Article INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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Apprentice degree , and tbe AV . M . explained the working tools appertaining to that degree . A sum of Rs . fifty-four was subscribed among tbe members towards the Testimonial to be presented to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . AV . Past Grand Master , and the sum remitted to Bro . Alexander Hay , Honorary Treasurer , through R . AA ' . Bro . John Berrie . It was resolved that Bro . Abdul Rizzack bin Hajee AVahab Tamoor be passed and raised to the second degrees hy a
special meeting on Saturday the 22 nd instant , as he is not a resident of Kurraehee , and intends leaving within a fortnight . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony with prayer .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTER OI ? SINCERITY ( NO . 174 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held an emergency meeting on Monday , 19 th ult ., at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Bro . Robotbam , of the Merchant Navy Lodge , 781 , was exalted to the Royal Arch degree . Tbe chairs of the three Principals were occupied by Comps . James Terry , as Z . ; J . AVright , as H . ; and T . J . Barnes , as J . ; Comp . Cook , as Principal Sojourner . The
interesting ceremony was performed in a most satisfactory manner by the Companions named . The business being ended , the Chapter was closed . The next meeting ( emergencies excepted ) will take place in October . CHAPTER OI ? INDUSTRY ( No . 186 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at Freemason ' s Hall , on the 20 th ult . There were present—Comps . H . G . Lake , M . E . Z . ; G . Kelly , H . ; T . S . Mortiock , J . ; Bartlett , P . Z . ; AA ' . Mann , P . Z ., and others . The
ballot ivas taken for the following candidates for Exaltation : — Bros . J . E . Tallent , W . M . ; J . Seex , J . AV . ; J . T . Bower , AV . L . Holt , A . Black , ancl G . Dyer , all of Lodge of Industry , No . 186 ; J . T . Hood , of Yarborough Lodge , No . 554 , and the Rev . R . GOrdon , Chaplain of St . John of AVapping Lodge , No . 1303 . The Ballot proved clear on each occasion . Bros . J . Seex , A . Black , and J . T . Hood , being present , were duly exalted . Tbe elections resulted in favour of Comps . GKell as M . E . Z . ; T
. y , , S . Mortiock , H . ; T . Price , J . ; H . Carpenten , P . Z ., S . E ., ( reelected ) ; Noclnner , S . N . ; M . Edwards , P . S . ; and AA ' oodstock , P . Z ., Janitor ( re-elected ) . It was resolved to present Comp . H . G . Lake with a P . Z . jewel . Three brethren were proposed for exaltation . A banquet followed the proceedings .
INDIA . POONA . — Chapter St . Andrew ( No . 68 , S . C . )—A meeting of this Chapter was held on the 2 nd May , 1171 . Present : —M . E . Comps . lAernandez , Z . ; AA' . H . AA'akeman , H . ; J . C . Graham , as J . ; Ex , Comps . Jones , Scribe E . ; Kirby , Scribe N . ; Brewer , 1 st Soj . ; Bomanjee , 2 nd ; Pestonjee , 3 rd ; and Comps . Callaghan , and Nanabhoy . The Chapter was opened in due and ancient
form , and the summons convening tho meeting was read . The ballot was taken for three brethren for exaltation , which proved unanimous . Bro . Lustig , who had already received the Mark , Past , and Excellent degrees , was admitted ., properly prepared , ancl exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree in due and ancient form . A letter was read from Comp . Harris , resigning membership in consequence of proceeding to England . There being no further business , the Chapter was duly closed with prayer .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . NORTHUMBERLAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , NO . 118 . — This lodge met at Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AVednesday the 21 st ult . Bro . Morton Edwards , Grand Junior Deacon , occupied the chair . 'Three Brethren were advanced , viz . Bros . Craven , Clayton , and Lark ' m . The working of the degree was highly creditable to all concerned , and on this occasion a very handsome and valuable set of lodge furniture and jewels were used ' or the first time , and were much admired The proposed 1 y-lpws of the lodge were considered and adopted after which the iouge was closea mid the brethren separated .
Knights Templar.
