Article PEOYIHCIAL ← Page 12 of 25 →
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for several years , and perfbrriied the duties pertaining to the office / to the entire satisfaction of the B deceasedwasplrunk in solpmn silehc ^ arid responded to personally- in neat arid appropriate speeches . The pleasures of the evening were much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros * Greenhalgh and Fowler . ; . The Brethren separated highly gratified with the evening ' s
prooeedingsv / .. ; 7 ^ : v ^/;^ A Lodge oi * Emergen ^ ^ assembled at their ^ s ^ seven b ' clpclc h ^ Officers , after vyhich they p ^ Mr . Thomas H ^ urianiriiously in favour of f ^ ec ceeded to initiate thenV into- the mysteiies of the Orde ^
ceremony ^ in a inpst efficient manner , the Officers performing their duties in a manner reflecting er ^^ Cer ., gave . the charged invested hiru with the collar arid jewel pe ^ to the office . The bu siness being disposed o £ the Lodge was clos of a slight refreshni ^ and responded to / prgan inhis usual excellent style . T ^ the evenings ]^
Liy ^^ the Wellington ^ oh Mohday , July 6 th , for the intsdlatio ^ due form , and Brov C . J . Banister , was introWce Joshua Walriisley , Prov . G ; Treas ., aiidBr 6 ; H ^ E by Bro . James Hanier , Prov . G . P . > in the presence of seventeen P . Ms ., the members of the Lodge , and a number of visitors .
. The ceremony w ^ feeling mariner ; after which the WJM . appointed the following officers :- ^ Bros . Charles Aldrich , S . W . ; William Calton ^ J . W . ; Bobert Brooks , S . 1 ) . ; William Miller , J . D . ; J . Wood , Organist ; Fouls , J . G . ; Wood , Sec ^ ^ Dobell , Stewards ; Bobinson , Tyler : they being duly installed in their several offices , the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet , prepared by Bro . Woods , host of the Wellington Hotel .
The chair was taken by the W . M ., supported on his right by / Bros . J . Walmsly , Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Wylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; H . Edwards , Prov . G . D . ; James Hamer , Prov , G . P . ; P . Maddox and Dodd , Prov . G . S . ; Molenex , Prov . G . O . ; H . Molenex , P . M . No . 294 ; Wade , W . M . No . 701 ; Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; Dodds , P . M . No . 101 ; Hugh Woodward , P . M . No . 310 ; and on his left by Bros . Heald , immediate P . M . No . 267 ; Cross , P . M . No . 267 ; Dr . Bigg , No . 267 ; Taylor , P . M . No .. 267 ; Pinkiss , P . M . No . 267 ; the Brethren of No . 267 , and the visitors from the neighbouring towns .
" Non nobis Pomine" being sung , and the cloth having been removed , the W . M . gave us the first toast : " The Queen , God bless her . " Although not a mother of a Mason , he hoped that she would live to see one of her sons Grand Master of England . The toast was drunk amidst loud applause . The W . M . next proposed " The Prince Consort , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family . " . The W . M . then gave in rotation : " The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . " " Lord Panmure , R . W . G . M . " "Le GendreN . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers . " " The . West Lancashire Masonic Institution
for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . " " The P . G . Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire . " All having been duly honoured , Bro . Heald , P . M ., in a very flattering manner , proposed the health of the W . M ., which was drunk with acclamation . The W . M ., on rising to respond , was loudly cheered . He said it would require a tongue possessed of greater eloquence than his to give full utterance to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
for several years , and perfbrriied the duties pertaining to the office / to the entire satisfaction of the B deceasedwasplrunk in solpmn silehc ^ arid responded to personally- in neat arid appropriate speeches . The pleasures of the evening were much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros * Greenhalgh and Fowler . ; . The Brethren separated highly gratified with the evening ' s
prooeedingsv / .. ; 7 ^ : v ^/;^ A Lodge oi * Emergen ^ ^ assembled at their ^ s ^ seven b ' clpclc h ^ Officers , after vyhich they p ^ Mr . Thomas H ^ urianiriiously in favour of f ^ ec ceeded to initiate thenV into- the mysteiies of the Orde ^
ceremony ^ in a inpst efficient manner , the Officers performing their duties in a manner reflecting er ^^ Cer ., gave . the charged invested hiru with the collar arid jewel pe ^ to the office . The bu siness being disposed o £ the Lodge was clos of a slight refreshni ^ and responded to / prgan inhis usual excellent style . T ^ the evenings ]^
Liy ^^ the Wellington ^ oh Mohday , July 6 th , for the intsdlatio ^ due form , and Brov C . J . Banister , was introWce Joshua Walriisley , Prov . G ; Treas ., aiidBr 6 ; H ^ E by Bro . James Hanier , Prov . G . P . > in the presence of seventeen P . Ms ., the members of the Lodge , and a number of visitors .
. The ceremony w ^ feeling mariner ; after which the WJM . appointed the following officers :- ^ Bros . Charles Aldrich , S . W . ; William Calton ^ J . W . ; Bobert Brooks , S . 1 ) . ; William Miller , J . D . ; J . Wood , Organist ; Fouls , J . G . ; Wood , Sec ^ ^ Dobell , Stewards ; Bobinson , Tyler : they being duly installed in their several offices , the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet , prepared by Bro . Woods , host of the Wellington Hotel .
The chair was taken by the W . M ., supported on his right by / Bros . J . Walmsly , Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Wylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; H . Edwards , Prov . G . D . ; James Hamer , Prov , G . P . ; P . Maddox and Dodd , Prov . G . S . ; Molenex , Prov . G . O . ; H . Molenex , P . M . No . 294 ; Wade , W . M . No . 701 ; Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; Dodds , P . M . No . 101 ; Hugh Woodward , P . M . No . 310 ; and on his left by Bros . Heald , immediate P . M . No . 267 ; Cross , P . M . No . 267 ; Dr . Bigg , No . 267 ; Taylor , P . M . No .. 267 ; Pinkiss , P . M . No . 267 ; the Brethren of No . 267 , and the visitors from the neighbouring towns .
" Non nobis Pomine" being sung , and the cloth having been removed , the W . M . gave us the first toast : " The Queen , God bless her . " Although not a mother of a Mason , he hoped that she would live to see one of her sons Grand Master of England . The toast was drunk amidst loud applause . The W . M . next proposed " The Prince Consort , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family . " . The W . M . then gave in rotation : " The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . " " Lord Panmure , R . W . G . M . " "Le GendreN . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . Grand Officers . " " The . West Lancashire Masonic Institution
for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . " " The P . G . Masters of East Lancashire and Cheshire . " All having been duly honoured , Bro . Heald , P . M ., in a very flattering manner , proposed the health of the W . M ., which was drunk with acclamation . The W . M ., on rising to respond , was loudly cheered . He said it would require a tongue possessed of greater eloquence than his to give full utterance to the