Article METROi? 0 LIT AN, ← Page 7 of 9 →
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Metroi? 0 Lit An,
only visitors | tt the ejn thp 4 th ;'{ and Bro . ^ Underwood , SwI ) . No , 201 , on the 18 th . Bro . Abbott , of the Albion Lodge , No , 9 , has been elected a joining niember of the Lo Ne ^ the 16 th of April , 1 ^ at the Gun Tavern ; Woolwich ^ in ^ Tavern , the place named
m the warrant , the rooms at the letter place not being considered sufficiently conimpdious for the ceremony of consecration ; The Lodge > being iSuly formed , was opened by BrO ; William proceededin a . mostAcientmanner tp conse William Gr ^ TOl ^ oh , J . G . B . ; Captain Clerks , W . M . No . la No , 188 ; and the Rev . Walter M ^ member of No . 13 , The Charter or W ^ of
Lpd ^ England being read b ^ M ^ WiG . M . for opening of the Red Lion , the first Master named in the warrant ; viz ., Bro , James Wilde , v ^ as presented B * W . j and Gebrge B ^ installing Master ^ inofnir ^ d if the Brethren approved 0 the Officers who were nominated ; to preside over them . Thisbeing signified in a Masonia fo ^
Bro , Walter Melville Wright , P . Prov . G . Chap , for Norfolk , iii an impassive inannei ^ and the new Master and Wardens were &^ hoble science and duly instructed in the mysteries , and , being vouched foty the hew Master ( being a P . M . ) was regular ^ receiving homage and returning his acknowledgm and invest his Officers : viz . . Bros , Georere W W . Tavlor , S S ' " W W . fJebro-e " Rennell . and invest his Officers ; vizBrosGeorge . Taylor . . George Rennell
,, , , ; , J . W ^ j J ^ Thomas Lee ^ J . B . ; and W . iLllisoh , Tyler . Four candidates for initiation were next balloted for and approved . Two of them , being in attendance , were introduced in due form and initiated into the Order , the ceremony being well performed by the new Master , Bro . James Wilde . Several candidates were then proposed both for initiation and joining , one of thelatter being Bro . Bodson > captaih in
the Boyal Marines . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to the Bed Lion Tavern , Mulgrave-place , to partake of the banquet . On the removal of the cloth , and grace having been said , the W . M . gave <( The Queen and the Craft , " which was followed by \ The health of the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . " The W . M . would ask them to fill a bumper to " Lord Pan mure and the rest of the Grand Officers / . ' . There were four Grand Officers at this meeting ; but he would , for the present , couple with the toast the name of the much-respected P . G . Sec , Bro . White , who had for so many years fulfilled the duties of his office
with unflinching zeal and ability ,- —who had done them the honour of consecrating the Lodge , —and whom he was extremely proud to see amongst them . He would ask them to drink to Lord Panmure , Bro . White , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . White returned thanks for the manner in which the toast had been proposed and responded to , and begged to assure the W . M . and Brethren that , although he was now out of office , he was ready and willing at all times to assist his successor whenever called upon ; indeed , he felt anxious to serve the Craft to the utmost of his power , so long as he had ability to do so . Bro . White
then proposed " The health of the W . M ., " who , he said , was a zealous and expert Mason ; he wished him health and happiness , and felt assured that under his guidance the Lodge could not fail to prosper . The W . M ., in returning thanks , said , he felt quite proudin receiving praise from so distinguished a Brother as the P . G . Sec , and would do all in his power to merit a continuance of the ' good opinion expressed towards him . He should always feel it a pleasure , as well as a duty , to exert himself to further the interests and prosperity of tho Lodge . The W . M . then said , he could not allow the opportunity to . pass without some particular notice of the other Grand Officers present . They hac ! present Bro , Barnfield , the Assist , G , Sec ., to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metroi? 0 Lit An,
only visitors | tt the ejn thp 4 th ;'{ and Bro . ^ Underwood , SwI ) . No , 201 , on the 18 th . Bro . Abbott , of the Albion Lodge , No , 9 , has been elected a joining niember of the Lo Ne ^ the 16 th of April , 1 ^ at the Gun Tavern ; Woolwich ^ in ^ Tavern , the place named
m the warrant , the rooms at the letter place not being considered sufficiently conimpdious for the ceremony of consecration ; The Lodge > being iSuly formed , was opened by BrO ; William proceededin a . mostAcientmanner tp conse William Gr ^ TOl ^ oh , J . G . B . ; Captain Clerks , W . M . No . la No , 188 ; and the Rev . Walter M ^ member of No . 13 , The Charter or W ^ of
Lpd ^ England being read b ^ M ^ WiG . M . for opening of the Red Lion , the first Master named in the warrant ; viz ., Bro , James Wilde , v ^ as presented B * W . j and Gebrge B ^ installing Master ^ inofnir ^ d if the Brethren approved 0 the Officers who were nominated ; to preside over them . Thisbeing signified in a Masonia fo ^
Bro , Walter Melville Wright , P . Prov . G . Chap , for Norfolk , iii an impassive inannei ^ and the new Master and Wardens were &^ hoble science and duly instructed in the mysteries , and , being vouched foty the hew Master ( being a P . M . ) was regular ^ receiving homage and returning his acknowledgm and invest his Officers : viz . . Bros , Georere W W . Tavlor , S S ' " W W . fJebro-e " Rennell . and invest his Officers ; vizBrosGeorge . Taylor . . George Rennell
,, , , ; , J . W ^ j J ^ Thomas Lee ^ J . B . ; and W . iLllisoh , Tyler . Four candidates for initiation were next balloted for and approved . Two of them , being in attendance , were introduced in due form and initiated into the Order , the ceremony being well performed by the new Master , Bro . James Wilde . Several candidates were then proposed both for initiation and joining , one of thelatter being Bro . Bodson > captaih in
the Boyal Marines . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to the Bed Lion Tavern , Mulgrave-place , to partake of the banquet . On the removal of the cloth , and grace having been said , the W . M . gave <( The Queen and the Craft , " which was followed by \ The health of the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . " The W . M . would ask them to fill a bumper to " Lord Pan mure and the rest of the Grand Officers / . ' . There were four Grand Officers at this meeting ; but he would , for the present , couple with the toast the name of the much-respected P . G . Sec , Bro . White , who had for so many years fulfilled the duties of his office
with unflinching zeal and ability ,- —who had done them the honour of consecrating the Lodge , —and whom he was extremely proud to see amongst them . He would ask them to drink to Lord Panmure , Bro . White , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . White returned thanks for the manner in which the toast had been proposed and responded to , and begged to assure the W . M . and Brethren that , although he was now out of office , he was ready and willing at all times to assist his successor whenever called upon ; indeed , he felt anxious to serve the Craft to the utmost of his power , so long as he had ability to do so . Bro . White
then proposed " The health of the W . M ., " who , he said , was a zealous and expert Mason ; he wished him health and happiness , and felt assured that under his guidance the Lodge could not fail to prosper . The W . M ., in returning thanks , said , he felt quite proudin receiving praise from so distinguished a Brother as the P . G . Sec , and would do all in his power to merit a continuance of the ' good opinion expressed towards him . He should always feel it a pleasure , as well as a duty , to exert himself to further the interests and prosperity of tho Lodge . The W . M . then said , he could not allow the opportunity to . pass without some particular notice of the other Grand Officers present . They hac ! present Bro , Barnfield , the Assist , G , Sec ., to