Article A COOL PROPOSAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH ADDRESS. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Cool Proposal.
Miss Brown in person , on a subject all important to myself , and on what I can truly say my whole present and future happiness depends . — I am , Dear Madam , your most faithful , attached , and devoted Servant , Anthony Tocldye . "
Anthony was in ecstacies , the letter was sent off at once by a Commissionaire , who was told " there was no answer . " Anthony took his leave , revived and exulting . Twenty-four hours elapsed , and in walked Anthony ,
melancholy Jaques and the . Knight of the rueful countenance were nothing to him , and without speaking , but mixing himself some" B . and S . " he handed me the following note :
¦ " Grosvenor Place , Tuesday Evening . —Mrs . Brown presents her compliments to Mr . Anthony Toddye , and begs to return him his note . Mrs . "Brown thinks there must be some mistake . " Poor Anthony ! "Ah , " said Anthony ,
" that is not the worst . Think of my feelings , I met Euphrosyne in the Park this morning , she was laughing and talking with that odious fellow hi the most confiding way , and she cut me dead . "
"Poor Anthony" was all I could say . A fortni ght afterwards when Anthony was breakfasting with me , in my little humble bachelor domicile , I took up the Times , and there I read the following announcement as gently as I could
to the now resigned Anthony— " At St . George ' s Church , on the 10 th inst ., Captain Henry de Visine , B . 1 I . A ., to Euphrosyne , eldest daughter of the late Theophilus Brown , Esq . " "Ah , " said Anthony calmly , may they be happy .
I saw such a pretty girl yesterday . Lots of tin . The old letter may do again . Better luck next time . — MENTOK . "
" What ' s the plural of pillow V asked a teacher the other day . " A bolster , sir , " replied the rawest pupil , amongst the suppressed tittering of the whole class .
Royal Arch Address.
BtjM . E . Companion Andrew Robeno , Jr ., Acting ( fraud King , cd lite Opening ol the New Masonic Hull , Philadelphia , 1873 . Most Excellent Grand 11 i gh Priest and
Companions : We are taught , on our first entrance into tho portals of Preeinasonry , "in the beginning , " when that mysterious Spirit , whom we reverently call God , first moved upon tho face of the waters , and light burst forth at his Almi ghty fiat and
bathed the earth in its infolded rays , when chaos , floating in space infinite , felt for the fast time the plastic hand of God , moulding , fashioning and shaping the elements into this beautiful world , Masonry was . Through all the ages , cycles and
centuries that have accumulated and which so gracefully wreathe and adorn her majestic brow , she presents to-day , as we assemble within this one of her palace gates , a sight magnificently beautiful , thrilling and divine . Hoary with the ages
, coeval with the creation of this mi ghty universe , yet the jewels Avhich adorn her are Wisdom , Strength and Beauty , bright in all their virgin purity and freshness , and
sparkling in their pristine beauty and original splendour , inviting the seeker after light and tho inquirer after knowledge and happiness within her virtuous gates , first and always to recognize the great brotherhood of man , ignoring bigotry ,
intolerance and oppression , founded upon the granite rock of truth , seeks from her silent retreat to extend tho same charilablo and benignant influence over all , and will , until the pendulum of time shall cease to vibrato , while life and thought and
beinglust or immortality endures . The eapitular degrees , to which as a grand body wc tire so closely allied is one and inseparable with Blue Masonry . They must ever go hand in hand together . The Eoyal Arch is tho copestotic of the great Masonic
edifice . Without it the building is incomplete , wanting the signet of God , the adorning and symmetry of perfection . It is the keystone of the vaulted arch , spanning , in its seven-fold splendour , the mighty fabric upon which it rests , and under which lie concealed from the eye profane those precious relics so dear to the true Masonic heart .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Cool Proposal.
Miss Brown in person , on a subject all important to myself , and on what I can truly say my whole present and future happiness depends . — I am , Dear Madam , your most faithful , attached , and devoted Servant , Anthony Tocldye . "
Anthony was in ecstacies , the letter was sent off at once by a Commissionaire , who was told " there was no answer . " Anthony took his leave , revived and exulting . Twenty-four hours elapsed , and in walked Anthony ,
melancholy Jaques and the . Knight of the rueful countenance were nothing to him , and without speaking , but mixing himself some" B . and S . " he handed me the following note :
¦ " Grosvenor Place , Tuesday Evening . —Mrs . Brown presents her compliments to Mr . Anthony Toddye , and begs to return him his note . Mrs . "Brown thinks there must be some mistake . " Poor Anthony ! "Ah , " said Anthony ,
" that is not the worst . Think of my feelings , I met Euphrosyne in the Park this morning , she was laughing and talking with that odious fellow hi the most confiding way , and she cut me dead . "
"Poor Anthony" was all I could say . A fortni ght afterwards when Anthony was breakfasting with me , in my little humble bachelor domicile , I took up the Times , and there I read the following announcement as gently as I could
to the now resigned Anthony— " At St . George ' s Church , on the 10 th inst ., Captain Henry de Visine , B . 1 I . A ., to Euphrosyne , eldest daughter of the late Theophilus Brown , Esq . " "Ah , " said Anthony calmly , may they be happy .
I saw such a pretty girl yesterday . Lots of tin . The old letter may do again . Better luck next time . — MENTOK . "
" What ' s the plural of pillow V asked a teacher the other day . " A bolster , sir , " replied the rawest pupil , amongst the suppressed tittering of the whole class .
Royal Arch Address.
BtjM . E . Companion Andrew Robeno , Jr ., Acting ( fraud King , cd lite Opening ol the New Masonic Hull , Philadelphia , 1873 . Most Excellent Grand 11 i gh Priest and
Companions : We are taught , on our first entrance into tho portals of Preeinasonry , "in the beginning , " when that mysterious Spirit , whom we reverently call God , first moved upon tho face of the waters , and light burst forth at his Almi ghty fiat and
bathed the earth in its infolded rays , when chaos , floating in space infinite , felt for the fast time the plastic hand of God , moulding , fashioning and shaping the elements into this beautiful world , Masonry was . Through all the ages , cycles and
centuries that have accumulated and which so gracefully wreathe and adorn her majestic brow , she presents to-day , as we assemble within this one of her palace gates , a sight magnificently beautiful , thrilling and divine . Hoary with the ages
, coeval with the creation of this mi ghty universe , yet the jewels Avhich adorn her are Wisdom , Strength and Beauty , bright in all their virgin purity and freshness , and
sparkling in their pristine beauty and original splendour , inviting the seeker after light and tho inquirer after knowledge and happiness within her virtuous gates , first and always to recognize the great brotherhood of man , ignoring bigotry ,
intolerance and oppression , founded upon the granite rock of truth , seeks from her silent retreat to extend tho same charilablo and benignant influence over all , and will , until the pendulum of time shall cease to vibrato , while life and thought and
beinglust or immortality endures . The eapitular degrees , to which as a grand body wc tire so closely allied is one and inseparable with Blue Masonry . They must ever go hand in hand together . The Eoyal Arch is tho copestotic of the great Masonic
edifice . Without it the building is incomplete , wanting the signet of God , the adorning and symmetry of perfection . It is the keystone of the vaulted arch , spanning , in its seven-fold splendour , the mighty fabric upon which it rests , and under which lie concealed from the eye profane those precious relics so dear to the true Masonic heart .