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Be Happy As You Can.
And Avhile we seek the roses , The thorns full oft we scan ; Still let us though they wound us , Be happy as Ave can . This life has heavy crosses As Avell as joys to share
, And griefs and disappointments Which you and I must bear ; Yet if Misfortune ' s lava Entombs Hope ' s dearest plan , Let us Avith Avhat is left us Be happy as we can .
The sum of our enjoyment Is made of little things , As oft the broadest rivers Are formed from smaller springs : By treasuring small Avaters The rivers reach their span ; So we increase our pleasures Enjoying Avhat we can .
There may be burning deserts Through Avhich our feet may go , But there are given oases , AVhere pleasant palm-trees grow ; And if we may not follow The path our hearts Avould plan , Let us make all around us As happy as Ave can .
Perchance we may not climb with Ambition to its goal , Still let us ansAver " present " When Duty calls the roll ; And whatever our appointment ,
Be nothing less than man , And , cheerful in submission , Be happy as Ave can .
Social Problems And Their Peaceful Solution.
BY BRO . EEV . W . TEBBS . IV . —EDUCATION . " Give instruction to a wise man and . he -will be yet wiser , " IIIAT ev individual member of Society
ery has a duty to discharge to the corporate bod y of which he is an integral part is a position that we have already firmly established , just as every portion of a
machine , whether it be driving-Avheel or regulator , shaft or bearing , or even the humbler bolt or nut which merely serves to tighten it , has its particular part to play in the running of the machinery . NOAV if the machine is to be of the most efficient working power it must be of the best possible
make , and every part of it must be the best finished of its kind . Again it will be apparent at a glance that some portions will be necessarily more highly polished than others , whilst it will be also equally evident that Avhatever the degree of finish
required , the machine will not be perfect u nless all its parts are suitably finished to the allotted parts that they have each to play . Now if Ave apply our principle to that machine Society , Ave shall find the same rule hold good , namely that it is requisite
to its perfect Avorking , that every individual member of it shall receive such a finish as is suitable to his position in it , and that in every case , this finish must be the best of its kind . This finish is Education . Therefore every member of Society must receive , according to his position in life , a suitable education , and in every case this
education must be thorough . That we are thoroughly alive to the former fact , and are earnestly endeavouring to carry out the principle cannot be for a moment denied , but whether we are securing the latter end is a serious matter of doubt .
Now Avhat ought Education to be ? Well Avhat is the meaning of the word 1 We ought to ascertain , for the wise man ' s words of old were very true , " There is nothing so much worth as a mind Avell instructed ;" so too , naturally , Avas the advice he gave ,
" Hast thou children 1 Instruct them ! *' How 1 Well ! what was the end he had in view ? A continuous life long learning" My son , gather instruction from thy youth up . " Surely this precept could not be acted up to if education finished with
one ' s school-days ; whence we can clearl y see that the school-boy ' s learning is merel y the foundation upon which after knowled ge is to be built . If Ave Avould know , then , Avhat true education is , Ave had better go back to the original meaning of the Avord , and throAv aside once aud for all the idea that a certain , and the same , amount of knoAvledge , so-called , is to be crammed into
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Be Happy As You Can.
And Avhile we seek the roses , The thorns full oft we scan ; Still let us though they wound us , Be happy as Ave can . This life has heavy crosses As Avell as joys to share
, And griefs and disappointments Which you and I must bear ; Yet if Misfortune ' s lava Entombs Hope ' s dearest plan , Let us Avith Avhat is left us Be happy as we can .
The sum of our enjoyment Is made of little things , As oft the broadest rivers Are formed from smaller springs : By treasuring small Avaters The rivers reach their span ; So we increase our pleasures Enjoying Avhat we can .
There may be burning deserts Through Avhich our feet may go , But there are given oases , AVhere pleasant palm-trees grow ; And if we may not follow The path our hearts Avould plan , Let us make all around us As happy as Ave can .
Perchance we may not climb with Ambition to its goal , Still let us ansAver " present " When Duty calls the roll ; And whatever our appointment ,
Be nothing less than man , And , cheerful in submission , Be happy as Ave can .
Social Problems And Their Peaceful Solution.
BY BRO . EEV . W . TEBBS . IV . —EDUCATION . " Give instruction to a wise man and . he -will be yet wiser , " IIIAT ev individual member of Society
ery has a duty to discharge to the corporate bod y of which he is an integral part is a position that we have already firmly established , just as every portion of a
machine , whether it be driving-Avheel or regulator , shaft or bearing , or even the humbler bolt or nut which merely serves to tighten it , has its particular part to play in the running of the machinery . NOAV if the machine is to be of the most efficient working power it must be of the best possible
make , and every part of it must be the best finished of its kind . Again it will be apparent at a glance that some portions will be necessarily more highly polished than others , whilst it will be also equally evident that Avhatever the degree of finish
required , the machine will not be perfect u nless all its parts are suitably finished to the allotted parts that they have each to play . Now if Ave apply our principle to that machine Society , Ave shall find the same rule hold good , namely that it is requisite
to its perfect Avorking , that every individual member of it shall receive such a finish as is suitable to his position in it , and that in every case , this finish must be the best of its kind . This finish is Education . Therefore every member of Society must receive , according to his position in life , a suitable education , and in every case this
education must be thorough . That we are thoroughly alive to the former fact , and are earnestly endeavouring to carry out the principle cannot be for a moment denied , but whether we are securing the latter end is a serious matter of doubt .
Now Avhat ought Education to be ? Well Avhat is the meaning of the word 1 We ought to ascertain , for the wise man ' s words of old were very true , " There is nothing so much worth as a mind Avell instructed ;" so too , naturally , Avas the advice he gave ,
" Hast thou children 1 Instruct them ! *' How 1 Well ! what was the end he had in view ? A continuous life long learning" My son , gather instruction from thy youth up . " Surely this precept could not be acted up to if education finished with
one ' s school-days ; whence we can clearl y see that the school-boy ' s learning is merel y the foundation upon which after knowled ge is to be built . If Ave Avould know , then , Avhat true education is , Ave had better go back to the original meaning of the Avord , and throAv aside once aud for all the idea that a certain , and the same , amount of knoAvledge , so-called , is to be crammed into