Article CONTEMPORARY LETTERS ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONTEMPORARY LETTERS ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Page 2 of 2 Article Our Archaological Corner. Page 1 of 2 →
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Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
to find it filled ivith people , whose eyes were fixed on a Avindow , and Avhose profound silence was interrupted by frequent app lause . I inquired the cause , and was told it was the anniversary dinner of a club , at Avhose head are all the Party
La Fayette ; he himself appeared at the window , and was received Avith many acclamations . The Captain Morises of the Party also came to the window and sang several songs . I had not been long a spectator , and seated at some distance from the
crowd , Avhen the Comte de Lusignan came aud joined me , " not Avith the Tuscan grape . " I asked him some questions relative to his dinner , Avhen opposite us passed Barnave , Lameth , D'Aiguillon , and the Avhole Faction en Corps . He
said , " these are our antagonists . They come to see Avhat Ave are about , and a little while after , Avith some Avarmth , added , " Nous sontiendrons l'Espagne en depit de ces Coquins . " I answered that it appeared to me
impossible they should do otherwise , and there the conversation dropped . A little while after talking of the clergy , I said , " II faut avouer , vous volez ces pauvres Gens un peu trop . " If we have a war , they , as well as those AVIIO receive salaries from the
State must expect to be still more curtailed , for by diminishing daily those appointments till nothing remains to be taken , Avill Ave find the means of fulfilling those engagements to Avhich our interest and our honour oblige us . It is not that we do not feel all the inconveniences that Ave must
suffer , the Avaut of money , the insubordination of our fleet and army , a faction Avithin our Avails capable of anything , on Avhom your money will not be throAvn aAvay , and Avho may at last be more popular than ourselves , and Avho -will at
least always find it easy to cause a violent fermentation amongst the people . I could not avoid touching on the apparent danger in such a situation of the Federation of the troops on the 14 th of July . He said that they felt themselves perfectly
secure on that head . That the pleasures of the capital , which they were determined should not be spared , Avould occupy all their thoughts—that it Avas a step absolutely necessary to prevent the death and total stagnation of the capital , and that they were sure in case of necessity of the
Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
National Militia . It is true they are assured of the mihtia , but that militia is as obnoxious to the people as any regular troops could be . They call them aloud Aristocrates , and no machinations are wanting amongst the people to overturn M . de la Fayetteand amongst the people
, I think they begin to succeed . The decree in regard to the clergy will involve them in more difficulties than they apprehend , unless they come to the avowal of an open schism , for the bishops Avho remain declare they cannot exercise any
jurisdiction over the dioceses of their degraded colleagues , nor will the latter allow that a decree of the Assembly can Avithout a crime alleged against them , ( nor even then without the concurrence of the spiritual authority , ) suspend or abrogate the sacred function and character they have once received .
Our Archaological Corner.
Our Archaological Corner .
THE following letter Avas sent to our contemporary the " Freemason ; " but it has been thought better to publish it in our ArcliEeological Corner . The seal is un doubted ly a Masonic Seal , though as to its exact antiquity it is not at present easy to speak in decisive terms . It is , hoAvever ,
clearly a A-ery interesting relic . —ED . M . M . Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Diss , Norfolk , July 24 th , 1876 . Tlie Editor " FKEEITASON , "
Dear Sir and Brother , I enclose you rough impression of a Steel or Iron Seal , /^ ^ . Avhich was dug up in a field , /^|!^ Q in a village about 3 miles fromH | a /^ Jhere Avhich
^ I thought would be \\ ikS £$ &/ interesting It is to all appear- W ^ $ jj £ / ance very old . v ^" Yours fraternally , FREDERICK W , DOUBLEDAV .
Faithful Lodge , 85 . I 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
to find it filled ivith people , whose eyes were fixed on a Avindow , and Avhose profound silence was interrupted by frequent app lause . I inquired the cause , and was told it was the anniversary dinner of a club , at Avhose head are all the Party
La Fayette ; he himself appeared at the window , and was received Avith many acclamations . The Captain Morises of the Party also came to the window and sang several songs . I had not been long a spectator , and seated at some distance from the
crowd , Avhen the Comte de Lusignan came aud joined me , " not Avith the Tuscan grape . " I asked him some questions relative to his dinner , Avhen opposite us passed Barnave , Lameth , D'Aiguillon , and the Avhole Faction en Corps . He
said , " these are our antagonists . They come to see Avhat Ave are about , and a little while after , Avith some Avarmth , added , " Nous sontiendrons l'Espagne en depit de ces Coquins . " I answered that it appeared to me
impossible they should do otherwise , and there the conversation dropped . A little while after talking of the clergy , I said , " II faut avouer , vous volez ces pauvres Gens un peu trop . " If we have a war , they , as well as those AVIIO receive salaries from the
State must expect to be still more curtailed , for by diminishing daily those appointments till nothing remains to be taken , Avill Ave find the means of fulfilling those engagements to Avhich our interest and our honour oblige us . It is not that we do not feel all the inconveniences that Ave must
suffer , the Avaut of money , the insubordination of our fleet and army , a faction Avithin our Avails capable of anything , on Avhom your money will not be throAvn aAvay , and Avho may at last be more popular than ourselves , and Avho -will at
least always find it easy to cause a violent fermentation amongst the people . I could not avoid touching on the apparent danger in such a situation of the Federation of the troops on the 14 th of July . He said that they felt themselves perfectly
secure on that head . That the pleasures of the capital , which they were determined should not be spared , Avould occupy all their thoughts—that it Avas a step absolutely necessary to prevent the death and total stagnation of the capital , and that they were sure in case of necessity of the
Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
National Militia . It is true they are assured of the mihtia , but that militia is as obnoxious to the people as any regular troops could be . They call them aloud Aristocrates , and no machinations are wanting amongst the people to overturn M . de la Fayetteand amongst the people
, I think they begin to succeed . The decree in regard to the clergy will involve them in more difficulties than they apprehend , unless they come to the avowal of an open schism , for the bishops Avho remain declare they cannot exercise any
jurisdiction over the dioceses of their degraded colleagues , nor will the latter allow that a decree of the Assembly can Avithout a crime alleged against them , ( nor even then without the concurrence of the spiritual authority , ) suspend or abrogate the sacred function and character they have once received .
Our Archaological Corner.
Our Archaological Corner .
THE following letter Avas sent to our contemporary the " Freemason ; " but it has been thought better to publish it in our ArcliEeological Corner . The seal is un doubted ly a Masonic Seal , though as to its exact antiquity it is not at present easy to speak in decisive terms . It is , hoAvever ,
clearly a A-ery interesting relic . —ED . M . M . Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Diss , Norfolk , July 24 th , 1876 . Tlie Editor " FKEEITASON , "
Dear Sir and Brother , I enclose you rough impression of a Steel or Iron Seal , /^ ^ . Avhich was dug up in a field , /^|!^ Q in a village about 3 miles fromH | a /^ Jhere Avhich
^ I thought would be \\ ikS £$ &/ interesting It is to all appear- W ^ $ jj £ / ance very old . v ^" Yours fraternally , FREDERICK W , DOUBLEDAV .
Faithful Lodge , 85 . I 2