Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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brief but eloquent address , in the course of which frequent allusion was made to the truly Masonic spirit and good feeling that prevails in Sincerity , and the J . AV . expressed a hope that all the lodges in the three toivns of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse might be ere long brought together on some festive occasion , which ivould afford an opportunity of showing that the same brotherl y love animates tbe whole fraternity . The Tyler's toast , given and responded to in the usual way , brought an extremely pleasant evening to a close , aud the brethren departed about ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . AVEST HABTLEPOOI , Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 764 ) . — Or . Tuesday , June 13 th , the annual meeting of thc membevs of the Harbour of Reguge ( No . 7 G 4 ) Lodge of Freemasons , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Upper Church Street , when Bro . R . H . Stafford was duly installed AA'orshipful Master for the ensuing year ; the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . AA ' . CameronI . P . M . in an imposing manner . Bro . Stafford then
, , invested the following brethren as officers fos the ensuing year : E . Hudson and AA' . D . Coxen , warders ; T . Harland and C . T . Casebourne , deacons ; E . P . Harpley , treasurer ; and G . T . Pearson , secretary . At the conclusion of the business tho brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where tho annual banquet was prepared . About forty brethren sat down , including several visiting friends . Tbe chair was occupied by the newly-appointed
AVorshipful [ Master , who was supported on his right by Bros . J . AA' . Cameron ( AA'est Hartlepool ) , Captain Monks , of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , Durham ; Lord Ernest A'ane Tempest , of the Seaham Lodge ; J . Trotter , Stockton ; and A . Hutchinson , AVest Hartlepool . Ou tho left were Bros . J . B . AA ' att , West Hartlepool ; A . C . Knowles , Stockton : — Hunton , Stockton ; R . Rouper , Hartlepool ; aud J . Young , Durham . The musical arrangements were under the management of Bros . Harte and AValton , both of Stockton , who were assisted by several of the brethren present .
ESSEX . COECIIESTEB . —Angel Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —The annual festival of Saint John the Baptist was celebrated by the members of tbe Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Thursday , June 22 . At half-past three o'clock a large number of the Brethren assembled in the Lodge room to witness the installation of the AA' . M . Elect for the ensuing year , Bro . II . Samuel ; previous to which , however , the R . AV . Provincial Grand MasterBro . R . J . Bagshawentered
, , the Lodge , escorted by tbe P . Prov . G . Chaplain , and several Acting and Past Prov . G . Officers , and was received by the . Brethren in the usual Masonic manner . The ceremony of Installation was then most ably performed by Bro . Alfred Cobb , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . AV ., after which the AA ' . M . proceeded to invest his Officers as follows : —Bros . S . Chaplin , S . AV . ; Fred . A . ColeJ . AA' . ; Rev . C . L . AclondChaplain ; Wm . SlaneyP . M .
, , , , Treasurer ; Thos . J . Railing , Secretary ; Henry Saudford , S . D . ; Geo , AV . Smith , J . D . ; AV . S . Sprout , D . C ; Henry AYisbcy , Organist ; E . J . Sanders , I . G . ; Wm . Chubb , A . R . Staines , aiid H . F . Brill , Stewards ; and C . Gunner , Tyler . —The R . AV . Prov . G . M . afterwards addressed the Brethren , aud in conclusion expressed his regret that he was compelled to leave by an early
train , and would not have the pleasure of joining them at tbe festive board . —Shortly after six o ' clock over forty brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at tbe Cups Hotel , served in the very best style by the hostess , Mrs . Salter . After tbe banquet the usual loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured . The AV . M ., in giving " the Deputy G . M . of England , aud the Acting and Past Grand Officers , " expressed tbe great pleasure he and all the brethren of the Angel Lod felt that they had been
ge honoured with the presence of the P . G . Chaplain of England . — Bro . C . J . Martyn ( Rector of Loug Melford ) , in responding , said he was almost ashamed to confess that , with the exception of oneoccasiou when lie visited the Idiot Asylum , this was his first visit to Colchester . His introduction to the Angel Lodge , however , had so gratified him—he had been delighted ivith what he had seen in the Lod —that he was afraid in the future
ge they would he apt to say that he came too often . Before leaving , the Prov . G . M . had requested him to apologise to the brethren for his absence that evening , and to say that it was unavoidable . While speaking of Bro . Bagshaw , lie might , perhaps , say that he considered they were most fortunate iu possessing so good a Mason to preside over them . Those who visited Grand Lodge ,
or read the" reports of their meetings , were aware that Bro Bagshaw was very constant in his attendance there ; aud ho could say from personal observation that there was no one who was move respected or better received in Grand Lodge than the Prov . G . M . for Essex . — " The AA' . Deputy Prov . G . Master and Acting and Past P . G . Officers , " was next proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Rev . E . II . Crate , Prov . G . Chaplain , who said lie felt it a great honour , having been such a short time
in the Province , to havo received his present appointment . —Bro . AA ' . P . Lewis , I . P . M ., proposed "The health ofthe W . M .. " speaking in high terms of the qualifications of Bro . Samuel for for the high office ho had been unanimously selected by the Brethren to fill , and congratulating himself that he had such a worthy successor . —The AV . M . heartily thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and trusted that his year of office ivould be as successful as that of his predecessor .
