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and the G « Treasurer's an expendltu hand , in (&^ ai * d G \^© effectual attempt wasin ^ de
ofl ^ ed 1 ^ the ^ vote oh the proposed basi ^ rants were forfeited for abts dered tp tire Graaid Lodge , unless surrend ^ and are hereb y declare proposition v ^
^ ej inesday w ^ of union ; all the ^ papers conne mittee on tihe Condition P ^ M ^ yersely , pointing out its unco that eh ^ ct ^ 1 ^ Ona call by Lbd Conimitte ^^ being 780 ipr , and 24-7 against ^ The evening session was occupied by the electioia xi jH ^ J ^
Friday mprnihg t ]^ ekctionB were continued > and the remaining officers elected '! pie-rcPmpletedist is ;; as follows t ^ John L ; Lewis / j Kin ^ Port B Austin , New York , G . S ^ Salem Tbwn > Aur Yischer ' s i ' erry ^ B ^ Bufi % lp , G . Lecturer jDiH . Yto NewY ^ rk / G . ^
During the afternoon a splendid service of silver was presented by the G ^ n ^ Lodge to M ; W ; P . G . M . Evans , as as G . M . ;" . ' - ^ - . . //' ¦ "' .- ^'' ; .- ' - : ' ' ^/ : ^ r ' ^^; v '; y Saturday morning the Grand Lodge reassembled at 9 o'clock , wheny on motion of Brp . Peter P . Mur ^
any propositions or suggestions that may be presented to thent by any members of this Grand Lodge , or others , with a view to restore harmony , & c . ; and on further motion of the same distinguished Brother , the resolution offered by R ; W . Bro . Tisdall , in 1852 , in reference to fo to above , was rescinded .
The chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence , E . W . F . M . King , presented a resolution to the effect , that , until the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania recognizes the Grand Lodgp of New York , and treats her members with respect and courtesy , all Masonic intercourse between the two bodies will be suspended , and visitors , hailing from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , will not be recognized by the Masonic Fraternity in New York . The resolution was unanimously adopted . An attempt was made to have the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada recognized ; but it was determined to maintain the position assumed last year .
NEW BKUNSWICK . The 24 th of June , 1857 , the Festival of John the Baptist , will long be remem bered by the Fraternity of New Brunswick as the opening of a new era in the Masonic history of the Provinces , and the commencement of what , we hope , will be a series of annual celebrations of the festival of one of the brightest lights in Masonry .
The installation of Officers of all Lodges on Irish registry takes place on the 24 th June ; and the Brethren of Hibernia Lodge , No . 301 , determined , some time since , that a day set apart for such solemn ceremonies should not be passed over without some festivities to mark Its passing , A public procession in the morn-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and the G « Treasurer's an expendltu hand , in (&^ ai * d G \^© effectual attempt wasin ^ de
ofl ^ ed 1 ^ the ^ vote oh the proposed basi ^ rants were forfeited for abts dered tp tire Graaid Lodge , unless surrend ^ and are hereb y declare proposition v ^
^ ej inesday w ^ of union ; all the ^ papers conne mittee on tihe Condition P ^ M ^ yersely , pointing out its unco that eh ^ ct ^ 1 ^ Ona call by Lbd Conimitte ^^ being 780 ipr , and 24-7 against ^ The evening session was occupied by the electioia xi jH ^ J ^
Friday mprnihg t ]^ ekctionB were continued > and the remaining officers elected '! pie-rcPmpletedist is ;; as follows t ^ John L ; Lewis / j Kin ^ Port B Austin , New York , G . S ^ Salem Tbwn > Aur Yischer ' s i ' erry ^ B ^ Bufi % lp , G . Lecturer jDiH . Yto NewY ^ rk / G . ^
During the afternoon a splendid service of silver was presented by the G ^ n ^ Lodge to M ; W ; P . G . M . Evans , as as G . M . ;" . ' - ^ - . . //' ¦ "' .- ^'' ; .- ' - : ' ' ^/ : ^ r ' ^^; v '; y Saturday morning the Grand Lodge reassembled at 9 o'clock , wheny on motion of Brp . Peter P . Mur ^
any propositions or suggestions that may be presented to thent by any members of this Grand Lodge , or others , with a view to restore harmony , & c . ; and on further motion of the same distinguished Brother , the resolution offered by R ; W . Bro . Tisdall , in 1852 , in reference to fo to above , was rescinded .
The chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence , E . W . F . M . King , presented a resolution to the effect , that , until the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania recognizes the Grand Lodgp of New York , and treats her members with respect and courtesy , all Masonic intercourse between the two bodies will be suspended , and visitors , hailing from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , will not be recognized by the Masonic Fraternity in New York . The resolution was unanimously adopted . An attempt was made to have the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada recognized ; but it was determined to maintain the position assumed last year .
NEW BKUNSWICK . The 24 th of June , 1857 , the Festival of John the Baptist , will long be remem bered by the Fraternity of New Brunswick as the opening of a new era in the Masonic history of the Provinces , and the commencement of what , we hope , will be a series of annual celebrations of the festival of one of the brightest lights in Masonry .
The installation of Officers of all Lodges on Irish registry takes place on the 24 th June ; and the Brethren of Hibernia Lodge , No . 301 , determined , some time since , that a day set apart for such solemn ceremonies should not be passed over without some festivities to mark Its passing , A public procession in the morn-