Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
* All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , nt " So 19 , Salisburv-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Provincial Grand Muster of Cumberland and AA'estmoreland lias announced tbat the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the bcginnnig of October . PitovurciAi- GEAND LODGE 01 ? SOMERSET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ivill be on the ISth of July
at Crewl-crne . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be held at Ripon , on the 12 th of July next . A Grand 5 . estv . a \ will be belli on the same day , at Fountain ' s Abbey , and the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon , K . G ., M . AV . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . WestYorkshire , has given the Craft tbe privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins
of Fountain ' s Abbey and the adjacent grounds of Studley on that day . A banquet will be belt ! in the spacious cloisters , in ivhich ladies will be admitted . The proceeds of the Festival will be cvoted to the fund of the De Grey Scholarships . On Thursday , the 29 th ult ., a few members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 , wishing to testify their respect to the Manager , of the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , where the ! Lodge meets ,
Bro . AV . iG ., Jennings , Bio . H . M . Levy , ? . ! . ! ., of the Lodge waited on liiui and presented him with a very elegant and solid gold seal locket , and . gold pencil case , botli having suitable inscriptions inscribed to testify their approbation of his conduct during the time the Lodge had been held at the above Tavern , and also for his uniform kindness in looking after the interests of the brethren .
"On" Wednesday , July 12 tli , "A Musical and Descriptive Entertainment " will be given by Brother Seymour Smith , at the Sussex- Hall , Leadenhall Street . Tie proceeds will be devoted to the aid of a distressed Brother . ' Tickets may be obtained of any of the Stewards , viz : Bros . S . P . Acton , P . M . 712 ; Arnold , P . M . 65 ; Boivron , P . M . 933 ; W . Bristo , P . M . SCO ; Edward
Coste , P . M . 9 ; J . M . Cumming , 742 ; B ; Cuiuliek , 7-1-2 ; Forbes , AV . M . Go ; Thomas Foxall , AV . M . 13-19 ; AVm . George , 7-12 ; Charles Gosden , 145 ; Jaquin , 382 ; John AV . Jones . 17-1 ; Wm . Land , 7-12 ; Henry Marshall , 742 ; Mate , 382 ; Ed . M . Morley , J . I ) ., 712 ; AV . Nicholson , P . M . 172 ; E . J . Oliver ; P . M . 742 ; George Palmer , P . M . 74-2 ; Robert Scott , 193 ; Hy . T . Thompson , P . M . 742 ; Geo . Weeks , AV . M . 7-12 ; S . Wickens , P . M . 228 .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . CATCSTABVON LODCIE ( No . 70 S ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 14 th ult ., at the Mitre Hotel , Jlamptou Court . The AV . M ., the Rev . AV . Taylor Jones , M . A ., occupied the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bro ? . F . C . de Crespigny , S . AV . ; and 0 . H . Pearson , J . AV . After the Lodge had been opened , and the minutes of tlie previous meeting read and confirmed , the names of four brethren belonging to the Apollo
university Lodge of Oxford , and tbe AVestminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , were proposed as joining members , and unanimously accepted , and one of them was passed to the second degree , after whicli the brethren proceeded to ballot for the admission of two candidates for initiation , and the result being favourable , they were severally introduced , and the ceremony of initiation performed by tlie AV . M . This being the annua ^ period for the election of AV . Master , Bro . the Eev . F . C . de Ores
pigny , S . W ., was unanimously chosen as AV . M . elect . Bro . FDavison , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and the Tyler ivas also re-elected . Tlie following notice of motion of Bro . Davison , Treasurer , was submitted to the meeting and cordially adopted : — "That in consideration of the distinguished position the Kiglit Worshipful Brother the Earl of Carnarvon holds in the Craft as Deputy Grand Master of England , as well as from the Lodge bearing Ins lordship's name , he be elected an honorary member . " Several other motions were discussed and adopted , and tbe Lodge was closed . A banquet followed the proceediu gs .
