thus made , to the back of the altar . Here there is a small grate pro-vided with matches and bundles of straAv . Some straAv is placed within it , and the useless voting papers are thrown on the top . A light is then struckancl the inflammable mass is instantlconsumed A
, y . thick smoke is caused for the moment , which , rising through a long funnel to the roof of the edifice , gives to the populace outside the IIBAVS that no Pope is yet elected . " Papa non e fato / " cry the spectators as soon as the puff of smoke is seen , and no other sign is forthcoming until the Conclave is open and communication Avith the outside world restored .
The result of a successful election is not , hoAvever , complete untE the elected Cardinal has accepted it . The question is put to him in a set Latin formula by the Cardinal Camerlengo and the three chiefs of the Sacred College . If he accepts , the Cardinal Deacon requests him to state what name he intends to take . He is led to the altar , and offers up a prayer , after which he is attired by the masters of the ceremonies in the splendid apparel of the Papal dignity , and seats himself on the throne to receive the first " adoration " of the Cardinals . E . B . M .
BY THE REV . T . P . WILLIAMSON . WHEN Cannelmas cam last aboot , It wor a weary tahm ! Oor coo gat choakt wi' tonnop-root
, An' fayder brak hiz arm . Then mudder teeak an' telt ma theer Ah mun te sarvice gau '; Fer Ah wor tonn'd o' eeghteen year , An' sheea 'd mak shift wi' Nan .
" Sarvice ! " Ah sed— " a pratty teeal ! An' what ' 11 Mattha say ( He luvs ma just that desprit weel ) Gin Ah sud gau' away ?" Then up sheea spak , az chirp az chips , — "An' Mattha wants te wed ,
He'd better let it pass hiz lips—Nut keep it iv hiz heead . '' " He hez ten yacker , ivvery bit , Tweea coos , an' pigs az weel , Sum sheep teea , an' a canny tit , A n' t' caAvf at ' z omniest A'eeal /
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Vale Pontifex Maxime!"
seals . If any one candidate obtains more than two-thirds of the votes he is declared elected . The Avhole of the schedulle are then opened entirely by breaking the seals , ancl the name of each elector verified . In the mean time the baldacchino over each of the Cardinal ' s seats , except that of the elected Pope , is loAvered , and all eyes are turned at once in the direction of the chair thus silently indicated .
If , hoAvever , as so often happens , the requisite majority is not secured , a most curious practice immediately follows . The scrutator takes up the schedulle , transpierces them all with the needle ancl thread before mentioned , and carries the bundle thus made , to the back of the altar . Here there is a small grate pro-vided with matches and bundles of straAv . Some straAv is placed within it , and the useless voting papers are thrown on the top . A light is then struckancl the inflammable mass is instantlconsumed A
, y . thick smoke is caused for the moment , which , rising through a long funnel to the roof of the edifice , gives to the populace outside the IIBAVS that no Pope is yet elected . " Papa non e fato / " cry the spectators as soon as the puff of smoke is seen , and no other sign is forthcoming until the Conclave is open and communication Avith the outside world restored .
The result of a successful election is not , hoAvever , complete untE the elected Cardinal has accepted it . The question is put to him in a set Latin formula by the Cardinal Camerlengo and the three chiefs of the Sacred College . If he accepts , the Cardinal Deacon requests him to state what name he intends to take . He is led to the altar , and offers up a prayer , after which he is attired by the masters of the ceremonies in the splendid apparel of the Papal dignity , and seats himself on the throne to receive the first " adoration " of the Cardinals . E . B . M .
BY THE REV . T . P . WILLIAMSON . WHEN Cannelmas cam last aboot , It wor a weary tahm ! Oor coo gat choakt wi' tonnop-root
, An' fayder brak hiz arm . Then mudder teeak an' telt ma theer Ah mun te sarvice gau '; Fer Ah wor tonn'd o' eeghteen year , An' sheea 'd mak shift wi' Nan .
" Sarvice ! " Ah sed— " a pratty teeal ! An' what ' 11 Mattha say ( He luvs ma just that desprit weel ) Gin Ah sud gau' away ?" Then up sheea spak , az chirp az chips , — "An' Mattha wants te wed ,
He'd better let it pass hiz lips—Nut keep it iv hiz heead . '' " He hez ten yacker , ivvery bit , Tweea coos , an' pigs az weel , Sum sheep teea , an' a canny tit , A n' t' caAvf at ' z omniest A'eeal /