INDIA . POONA . —Ascalon " Encampment . —The regular meeting of this Encampment ivas held on the 11 th April , 1871 . Present : Em . Sir Kts . Colonel L . AV . Peun , E . C . ; Captain B . H . Mathew , P . E . C ; Sir Kts . A . T . L . Pennock , Prelate ; P . Callaghan , 1 st Captain ; J . C . Graham , 2 nd Captain and Treaurer ; W . H . AVakeman . Registrar ; J . C . Fernandez , Expert ; G . Bowler ,
Captain of Lines . The Encampment was opened with prayer . The usual routine business having been gone through , the ballot was taken for Comps . J . Kirby aud C . W . Murphy , which proved unanimous . The two Companions being present , were introduced properly prepared and installed as Knights Templar . The principal business before the Encampment being the installation of the Eminent Commander elect , Sir Kt . P . CallagbauEm . Sir Kt . B . H . Mathew presented Sir Kt . Callaghan
, , to the E . G ., who having duly administered the charge , requested all Sir Knights below the rank of E . C . to withdraw , ivhich having been done , Sir Kt . p . Callaghan was installed in conformity with the rules of the Order . The Sir Knights having again resumed their stalls and saluted the E . G ., who was then duly proclaimed E . C . of the Ascalon Encampment for the ensuing year . The Eminent Commander then appointed his
Officers as follows : — Sir Kts . T . Cooke , Prelate ; J . C . Graham , First Captain ; L . Smith , Second Captain ; A . T . L . Pennock , Registrar ; J . C . Graham , Treasurer ; G . Bowler , Expert ; C . AA ' . Murphy , Captain of Lines ; J . Kirby , Equerry . The Almoner then collected the usual alms . The Priory was then opened in due and ancient form , and Sir Kts . J . Kirby , and C . \ V . Murphy were installed into the Order of Knihts Hospitallers of St . John of JerusalemPalestine
g , , Rhodes , and Malta . The Eminent Prior elect , Sir Kt . P . Callaghan , who was then duly installed as Eminent Prior for the ensuing year , The Eminent Prior requested that all who held office in the Encampment might hold the corresponding office iu the Priory . There being no further business before the Priory , it . was closed with solemn prayer , and the Fraters retired to the banquet ball , to partake of the bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Pelican Chapter . —At a meeting of this Chapter held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 20 th April , 1870 , there were present : —V . Ex . and Perf . Bros , Col . L . AV . Penn , M . AV . ( elect ); M . Balfour , as Prelate ; J . Thomas , as First General ancl Secretary ; Alfred Swift , as Second General ; E . Freeborn , Grand Marshal ; J . W . Seager ; C . Herring ; and
Captain H . Morland . 30 " .. Visitors : —Illus . Sir Knights E . Tyrrell Leith , and H . Maxwell . The Chapter was opened in due form . The temporary warrant granted by III . Bro . the Honourable J . Gibbs , 33 ° , and 111 . Bro . J . Percy Leith , 33 " , was read . Ex . Bro . Colonel L . AV . Penn , Most Wise Sovereign elect , was then duly installed as Most AVise Sovereign ol the Pelican Chapter Rose Croix of H . - . R . - . D . - . M . - . for the ensuing and
year , proclaimed in open Chapter accordingly . 111 . Bro . H . Morland 33 ° . was announced , the Ex . and Perf . brethren present formed the arch of steel , and 111 . Bro . H . Morland was admitted . 111 . Bros , the Honourable J . Gibbs , 33 " , and J . Percy Leith , 33 ° , having been announced by the Grand Marshal , were also received under the arch of steel . Bros . \ A' . F . Knapp , AV . Searle , and G . B . Thomson being in attendance , were first made
Knights of the East and West , and then installed as Knightsof the Eagle and Pelican ancl Sovereign Princess of H . -. R . - . D . - . M . -. A vote of thanks was accorded to the M . AA' . S ., Officers and Members of the Bombay Chapter for their kindness iu installing the M . AV . S ., and helping to form a Chapter . There being no further work before the Chapter , it was closed with solemn prayer at 8 p . m . A-t a preliminary meeting of the above Chapter , held in March , Bros . Edwin Freeborn , Joseph Anderson Alfred Swift , C . Herring , and F . Turner were installed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Apprentice degree , and tbe AV . M . explained the working tools appertaining to that degree . A sum of Rs . fifty-four was subscribed among tbe members towards the Testimonial to be presented to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . AV . Past Grand Master , and the sum remitted to Bro . Alexander Hay , Honorary Treasurer , through R . AA ' . Bro . John Berrie . It was resolved that Bro . Abdul Rizzack bin Hajee AVahab Tamoor be passed and raised to the second degrees hy a