ROSE OE DENMARK LODGE ( NO . 975 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge held their regular meeting at the White Hart , Tavern , Barnes , on Friday , the lGth inst . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Charles A . Smith , supported by Bros . AV . H . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; E . AV . Little , P . M ., Sec ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; T . Parrel 1 , W . S . ; H . Potter , J . H . Tyler , J . Brooks , J . Ayles , S . Harris , AV . Palmer , C . Angel , T . T . AVilcox , E . Phillips , N . N . Hewitt , and AV . Hamlyn . The
Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tbe previous meeting were , read and confirmed . Bros . Palmer and Keily were passed . Bro . . S . Harris was raised . Messrs . C . Doerr and J . Adams were initiated . Bro . Henry Potter , late Treasurer , was unanimously elected an lionorarv member . The visitors were Bros . T . H . Edmands , P . G . Steward , W . M . S ; G . King , jun ., P . M . 1260 ; J . AViight , S . D . llSS , ; F . Kelly , ] 293 ; J . W . Burton , 1260 ; C . Thomas , 1260 -, and Elton Glover , 509
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1216 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Head-quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles on AVednesday , the 14 th ult . Two members of the lodge having died since the last meeting , tlie brethren present appeared iu full Masonic mourning ; the lodge-room itself was also appropriately draped , Tbe W . M ., Bro . S . B .. AVagstaff , occupied the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . Lurlham , as S . W . ; Bridges , J . W . ; Messenger , S . D . ; Hastie , J . D . ; and Carnell , as
I . G . There were also present , Bros . James Stevens , I . P . M . ; Thomas Meggy , P . M . ; Dr . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curti ? , Sec . ; Alfred Williams , Ross , Edmonston , Kethro , Johnson , and others . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Peall was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Bro . Edmonston was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Referring to the recent death of two brethren , the AV . M . said : — " BrethrenLet us turn from this ceremony of a figurative death
, to a contemplation of the stem reality . AVo have to mourn the loss of two of our members since our last meeting—Bros . Alfred Scruby , and John Edward Newton . Bro . Scruby was not so much among us , but bo was well-known in the corps and highly esteemed ; his death his deeply felt by the regiment as well as by
this lodge . Bro . Newton was at our last lodge meeting , only a month ago , in full health and spirits . and ivas invested with a collar of office . . His death is a striking instance of the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuits . The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living . From them ive are to derive instruction , and consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which
we daily meet ; notwithstanding Death has established his empire over all thc works of nature ; yet , through sonic unaccountable infatuation , we forget that we are born to die . AVe go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the employment of many years , til ) ive are suddenly alarmed hy the approach of deatli when we last expect it , and at au hour which we probably were led to think might be the most pleasant of our lives . What are the eternals of majestythe
, pride of wealth , or charms of beauty , when nature has paid lier last debt ? Fix your eyes on tbe last scene , and view life stripped of its ornaments and exposed in its natural meanness ; you will then be convinced of the futility of these empty delusions . In the grave all fallacies are detected , all ranks are levelled , aud all distinctions are done away with . "While we drop the 6 vm-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
* All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , nt " So 19 , Salisburv-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Provincial Grand Muster of Cumberland and AA'estmoreland lias announced tbat the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the bcginnnig of October . PitovurciAi- GEAND LODGE 01 ? SOMERSET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ivill be on the ISth of July
at Crewl-crne . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be held at Ripon , on the 12 th of July next . A Grand 5 . estv . a \ will be belli on the same day , at Fountain ' s Abbey , and the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon , K . G ., M . AV . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . WestYorkshire , has given the Craft tbe privilege of visiting the magnificent ruins
of Fountain ' s Abbey and the adjacent grounds of Studley on that day . A banquet will be belt ! in the spacious cloisters , in ivhich ladies will be admitted . The proceeds of the Festival will be cvoted to the fund of the De Grey Scholarships . On Thursday , the 29 th ult ., a few members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 , wishing to testify their respect to the Manager , of the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , where the ! Lodge meets ,
Bro . AV . iG ., Jennings , Bio . H . M . Levy , ? . ! . ! ., of the Lodge waited on liiui and presented him with a very elegant and solid gold seal locket , and . gold pencil case , botli having suitable inscriptions inscribed to testify their approbation of his conduct during the time the Lodge had been held at the above Tavern , and also for his uniform kindness in looking after the interests of the brethren .
