Article A PHILOLOGICAL FANCY ← Page 2 of 3 →
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A Philological Fancy
of Israel ' s connection with Egypt leads me to hold with Dr . Beke in regarding Hebrew , as far as its vocabulary is concerned , as Hamitic in character . Its structure and idiom would doubtless be preserved , and , indeed , I believe there is great affinity in these points between the present and the original language of the Old Testament—I mean between Hebrew ancl English . " "There we should agree with you , " put in an Anglo-Israelite ; "it is one of the
canons of . our doctrine , that' contact may affect the vocabulary of a language , but will not change its structure , ' unless the people who speak it are entirely absorbed by a superior i ^ ice , in which case the language of the latter will be strengthened in a greater or less degree by the new element brought in . English , I have heard , possesses , even in a more marked degree than Ancient Greek , the power of attaching ' to itself and assimilating to its nature the choicest gems of other tongues . "
. " We are getting away from the question our friend put me , ' What was the original language ? ' Perhaps he can answer it for us . " " I have not the least intention of doing so , I assure you ; but if you care to pursue the subject perhaps you will answer me a few questions , and then 1 will leave , you to draw your own conclusions . I presume that , in the opinions you expressed relative to the future of our language , you took account of the modifications it has undergone , and
allowed for similar development in the future . I see that that is so , and now for my first question , — "You grant the original existence of a universal tongue ? " " Yes . " " That the knowledge of it was lost , and that from it sprang all known languages ? " " Of course , we accept the Mosaic account . " " And yon , Anglo-Israelites , is it not part of your . doctrine that the famdies of the earth will once again be united both in faith and language ? " "Undoubtedly so . "
" And now , brethren , all of j ^ ou , think of the mystic symbol of the serpent biting its own tail —• ' back again '— ' the end in the beginning' —and tell me whether the universal language to come will be that which first was , or another—7 whether the parts of that which was lost will be brought together iu a new or in the old order ? " " ' The thing that hath been , it is that which shall be ; ancl there is no new thing under the sun . ' So wrote our great master , and we abide by his teaching ; but you
would not imply that " " My dear sir , I imply nothing . I asked you a question , and you have given me an answer ; but , again , -was not Israel directed to swear by the Name of the Lord , and is it not also written , ' that he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth ; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth , ' and is it not promised that there shall come a day when one Lord shall be acknowledged , and His name one ? "
" Yes , so do we hold , and we maintain that these directions and promises are being fulfilled and obeyed by the British , in virtue of their identity with Israel . " " Then what is the NAME by which Israel does now swear , ancl in . which they bless themselves in the earth , and which is to be the one name in all the earth ? " "GOD . " " That is then the right and proper . name , by which no other than GOD alone shall
be designated ; at least I suppose you will allow that that is the legitimate deduction to be drawn from your own doctrines as given in the answers to my questions . If this be then the sacred Name , it will follow that it was this , and no other , that was ever preserved in silence by Israel of old , and I should Idee to hear what you have to say on this head . " " Undoubtedlythe mystery of the sacred Name was most carefully guardedand I
, , remember that our learned Masonic author , Dr . Oliver , says in one of his works that the correct pronunciation of the sacred Tetragrammaton is certainly lost , " replied one of the company , and added , " but I don't see how you can identify the simple and grand Saxon name of the Deity with the ancient name revered in silence by Israel . "
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A Philological Fancy
of Israel ' s connection with Egypt leads me to hold with Dr . Beke in regarding Hebrew , as far as its vocabulary is concerned , as Hamitic in character . Its structure and idiom would doubtless be preserved , and , indeed , I believe there is great affinity in these points between the present and the original language of the Old Testament—I mean between Hebrew ancl English . " "There we should agree with you , " put in an Anglo-Israelite ; "it is one of the
canons of . our doctrine , that' contact may affect the vocabulary of a language , but will not change its structure , ' unless the people who speak it are entirely absorbed by a superior i ^ ice , in which case the language of the latter will be strengthened in a greater or less degree by the new element brought in . English , I have heard , possesses , even in a more marked degree than Ancient Greek , the power of attaching ' to itself and assimilating to its nature the choicest gems of other tongues . "
. " We are getting away from the question our friend put me , ' What was the original language ? ' Perhaps he can answer it for us . " " I have not the least intention of doing so , I assure you ; but if you care to pursue the subject perhaps you will answer me a few questions , and then 1 will leave , you to draw your own conclusions . I presume that , in the opinions you expressed relative to the future of our language , you took account of the modifications it has undergone , and
allowed for similar development in the future . I see that that is so , and now for my first question , — "You grant the original existence of a universal tongue ? " " Yes . " " That the knowledge of it was lost , and that from it sprang all known languages ? " " Of course , we accept the Mosaic account . " " And yon , Anglo-Israelites , is it not part of your . doctrine that the famdies of the earth will once again be united both in faith and language ? " "Undoubtedly so . "
" And now , brethren , all of j ^ ou , think of the mystic symbol of the serpent biting its own tail —• ' back again '— ' the end in the beginning' —and tell me whether the universal language to come will be that which first was , or another—7 whether the parts of that which was lost will be brought together iu a new or in the old order ? " " ' The thing that hath been , it is that which shall be ; ancl there is no new thing under the sun . ' So wrote our great master , and we abide by his teaching ; but you
would not imply that " " My dear sir , I imply nothing . I asked you a question , and you have given me an answer ; but , again , -was not Israel directed to swear by the Name of the Lord , and is it not also written , ' that he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth ; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth , ' and is it not promised that there shall come a day when one Lord shall be acknowledged , and His name one ? "
" Yes , so do we hold , and we maintain that these directions and promises are being fulfilled and obeyed by the British , in virtue of their identity with Israel . " " Then what is the NAME by which Israel does now swear , ancl in . which they bless themselves in the earth , and which is to be the one name in all the earth ? " "GOD . " " That is then the right and proper . name , by which no other than GOD alone shall
be designated ; at least I suppose you will allow that that is the legitimate deduction to be drawn from your own doctrines as given in the answers to my questions . If this be then the sacred Name , it will follow that it was this , and no other , that was ever preserved in silence by Israel of old , and I should Idee to hear what you have to say on this head . " " Undoubtedlythe mystery of the sacred Name was most carefully guardedand I
, , remember that our learned Masonic author , Dr . Oliver , says in one of his works that the correct pronunciation of the sacred Tetragrammaton is certainly lost , " replied one of the company , and added , " but I don't see how you can identify the simple and grand Saxon name of the Deity with the ancient name revered in silence by Israel . "