special meeting on Saturday the 22 nd instant , as he is not a resident of Kurraehee , and intends leaving within a fortnight . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony with prayer .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTER OI ? SINCERITY ( NO . 174 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held an emergency meeting on Monday , 19 th ult ., at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Bro . Robotbam , of the Merchant Navy Lodge , 781 , was exalted to the Royal Arch degree . Tbe chairs of the three Principals were occupied by Comps . James Terry , as Z . ; J . AVright , as H . ; and T . J . Barnes , as J . ; Comp . Cook , as Principal Sojourner . The
interesting ceremony was performed in a most satisfactory manner by the Companions named . The business being ended , the Chapter was closed . The next meeting ( emergencies excepted ) will take place in October . CHAPTER OI ? INDUSTRY ( No . 186 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at Freemason ' s Hall , on the 20 th ult . There were present—Comps . H . G . Lake , M . E . Z . ; G . Kelly , H . ; T . S . Mortiock , J . ; Bartlett , P . Z . ; AA ' . Mann , P . Z ., and others . The
ballot ivas taken for the following candidates for Exaltation : — Bros . J . E . Tallent , W . M . ; J . Seex , J . AV . ; J . T . Bower , AV . L . Holt , A . Black , ancl G . Dyer , all of Lodge of Industry , No . 186 ; J . T . Hood , of Yarborough Lodge , No . 554 , and the Rev . R . GOrdon , Chaplain of St . John of AVapping Lodge , No . 1303 . The Ballot proved clear on each occasion . Bros . J . Seex , A . Black , and J . T . Hood , being present , were duly exalted . Tbe elections resulted in favour of Comps . GKell as M . E . Z . ; T
. y , , S . Mortiock , H . ; T . Price , J . ; H . Carpenten , P . Z ., S . E ., ( reelected ) ; Noclnner , S . N . ; M . Edwards , P . S . ; and AA ' oodstock , P . Z ., Janitor ( re-elected ) . It was resolved to present Comp . H . G . Lake with a P . Z . jewel . Three brethren were proposed for exaltation . A banquet followed the proceedings .
INDIA . POONA . — Chapter St . Andrew ( No . 68 , S . C . )—A meeting of this Chapter was held on the 2 nd May , 1171 . Present : —M . E . Comps . lAernandez , Z . ; AA' . H . AA'akeman , H . ; J . C . Graham , as J . ; Ex , Comps . Jones , Scribe E . ; Kirby , Scribe N . ; Brewer , 1 st Soj . ; Bomanjee , 2 nd ; Pestonjee , 3 rd ; and Comps . Callaghan , and Nanabhoy . The Chapter was opened in due and ancient
form , and the summons convening tho meeting was read . The ballot was taken for three brethren for exaltation , which proved unanimous . Bro . Lustig , who had already received the Mark , Past , and Excellent degrees , was admitted ., properly prepared , ancl exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree in due and ancient form . A letter was read from Comp . Harris , resigning membership in consequence of proceeding to England . There being no further business , the Chapter was duly closed with prayer .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . NORTHUMBERLAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS , NO . 118 . — This lodge met at Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , on AVednesday the 21 st ult . Bro . Morton Edwards , Grand Junior Deacon , occupied the chair . 'Three Brethren were advanced , viz . Bros . Craven , Clayton , and Lark ' m . The working of the degree was highly creditable to all concerned , and on this occasion a very handsome and valuable set of lodge furniture and jewels were used ' or the first time , and were much admired The proposed 1 y-lpws of the lodge were considered and adopted after which the iouge was closea mid the brethren separated .
Knights Templar.
