Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 7 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 7 of 7 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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AVoolley , S . AV . ; AV . H . Lloyd , J . AA' . ; J . R . Jenkins , Chapla in ; Greenway , Treasurer ; Dovey , Secretary ; AA ' aite , S . D . ; Running , J . D . ; Haskins , Organist ; Jones , I . G . ; Mitchell and Jacob , Stewards ; AA'atkin , M . C . ; Ellis , Tyler . Thc banquet took place at the Clarence Hotel , fifty-three brethren sat down to dinner , and tbe pleasures of the evening- were enhanced by two presentations being made , one by the Lodge to Bro . Kennard , of a
P . M . ' s jewel ou his retiring from the chair , and the other was a gold inkstand presented by Bro . Kennard to the worthy retiring secretary , Bro . AA'illiam Williams , of 16 , Dock Street , Newport , for his zealous services . Song and sentiment were the order of the day , and the brethren broke up about 10 p . m ., having spent a very agreeable evening .
NORTH AVALES . B Hoi-TirEAD . —nibemia Lodge ( No . 597 ) . —The Brethren of this lodge met at the Marine Hotel , ou Monday evening , the Sth ult . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Peters , AA ' . M ., supported by Bros . J . Lloyd Griffith , S . AA ' . ; AA'illiam Lewis , J . AV . ; Gwen R . Ellis , Sec . ; John Ellis , S . D . ; Dr . Owen AVilliams'J . D ., Rev . 0 . AA ' . Jones , Chap . ; Evan Evans , Steward ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler . The lodge was opened by the
AA ' . M . ; the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . John Roberts ( of the Elhana Lodge , Ireland ) was elected a joining member , and Bros . A'aux , Ilattersley , Robson , ^ Kiug , and Little were passed to the second degree . Several propositions were made , and thc lodge was closed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . TAIIIVORTIT . —Marmion Lodge ( No . 1060 ) . —The annual meetingof the Brethren of this lodge was held on the 14 th ult . at thc Lodgo Rooms , Church Street . The chair was occupied by Ijro . Dumole , AA' . M . supported by Bros . R . Bindlcy . S . AA ' . ; Henri- Hoare , J . AV .: AV . Tempest , S . D . ; Gibbons ,. I . C . ; Thomas Cooke , " l . G . ; S . Spruce , Secretary ; C . Clarson , Trea . ; E . Hooper , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Ayton , Chap . Thc AA ' . M . Elect Bro . Bindley , S . W ., having
been duly installed , proceeded to invest his otlicers as follows : — Bios . Henry Haie , S . AA ' . ; AV . Tempest , J . AA ' . ; Gibbous , S . D . ; Thomas Cooke . J . D . ; A . Bindley , I . G . ; Rev , Br . Byton , Chaplain ; C . Carson , Treasurer ; S . Spruce , Secretary . A sumptuous banquet closed the proceedings .
SOUTH AA'ALES . C . wnii' ' F .--Glamorgan-Lodge ( No . 3 G ) . —The installation of tbe AA ' . M . elect , bro . Samuel Cooper , for the ensuing year , took place yesterday , at tbe Masonic Hall , Royal Arcade , St . Mary Street . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock by the W . M ., Pro . George Robert-ion , who proceeded with the business of the lodge , after which he performed the installation ceremony io a very efficient manner . The following appointment of officers
for the ensuing year took place , viz ., Bros . . 1 . E . llillups , S . W . ; M . J . Almond , J . AA ' . ; AV . D . ISlcsselly , S . D . ; E . C . Hurley , J . D .: John AA'illianis , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . C . Hit , Sec ; E . Frost . I . G . ; and W . Davies , Tyler . At six o ' clock the lodge was closed , and the brethren , about forty , adjourned to tbe Royal Hotel , ivhere the installation banquet was held , undrthe presidency of the new Master , who was supported by Br " . James Hnrm .-in , AA' . M . 960 ; P . M . P . H . Martin , P . M . John Willliams ,
960 ; Bros . R . P . Langley , Samuel Nash , E . J . Thomas , P . M . 's , No . 3 fi , and Brother George Robertson , I . P . M . No . 36 ; Brother B . S . Fisher , P . M . No . 1 , 098 . A large number of the Bute Lodge brethren were present , both at the installation and banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed hy thc new AA . M ., in a style that prognosticates well for his ability ijto conduct the affairs of the lodge in a manner not inferior tolhis predecessors . An admirable musical programme was ' ::, interspersed willi the toasts . Bro . Tisso t . the excellent manager of the hotel , laid a very excellent tabl ' ' the guests .
