Article THE OLD MASONIC POEM. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Old Masonic Poem.
modern verbiage , and yet to preserve the quaint rythm . I have simply made one or two alterations which seemed advisable to render the version completely consistent with our original idea and aim , but to Mr . Sims
belongs the great merit of this skilful and accurate rendering of the old Masonic Chronicle ]' . It is just possible that this publication may lead to the search for , and discovery of other constitutions , and if so Bro . Hughan ' s efforts , and mine , will be amply rewarded . A . F . A . AVoodford .
Here begin the Constitutions of the art of Gometry according to Euclid . Whoso will both read well ami look What ho may find Avritten in old boo ]; ,
01 ' great lords and also ladies , That had many children together—y wisse ( 1 ) And had no money to lind them with . Neither in town , nor held , nor li'ith , (•_ ' ) A counsel together they could then take To ordain tor their children ' s sake , [ low they might best lead their life
Without great inconvenience , care and strife . And cliielly lor the multitude that was coinin " ( II' their children after their ending , 'they sent then after a great clerk To teaeh them then good work And pray with them for our Lord ' s sake , To our children some work to make , That they might get their living thereby Hoth well and honestly , full securely .
In licit though good Gemetry This huiest craft of good Masonry "VYiis ordained and made in this manner , J inhaled by this clerk together , At their Lord ' s prayers they imitated Gemetry , And gave it Ihe name of Masonry , for fie most honest craft id ' all . These , lord ' s children thereto did fall
To learn of him the crafc of Gemetry , The which he made full curiously ; 'Through lather ' s prayers and mother ' s also , This houe . st craft he put them to . He thai learnt best and was of honest } -, And excelled his fellows iu curiosity ; If in that , craft he did him pass , iU should have more worshi than the "iasse
p . 'YS ) This great clerk ' s name was called F . uelid Jlis name is spread full wondrous wide Ti-t this great clerk more ordained lie To him that , was higher in this degree , That , lie should teaeh the simplest of w ' it , ( 4 )
In that honest craft to be parfyte , ( 5 ) And so each one should teacli the other , And love together as sister and brother . Furthermore yet that ordained he Master called so should lie be , So that lie was most worshipped , Then should be so ye yclepede , ( 6 )
But Masons should never one and another call Within the craft , among them all , Nor subject , nor servant , my dear brother , Though he be not so perfect as is another . Each one shall call other fellows by " aithe " ( 7 ) For cause they come of ladies burthe . ( 8 ) In this manner through good knowledge ot Gemetry ,
Began first the craft of Masonry . The clerk Euclid in this wise it ' fand ( 9 ) The craft of Gemetry in Egyptian land , In Egypt he taught it full wide , In divers lands on every side . Many years I understande , 'Ere that the craft came into this land . This craft came into England , as I you say , In the time of good kind Athelstau his day ,
Ho made them both hall and also bower , And high temples of groat honour , To sport him in both day and night , And to worship his God with all his might . This good lord loved the craft full well , And proposed to strengthen it every dell ( 10 ) For divers defaults that in the Craft he foncle , ( ll ) He scut about into the londe , ( 12 )
After all the Masons of tho Craft To come to him full even straight , For to amend those defects all , By good council if it mi ght fall , An assembly then he known let make Of divers lords in their state , Dukes , earls , and barons also Knight .- , squires and many more
, And the great burghers of the city , They were there all in their degree . These were there each one in every way , To ordain for their Mason ' s estate , There they sought by their wit , How they mi ght govern it , Fifteen articles there they sought , And fifteen points there they wrought .
( o ) Parfyte- perfect , ( tf ) Yclepede—named . ( 7 ) Aithe—relationshi p . ( S ) Burthe—birth . (!)) Fand—found . ( 10 ) Pell-part .