—The other toasts were " The I . P . M . and P . M . 's , " proposed by thc AV . M ., and responded to by Bros . Lewis , Bosworth , and Slaney ; "Tho Visitors , " given by Bro . S . Chaplin , and responded to by Bros . Jas . Franks , P . M . 276 , Capt . Ormsby , Queen's Bays , AV . S . AVestgate , AV . M . 225 , 376 , 959 , and P . Cornell , AV . M . 114 ; "Tbe Secretary and Treasurer , " proposed by Bro . Cole , and responded to by Bros . Slaney and Railing ;
"The Officers , " proposed bv the AA ' . M ., and responded to by Bros . Rev . C . L . Acland , S . Chaplin , F . A . Cole , II . Saudford , Geo . AV . Smith , aud others . —During the evening the Secretary reported that he had received apologies for non-attendance from Bros . J . Burton , Prov . G . Treasurer ; John AA'right Carr , Prov . G , Secretary ; Emra Holmes , ecc . —The pleasure of the Brethren ivas very much enhanced hy the beautiful vocal performances of Bros . Ransford and Elmorewho were engaged for
, the occasion ; and who sang several choice songs , during the evening . —Among the Brethren present either in lodge or at banquet , besides those already mentioned , were—Bros . T . R . Quitter , P . M ., and John Coppin , P . M . 51 ; J . Bosworth , P . M . 170 . 3-19 , P . Prov . G .. I . AV . ; AA ' . Shury , P . M . 1 G 7 , 5-18 , 51 ; R . G . Wood , P . M . 51 ; Capt . Terry , 60 th Rifles ; J . II . Pettitt , G . Griffin , T . Rix . A . R . Staines , G . Gard Pye , H . ' Brill , AA ' . F .
Lugar , G . Allen , B . AA' . Brooks , G . Evans , G . Butcher , B . Barber , & c—Visitors—Bros . Rev . P . LS . Shepherd , P . M . 276 , P . Prov . G . C . ; Captain Ormsby , Cornet Relf ) and Riding-Mnster Russel , Queen ' s Bays ; James Franks , P . M ., and Stephen B . Kiug , P . M . 376 ; W . S . AVestgate , AV . M . 225 , 37 G , 952 ; Philip-Cornell , W . M . 114 ; AA' . Calthorpo , AV . M ., T . Eustace , J . AA' ., and E . N . Cragg , G 97 ; Henry York , AV . M ., J . Richardson , I . P . M ., AV . Bishop , P . M ., YV . Bragg , P . M ., E . Angier , P . M ., and J . E . Wiseman , Secretary , 133 , <__ c , & c .
HAMPSHIRE . AA ' ALTHAM CROSS . —Gresham College Lodge ( No . 869 ) . —The installation meeting- of this Lodge was held at the Four Swans Hotel , on the 10 th ult . Bro . Robei-tjBruce , P . Prov . J . G . D . occupied tho chair . The minutes were read and confirmed , aud the report of the Auditors was received . Bros Perry and Chapman , were raised . Bro . W . E . Gompertz , P . M . and Sec , having taken the clndr , Bro . J . Forsyth , Prov . G . Sup . ' Wks ., was installed in
the chair of K . S . The newly-appointed W . M . appointed as his officers for the ensuing year , the following brethren : —Capt . Barnes , S . AV . ; F . D . R . Copestick , Prov . G . S . B ., J . AV . ; J . Copestake , S . D . ; AV . C . Barnes , J . D . ; A . C . Wylie , I . G . ; Dr . Pottle , Organist ; J . E . Grocott , Treas . ; AV . E . Gompertz , Sec . ; Etherington , 'Steward . The AV . M . initiated a candidate iu a most creditable manner . A gentleman being proposed , and the routine business being completed , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , followed by the usual loyal and Masonic toasts .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GHAXD LODGE . Tbe annual festival of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was held iu Dover on Wednesday last , for the first time during fifteen years , and , notwithstanding the unfavourable weather , was attended by nearly three hundred Freemasons , nearly every lodge in the county being represented . The festival was held in the Refectory Hall at the Priory—a place peculiarly adapted
for the purpose . It had been elegantly decorated with trophies offings , & c , and at one end of tbe room there was a large design containing the inscription , " May Freemasonry flourish in all parts ot the Globe . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
brief but eloquent address , in the course of which frequent allusion was made to the truly Masonic spirit and good feeling that prevails in Sincerity , and the J . AV . expressed a hope that all the lodges in the three toivns of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse might be ere long brought together on some festive occasion , which ivould afford an opportunity of showing that the same brotherl y love animates tbe whole fraternity . The Tyler's toast , given and responded to in the usual way , brought an extremely pleasant evening to a close , aud the brethren departed about ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . AVEST HABTLEPOOI , Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 764 ) . — Or . Tuesday , June 13 th , the annual meeting of thc membevs of the Harbour of Reguge ( No . 7 G 4 ) Lodge of Freemasons , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Upper Church Street , when Bro . R . H . Stafford was duly installed AA'orshipful Master for the ensuing year ; the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . AA ' . CameronI . P . M . in an imposing manner . Bro . Stafford then
