Article DR. RAWLINSON'S MS. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Dr. Rawlinson's Ms.
and Knitting . These Children did know that God would take A engeance for Sin , Either by fire or water , therefore they AVrote the Sciences found by them on two Pillars of Stone , that they might be found after that Almighty . God had taken vengeance and reversed his Judgment : the
one pillar was Marble , which will not burn ; the other Pillar was of tester as , so called , and Avould not droAvn with water . N . B . That after the General deluge , it p leased God that Hermaxenes the Greek , who was the Son of Cus , who Avas the
Son of Ham , Avho was the Son of Noah , afterwards called Hermes , the Father of Avise Men , found the Pillars whereon the Sciences Avas written , and taught them to other men . At the Building of the ToAver of Babell , Masonry was much Esteemed ,
and Greatly Valued . Nimrod at that time was a Mason , and loved Avell the Science or Craft of Masonry , insomuch , that when the City of NineA-ah , and other Citys of the East were to be builded , Nimrod sent thither Sixty Masons , at the desire of his Cousin the King of Ninevah ; When the Masons Avent forth , Nimrod gave them Charge that they should Love truely
togather , be true to one another , and that they should Serve their Lord truel y for their pay , so that he might have AVorship for Sending them : Nimrod also gave his Masons Charge concerning their Science , and this was the first time that Masons had Charge of their Science or Craft .
Also Abraham , and Sarah his Wife , went into Egypt , and taught the Egyptians the Liberall Sciences ; Abraham had one Ingenious Scholar called Eucl ydes , who learned right well , and Avas Master of all the Seven Liberall Sciences . In his days
it happened that the Lords and States of that Realm had so many Sons , some they LaAvfull y had Begotten by their one wifes , and some they had unlawfully by other men ' s wifes aud Ladys of the Realm in soniuch that the land was very much
hurthened with them . Having small means to maintain them withall , the King , understanding thereof , caused a Parliament to be i ' orwith called , and sumon'd for redress , but they being so very many , no good could be done with them . The King then made a Proclamation throughout the Realm , that if any man could find or devise any Course how to maintain them , to
Inform the King thereof , and He Should be Avell reAvarded ; Avhereupon Euclydes Came to the King , and sayed : My nohle sovereign , If I may have order and government of these Lords' Sons , I will teach the Liberall Sciences , AVhereby Avee may live honestland like GentlemenProvided that
y , , you will grant me power over them , by your Commission , to rule them honestly , as the Science ought to be ruled ; Avhich Avas immediately granted by the King and his Council . And then the Master , Euclydes took to him the Lords' Sonsand taught
, them the AVorthy Science of Geometry , the Craft and Art of Masonry , and Mistery of all Manner of Building , as Temples , Churches , Courts , and Castles , < fcc , ; and Euclydes gave them Charge with these following Admonitions ( Viz . ) : —
1 . To be true to the King . 2 . To the Master they Serve , to love well together , to he true one tci another fellows not Servants , nor Miscall one another , as Knave , & c . 3 . To do their Avork truly , that they may Duly deserve their AA ages . 4 . To ordain the wisest to be Master of . work , Avhereby their Lord may not be
evill Served , nor they ashamed . 5 . To call the Governour of their work Master , and have Such Competent and Reasonable Wages that the AVorkmeu may live , and many other Charges too tedious to mention ; and to all these Charges he made them Sware the great Oathas Men
, in those Days used to Sware . 6 . To Come and Assemble once a Year , to lake Councell in their Craft , IIOAV they may work best to Serve their Lord and Master , for his proffit and their own Creditand to Correct such among them
, as have trespassed or offended . N . B . That Masonry heretofore by the worthy Master was termed Geometry , as it Avas then , and Since that the people of Jerusalem Came to the Land of Bethell , Avhich is now Called Emencin , the Countiy
of Jerusalem . King David began a Temple called Templum Dei , or the Temple of Jerusalem . King David loved Masons well , Cherished them , And gave them good pay , and a Charge as Euclydes had given them before iu Egypt . After the Death of King Da * id , Solomon , his son , finished the 'J ' emple his father began , haveiug Masons of divers Lords to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dr. Rawlinson's Ms.
