Article AN ORATION. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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An Oration.
most valued and honoured Provincial Grand Master , and from Avhom the Craft at large expect much valuable sendee , and to AA'honi the whole Craft look with equal pride and confidence . * The Grand Master also claims and
commands the faithful services of present and past Grand Officers , among Avhom are to be found many brethren of the most skilful talent , and of long and devoted zeal for Masonry , AA'ho having been reAvarded by their brethren and folloAvs AA'ith repeated tokens of their confidence and esteemhave
, been invested by the G . M . AA'ith the highest Masonic honours AA'hich aro in his poAver to bestoAV . NOAV the Grand Lodge of England is the aggregate of all lodges , and may bo said to be the hierarchical representation of Masonry , in that all W . M ' s .
and P . M ' s ., and acting Wardens under the English Constitution , are de jure members of it . To that Grand Lodge we OAve unqualified obedience;—from it Ave derive our very Warrant of Assemblyas a private lodge
, it is our supreme Court of Appeal on all matters of M asonic duty and discipline , Avhile it is , moreover , subject to the directing guidance of the Grand Master , the only authorized exponent of the Book of Constitutions , in its collective character .
To its decisions , when laAA'fully arrived at and duly confirmed , Ave are bound to boAv , Avith Masonic loyalty , hoAvever sometimes they may antagonize our personal prepossessions , and so long as its deliberations are conducted in Avisdomand marked
, by Masonic fidelity as AA-e may justly affirm them to be , so long will our "United Grand Lodge demand and obtain , despite any passing opposition , the cheerful support and fealty of the Masonic Body in this country and of all lodges under the British
Constitution . But , besides the Grand Lodge of all England , Ave have in the provinces Provincial Grand Lodges , to regulate the local affairs of the forty-tAVO provinces into Avhich England is divided . These Provincial Grand Lodges are but
emanations , be it ever borne in mind , from each P . G-. Master AA'ho is himself but a representative of the G . Master , with delegated authority , and as they have their rise and formation in the appointment of
each P . G . Master , so they lose their existence , and forfeit their separate powers by the removal or death of their Provincial Rulers . To these , nevertheless , Ave are properl y accustomed to address ourselves , and as is
most convenient , in respect of the more immediate and special claims of Provincial Masonry , for the purpose of the relief of our distressed brethren , their AA'idoAVS and orphans , and for such other matters as a majority of the members may
determine to be for the interests or the honour of the P . G . Lodge . The P . G . M . and his Deputy constitute the first Masonic Court of jurisdiction and of appeal . But our private lodges , AA'here Ave AA'ere first permitted to see the light of Masonry ,
the mother lodges of so many long years of Masonic association and felloAvship , or those to which Ave have been happily affiliated in latter times , have the next and the greatest claim on our attachment and regard"A Lod of Freemasons" has
. ge , been Avell said , * ¦ ' to consist of a cer ain number of brethren assembled together , to unfold the mysteries and carry on tho ceremonies of the Craft , having the Holy Bible on the Pedestal to instruct them in
their sacred duties , AA'ith the square and compasses to regulate their lives and actions , with the Charter or Warrant from the Grand Lodge , by virtue of which they are authorized to meet and transact the business of Freemasonry , and lastly Avith the Book of Constitutionswherein are laid
, doAvn the general statutes of the institution , hi the provinces , AA'ith the Provincial By-kiAA'S to instruct them in the Provincial organization , and Avith the Lodge By-lavs to guide them in then- duty as members of the individual lodge . "
As the lodge is then the place Avhere AA-O assemble so often , as true and loving brethren , most needful is it for us that Ave should ever seelc to make our lodges the true centre of our system to ourselves , with all their characteristic tokens of peace and
good-Avill ! Our lodges can only truly serve the purposes of Masonry or minister happiness and edification to ourselves , as members of the Order , so long as they are distinguished by the prevailing power of those peculiar excellencies to AA'hich they have been so
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An Oration.
