Article METROi? 0 LIT AN, ← Page 8 of 9 →
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Metroi? 0 Lit An,
• •'¦ - '• . ' , - . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '"' . ¦ . '¦'• ' ' ¦¦ .. ¦'' - . '¦¦ ¦¦ -. ¦ ' - . v . ' - ''' : / - ¦ . ''• ¦ ;''¦'¦ ' . •'''¦ ¦ ¦ : -. : .: ¦'¦ . ' ¦¦ ¦¦" ' ' . " ' ' ¦¦' ¦' . •• ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦¦ . '• ' ' ¦ * -T whom he had been fe capacity . He was well known to be easy of access , and courteous in manner , to all yvhto had business to transact iM ; thX G * and ^ Bro ^ ^ Ui ^ to do as with Bro : & rnfeeld , but : % j ;^ oni ^^ e ; ' : iia ^¦ been introduced , oh two or three occasions , and ^ g received very ^ bih in
wo ^ dj jhim hailing Sii ^ tennis oipraisev ^ T ^ had ; he belte > ved , selected him & working Mason ^ the highest honours ^ fe Clarke , and Stephen Barton Wilso ^ as the Senior Grand
Officer , first responded to the toast , ! and said that he could , with great pleasure , bear testimony to the truth of the terms in ^ which the W . M . had sp plien of the Assistant Secretary ! Bro . Parnfield , and believed he well deserved the praise that had been he ^ tpwed ^ knpw as Bro . [ Parnfieldy but he should always feel a pleasure in affording assistance ^ to the Brethren whenever they might have occasion to apply to hini for information ; With regard to B
Considered A 1 as a working Mason , an ^ had t > een apippinted , and he would leave him to speak for himself , Bro . Wilson said , that as the G-S with great pleasure , Ibutwou ^ tinie they had to remain previousl y to ¦ the train rethrning tp town . lie was much ohliged to Brp . Clarke for his flattering remarks , and highly gratified to find th at his ladvancenlent to the dais had given general satisfaction ; for so he was induced
tPimaginey from the kindly ex poihtment , been greeted ; and , as he had been thereby led to hope that his MJasonic conduct had given general satisfaction , he would endeavour to maintain their good opinion by an increased attentiw duties . The ^ W
toast the name of Bro . Hinxman , P . G . Stew ., who responded in a neat and suitable manner . Several other toasts were then given , and a concluding glass " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " finished the proceedings ^ We cannot close our notice without stating that the furniture and paraphernalia of the Lodge are all new , and the arrangements most ¦' . . ' complete , "; reflecting the highest credit on the Master and Brethren of the Lodge ,
Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 ) . —This new Lodge held its first meeting on Thursday , July 16 , at the Mitre Tavern , Hampton Court , Middlesex . The Lodge , being duly formed , was opened bp Bro . William W . Beach , M . P .,. P ' . Prov . G . W . for Oxfordshire , with solemn prayer , and who , on taking the chair , proceeded in a most admirable and efficient manner to consecrate the Lodge according to ancient usage , assisted by Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , J . G . D ., as D . G . M . ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . for the Isle of Wight , as S . W . ; George Barrett , P . M .
