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The Initiation Of Prince Arthur Into Freemasonry.
KY THE ElUTOli . As our Brethren generally may like to know something of tin ' s interesting event , we have thought it right to put it on record , for the in formation of Freemasons , though
no official 'account of Uio proceedings lias been published , or is apparently likely to be published . AVo think this reticence and silence , though ire say it in all deference , a mistake , as it is next to an impossibility but that our over loyal and devoted order ,
will be most anxious to bear of and to bail tiro advent of one of the Members of our Eoyal Family into Freemasonry . AVe have taken the following account from the tilaudard newspaper of March 25 th , though we do not profess to vouch MasonieaUy for the correctness ol' all its details .
It is , however , undoubtedly ( ho best that lias appeared , and as such we offer it to the brotherhood . In the month of August , 1787 , the ( . band Lodge of Freemasons granted a
Avarrant constituting the ' ' Prince of AVales ' Lodge'' ( No . L ' ol . l ) . Kive years afterwards his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , then Most Worshi pful Grand Alaslcr of flu' Order , was pleased to nominate General
Ih ' ilsi ; Deputy Muster , and their Eoyal ' . Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence AYarden . sol " ' the lodge . I ' poll his Alajesly ' s (( ienrge IV . ) accession to the Throne a memorial was presented ly the lodge
praying that it might he permitted to continue tn enjoy the high honour : ol' the Eoyal patronage . His Majesty graciously-acceded to the request . . Subsequently his Eoyal . Highness the Duke of York was indue
form installed into the chair by Jus Eoyal Ilighne .-s the Duke of Sussex , -who was then Most Worship fid Grand iVIaslor . The Duke of V rk filled the office of Worshi pful Master with honour to the lodge until his
Eoyal Iligl mess ' s decease . Upon this the . Duke of Clarence became Master and was formally installed also by his ltoyal Hig hness the Duke of Sussex at a special lodge held at the Thatched House Tavern in February , IS 2 S . In January , 2831 ,
the Duke of Sussex , in obedience to the expressed wish of his Majesty , was installed into the chair of the lodge , "which his Eoyal Highness filled until his death in 1843 . In 1830 the Earl of Zetland was initiated in this lodge , which , as shown
from tho time of its constitution , has always been distinguished by its Eoyal . and aristocratic membership . As stated , his Eoyal Hig hness AVilliam Henry Duke of Clarence , afterwards William 1 Y . ; his Eoyal
Highness Frederick Duke of York , Ms Eoyal Highness Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex , General Sir J . Doyle , Bart , tho Earl of AYig town , the Eight Hon . Earl of Mountmurris , the Earl of Zetland , the Duke of Eoxburghe , George Canning , the Eight
Hon . Lord Hawke , the Eight Hon . Chas . A . Pelham , Lord Yaiborough , Sir David Pollock , bight Hon . Lord Saltoun and Abernethy , lire Eight Hon . the Earl of Ellesmere , the Duke of Beaufort , the Eight lion . Lord Eeudleshani , and the present
Earl of A ' arborough "were amongst other distinguished members of this lodge . The lodge , it will lie seen , is 87 years old , and during that long period it has always enjoyed a > ilatt ( t < which it promises to maintain
for generations focome . His Eoyal Highness the Prince of AVales is the perpetual master of the lodge , and last night was added to its list of members a name well known and honoured by the public at
large . Prince Arthur Patrick Albert , E . G ., was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony , which took place at Willis ' s Eooms , was regarded with more than usual interest by those
wlui witnessed , it , ii-oni the fact ol : the initiation having been performed by his Eoyal Highness the Prince of AVales , in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Initiation Of Prince Arthur Into Freemasonry.
KY THE ElUTOli . As our Brethren generally may like to know something of tin ' s interesting event , we have thought it right to put it on record , for the in formation of Freemasons , though
no official 'account of Uio proceedings lias been published , or is apparently likely to be published . AVo think this reticence and silence , though ire say it in all deference , a mistake , as it is next to an impossibility but that our over loyal and devoted order ,
will be most anxious to bear of and to bail tiro advent of one of the Members of our Eoyal Family into Freemasonry . AVe have taken the following account from the tilaudard newspaper of March 25 th , though we do not profess to vouch MasonieaUy for the correctness ol' all its details .
It is , however , undoubtedly ( ho best that lias appeared , and as such we offer it to the brotherhood . In the month of August , 1787 , the ( . band Lodge of Freemasons granted a
Avarrant constituting the ' ' Prince of AVales ' Lodge'' ( No . L ' ol . l ) . Kive years afterwards his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , then Most Worshi pful Grand Alaslcr of flu' Order , was pleased to nominate General
Ih ' ilsi ; Deputy Muster , and their Eoyal ' . Highnesses the Dukes of York and Clarence AYarden . sol " ' the lodge . I ' poll his Alajesly ' s (( ienrge IV . ) accession to the Throne a memorial was presented ly the lodge
praying that it might he permitted to continue tn enjoy the high honour : ol' the Eoyal patronage . His Majesty graciously-acceded to the request . . Subsequently his Eoyal . Highness the Duke of York was indue
form installed into the chair by Jus Eoyal Ilighne .-s the Duke of Sussex , -who was then Most Worship fid Grand iVIaslor . The Duke of V rk filled the office of Worshi pful Master with honour to the lodge until his
Eoyal Iligl mess ' s decease . Upon this the . Duke of Clarence became Master and was formally installed also by his ltoyal Hig hness the Duke of Sussex at a special lodge held at the Thatched House Tavern in February , IS 2 S . In January , 2831 ,
the Duke of Sussex , in obedience to the expressed wish of his Majesty , was installed into the chair of the lodge , "which his Eoyal Highness filled until his death in 1843 . In 1830 the Earl of Zetland was initiated in this lodge , which , as shown
from tho time of its constitution , has always been distinguished by its Eoyal . and aristocratic membership . As stated , his Eoyal Hig hness AVilliam Henry Duke of Clarence , afterwards William 1 Y . ; his Eoyal
Highness Frederick Duke of York , Ms Eoyal Highness Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex , General Sir J . Doyle , Bart , tho Earl of AYig town , the Eight Hon . Earl of Mountmurris , the Earl of Zetland , the Duke of Eoxburghe , George Canning , the Eight
Hon . Lord Hawke , the Eight Hon . Chas . A . Pelham , Lord Yaiborough , Sir David Pollock , bight Hon . Lord Saltoun and Abernethy , lire Eight Hon . the Earl of Ellesmere , the Duke of Beaufort , the Eight lion . Lord Eeudleshani , and the present
Earl of A ' arborough "were amongst other distinguished members of this lodge . The lodge , it will lie seen , is 87 years old , and during that long period it has always enjoyed a > ilatt ( t < which it promises to maintain
for generations focome . His Eoyal Highness the Prince of AVales is the perpetual master of the lodge , and last night was added to its list of members a name well known and honoured by the public at
large . Prince Arthur Patrick Albert , E . G ., was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony , which took place at Willis ' s Eooms , was regarded with more than usual interest by those
wlui witnessed , it , ii-oni the fact ol : the initiation having been performed by his Eoyal Highness the Prince of AVales , in