most valued and honoured Provincial Grand Master , and from Avhom the Craft at large expect much valuable sendee , and to AA'honi the whole Craft look with equal pride and confidence . * The Grand Master also claims and
commands the faithful services of present and past Grand Officers , among Avhom are to be found many brethren of the most skilful talent , and of long and devoted zeal for Masonry , AA'ho having been reAvarded by their brethren and folloAvs AA'ith repeated tokens of their confidence and esteemhave
, been invested by the G . M . AA'ith the highest Masonic honours AA'hich aro in his poAver to bestoAV . NOAV the Grand Lodge of England is the aggregate of all lodges , and may bo said to be the hierarchical representation of Masonry , in that all W . M ' s .
and P . M ' s ., and acting Wardens under the English Constitution , are de jure members of it . To that Grand Lodge we OAve unqualified obedience;—from it Ave derive our very Warrant of Assemblyas a private lodge
, it is our supreme Court of Appeal on all matters of M asonic duty and discipline , Avhile it is , moreover , subject to the directing guidance of the Grand Master , the only authorized exponent of the Book of Constitutions , in its collective character .
To its decisions , when laAA'fully arrived at and duly confirmed , Ave are bound to boAv , Avith Masonic loyalty , hoAvever sometimes they may antagonize our personal prepossessions , and so long as its deliberations are conducted in Avisdomand marked
, by Masonic fidelity as AA-e may justly affirm them to be , so long will our "United Grand Lodge demand and obtain , despite any passing opposition , the cheerful support and fealty of the Masonic Body in this country and of all lodges under the British
Constitution . But , besides the Grand Lodge of all England , Ave have in the provinces Provincial Grand Lodges , to regulate the local affairs of the forty-tAVO provinces into Avhich England is divided . These Provincial Grand Lodges are but
emanations , be it ever borne in mind , from each P . G-. Master AA'ho is himself but a representative of the G . Master , with delegated authority , and as they have their rise and formation in the appointment of
each P . G . Master , so they lose their existence , and forfeit their separate powers by the removal or death of their Provincial Rulers . To these , nevertheless , Ave are properl y accustomed to address ourselves , and as is
most convenient , in respect of the more immediate and special claims of Provincial Masonry , for the purpose of the relief of our distressed brethren , their AA'idoAVS and orphans , and for such other matters as a majority of the members may
determine to be for the interests or the honour of the P . G . Lodge . The P . G . M . and his Deputy constitute the first Masonic Court of jurisdiction and of appeal . But our private lodges , AA'here Ave AA'ere first permitted to see the light of Masonry ,
the mother lodges of so many long years of Masonic association and felloAvship , or those to which Ave have been happily affiliated in latter times , have the next and the greatest claim on our attachment and regard"A Lod of Freemasons" has
. ge , been Avell said , * ¦ ' to consist of a cer ain number of brethren assembled together , to unfold the mysteries and carry on tho ceremonies of the Craft , having the Holy Bible on the Pedestal to instruct them in
their sacred duties , AA'ith the square and compasses to regulate their lives and actions , with the Charter or Warrant from the Grand Lodge , by virtue of which they are authorized to meet and transact the business of Freemasonry , and lastly Avith the Book of Constitutionswherein are laid
, doAvn the general statutes of the institution , hi the provinces , AA'ith the Provincial By-kiAA'S to instruct them in the Provincial organization , and Avith the Lodge By-lavs to guide them in then- duty as members of the individual lodge . "
As the lodge is then the place Avhere AA-O assemble so often , as true and loving brethren , most needful is it for us that Ave should ever seelc to make our lodges the true centre of our system to ourselves , with all their characteristic tokens of peace and
good-Avill ! Our lodges can only truly serve the purposes of Masonry or minister happiness and edification to ourselves , as members of the Order , so long as they are distinguished by the prevailing power of those peculiar excellencies to AA'hich they have been so