INDIA . POONA . —Ascalon " Encampment . —The regular meeting of this Encampment ivas held on the 11 th April , 1871 . Present : Em . Sir Kts . Colonel L . AV . Peun , E . C . ; Captain B . H . Mathew , P . E . C ; Sir Kts . A . T . L . Pennock , Prelate ; P . Callaghan , 1 st Captain ; J . C . Graham , 2 nd Captain and Treaurer ; W . H . AVakeman . Registrar ; J . C . Fernandez , Expert ; G . Bowler ,
Captain of Lines . The Encampment was opened with prayer . The usual routine business having been gone through , the ballot was taken for Comps . J . Kirby aud C . W . Murphy , which proved unanimous . The two Companions being present , were introduced properly prepared and installed as Knights Templar . The principal business before the Encampment being the installation of the Eminent Commander elect , Sir Kt . P . CallagbauEm . Sir Kt . B . H . Mathew presented Sir Kt . Callaghan
, , to the E . G ., who having duly administered the charge , requested all Sir Knights below the rank of E . C . to withdraw , ivhich having been done , Sir Kt . p . Callaghan was installed in conformity with the rules of the Order . The Sir Knights having again resumed their stalls and saluted the E . G ., who was then duly proclaimed E . C . of the Ascalon Encampment for the ensuing year . The Eminent Commander then appointed his
Officers as follows : — Sir Kts . T . Cooke , Prelate ; J . C . Graham , First Captain ; L . Smith , Second Captain ; A . T . L . Pennock , Registrar ; J . C . Graham , Treasurer ; G . Bowler , Expert ; C . AA ' . Murphy , Captain of Lines ; J . Kirby , Equerry . The Almoner then collected the usual alms . The Priory was then opened in due and ancient form , and Sir Kts . J . Kirby , and C . \ V . Murphy were installed into the Order of Knihts Hospitallers of St . John of JerusalemPalestine
g , , Rhodes , and Malta . The Eminent Prior elect , Sir Kt . P . Callaghan , who was then duly installed as Eminent Prior for the ensuing year , The Eminent Prior requested that all who held office in the Encampment might hold the corresponding office iu the Priory . There being no further business before the Priory , it . was closed with solemn prayer , and the Fraters retired to the banquet ball , to partake of the bread of plenty and the cup of cheerfulness .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Pelican Chapter . —At a meeting of this Chapter held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 20 th April , 1870 , there were present : —V . Ex . and Perf . Bros , Col . L . AV . Penn , M . AV . ( elect ); M . Balfour , as Prelate ; J . Thomas , as First General ancl Secretary ; Alfred Swift , as Second General ; E . Freeborn , Grand Marshal ; J . W . Seager ; C . Herring ; and
Captain H . Morland . 30 " .. Visitors : —Illus . Sir Knights E . Tyrrell Leith , and H . Maxwell . The Chapter was opened in due form . The temporary warrant granted by III . Bro . the Honourable J . Gibbs , 33 ° , and 111 . Bro . J . Percy Leith , 33 " , was read . Ex . Bro . Colonel L . AV . Penn , Most Wise Sovereign elect , was then duly installed as Most AVise Sovereign ol the Pelican Chapter Rose Croix of H . - . R . - . D . - . M . - . for the ensuing and
year , proclaimed in open Chapter accordingly . 111 . Bro . H . Morland 33 ° . was announced , the Ex . and Perf . brethren present formed the arch of steel , and 111 . Bro . H . Morland was admitted . 111 . Bros , the Honourable J . Gibbs , 33 " , and J . Percy Leith , 33 ° , having been announced by the Grand Marshal , were also received under the arch of steel . Bros . \ A' . F . Knapp , AV . Searle , and G . B . Thomson being in attendance , were first made
Knights of the East and West , and then installed as Knightsof the Eagle and Pelican ancl Sovereign Princess of H . -. R . - . D . - . M . -. A vote of thanks was accorded to the M . AA' . S ., Officers and Members of the Bombay Chapter for their kindness iu installing the M . AV . S ., and helping to form a Chapter . There being no further work before the Chapter , it was closed with solemn prayer at 8 p . m . A-t a preliminary meeting of the above Chapter , held in March , Bros . Edwin Freeborn , Joseph Anderson Alfred Swift , C . Herring , and F . Turner were installed .