, , invested the following brethren as officers fos the ensuing year : E . Hudson and AA' . D . Coxen , warders ; T . Harland and C . T . Casebourne , deacons ; E . P . Harpley , treasurer ; and G . T . Pearson , secretary . At the conclusion of the business tho brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where tho annual banquet was prepared . About forty brethren sat down , including several visiting friends . Tbe chair was occupied by the newly-appointed
AVorshipful [ Master , who was supported on his right by Bros . J . AA' . Cameron ( AA'est Hartlepool ) , Captain Monks , of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , Durham ; Lord Ernest A'ane Tempest , of the Seaham Lodge ; J . Trotter , Stockton ; and A . Hutchinson , AVest Hartlepool . Ou tho left were Bros . J . B . AA ' att , West Hartlepool ; A . C . Knowles , Stockton : — Hunton , Stockton ; R . Rouper , Hartlepool ; aud J . Young , Durham . The musical arrangements were under the management of Bros . Harte and AValton , both of Stockton , who were assisted by several of the brethren present .
ESSEX . COECIIESTEB . —Angel Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —The annual festival of Saint John the Baptist was celebrated by the members of tbe Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Thursday , June 22 . At half-past three o'clock a large number of the Brethren assembled in the Lodge room to witness the installation of the AA' . M . Elect for the ensuing year , Bro . II . Samuel ; previous to which , however , the R . AV . Provincial Grand MasterBro . R . J . Bagshawentered
, , the Lodge , escorted by tbe P . Prov . G . Chaplain , and several Acting and Past Prov . G . Officers , and was received by the . Brethren in the usual Masonic manner . The ceremony of Installation was then most ably performed by Bro . Alfred Cobb , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . AV ., after which the AA ' . M . proceeded to invest his Officers as follows : —Bros . S . Chaplin , S . AV . ; Fred . A . ColeJ . AA' . ; Rev . C . L . AclondChaplain ; Wm . SlaneyP . M .
, , , , Treasurer ; Thos . J . Railing , Secretary ; Henry Saudford , S . D . ; Geo , AV . Smith , J . D . ; AV . S . Sprout , D . C ; Henry AYisbcy , Organist ; E . J . Sanders , I . G . ; Wm . Chubb , A . R . Staines , aiid H . F . Brill , Stewards ; and C . Gunner , Tyler . —The R . AV . Prov . G . M . afterwards addressed the Brethren , aud in conclusion expressed his regret that he was compelled to leave by an early
train , and would not have the pleasure of joining them at tbe festive board . —Shortly after six o ' clock over forty brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at tbe Cups Hotel , served in the very best style by the hostess , Mrs . Salter . After tbe banquet the usual loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured . The AV . M ., in giving " the Deputy G . M . of England , aud the Acting and Past Grand Officers , " expressed tbe great pleasure he and all the brethren of the Angel Lod felt that they had been
ge honoured with the presence of the P . G . Chaplain of England . — Bro . C . J . Martyn ( Rector of Loug Melford ) , in responding , said he was almost ashamed to confess that , with the exception of oneoccasiou when lie visited the Idiot Asylum , this was his first visit to Colchester . His introduction to the Angel Lodge , however , had so gratified him—he had been delighted ivith what he had seen in the Lod —that he was afraid in the future
ge they would he apt to say that he came too often . Before leaving , the Prov . G . M . had requested him to apologise to the brethren for his absence that evening , and to say that it was unavoidable . While speaking of Bro . Bagshaw , lie might , perhaps , say that he considered they were most fortunate iu possessing so good a Mason to preside over them . Those who visited Grand Lodge ,
or read the" reports of their meetings , were aware that Bro Bagshaw was very constant in his attendance there ; aud ho could say from personal observation that there was no one who was move respected or better received in Grand Lodge than the Prov . G . M . for Essex . — " The AA' . Deputy Prov . G . Master and Acting and Past P . G . Officers , " was next proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . Rev . E . II . Crate , Prov . G . Chaplain , who said lie felt it a great honour , having been such a short time
in the Province , to havo received his present appointment . —Bro . AA ' . P . Lewis , I . P . M ., proposed "The health ofthe W . M .. " speaking in high terms of the qualifications of Bro . Samuel for for the high office ho had been unanimously selected by the Brethren to fill , and congratulating himself that he had such a worthy successor . —The AV . M . heartily thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and trusted that his year of office ivould be as successful as that of his predecessor .
