Article PEOYIHCIAL ← Page 5 of 25 →
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entertain th 6 highest person ^ an easy dischltrge of the duties 6 f ah pfi ^ attended with considerable difficulty v ^ me , ladiPsy gentlemen ; ahd & ethreh > to thank you primarily fto your M ^ te y / gfe tii ?^^ - at : v - "tii ^; / Mn ^/ TO »^^ ei ? :. ) : TO /; -ty ] Btioli- ' -- ; -js oia--- ' . ii ^ r ^/ v'b'O-eii ' - ' -ple ^^^ : ^' " ;^^*!!^ : my he ^ th ; and ; m ^ an ^ rd /" -- / ( L ^ 'S : ' v V- ;''\^ 4 V
The W . M ; th ^ n said :- ^ with enthusiasm , it ^ whose auspie ^ mention that it was intimated at an early period ; that wesjbbuldhave sonie difficulty in getting thp nation , I tob ^ not only kind enoti ^ fe grant , but 1 can assure you his perniissio ^ # as e ^ hyeyed
in : at most courteous and flattering letter ; and under these cir ^ uniitahcesit think his / fo ^ lordship ' s name & e health of ^ nia ^ y mWues ^ charities , wln ^ axe so w say onp word mp * e / to M the he ^ th of his noble lao ^ vvhicli are * at all times sp generously thr ^
1 have much p ^ lbrdshrphaslately / become p ^^ flatfe pu ^ selv ^ s in b ( Hear , he ^ r . ^^ & ror ^ late ^ inta aiforded -liarsuch a treat in Masonry , that we felt it would be / " a long - time biefote we got Biich another . I give you ' Long life to Lord / . Valletorfo * "
^ e W ^ with which were present . '' / , / ; / : ' The last toast was that of " The Ladies ^ of Bro . WiUiaih Phillips , who most gallantly and eloquently discharged the responsible duty of returning thanks , and must have felt amply repaid by the approving looks which greeted him from the beautiful sisterhood around .
It only remains to be added , that after several hours' amusement on the green sward , and pleasant strolls through the gardens and the woods , the party embarked , and having threaded the winding river to the Weir Head , and the > varied beauties of f < wood and water , hill and dale , " returned to the point of departure , having spent a day of uninterrupted enjoyment .
ESSEX . Colchester . —Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . —The annual St . John ' s Festival of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , July 21 . The Lodge has recently elected Bro . Thomas Hall a second time as W . M . ; and the appointments of officers for the current year are as under : —Bros . Joseph Saunders , S . W . j Taylor Osborne , J . W . ; William Slaney , Treas . ; William Williams , Sec . ; John Coppin , S . B . ; Henry Miller , J . D . ; H . Wisbey , Org . ; W . Edes , I . G , ; P . Palmer , Steward ; Ditton , Tyler . The festival has been delayed in consequence of the Prov . Grand Lodge
having heen so recently held in this town ; and to that circumstance must be attributed a falling off in the number of visiting Brethren . The banquet was served in the Lodge-room , Cups Hotel , by the new host , Bro . Salter , whose bountiful catering and excellent wines gave universal satisfaction . The W . M . of course presided ; and the S . W . and J . W . occupied their respective positions in the " west ,, " south , " The visitors included Bros . Major Maydwell , W . M . United Lodge ; Capt . Marriott , ' Capt . Cassidy , and Quarter-master Anderson ; Bros . B . S . Nunn ; S . Webb , W . M . Chelmsford Lodge ; Bros . Webb , P . M ., and Harmer , Brightlingsea . Members of the Angel Lodge : Bros . W . ( i ... ¦
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entertain th 6 highest person ^ an easy dischltrge of the duties 6 f ah pfi ^ attended with considerable difficulty v ^ me , ladiPsy gentlemen ; ahd & ethreh > to thank you primarily fto your M ^ te y / gfe tii ?^^ - at : v - "tii ^; / Mn ^/ TO »^^ ei ? :. ) : TO /; -ty ] Btioli- ' -- ; -js oia--- ' . ii ^ r ^/ v'b'O-eii ' - ' -ple ^^^ : ^' " ;^^*!!^ : my he ^ th ; and ; m ^ an ^ rd /" -- / ( L ^ 'S : ' v V- ;''\^ 4 V
The W . M ; th ^ n said :- ^ with enthusiasm , it ^ whose auspie ^ mention that it was intimated at an early period ; that wesjbbuldhave sonie difficulty in getting thp nation , I tob ^ not only kind enoti ^ fe grant , but 1 can assure you his perniissio ^ # as e ^ hyeyed
in : at most courteous and flattering letter ; and under these cir ^ uniitahcesit think his / fo ^ lordship ' s name & e health of ^ nia ^ y mWues ^ charities , wln ^ axe so w say onp word mp * e / to M the he ^ th of his noble lao ^ vvhicli are * at all times sp generously thr ^
1 have much p ^ lbrdshrphaslately / become p ^^ flatfe pu ^ selv ^ s in b ( Hear , he ^ r . ^^ & ror ^ late ^ inta aiforded -liarsuch a treat in Masonry , that we felt it would be / " a long - time biefote we got Biich another . I give you ' Long life to Lord / . Valletorfo * "
^ e W ^ with which were present . '' / , / ; / : ' The last toast was that of " The Ladies ^ of Bro . WiUiaih Phillips , who most gallantly and eloquently discharged the responsible duty of returning thanks , and must have felt amply repaid by the approving looks which greeted him from the beautiful sisterhood around .
It only remains to be added , that after several hours' amusement on the green sward , and pleasant strolls through the gardens and the woods , the party embarked , and having threaded the winding river to the Weir Head , and the > varied beauties of f < wood and water , hill and dale , " returned to the point of departure , having spent a day of uninterrupted enjoyment .
ESSEX . Colchester . —Angel Lodge ( No . 59 ) . —The annual St . John ' s Festival of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , July 21 . The Lodge has recently elected Bro . Thomas Hall a second time as W . M . ; and the appointments of officers for the current year are as under : —Bros . Joseph Saunders , S . W . j Taylor Osborne , J . W . ; William Slaney , Treas . ; William Williams , Sec . ; John Coppin , S . B . ; Henry Miller , J . D . ; H . Wisbey , Org . ; W . Edes , I . G , ; P . Palmer , Steward ; Ditton , Tyler . The festival has been delayed in consequence of the Prov . Grand Lodge
having heen so recently held in this town ; and to that circumstance must be attributed a falling off in the number of visiting Brethren . The banquet was served in the Lodge-room , Cups Hotel , by the new host , Bro . Salter , whose bountiful catering and excellent wines gave universal satisfaction . The W . M . of course presided ; and the S . W . and J . W . occupied their respective positions in the " west ,, " south , " The visitors included Bros . Major Maydwell , W . M . United Lodge ; Capt . Marriott , ' Capt . Cassidy , and Quarter-master Anderson ; Bros . B . S . Nunn ; S . Webb , W . M . Chelmsford Lodge ; Bros . Webb , P . M ., and Harmer , Brightlingsea . Members of the Angel Lodge : Bros . W . ( i ... ¦