"On" Wednesday , July 12 tli , "A Musical and Descriptive Entertainment " will be given by Brother Seymour Smith , at the Sussex- Hall , Leadenhall Street . Tie proceeds will be devoted to the aid of a distressed Brother . ' Tickets may be obtained of any of the Stewards , viz : Bros . S . P . Acton , P . M . 712 ; Arnold , P . M . 65 ; Boivron , P . M . 933 ; W . Bristo , P . M . SCO ; Edward
Coste , P . M . 9 ; J . M . Cumming , 742 ; B ; Cuiuliek , 7-1-2 ; Forbes , AV . M . Go ; Thomas Foxall , AV . M . 13-19 ; AVm . George , 7-12 ; Charles Gosden , 145 ; Jaquin , 382 ; John AV . Jones . 17-1 ; Wm . Land , 7-12 ; Henry Marshall , 742 ; Mate , 382 ; Ed . M . Morley , J . I ) ., 712 ; AV . Nicholson , P . M . 172 ; E . J . Oliver ; P . M . 742 ; George Palmer , P . M . 74-2 ; Robert Scott , 193 ; Hy . T . Thompson , P . M . 742 ; Geo . Weeks , AV . M . 7-12 ; S . Wickens , P . M . 228 .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . CATCSTABVON LODCIE ( No . 70 S ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 14 th ult ., at the Mitre Hotel , Jlamptou Court . The AV . M ., the Rev . AV . Taylor Jones , M . A ., occupied the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bro ? . F . C . de Crespigny , S . AV . ; and 0 . H . Pearson , J . AV . After the Lodge had been opened , and the minutes of tlie previous meeting read and confirmed , the names of four brethren belonging to the Apollo
university Lodge of Oxford , and tbe AVestminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , were proposed as joining members , and unanimously accepted , and one of them was passed to the second degree , after whicli the brethren proceeded to ballot for the admission of two candidates for initiation , and the result being favourable , they were severally introduced , and the ceremony of initiation performed by tlie AV . M . This being the annua ^ period for the election of AV . Master , Bro . the Eev . F . C . de Ores
pigny , S . W ., was unanimously chosen as AV . M . elect . Bro . FDavison , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and the Tyler ivas also re-elected . Tlie following notice of motion of Bro . Davison , Treasurer , was submitted to the meeting and cordially adopted : — "That in consideration of the distinguished position the Kiglit Worshipful Brother the Earl of Carnarvon holds in the Craft as Deputy Grand Master of England , as well as from the Lodge bearing Ins lordship's name , he be elected an honorary member . " Several other motions were discussed and adopted , and tbe Lodge was closed . A banquet followed the proceediu gs .
ROSE OE DENMARK LODGE ( NO . 975 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge held their regular meeting at the White Hart , Tavern , Barnes , on Friday , the lGth inst . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Charles A . Smith , supported by Bros . AV . H . Barnard , S . W . ; S . H . Stephens , J . W . ; E . AV . Little , P . M ., Sec ; C . Butcher , J . D . ; T . Parrel 1 , W . S . ; H . Potter , J . H . Tyler , J . Brooks , J . Ayles , S . Harris , AV . Palmer , C . Angel , T . T . AVilcox , E . Phillips , N . N . Hewitt , and AV . Hamlyn . The
Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tbe previous meeting were , read and confirmed . Bros . Palmer and Keily were passed . Bro . . S . Harris was raised . Messrs . C . Doerr and J . Adams were initiated . Bro . Henry Potter , late Treasurer , was unanimously elected an lionorarv member . The visitors were Bros . T . H . Edmands , P . G . Steward , W . M . S ; G . King , jun ., P . M . 1260 ; J . AViight , S . D . llSS , ; F . Kelly , ] 293 ; J . W . Burton , 1260 ; C . Thomas , 1260 -, and Elton Glover , 509
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 1216 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Head-quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles on AVednesday , the 14 th ult . Two members of the lodge having died since the last meeting , tlie brethren present appeared iu full Masonic mourning ; the lodge-room itself was also appropriately draped , Tbe W . M ., Bro . S . B .. AVagstaff , occupied the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . Lurlham , as S . W . ; Bridges , J . W . ; Messenger , S . D . ; Hastie , J . D . ; and Carnell , as
I . G . There were also present , Bros . James Stevens , I . P . M . ; Thomas Meggy , P . M . ; Dr . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curti ? , Sec . ; Alfred Williams , Ross , Edmonston , Kethro , Johnson , and others . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Peall was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Bro . Edmonston was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Referring to the recent death of two brethren , the AV . M . said : — " BrethrenLet us turn from this ceremony of a figurative death
, to a contemplation of the stem reality . AVo have to mourn the loss of two of our members since our last meeting—Bros . Alfred Scruby , and John Edward Newton . Bro . Scruby was not so much among us , but bo was well-known in the corps and highly esteemed ; his death his deeply felt by the regiment as well as by
this lodge . Bro . Newton was at our last lodge meeting , only a month ago , in full health and spirits . and ivas invested with a collar of office . . His death is a striking instance of the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuits . The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living . From them ive are to derive instruction , and consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which
we daily meet ; notwithstanding Death has established his empire over all thc works of nature ; yet , through sonic unaccountable infatuation , we forget that we are born to die . AVe go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the employment of many years , til ) ive are suddenly alarmed hy the approach of deatli when we last expect it , and at au hour which we probably were led to think might be the most pleasant of our lives . What are the eternals of majestythe
, pride of wealth , or charms of beauty , when nature has paid lier last debt ? Fix your eyes on tbe last scene , and view life stripped of its ornaments and exposed in its natural meanness ; you will then be convinced of the futility of these empty delusions . In the grave all fallacies are detected , all ranks are levelled , aud all distinctions are done away with . "While we drop the 6 vm-