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all thy faults , I love thee s ^ must love Canada better . To Pur D deep debt ^
large body pjp Maspns > which until now preserved their a ^ Lodge of England ; and it is the ^ sincere hope of m ^ in health to JbMdliigher offices in the Masonic goyprnment of Canada ; ¦ No instruction ^ paying b liitions of October ; 1855 , and October , 1856 Y forbio ^ menibers of ^ e indej ^ severally rescinded . ,. .- ;/ . . r ' :: '
The ind ^ when they ; w ^^
: :: -WW : ^ The MlbWih g ^ of the ^ in ; bpeULp <^ ' •¦^'¦ tW ^ W ^ ^^ 1 ^ deprived Pf the happiness of your society , by your pro ^ sipn ^ dt ^^ s cabling you
elsewhere ^ we canno t m ^ that it will be bur endeavours Lodge , to which it has beenraised by your zealous and active (^ -p ^ erationduring the fifteen n ^^ from your present scene of action , v ^ e have to congratulate ourselves that it is sufficiently near for us ^ to entertain the ^ fe
erelphg fi m ahothery which will make y those who have now an opportunity of acknowledging your services . We very much regret the cause of your absence this clay week * when we met for the purpose of personally acknowledging our obligations but we rejoice to learn that your beloved partner is now convalescent , and in bidding you farewell , we pray the
G . A . PiT . D . may extend his blessing and protection both to yourself and fan ^ to whatever part of the globe your destinies may call you . ¦ . "; We remain , & c . To Bro . N . G . Philips , [ Here follow about 70 signatures . ] S . W . of the Zetland Lodge , No . 756 . .
The King -oi the Sandwich Islands a Eeeemason . —According to a letter from Honolulu , of February 8 , Eamehameha IV ., King pf the Sandwich Islands , was raised to the grade of Master in the Masonic Lodge instituted there in 1842 . This participation , in an institution of a European character , was considered a fresh pledge of kindly sentiments on the part of the King towards such strangers and navigators as niight visit those distant islands .
NEW YOKK , The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York was opened in ample form on Tuesday evening , June 2 nd , some 340 Lodges being represented , being by far the largest delegation ever known . The Gv Secretary ' s report showed a receipt of H , 753 4 : 2 dr » . during the year ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
all thy faults , I love thee s ^ must love Canada better . To Pur D deep debt ^
large body pjp Maspns > which until now preserved their a ^ Lodge of England ; and it is the ^ sincere hope of m ^ in health to JbMdliigher offices in the Masonic goyprnment of Canada ; ¦ No instruction ^ paying b liitions of October ; 1855 , and October , 1856 Y forbio ^ menibers of ^ e indej ^ severally rescinded . ,. .- ;/ . . r ' :: '
The ind ^ when they ; w ^^
: :: -WW : ^ The MlbWih g ^ of the ^ in ; bpeULp <^ ' •¦^'¦ tW ^ W ^ ^^ 1 ^ deprived Pf the happiness of your society , by your pro ^ sipn ^ dt ^^ s cabling you
elsewhere ^ we canno t m ^ that it will be bur endeavours Lodge , to which it has beenraised by your zealous and active (^ -p ^ erationduring the fifteen n ^^ from your present scene of action , v ^ e have to congratulate ourselves that it is sufficiently near for us ^ to entertain the ^ fe
erelphg fi m ahothery which will make y those who have now an opportunity of acknowledging your services . We very much regret the cause of your absence this clay week * when we met for the purpose of personally acknowledging our obligations but we rejoice to learn that your beloved partner is now convalescent , and in bidding you farewell , we pray the
G . A . PiT . D . may extend his blessing and protection both to yourself and fan ^ to whatever part of the globe your destinies may call you . ¦ . "; We remain , & c . To Bro . N . G . Philips , [ Here follow about 70 signatures . ] S . W . of the Zetland Lodge , No . 756 . .
The King -oi the Sandwich Islands a Eeeemason . —According to a letter from Honolulu , of February 8 , Eamehameha IV ., King pf the Sandwich Islands , was raised to the grade of Master in the Masonic Lodge instituted there in 1842 . This participation , in an institution of a European character , was considered a fresh pledge of kindly sentiments on the part of the King towards such strangers and navigators as niight visit those distant islands .
NEW YOKK , The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York was opened in ample form on Tuesday evening , June 2 nd , some 340 Lodges being represented , being by far the largest delegation ever known . The Gv Secretary ' s report showed a receipt of H , 753 4 : 2 dr » . during the year ,