Article DR. RAWLINSON'S MS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Dr. Rawlinson's Ms.
Number of twenty-four thousand , Elect and Nominated Master and Governor of the work , and Hyram , King of Tyre , who loved well King Solomon , and gave him Timber for his Avork . This Hyram had a sou , called Amnon , Avho Avas a Master of Geometry , and Chief Master of the Masons
of Carved Avork , aud all other their Works of Masonry , that belonged to the Temple , as appeareth by the Bible , iu the fourth Chapter of Kings . King Solomon Confirmed all things Concerning Masons that David his father had given in Charge .
These Masons travelled into Divers Countrys to Augment their knowledge in the said Art , aud to Instruct others . It so happened that a curious Mason , named Mamon Greens , that had been at the building of Solomon ' s Temple , travelled
into France , and taught the Science of Masonry to the Freenhmen . Carrolus Martor , then King of France , Sent for Mamon Greens , who had been at the building of Solomon ' s Temple , and learnt him this Science of Masonry , and became one of the Fraternity ; thereupon , he began great works , and liberally paid Avell his workmen , Confirmed them a Large Charter ,
and was Yearly present at their assembly , Avhich Avas a great honour and encouragement to them ; England stood void for any Charge of Masonry , until St , Alban came hither , and instructed the King in the Said Science , as also in Divinity , who was before a Pagan . He walled the Town of
St . Alban's , and came in favor with the King , insomuch , that he Avas made a Knight , and also the King ' s Chief Steward . The realm was Governed by him , under the King , and he greatly Cherished , and loved Avell , Masons ; made their payment
right good standing Avages ; truly payed them 3 s . 6 d . a week to their double Avages ; for before that time , throughout the Land , a Mason took but one penny a day ; and St . Alban purchased Masons a large Charter , from the King and his Councell ,
to hold a great Assembly and Councel Yearly . He made many Masons , aud gave them such Charge as is hereafter declared . It happned pressently , right after the Martyrdome of St . Alban , Avho is truly termed England ' s Proto-Martyr , that the Science of true Masonry Avas much destroyed , through a certain King that invaded the Land , and destroyed most
part of the Natives with fire and sword , untill the reign of King Athelstone , Avho brought the Laud to Peace and vest from the insulting Danes .- He began to build Abbies , Monasterys , and religious Houses , as also Castles and Forts for the defence of
Ins Realm , Avbereby Masonry Avas revived and exercised . He had a son called Hedvie , that loved Masons much more than his Father did ; he greatly Studied Geometry , and sent into other Lands for men Expert in the Same Science ; he Avas made a Mason himselfCommuned Avith
, Masons , and Learned of their Craft . He got of his Father a Large Charter and Commission , to hold an Assembly Yearly , to Correct offences in the said Science , & c . He caused a general assembly of all Free Masons in the Realmat Yorkand their
, , Made many Masons , and gave a deep Charge for observation of such articles as belong to True Masonry ; he delivered them this said Charter to keep . When this assembly was gathered together , he Caused a Proclamation to be Madethat if
, any Mason had any Arriting or understanding Concerning Free Masonry , or could Inform the King in any Matter or thing that Avas Avanted in the Said Science already
delivred , that he or they Should deliver or recite it to the King ; < fc there Avere some in Greek , some in French , Some in English , and some in other Tongues , Avhere upon the King caused a Roll or Book to he made , which declared hoAv this Science Avas first inventedAfterwards preservedand
Aug-, , mented , with the Utility and true intent there of , * which Roll or Book he Commanded to be read , and plainly recited , when a man Avas to he made a Free Mason , that he might fully Understand what ArticlesRulesand orders he laid himself
, , under , ivell and truly keep and observe to the Utmost of his poAver ; and , from that time to this Day , True Masonry hath been well and truly preserved and much Esteemed ; and divers new Articles have been added to the Free Masons' Worthy
Charge , hy the free Choice , and good Consent , and best advice of the perfect and True Masons , Masters , Brethren , and FelloAvs , of this Worthy Science : —Tunc
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dr. Rawlinson's Ms.
