Article AN ORATION. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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An Oration.
all that needful work is carried on by the congregated brethren , Avhich is requisite either for the maintenance or the extension of Masonry . The rites and ceremonies AA'hich are there continually celebrated haA'e been handed doAvn to us from ancient timesand marked
, by simplicity , yet replete AA'ith beaut }' , both interesting and attractive in themselves , deserve , as they demand , the affectionate and jealous regard of every faithful craftsman . It Avere much to be Avished that all our
brethren would seek earnestly to study their true meaning , and make themselves acquainted Avith their real object and design . No doubt it is true that it requires both serious application and continued diligence
in order to ascertain the precise meaning of every ceremony , and to realize the in-Avard as Avell as the outAA'ard intent of our ritual , to separate the thing signified from the symbol , to appreciate the true History of Masonry , and to apply rightly the moral of each mystical portion of our timehonoured traditions .
But yet there is one thing I AA'ould say to-day , and repeat in the AA'ords of a great Masonic teacher , * that any zealous Mason , Avith the assistance of an intelligent Master , ( and none but intelligent brethren should ever be placed in that responsible situation ) , Avill not fail to derive instruction from
every ceremony he may Avitness , or to receive improvement from every part of our old observances , Avith which he may become acquainted . I need not press upon you to-day the remembrance Avhichas Masonsyou must
, , vividly retain , however slightly you have attended to the Avorking of the lodge Ritual , of the numberless evidences of real excellency and practical Avisdom which abound there from first to last . Neither need I UOAV dilate on that
spiritual application merely , AVMCII , as speculative Masons , we are wont to make , from the Avorking tools of operative Masonry , since that must be familiar from long usage to all now present . But taking a sonieAvhat wider range , I
would detain you for a short time longer with one or two remarks on the personal application of those symbols , and the
spiritual teaching of those ceremonies AA'hich Ave haA'e knoAvn and taken part in , some of us , for many a year . For amid all those symbols and all those ceremonies , AA'hicli Ave all Avell outAA'ardly knoAV , shine forth , as I believe , the great and eternal
principles of moral truth aud practical piety . For every sign , every token , every Avord in Masomy , are so many different significant and comprehensive and emphatic lessons , Avhich none but those AA'ho have served a sufficient time to the craft can
possibly understand or rightly appreciate . " Our emblems in Masonry , and our other appropriate jeAvels , are many silent monitors , teaching each its moral and very instructive lesson to every one Avho has the honour to come properly Avithin a justly constituted Freemasons Lodge . " *
Or as another ancient Brother says , f " Masons Avill naturally be prompted as , Masons taught by their OAVU symbolical lore , to make the Blessed Volume of instructive AA'isdom their guide and companion , the unerring square to regulate their conductthe compass Avithin Avhose
, circle they may Avalk with peace and safety , the infallible plumb line , the criterion of rectitude and honour , by the assistance of which they Avill be exalted to fill every sphere of duty AA'ith exactness and credit , and by uniting in the faithful discharge of
all the SAveet and endearing offices of social life , they will be ever anxious to distinguish and exalt the Order of which they are members . " NOAV , others have seen in the ceremonies themselves both religious truths , and a spiritual application of the highest order .
It AVOUM be impossible noAV to go into detail in respect of all that has been said or-written on this interesting subject . I AA'ill but allude to two particulars . There are those AVIIO Avith Ashe , would see in every lodge and lodge ceremonial , all that is most interesting hi primeval
tradition , all that is most excellent in religious observance . " The lodge , "J he says , " when revealed to an entering Mason , discovers to him a representation of the Avorld ; in which , from the wonders of nature , we are led to contemplate the Great Original , and worship
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An Oration.
all that needful work is carried on by the congregated brethren , Avhich is requisite either for the maintenance or the extension of Masonry . The rites and ceremonies AA'hich are there continually celebrated haA'e been handed doAvn to us from ancient timesand marked
, by simplicity , yet replete AA'ith beaut }' , both interesting and attractive in themselves , deserve , as they demand , the affectionate and jealous regard of every faithful craftsman . It Avere much to be Avished that all our
brethren would seek earnestly to study their true meaning , and make themselves acquainted Avith their real object and design . No doubt it is true that it requires both serious application and continued diligence
in order to ascertain the precise meaning of every ceremony , and to realize the in-Avard as Avell as the outAA'ard intent of our ritual , to separate the thing signified from the symbol , to appreciate the true History of Masonry , and to apply rightly the moral of each mystical portion of our timehonoured traditions .
But yet there is one thing I AA'ould say to-day , and repeat in the AA'ords of a great Masonic teacher , * that any zealous Mason , Avith the assistance of an intelligent Master , ( and none but intelligent brethren should ever be placed in that responsible situation ) , Avill not fail to derive instruction from
every ceremony he may Avitness , or to receive improvement from every part of our old observances , Avith which he may become acquainted . I need not press upon you to-day the remembrance Avhichas Masonsyou must
, , vividly retain , however slightly you have attended to the Avorking of the lodge Ritual , of the numberless evidences of real excellency and practical Avisdom which abound there from first to last . Neither need I UOAV dilate on that
spiritual application merely , AVMCII , as speculative Masons , we are wont to make , from the Avorking tools of operative Masonry , since that must be familiar from long usage to all now present . But taking a sonieAvhat wider range , I
would detain you for a short time longer with one or two remarks on the personal application of those symbols , and the
spiritual teaching of those ceremonies AA'hich Ave haA'e knoAvn and taken part in , some of us , for many a year . For amid all those symbols and all those ceremonies , AA'hicli Ave all Avell outAA'ardly knoAV , shine forth , as I believe , the great and eternal
principles of moral truth aud practical piety . For every sign , every token , every Avord in Masomy , are so many different significant and comprehensive and emphatic lessons , Avhich none but those AA'ho have served a sufficient time to the craft can
possibly understand or rightly appreciate . " Our emblems in Masonry , and our other appropriate jeAvels , are many silent monitors , teaching each its moral and very instructive lesson to every one Avho has the honour to come properly Avithin a justly constituted Freemasons Lodge . " *
Or as another ancient Brother says , f " Masons Avill naturally be prompted as , Masons taught by their OAVU symbolical lore , to make the Blessed Volume of instructive AA'isdom their guide and companion , the unerring square to regulate their conductthe compass Avithin Avhose
, circle they may Avalk with peace and safety , the infallible plumb line , the criterion of rectitude and honour , by the assistance of which they Avill be exalted to fill every sphere of duty AA'ith exactness and credit , and by uniting in the faithful discharge of
all the SAveet and endearing offices of social life , they will be ever anxious to distinguish and exalt the Order of which they are members . " NOAV , others have seen in the ceremonies themselves both religious truths , and a spiritual application of the highest order .
It AVOUM be impossible noAV to go into detail in respect of all that has been said or-written on this interesting subject . I AA'ill but allude to two particulars . There are those AVIIO Avith Ashe , would see in every lodge and lodge ceremonial , all that is most interesting hi primeval
tradition , all that is most excellent in religious observance . " The lodge , "J he says , " when revealed to an entering Mason , discovers to him a representation of the Avorld ; in which , from the wonders of nature , we are led to contemplate the Great Original , and worship