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and never was there a meeting at ^ p ^ eticaLMto Mo W nday , June 29 th , at the ancient rectory House of "Wakefield ( which they have recently purchased and fitfe Bro ; John Gill , P . M ., with a testimonial of their high estimation of his unwearied ^ valuable , and zealous services to t ^
for many yearsi past . After the Brethren had p ^ Brov Williani Harrison Brown ( Splicitbr )/ W ably recounted the niahy benefits enjoyed by ^ gratuitous exertions br ^ of resjpeot and esteem entertained by the Lodge towards theirworthy Brother , and cohcludedbjr present ^ P . 1 VL 's Jewel , subscribed 'for . by the Brethren . Bro . Gill , in a . feeling # nd eloquent reply , i ^ ahked the W . M . and
his poor services . He had done but his duty as ^ a ^ very inefficiency ; It attbided hiih great pleasure to see ; the Lodge ~ his hibther Lodge—advancing ; rapidly in nuxhber , position ) and prosperity . He congratulated the Brefc ^ assuring them that he should be Ibund at all times ready and anxious to prpmote its best interestsi to the utnaost of his ability ^ evening and separated at ah early hour , highly gratified withtlie proceedings , which were of : the most unahimo
Royal Arch.
Bnoch Cham which was postponed from the regular day of meeting , in consequence of the Triennial Pestival of the Benevolent Institution , was held at Freemasons Tavern , on Tuesday , 21 st uit „ Gomp . W , Young , M . E . Z . presiding , with Comps . R . S , Williams as H . and Richd . Temple as J . Bro ; Capt . Ruff Was exalted to the Supreme Degree , the ceremony being worked in an able , careful , and impressive manner . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions adjourned to a most recherche banquet , which as to quantity , quality , and style , evidenced the determination of the proprietors of the tavern to maintain the name and fame they have acquired . The visitors were Comps . Geo . Biggs , P . Z . No . 812 B . Head , P . Z . No . 5 ; E . H . Patten , P . Z . No . 218 ; Thos . Bisgood , No . 8 ; P . Binckes , late No . 49 . We cannot close this short notice without renewing the approbation we have before expressed as to the excellence of tlie appointments , the correctness of the work , and the zeal and ability displayed by every officer , in this really model Chapter . Nor can we omit a grateful record of the courtesy and attention shown to the visitors , not only by theD . Cs . but by the Companions generally .
Amuston Spa , Shropshire . —Eyton Chapter ( No . 875 ) , —A meeting of this promising Chapter took place on Monday , July 6 . The minutes of the last Chapter having been read arid confirmed , the M . E . said the next business was to ballot for Bro . Britton . He was unanimously elected , and , being in attendance , was introduced in due form , and exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason / decorated , and invested with all solemnity . Comp . Anslow proposed a Brother as a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting . No other proposition
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and never was there a meeting at ^ p ^ eticaLMto Mo W nday , June 29 th , at the ancient rectory House of "Wakefield ( which they have recently purchased and fitfe Bro ; John Gill , P . M ., with a testimonial of their high estimation of his unwearied ^ valuable , and zealous services to t ^
for many yearsi past . After the Brethren had p ^ Brov Williani Harrison Brown ( Splicitbr )/ W ably recounted the niahy benefits enjoyed by ^ gratuitous exertions br ^ of resjpeot and esteem entertained by the Lodge towards theirworthy Brother , and cohcludedbjr present ^ P . 1 VL 's Jewel , subscribed 'for . by the Brethren . Bro . Gill , in a . feeling # nd eloquent reply , i ^ ahked the W . M . and
his poor services . He had done but his duty as ^ a ^ very inefficiency ; It attbided hiih great pleasure to see ; the Lodge ~ his hibther Lodge—advancing ; rapidly in nuxhber , position ) and prosperity . He congratulated the Brefc ^ assuring them that he should be Ibund at all times ready and anxious to prpmote its best interestsi to the utnaost of his ability ^ evening and separated at ah early hour , highly gratified withtlie proceedings , which were of : the most unahimo
Royal Arch.
Bnoch Cham which was postponed from the regular day of meeting , in consequence of the Triennial Pestival of the Benevolent Institution , was held at Freemasons Tavern , on Tuesday , 21 st uit „ Gomp . W , Young , M . E . Z . presiding , with Comps . R . S , Williams as H . and Richd . Temple as J . Bro ; Capt . Ruff Was exalted to the Supreme Degree , the ceremony being worked in an able , careful , and impressive manner . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions adjourned to a most recherche banquet , which as to quantity , quality , and style , evidenced the determination of the proprietors of the tavern to maintain the name and fame they have acquired . The visitors were Comps . Geo . Biggs , P . Z . No . 812 B . Head , P . Z . No . 5 ; E . H . Patten , P . Z . No . 218 ; Thos . Bisgood , No . 8 ; P . Binckes , late No . 49 . We cannot close this short notice without renewing the approbation we have before expressed as to the excellence of tlie appointments , the correctness of the work , and the zeal and ability displayed by every officer , in this really model Chapter . Nor can we omit a grateful record of the courtesy and attention shown to the visitors , not only by theD . Cs . but by the Companions generally .
Amuston Spa , Shropshire . —Eyton Chapter ( No . 875 ) , —A meeting of this promising Chapter took place on Monday , July 6 . The minutes of the last Chapter having been read arid confirmed , the M . E . said the next business was to ballot for Bro . Britton . He was unanimously elected , and , being in attendance , was introduced in due form , and exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason / decorated , and invested with all solemnity . Comp . Anslow proposed a Brother as a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting . No other proposition