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MAJOII-GIJ ^ BAL BBO , Tip mm . GEOBGE A . KSOJST , M ^ was t tie second son . of T ^ ^ s ^ unt Anson >; and teplherr of Thomas WSia ^ the seqo ^ $ & e Ifc ^ ^ ha ^ fe ^ J £ 6 l . Be was appointed 1 ^ injffrp } ^
of peeitW The general was . ao # ran ^^ | tnd ; ikrj ^ ehted Goinn ^ the 2 | th Jia ^ ^ ^ n ^^^^^ -irai . i ^ e ^ ^ the fer tliree di ^ reht & 8 |& tol & 5 ^ ship nearly a quarter of j & ilp is ^ U feeing succeeded b ^ ^ e pr ^^
Pie ^ Bro . James Jutland , aged 4 £ years , esteemed % allwho k » ew hiinc as a Kind and aniiahle man > e ^ ye r ready to da his utmost in fether ^ btf his fellow ^ With whom he was lia more immediate association . Btis rejmaiha were * accompanied , on the 17 th July , to Jesmond Cemetery , by a considerable number of ihfluejipitial
members- of the local Masonic Lodges , the pall being borhe . by Bros . Bichard Medcal $ D , P ^ ftPrbv . GJ 3 . W . ; Wm ^ and Bichard Davies . In the cortege we observed Bros . J „ B . Hodge , P . M . No . 24 ; W . Johnston , P . M . No . 24 ; G . Weather head , P . M . No . 24 ; J . C . Gibson , P . M . No , 706 ; J . M . Winn , P . M . No * 957 ; Kimpater ^ Spence , & c , & c .
BBO . JOHN LECHE BOWLAND . On the 12 th of July last , at Shrewsbury , aged 43 , died the above worthy and talented Freemason , by which melancholy event the Province of Korth Wales and Shropshire has been deprived of its brightest and most useful ornament . Bro . John Leche Bowland was initiated into Freemasonry in the Salopian Lodge of Charity , No , 135 , and has always devoted himself to the good of the Craft and the Lod
ges of which he was a member , with an earnestness and assiduity rarely met with in the annals of the Order . Born of good family , he was educated at Wadham College , Oxford ; naturally possessed of a fine intellect / the powers of which he principally devoted to Masonry , combined with a , kind heart and gentlemanly beaiing , he was endeared to a large circle of Brethren , by whom he was highly esteemed and truly loved ; and by his death a void is created in their hearts , never to be again filled . lie proved by his actions in ordinary life that he was in heart'a true and ' upright Freemason . Our departed Brother was P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
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MAJOII-GIJ ^ BAL BBO , Tip mm . GEOBGE A . KSOJST , M ^ was t tie second son . of T ^ ^ s ^ unt Anson >; and teplherr of Thomas WSia ^ the seqo ^ $ & e Ifc ^ ^ ha ^ fe ^ J £ 6 l . Be was appointed 1 ^ injffrp } ^
of peeitW The general was . ao # ran ^^ | tnd ; ikrj ^ ehted Goinn ^ the 2 | th Jia ^ ^ ^ n ^^^^^ -irai . i ^ e ^ ^ the fer tliree di ^ reht & 8 |& tol & 5 ^ ship nearly a quarter of j & ilp is ^ U feeing succeeded b ^ ^ e pr ^^
Pie ^ Bro . James Jutland , aged 4 £ years , esteemed % allwho k » ew hiinc as a Kind and aniiahle man > e ^ ye r ready to da his utmost in fether ^ btf his fellow ^ With whom he was lia more immediate association . Btis rejmaiha were * accompanied , on the 17 th July , to Jesmond Cemetery , by a considerable number of ihfluejipitial
members- of the local Masonic Lodges , the pall being borhe . by Bros . Bichard Medcal $ D , P ^ ftPrbv . GJ 3 . W . ; Wm ^ and Bichard Davies . In the cortege we observed Bros . J „ B . Hodge , P . M . No . 24 ; W . Johnston , P . M . No . 24 ; G . Weather head , P . M . No . 24 ; J . C . Gibson , P . M . No , 706 ; J . M . Winn , P . M . No * 957 ; Kimpater ^ Spence , & c , & c .
BBO . JOHN LECHE BOWLAND . On the 12 th of July last , at Shrewsbury , aged 43 , died the above worthy and talented Freemason , by which melancholy event the Province of Korth Wales and Shropshire has been deprived of its brightest and most useful ornament . Bro . John Leche Bowland was initiated into Freemasonry in the Salopian Lodge of Charity , No , 135 , and has always devoted himself to the good of the Craft and the Lod
ges of which he was a member , with an earnestness and assiduity rarely met with in the annals of the Order . Born of good family , he was educated at Wadham College , Oxford ; naturally possessed of a fine intellect / the powers of which he principally devoted to Masonry , combined with a , kind heart and gentlemanly beaiing , he was endeared to a large circle of Brethren , by whom he was highly esteemed and truly loved ; and by his death a void is created in their hearts , never to be again filled . lie proved by his actions in ordinary life that he was in heart'a true and ' upright Freemason . Our departed Brother was P . M .