Number of twenty-four thousand , Elect and Nominated Master and Governor of the work , and Hyram , King of Tyre , who loved well King Solomon , and gave him Timber for his Avork . This Hyram had a sou , called Amnon , Avho Avas a Master of Geometry , and Chief Master of the Masons
of Carved Avork , aud all other their Works of Masonry , that belonged to the Temple , as appeareth by the Bible , iu the fourth Chapter of Kings . King Solomon Confirmed all things Concerning Masons that David his father had given in Charge .
These Masons travelled into Divers Countrys to Augment their knowledge in the said Art , aud to Instruct others . It so happened that a curious Mason , named Mamon Greens , that had been at the building of Solomon ' s Temple , travelled
into France , and taught the Science of Masonry to the Freenhmen . Carrolus Martor , then King of France , Sent for Mamon Greens , who had been at the building of Solomon ' s Temple , and learnt him this Science of Masonry , and became one of the Fraternity ; thereupon , he began great works , and liberally paid Avell his workmen , Confirmed them a Large Charter ,
and was Yearly present at their assembly , Avhich Avas a great honour and encouragement to them ; England stood void for any Charge of Masonry , until St , Alban came hither , and instructed the King in the Said Science , as also in Divinity , who was before a Pagan . He walled the Town of
St . Alban's , and came in favor with the King , insomuch , that he Avas made a Knight , and also the King ' s Chief Steward . The realm was Governed by him , under the King , and he greatly Cherished , and loved Avell , Masons ; made their payment
right good standing Avages ; truly payed them 3 s . 6 d . a week to their double Avages ; for before that time , throughout the Land , a Mason took but one penny a day ; and St . Alban purchased Masons a large Charter , from the King and his Councell ,
to hold a great Assembly and Councel Yearly . He made many Masons , aud gave them such Charge as is hereafter declared . It happned pressently , right after the Martyrdome of St . Alban , Avho is truly termed England ' s Proto-Martyr , that the Science of true Masonry Avas much destroyed , through a certain King that invaded the Land , and destroyed most
part of the Natives with fire and sword , untill the reign of King Athelstone , Avho brought the Laud to Peace and vest from the insulting Danes .- He began to build Abbies , Monasterys , and religious Houses , as also Castles and Forts for the defence of
Ins Realm , Avbereby Masonry Avas revived and exercised . He had a son called Hedvie , that loved Masons much more than his Father did ; he greatly Studied Geometry , and sent into other Lands for men Expert in the Same Science ; he Avas made a Mason himselfCommuned Avith
, Masons , and Learned of their Craft . He got of his Father a Large Charter and Commission , to hold an Assembly Yearly , to Correct offences in the said Science , & c . He caused a general assembly of all Free Masons in the Realmat Yorkand their
, , Made many Masons , and gave a deep Charge for observation of such articles as belong to True Masonry ; he delivered them this said Charter to keep . When this assembly was gathered together , he Caused a Proclamation to be Madethat if
, any Mason had any Arriting or understanding Concerning Free Masonry , or could Inform the King in any Matter or thing that Avas Avanted in the Said Science already
delivred , that he or they Should deliver or recite it to the King ; < fc there Avere some in Greek , some in French , Some in English , and some in other Tongues , Avhere upon the King caused a Roll or Book to he made , which declared hoAv this Science Avas first inventedAfterwards preservedand
Aug-, , mented , with the Utility and true intent there of , * which Roll or Book he Commanded to be read , and plainly recited , when a man Avas to he made a Free Mason , that he might fully Understand what ArticlesRulesand orders he laid himself
, , under , ivell and truly keep and observe to the Utmost of his poAver ; and , from that time to this Day , True Masonry hath been well and truly preserved and much Esteemed ; and divers new Articles have been added to the Free Masons' Worthy
Charge , hy the free Choice , and good Consent , and best advice of the perfect and True Masons , Masters , Brethren , and FelloAvs , of this Worthy Science : —Tunc