—The other toasts were " The I . P . M . and P . M . 's , " proposed by thc AV . M ., and responded to by Bros . Lewis , Bosworth , and Slaney ; "Tho Visitors , " given by Bro . S . Chaplin , and responded to by Bros . Jas . Franks , P . M . 276 , Capt . Ormsby , Queen's Bays , AV . S . AVestgate , AV . M . 225 , 376 , 959 , and P . Cornell , AV . M . 114 ; "Tbe Secretary and Treasurer , " proposed by Bro . Cole , and responded to by Bros . Slaney and Railing ;
"The Officers , " proposed bv the AA ' . M ., and responded to by Bros . Rev . C . L . Acland , S . Chaplin , F . A . Cole , II . Saudford , Geo . AV . Smith , aud others . —During the evening the Secretary reported that he had received apologies for non-attendance from Bros . J . Burton , Prov . G . Treasurer ; John AA'right Carr , Prov . G , Secretary ; Emra Holmes , ecc . —The pleasure of the Brethren ivas very much enhanced hy the beautiful vocal performances of Bros . Ransford and Elmorewho were engaged for
, the occasion ; and who sang several choice songs , during the evening . —Among the Brethren present either in lodge or at banquet , besides those already mentioned , were—Bros . T . R . Quitter , P . M ., and John Coppin , P . M . 51 ; J . Bosworth , P . M . 170 . 3-19 , P . Prov . G .. I . AV . ; AA ' . Shury , P . M . 1 G 7 , 5-18 , 51 ; R . G . Wood , P . M . 51 ; Capt . Terry , 60 th Rifles ; J . II . Pettitt , G . Griffin , T . Rix . A . R . Staines , G . Gard Pye , H . ' Brill , AA ' . F .
Lugar , G . Allen , B . AA' . Brooks , G . Evans , G . Butcher , B . Barber , & c—Visitors—Bros . Rev . P . LS . Shepherd , P . M . 276 , P . Prov . G . C . ; Captain Ormsby , Cornet Relf ) and Riding-Mnster Russel , Queen ' s Bays ; James Franks , P . M ., and Stephen B . Kiug , P . M . 376 ; W . S . AVestgate , AV . M . 225 , 37 G , 952 ; Philip-Cornell , W . M . 114 ; AA' . Calthorpo , AV . M ., T . Eustace , J . AA' ., and E . N . Cragg , G 97 ; Henry York , AV . M ., J . Richardson , I . P . M ., AV . Bishop , P . M ., YV . Bragg , P . M ., E . Angier , P . M ., and J . E . Wiseman , Secretary , 133 , <__ c , & c .
HAMPSHIRE . AA ' ALTHAM CROSS . —Gresham College Lodge ( No . 869 ) . —The installation meeting- of this Lodge was held at the Four Swans Hotel , on the 10 th ult . Bro . Robei-tjBruce , P . Prov . J . G . D . occupied tho chair . The minutes were read and confirmed , aud the report of the Auditors was received . Bros Perry and Chapman , were raised . Bro . W . E . Gompertz , P . M . and Sec , having taken the clndr , Bro . J . Forsyth , Prov . G . Sup . ' Wks ., was installed in
the chair of K . S . The newly-appointed W . M . appointed as his officers for the ensuing year , the following brethren : —Capt . Barnes , S . AV . ; F . D . R . Copestick , Prov . G . S . B ., J . AV . ; J . Copestake , S . D . ; AV . C . Barnes , J . D . ; A . C . Wylie , I . G . ; Dr . Pottle , Organist ; J . E . Grocott , Treas . ; AV . E . Gompertz , Sec . ; Etherington , 'Steward . The AV . M . initiated a candidate iu a most creditable manner . A gentleman being proposed , and the routine business being completed , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , followed by the usual loyal and Masonic toasts .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GHAXD LODGE . Tbe annual festival of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was held iu Dover on Wednesday last , for the first time during fifteen years , and , notwithstanding the unfavourable weather , was attended by nearly three hundred Freemasons , nearly every lodge in the county being represented . The festival was held in the Refectory Hall at the Priory—a place peculiarly adapted
for the purpose . It had been elegantly decorated with trophies offings , & c , and at one end of tbe room there was a large design containing the inscription , " May Freemasonry flourish in all parts ot the Globe . "