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Early Freemasonry In Ireland.
No . 1 Lodge voted fifty pounds from its funds for the defence of the kingdom , the other Lodges also not being behind in testifying that the spirit of the Craft did not lessen their patriotism ; and for certain , if Freemasons became soldiers , they cannot fail to act loyally to their Sovereign and be obedient ancl trustworthy . We should note that No . 13 is still at Limerick ( 1878 ) . No . 271 has been removed to Letterkenny ( Donegal ) , ancl No . 952 has been removed from the Roll .
We have purposely kept until the last our notice of the " Shamrock Lodge , " No . 27 , originally located at Cork . We are indebted to our Bro . J . H . Neilson , of Dublin , for the foEoAving particulars , Avhich he received personaEy from the beloved and distinguished Mason the Hon . Judge ToAvnshend , LL . D ., Past D . G . M . of Ireland , Ayho Avas one of the members of the old Lodge . The " Shamrock Lodge " vvas originally chartered about 1740 , and the Brethren
thereof were distinguished by being permitted to wear their aprons with a " green flap , " ancl a golden shamrock embroidered thereon . The first Warrant at Castle ToAvnshend Avas No . 167 , granted about 1830 , ancl promoted by some Brethren who had been members of the ancient Lodge No . 15 ( now at Skibbereen ) , Avhich met at Rosscarberry , and Avhich conferred the Royal Arch ancl Templar Degrees by virtue of exhibiting the Craft Warrant at the meetings , similarly to many Lodges in England and elsewhere in early days . The Hon . Judge ToAvnshend Avas admitted a member of No . 167 , whilst
" under age " ( by dispensation ) , and Ave are pleased to preserve such an interesting fact respecting so Avorthy a Mason . On the return of Bro . Dr . Townshond from England , he found that No . 167 had been exchanged for No . 27 Warrant ; but the members at Castle ToAvnshend , whilst retaining the title of the " Shamrock Lodge , " Avere not 'Mvearers of the green , " preferring any other colour , sometimes those quite out of fashion UOAV . They generally , ^ however , Avore aprons entirely Avhite ( mostly of
sheepskin ) , and of a large size , without any ornament—the Apprentices and FBIIOAV Craft being required to turn the flap of the apron inAvards , but for AA'hat purpose has not transpired . Bro . SomerviUe , AVIIO stiE lives , was one of the founders of the Lodge in the village under tho revived Warrant of No . 27 , ancl Avhilst at Germany , about thirtyeight years ago , for aAvhile , he Avas entertained by a JeAvish Lodge , the members of Avhich Avore a special badge of distinction , Avhich so pleased him that on his return he
presented aE the Past Masters of Lodge No . 27 Avith a silver jeAvel as a badge of the "Shamrock Lodge , " of a triangular form , and of a distinctive character indicative of the name of the Lodge . The foEoAving sketch AA'hich Ave made of the jewel , Avhich Brother Neilson has UOAV in his possession ( presented to him b y Bro . Dr . ToAviishencl ) , will serve to exhibit its character , and also to preserve so scarce and pleasing a memento of " ye olden tyme . " Its Aveight is only a quarter of an ounce , being made of very thin silver .
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Early Freemasonry In Ireland.
No . 1 Lodge voted fifty pounds from its funds for the defence of the kingdom , the other Lodges also not being behind in testifying that the spirit of the Craft did not lessen their patriotism ; and for certain , if Freemasons became soldiers , they cannot fail to act loyally to their Sovereign and be obedient ancl trustworthy . We should note that No . 13 is still at Limerick ( 1878 ) . No . 271 has been removed to Letterkenny ( Donegal ) , ancl No . 952 has been removed from the Roll .
We have purposely kept until the last our notice of the " Shamrock Lodge , " No . 27 , originally located at Cork . We are indebted to our Bro . J . H . Neilson , of Dublin , for the foEoAving particulars , Avhich he received personaEy from the beloved and distinguished Mason the Hon . Judge ToAvnshend , LL . D ., Past D . G . M . of Ireland , Ayho Avas one of the members of the old Lodge . The " Shamrock Lodge " vvas originally chartered about 1740 , and the Brethren
thereof were distinguished by being permitted to wear their aprons with a " green flap , " ancl a golden shamrock embroidered thereon . The first Warrant at Castle ToAvnshend Avas No . 167 , granted about 1830 , ancl promoted by some Brethren who had been members of the ancient Lodge No . 15 ( now at Skibbereen ) , Avhich met at Rosscarberry , and Avhich conferred the Royal Arch ancl Templar Degrees by virtue of exhibiting the Craft Warrant at the meetings , similarly to many Lodges in England and elsewhere in early days . The Hon . Judge ToAvnshend Avas admitted a member of No . 167 , whilst
" under age " ( by dispensation ) , and Ave are pleased to preserve such an interesting fact respecting so Avorthy a Mason . On the return of Bro . Dr . Townshond from England , he found that No . 167 had been exchanged for No . 27 Warrant ; but the members at Castle ToAvnshend , whilst retaining the title of the " Shamrock Lodge , " Avere not 'Mvearers of the green , " preferring any other colour , sometimes those quite out of fashion UOAV . They generally , ^ however , Avore aprons entirely Avhite ( mostly of
sheepskin ) , and of a large size , without any ornament—the Apprentices and FBIIOAV Craft being required to turn the flap of the apron inAvards , but for AA'hat purpose has not transpired . Bro . SomerviUe , AVIIO stiE lives , was one of the founders of the Lodge in the village under tho revived Warrant of No . 27 , ancl Avhilst at Germany , about thirtyeight years ago , for aAvhile , he Avas entertained by a JeAvish Lodge , the members of Avhich Avore a special badge of distinction , Avhich so pleased him that on his return he
presented aE the Past Masters of Lodge No . 27 Avith a silver jeAvel as a badge of the "Shamrock Lodge , " of a triangular form , and of a distinctive character indicative of the name of the Lodge . The foEoAving sketch AA'hich Ave made of the jewel , Avhich Brother Neilson has UOAV in his possession ( presented to him b y Bro . Dr . ToAviishencl ) , will serve to exhibit its character , and also to preserve so scarce and pleasing a memento of " ye olden tyme . " Its Aveight is only a quarter of an ounce , being made of very thin silver .