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cliff on the Atlantic , Arhich blushes in the kindling daAvn , to the last promontory on the Pacific , which catches the parting kiss of the setting sun . " And IIOAV , Brethren of the Masonic fraternity of the State , I cordially congratulate you on the completion and dedication of our beautiful and commodious temple .
Honour ! I ' erpetualbonour to your Grand Master ! Honour to the distinguished Chairman of your Committee and his zealous co-adjutors ; honour to all those who have Avilled that this temple rise in this , the metropolis of our State . Both in design
and proportions it is AA'ell Avorthy of our admiration , and the spot on Avhich it is erected Avill ever be associated Avith the history of the fraternity in the State , for on it stood that old familiar building in Avhich so many of us saAV our first
Masonic light , of the originators of AA'hich very foAv IIOAV remain , full of years and honour . And AA'hen the better days of tho Commonwealth shall come , Ave can with pride point to this beautiful structure Avhich , Avith brave hearts and undaunted efforts , Ave have erected even amid the trials and adversities through AA'hich Ave
have passed . May this Temple be more enduring than the palaces of ancient Greece or . Rome , and may it be for ever dedicated to the diffusion of the noble principles AA'hich AVO inculcate . With each revolving year may it gather within its Avails noble men
devoted to the acquisition of tho lessons of virtue aud truth , and may it triumph in the enlightenment and lifting up of the humble and the loAvly . May it ever be a place of concourse for good men Avhose every act shall tend to promote the general Avelfare aud prosperity . May it ever be clothed Avith a living presence AA'hose influence shall guard its porch against the
approach of dishonesty , injustice and aggression , until it shall crumble and decay . May it ever look doAvn upon a numerous , happy and prosperous people , and may they learn that toleration of religious and political sentiment AA'hich is the bulwark of our free institutions and a
portion of that glorious heritage bequeathed to us by our fathers . And Avhen another century has daAvned , may it stand as erect and symmetrical as UOAV , and find our beloved and venerable old city again the Queen of the South , and the peer of all
the great cities of this broad land , not onl y in material prosperity , but likeAvise in science , and letters , and arts .
Masonic Archaeology.
A very valuable work on this most interesting and important subject to us as Freemasons , has quite recentl y issued from the press of Messrs . William BJaclvAA'ood and Sons , Edinburgh . It is "The History of the Lodge of
Edinburgh ( St . Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 ) , and embracing an account of the rise and progress of Freemasonry in Scotland . " Of this most interesting Avork , Bro . David Murray Lyon is the author and editor , and by no more competent
person could such an important undertaking be carried out . Bro . Lyon has long been known as an undoubted authority on such subjects , and feAV could have so efficiently
handled , or so successfully completed , so valuable a contribution to our happily IIOAV increasing stores of authentic Masonic history . Whether Ave have regard to the admirable printing by which the large and handsome book ,
AA'hich Bro . I ) . M . Lyon presents us , AA'ith so much painstaking care and desire for accuracy , is so remarkably characterized , or the interesting matter , much of AA'hich is IIOAV for the first time offered to our Masonic consideration ,
I think , that I shall not be far Avrong , Avhen I say , that , the work is really so far " unique " in itself , and deserves to be most patiently perused , and thought over , by every Masonic student .
To some of us , portions of this most valuable work are kn OAVII by previous studies and "excerpta , " but all Avho value the progress of scientific Masonic studies amongst us , all who Avish , as I do , to Avitness a gradually increasing
appreciation of and attention to , the ancient legends and indubitable evidences of our Order , will hail Avith much gratitude , Bro . Lyon ' s most important work , and feel IIOAV deeply Ave are indebted alike to his careful investigation , and his patient research-
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cliff on the Atlantic , Arhich blushes in the kindling daAvn , to the last promontory on the Pacific , which catches the parting kiss of the setting sun . " And IIOAV , Brethren of the Masonic fraternity of the State , I cordially congratulate you on the completion and dedication of our beautiful and commodious temple .
Honour ! I ' erpetualbonour to your Grand Master ! Honour to the distinguished Chairman of your Committee and his zealous co-adjutors ; honour to all those who have Avilled that this temple rise in this , the metropolis of our State . Both in design
and proportions it is AA'ell Avorthy of our admiration , and the spot on Avhich it is erected Avill ever be associated Avith the history of the fraternity in the State , for on it stood that old familiar building in Avhich so many of us saAV our first
Masonic light , of the originators of AA'hich very foAv IIOAV remain , full of years and honour . And AA'hen the better days of tho Commonwealth shall come , Ave can with pride point to this beautiful structure Avhich , Avith brave hearts and undaunted efforts , Ave have erected even amid the trials and adversities through AA'hich Ave
have passed . May this Temple be more enduring than the palaces of ancient Greece or . Rome , and may it be for ever dedicated to the diffusion of the noble principles AA'hich AVO inculcate . With each revolving year may it gather within its Avails noble men
devoted to the acquisition of tho lessons of virtue aud truth , and may it triumph in the enlightenment and lifting up of the humble and the loAvly . May it ever be a place of concourse for good men Avhose every act shall tend to promote the general Avelfare aud prosperity . May it ever be clothed Avith a living presence AA'hose influence shall guard its porch against the
approach of dishonesty , injustice and aggression , until it shall crumble and decay . May it ever look doAvn upon a numerous , happy and prosperous people , and may they learn that toleration of religious and political sentiment AA'hich is the bulwark of our free institutions and a
portion of that glorious heritage bequeathed to us by our fathers . And Avhen another century has daAvned , may it stand as erect and symmetrical as UOAV , and find our beloved and venerable old city again the Queen of the South , and the peer of all
the great cities of this broad land , not onl y in material prosperity , but likeAvise in science , and letters , and arts .
Masonic Archaeology.
A very valuable work on this most interesting and important subject to us as Freemasons , has quite recentl y issued from the press of Messrs . William BJaclvAA'ood and Sons , Edinburgh . It is "The History of the Lodge of
Edinburgh ( St . Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 ) , and embracing an account of the rise and progress of Freemasonry in Scotland . " Of this most interesting Avork , Bro . David Murray Lyon is the author and editor , and by no more competent
person could such an important undertaking be carried out . Bro . Lyon has long been known as an undoubted authority on such subjects , and feAV could have so efficiently
handled , or so successfully completed , so valuable a contribution to our happily IIOAV increasing stores of authentic Masonic history . Whether Ave have regard to the admirable printing by which the large and handsome book ,
AA'hich Bro . I ) . M . Lyon presents us , AA'ith so much painstaking care and desire for accuracy , is so remarkably characterized , or the interesting matter , much of AA'hich is IIOAV for the first time offered to our Masonic consideration ,
I think , that I shall not be far Avrong , Avhen I say , that , the work is really so far " unique " in itself , and deserves to be most patiently perused , and thought over , by every Masonic student .
To some of us , portions of this most valuable work are kn OAVII by previous studies and "excerpta , " but all Avho value the progress of scientific Masonic studies amongst us , all who Avish , as I do , to Avitness a gradually increasing
appreciation of and attention to , the ancient legends and indubitable evidences of our Order , will hail Avith much gratitude , Bro . Lyon ' s most important work , and feel IIOAV deeply Ave are indebted alike to his careful investigation , and his patient research-