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Observations On The Antiquity Of Masons And Masonry In England.
Termiiialis , croAvned Avith acelestian croAA'ii and accompanied Avith stars and several instruments of Masonry Avith other mystical characters . On these gems or amulets are sometimes represented the Egyptian Harpoerates , an emblem of silence , Avhich the Bassilidians enjoined their disciples to
keep the first five years after their entrance in imitation of Pythagoras , and it might be used afterwards as the emblem of secrecy , which the Freemasons learned from that philosojiher , but the figure on this Abraxas may represent some Egyptian deity , as
Osiris or Serapis for Philu ' . De L'Orme says the Egyptians engraved the figure of the Cross on the most remarkable and singular part of the body of their god Serapis , which is the breast in the midst of which resides the heart , the sourse and fountain of life * In this figure the hands
being laid crossing each other on the breast Avere probably intended to represent the figure of a cross ; and as Serapis Avas sometimes taken for the sun , and esteemed one of the gods of health his emblem Avas properly placed on those amulets AA'hich Avere used for the curing of diseases . It
is very probable that most of our ancient architects Avere Freemasons , among AA'hom Philebert ID . L'Orme AA'ho AA'rote a treatise on Architecture in the beginning of the last century has left more traces of ancient Masonry in his Avorks than any other writer
on that subject . But takes no notice of Freemasons in any part of them , though it is probable from many emblems AA'hich appears in different parts of his AA'ork , most of Avhich bear great affinity to theirs and the Basilidians ( as the Sphere , the Sun , the Moon and other planets , the Serpent
and the Beetle , & c ) , that he Avas . Avell acquainted Avith their symbols and characters ; and that he Avas not ignorant of their principles of architecture , appears from his frequent recommending the use of certain proportions AA'hich he calls Divine , being
( as he says ) collected from the Sacred Scriptures . These proportions , and the principles on Avhicli they are founded ( though little regarded ) may be traced back to the remotest ages of antiquity , from thence proceeded eA'ery regular system of
architecture , the Egyptian first , afterward the Greek and Roman , and from these the Gothic , or rather Christian for by them it Avas first used , and by them brought to its perfection . The Freemasons AA'ere remarkable in all ages for the impenetrable secresy they observed in all those things Avhich were done or taught in their lodges ; and it Avas that
which contributed so much to preserve the mysteries of the Art among themselves , and enabled them to make the best use of the profits arising from it for the common benefit of their society , and for the encouragement of every member according to his merit . But as many hands are necessary
for carrying on large buildings , so many AA'ho were not Freemasons Avere employed in the inferior parts of the AA'ork under the direction of Wardens , but not admitted into then- lodges : and as these inferior Masons Avere at liberty to work for any Avho
thought proper to employ them , Avithetit doubt they sometimes undertook the building of churches or other buildings as well as the Master Masons , and from thence ii > happens that Ave see so many buildings Avhich AA'ere erected in different ages , wheie neither proportion , order , or regularity were regarded , for those people ceuld easily
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Observations On The Antiquity Of Masons And Masonry In England.
Termiiialis , croAvned Avith acelestian croAA'ii and accompanied Avith stars and several instruments of Masonry Avith other mystical characters . On these gems or amulets are sometimes represented the Egyptian Harpoerates , an emblem of silence , Avhich the Bassilidians enjoined their disciples to
keep the first five years after their entrance in imitation of Pythagoras , and it might be used afterwards as the emblem of secrecy , which the Freemasons learned from that philosojiher , but the figure on this Abraxas may represent some Egyptian deity , as
Osiris or Serapis for Philu ' . De L'Orme says the Egyptians engraved the figure of the Cross on the most remarkable and singular part of the body of their god Serapis , which is the breast in the midst of which resides the heart , the sourse and fountain of life * In this figure the hands
being laid crossing each other on the breast Avere probably intended to represent the figure of a cross ; and as Serapis Avas sometimes taken for the sun , and esteemed one of the gods of health his emblem Avas properly placed on those amulets AA'hich Avere used for the curing of diseases . It
is very probable that most of our ancient architects Avere Freemasons , among AA'hom Philebert ID . L'Orme AA'ho AA'rote a treatise on Architecture in the beginning of the last century has left more traces of ancient Masonry in his Avorks than any other writer
on that subject . But takes no notice of Freemasons in any part of them , though it is probable from many emblems AA'hich appears in different parts of his AA'ork , most of Avhich bear great affinity to theirs and the Basilidians ( as the Sphere , the Sun , the Moon and other planets , the Serpent
and the Beetle , & c ) , that he Avas . Avell acquainted Avith their symbols and characters ; and that he Avas not ignorant of their principles of architecture , appears from his frequent recommending the use of certain proportions AA'hich he calls Divine , being
( as he says ) collected from the Sacred Scriptures . These proportions , and the principles on Avhicli they are founded ( though little regarded ) may be traced back to the remotest ages of antiquity , from thence proceeded eA'ery regular system of
architecture , the Egyptian first , afterward the Greek and Roman , and from these the Gothic , or rather Christian for by them it Avas first used , and by them brought to its perfection . The Freemasons AA'ere remarkable in all ages for the impenetrable secresy they observed in all those things Avhich were done or taught in their lodges ; and it Avas that
which contributed so much to preserve the mysteries of the Art among themselves , and enabled them to make the best use of the profits arising from it for the common benefit of their society , and for the encouragement of every member according to his merit . But as many hands are necessary
for carrying on large buildings , so many AA'ho were not Freemasons Avere employed in the inferior parts of the AA'ork under the direction of Wardens , but not admitted into then- lodges : and as these inferior Masons Avere at liberty to work for any Avho
thought proper to employ them , Avithetit doubt they sometimes undertook the building of churches or other buildings as well as the Master Masons , and from thence ii > happens that Ave see so many buildings Avhich AA'ere erected in different ages , wheie neither proportion , order , or regularity were regarded , for those people ceuld easily