( 11 ) lomde- found . ( 12 ) Londe—land . ( Tu be Continued . ) At one of the ragged schools in Ireland , a
clergyman asked the question : ' ¦ AVhat is holiness ? " A pupil , in dirty , tattered rags , jumped up and said : 'Plaze yer reverence , it is to be clane inside . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Old Masonic Poem.
modern verbiage , and yet to preserve the quaint rythm . I have simply made one or two alterations which seemed advisable to render the version completely consistent with our original idea and aim , but to Mr . Sims
belongs the great merit of this skilful and accurate rendering of the old Masonic Chronicle ]' . It is just possible that this publication may lead to the search for , and discovery of other constitutions , and if so Bro . Hughan ' s efforts , and mine , will be amply rewarded . A . F . A . AVoodford .
Here begin the Constitutions of the art of Gometry according to Euclid . Whoso will both read well ami look What ho may find Avritten in old boo ]; ,
01 ' great lords and also ladies , That had many children together—y wisse ( 1 ) And had no money to lind them with . Neither in town , nor held , nor li'ith , (•_ ' ) A counsel together they could then take To ordain tor their children ' s sake , [ low they might best lead their life
Without great inconvenience , care and strife . And cliielly lor the multitude that was coinin " ( II' their children after their ending , 'they sent then after a great clerk To teaeh them then good work And pray with them for our Lord ' s sake , To our children some work to make , That they might get their living thereby Hoth well and honestly , full securely .
In licit though good Gemetry This huiest craft of good Masonry "VYiis ordained and made in this manner , J inhaled by this clerk together , At their Lord ' s prayers they imitated Gemetry , And gave it Ihe name of Masonry , for fie most honest craft id ' all . These , lord ' s children thereto did fall
To learn of him the crafc of Gemetry , The which he made full curiously ; 'Through lather ' s prayers and mother ' s also , This houe . st craft he put them to . He thai learnt best and was of honest } -, And excelled his fellows iu curiosity ; If in that , craft he did him pass , iU should have more worshi than the "iasse
p . 'YS ) This great clerk ' s name was called F . uelid Jlis name is spread full wondrous wide Ti-t this great clerk more ordained lie To him that , was higher in this degree , That , lie should teaeh the simplest of w ' it , ( 4 )
In that honest craft to be parfyte , ( 5 ) And so each one should teacli the other , And love together as sister and brother . Furthermore yet that ordained he Master called so should lie be , So that lie was most worshipped , Then should be so ye yclepede , ( 6 )
But Masons should never one and another call Within the craft , among them all , Nor subject , nor servant , my dear brother , Though he be not so perfect as is another . Each one shall call other fellows by " aithe " ( 7 ) For cause they come of ladies burthe . ( 8 ) In this manner through good knowledge ot Gemetry ,
Began first the craft of Masonry . The clerk Euclid in this wise it ' fand ( 9 ) The craft of Gemetry in Egyptian land , In Egypt he taught it full wide , In divers lands on every side . Many years I understande , 'Ere that the craft came into this land . This craft came into England , as I you say , In the time of good kind Athelstau his day ,
Ho made them both hall and also bower , And high temples of groat honour , To sport him in both day and night , And to worship his God with all his might . This good lord loved the craft full well , And proposed to strengthen it every dell ( 10 ) For divers defaults that in the Craft he foncle , ( ll ) He scut about into the londe , ( 12 )
After all the Masons of tho Craft To come to him full even straight , For to amend those defects all , By good council if it mi ght fall , An assembly then he known let make Of divers lords in their state , Dukes , earls , and barons also Knight .- , squires and many more
, And the great burghers of the city , They were there all in their degree . These were there each one in every way , To ordain for their Mason ' s estate , There they sought by their wit , How they mi ght govern it , Fifteen articles there they sought , And fifteen points there they wrought .
( o ) Parfyte- perfect , ( tf ) Yclepede—named . ( 7 ) Aithe—relationshi p . ( S ) Burthe—birth . (!)) Fand—found . ( 10 ) Pell-part .
( 11 ) lomde- found . ( 12 ) Londe—land . ( Tu be Continued . ) At one of the ragged schools in Ireland , a
clergyman asked the question : ' ¦ AVhat is holiness ? " A pupil , in dirty , tattered rags , jumped up and said : 'Plaze yer reverence , it is to be clane inside . "