and Knitting . These Children did know that God would take A engeance for Sin , Either by fire or water , therefore they AVrote the Sciences found by them on two Pillars of Stone , that they might be found after that Almighty . God had taken vengeance and reversed his Judgment : the
one pillar was Marble , which will not burn ; the other Pillar was of tester as , so called , and Avould not droAvn with water . N . B . That after the General deluge , it p leased God that Hermaxenes the Greek , who was the Son of Cus , who Avas the
Son of Ham , Avho was the Son of Noah , afterwards called Hermes , the Father of Avise Men , found the Pillars whereon the Sciences Avas written , and taught them to other men . At the Building of the ToAver of Babell , Masonry was much Esteemed ,
and Greatly Valued . Nimrod at that time was a Mason , and loved Avell the Science or Craft of Masonry , insomuch , that when the City of NineA-ah , and other Citys of the East were to be builded , Nimrod sent thither Sixty Masons , at the desire of his Cousin the King of Ninevah ; When the Masons Avent forth , Nimrod gave them Charge that they should Love truely
togather , be true to one another , and that they should Serve their Lord truel y for their pay , so that he might have AVorship for Sending them : Nimrod also gave his Masons Charge concerning their Science , and this was the first time that Masons had Charge of their Science or Craft .
Also Abraham , and Sarah his Wife , went into Egypt , and taught the Egyptians the Liberall Sciences ; Abraham had one Ingenious Scholar called Eucl ydes , who learned right well , and Avas Master of all the Seven Liberall Sciences . In his days
it happened that the Lords and States of that Realm had so many Sons , some they LaAvfull y had Begotten by their one wifes , and some they had unlawfully by other men ' s wifes aud Ladys of the Realm in soniuch that the land was very much
hurthened with them . Having small means to maintain them withall , the King , understanding thereof , caused a Parliament to be i ' orwith called , and sumon'd for redress , but they being so very many , no good could be done with them . The King then made a Proclamation throughout the Realm , that if any man could find or devise any Course how to maintain them , to
Inform the King thereof , and He Should be Avell reAvarded ; Avhereupon Euclydes Came to the King , and sayed : My nohle sovereign , If I may have order and government of these Lords' Sons , I will teach the Liberall Sciences , AVhereby Avee may live honestland like GentlemenProvided that
y , , you will grant me power over them , by your Commission , to rule them honestly , as the Science ought to be ruled ; Avhich Avas immediately granted by the King and his Council . And then the Master , Euclydes took to him the Lords' Sonsand taught
, them the AVorthy Science of Geometry , the Craft and Art of Masonry , and Mistery of all Manner of Building , as Temples , Churches , Courts , and Castles , < fcc , ; and Euclydes gave them Charge with these following Admonitions ( Viz . ) : —
1 . To be true to the King . 2 . To the Master they Serve , to love well together , to he true one tci another fellows not Servants , nor Miscall one another , as Knave , & c . 3 . To do their Avork truly , that they may Duly deserve their AA ages . 4 . To ordain the wisest to be Master of . work , Avhereby their Lord may not be
evill Served , nor they ashamed . 5 . To call the Governour of their work Master , and have Such Competent and Reasonable Wages that the AVorkmeu may live , and many other Charges too tedious to mention ; and to all these Charges he made them Sware the great Oathas Men
, in those Days used to Sware . 6 . To Come and Assemble once a Year , to lake Councell in their Craft , IIOAV they may work best to Serve their Lord and Master , for his proffit and their own Creditand to Correct such among them
, as have trespassed or offended . N . B . That Masonry heretofore by the worthy Master was termed Geometry , as it Avas then , and Since that the people of Jerusalem Came to the Land of Bethell , Avhich is now Called Emencin , the Countiy
of Jerusalem . King David began a Temple called Templum Dei , or the Temple of Jerusalem . King David loved Masons well , Cherished them , And gave them good pay , and a Charge as Euclydes had given them before iu Egypt . After the Death of King Da * id , Solomon , his son , finished the 'J ' emple his father began , haveiug Masons of divers Lords to the