No . 188 , as J . W . ; the Eev . G . B . Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W . fox Oxfordshire , as Chaplain ; Bichard Spencer , P . M . No . 329 , as Secretary . The ceremony of consecration having been completed , the new Master , Bro . G . R , Portal , P . M ., Was then presented by Bro . S . B , Wilson , and regularly inducted into the chair by Bro . Beach . After receiving due homage and returning his acknowledgments , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , viz ., Bros . Viscount Valletort , S . W . ; Yiscount Homesdale , J . W . ; Eev . W . H . Lyall ,
Chap . ; W . W , Beach , Treas . ; M . Close , ilf . P ., Sec . ; H . C . Pinch , S . D . ; R . H . Smith , J . p . ; Lord North , LG . ; W , Bice , Tyler . After which several candidates for joining were proposed , balloted for , and approved . Amongst the Brethren in attendance were the Bight Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , W . M . of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , and the Eev . Bro . Woodward , Lodge No . 8 . tol irr . 4 o
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metroi? 0 Lit An,
• •'¦ - '• . ' , - . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '"' . ¦ . '¦'• ' ' ¦¦ .. ¦'' - . '¦¦ ¦¦ -. ¦ ' - . v . ' - ''' : / - ¦ . ''• ¦ ;''¦'¦ ' . •'''¦ ¦ ¦ : -. : .: ¦'¦ . ' ¦¦ ¦¦" ' ' . " ' ' ¦¦' ¦' . •• ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦¦ . '• ' ' ¦ * -T whom he had been fe capacity . He was well known to be easy of access , and courteous in manner , to all yvhto had business to transact iM ; thX G * and ^ Bro ^ ^ Ui ^ to do as with Bro : & rnfeeld , but : % j ;^ oni ^^ e ; ' : iia ^¦ been introduced , oh two or three occasions , and ^ g received very ^ bih in
wo ^ dj jhim hailing Sii ^ tennis oipraisev ^ T ^ had ; he belte > ved , selected him & working Mason ^ the highest honours ^ fe Clarke , and Stephen Barton Wilso ^ as the Senior Grand
Officer , first responded to the toast , ! and said that he could , with great pleasure , bear testimony to the truth of the terms in ^ which the W . M . had sp plien of the Assistant Secretary ! Bro . Parnfield , and believed he well deserved the praise that had been he ^ tpwed ^ knpw as Bro . [ Parnfieldy but he should always feel a pleasure in affording assistance ^ to the Brethren whenever they might have occasion to apply to hini for information ; With regard to B
Considered A 1 as a working Mason , an ^ had t > een apippinted , and he would leave him to speak for himself , Bro . Wilson said , that as the G-S with great pleasure , Ibutwou ^ tinie they had to remain previousl y to ¦ the train rethrning tp town . lie was much ohliged to Brp . Clarke for his flattering remarks , and highly gratified to find th at his ladvancenlent to the dais had given general satisfaction ; for so he was induced
tPimaginey from the kindly ex poihtment , been greeted ; and , as he had been thereby led to hope that his MJasonic conduct had given general satisfaction , he would endeavour to maintain their good opinion by an increased attentiw duties . The ^ W
toast the name of Bro . Hinxman , P . G . Stew ., who responded in a neat and suitable manner . Several other toasts were then given , and a concluding glass " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " finished the proceedings ^ We cannot close our notice without stating that the furniture and paraphernalia of the Lodge are all new , and the arrangements most ¦' . . ' complete , "; reflecting the highest credit on the Master and Brethren of the Lodge ,
Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 1 , 010 ) . —This new Lodge held its first meeting on Thursday , July 16 , at the Mitre Tavern , Hampton Court , Middlesex . The Lodge , being duly formed , was opened bp Bro . William W . Beach , M . P .,. P ' . Prov . G . W . for Oxfordshire , with solemn prayer , and who , on taking the chair , proceeded in a most admirable and efficient manner to consecrate the Lodge according to ancient usage , assisted by Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , J . G . D ., as D . G . M . ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . for the Isle of Wight , as S . W . ; George Barrett , P . M .
No . 188 , as J . W . ; the Eev . G . B . Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W . fox Oxfordshire , as Chaplain ; Bichard Spencer , P . M . No . 329 , as Secretary . The ceremony of consecration having been completed , the new Master , Bro . G . R , Portal , P . M ., Was then presented by Bro . S . B , Wilson , and regularly inducted into the chair by Bro . Beach . After receiving due homage and returning his acknowledgments , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , viz ., Bros . Viscount Valletort , S . W . ; Yiscount Homesdale , J . W . ; Eev . W . H . Lyall ,
Chap . ; W . W , Beach , Treas . ; M . Close , ilf . P ., Sec . ; H . C . Pinch , S . D . ; R . H . Smith , J . p . ; Lord North , LG . ; W , Bice , Tyler . After which several candidates for joining were proposed , balloted for , and approved . Amongst the Brethren in attendance were the Bight Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , W . M . of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , and the Eev . Bro . Woodward , Lodge No . 8 . tol irr . 4 o