SUFFOLK . HAI-ESWORTIT . —Lo & r je of Prudence ( No . 388 ) . —The Festival of St . John was observed by this Lodfio ou Monday the 26 th inst ., when Bro . If . W . Flick was installed as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in the most , solemn and effective manner by Bro . C . S . Pedgrift , P . M . The W . M . appointed as his officers , Bros . John Read , S . AA ' . ; AA ' . H . Young , J . W . ; Robert Baker , S . D . ; S . B . Till ' e , J . D . ; E . C . Parslee , Sec . ; C . S . Pedgrift , Treas . ; AA'm . Chappcl , I . G . ; and James ,
Miller , Tyler . The Lodge was well attended . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . F . Jennings , Prov . G . S . AA ' . ; Major Alley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . F . Borstal ,, P . Prov . G . Purs . ; John Calver , AV . M ., Lodge Faithful , No . 85 ; E . B . Adams , P . M . Lodge AVavency , No . 927 , and S . Pike , J . D . Lodge Faithful , No . 85 . The Lodge having been closed iu due form , the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro .
Chandler , oj the Three Tuns Hotel . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , aud the evening spent in the most agreeable manner , which was much enhanced by the excellent singing of several of the brethren .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . PEOVIXCIAI , GRAXD LODO-E . A meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire was held b y the kind permission of Dr . Grindrod , in Townsbend House , Great Malvern , on Tuesday last . There were present the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . A . H . Royds , John Barber , D . Prov . G . M . ; E . AA'armington , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . H . Jones , Prov . J . G . AA ' . ; and about eighty
other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form , prayer here being offered hy Bro . the Rev . George Fish , Vicar of . Great Malvern . The usual ^ business having been transacted , thc R . AA ' . Prov . Grand Master appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . E . A . H . Royds , Prov . S . G . AV AA ' IIAVoods ProvGJAA ' .
„ . . . .. ,, Rev . C . J . Ridgway Prov . G . Chap . ,. — Rutland , Prov . G . Reg . „ AV . Bristoiv , Prov . G . Sec . „ AA ' . Meredith Prov . G . S . D . „ E . Turner , Prov . G .. T . D . ,, — Kings , Proy . G . Sup . of AA'ks „ C . F . Pideock , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ P . Bloomer , Prov . G . Asst . D . of C . „ T . Cox Prov . G . Swd . Bearer „ B . Trowman , Prov . G . O . ,, T . E . Lucy , Prov . G . P . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been dul y closed , the brethren formed iu procession and proceeded in Masonic clothing to the Abbey Church . The sermon was preached b y Bro . the Rev . G . Fisk , who choose for his text 1 st Kings vi .,
the Hth to 14 th verses , and upon these appropriate words delivered an instructive and eloquent discourse . At the close of tho service a collection was made by the Provincial Grand Stewards , ancl the sum realised , £ 15 Ss . 2 d ., increased to £ 20 from the funds of tho Provincial Grand Lodge , will , by resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , be paid to the Endowment Fund of tbe Malvern Rural Hospital . The brethren re-l ' onued in procession , and waited to the Belle A ' ne Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was spread by Bro . Browning .
LAXOIVT . EE . —Lodge Barton ( So . 485 ) . —The regular mooting of tin . Lodge was held on the 28 th February , 187 J , when there were present : — W . Bro . J . Harris . AV . M . ; Hales , S . W . ; Temooljee , J . AV . J . Neil , Sec ; A . T . L . Penned ., S . D . ; Nanabhoy , J . l ) . ; Eduljee , I . G . ; Do . sabhay , Tyler ; Merwanjee and others . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed Tho candidate not being present to take his degree , a meeting
of instruction was held . There being no further business , thc Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . KUHRACHEE . —Lodge Harmony ( No . 484 , S . C . ) —At a regular meeting of this Lodge held on the 17 th April , 1871 , when there were present : —AA " . Bros . Ariiaseer Goostadjee , AA ' . M . ; John Berrie , P . M , ; E . Brooks , D . M . ; Pestonjcc Byramjee , S . M . ; Furdonjee Nusserwanjoe , S . AV . ; Dadabhoy Heerjeebhoy , J . W . ;
Burjorjee Nanabhoy , Treas . ; Dorabjee Nanabhoy , Sec . ; Dadabhoy Eduljee , S . D . ; Pestonjcc Hormu . jeo , J D . ; Ardaseer Cursetjee , l . U . ; Mauockjee Framje , Tyler . ; and Byramjee Eduljee . Visitors : —AV . Bro . D . Mackenzie ancl Bro . Home . The Lodge was opened iu due and ancient form with prayer , and tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . 'Ihe ballot was taken for Mr . Abdul Rizzack bin Hnjee AA ' ahab Tamoor , and found clear , The candidate being present , was admitted properly prepared aud initiated in the first or Entered
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AVoolley , S . AV . ; AV . H . Lloyd , J . AA' . ; J . R . Jenkins , Chapla in ; Greenway , Treasurer ; Dovey , Secretary ; AA ' aite , S . D . ; Running , J . D . ; Haskins , Organist ; Jones , I . G . ; Mitchell and Jacob , Stewards ; AA'atkin , M . C . ; Ellis , Tyler . Thc banquet took place at the Clarence Hotel , fifty-three brethren sat down to dinner , and tbe pleasures of the evening- were enhanced by two presentations being made , one by the Lodge to Bro . Kennard , of a
P . M . ' s jewel ou his retiring from the chair , and the other was a gold inkstand presented by Bro . Kennard to the worthy retiring secretary , Bro . AA'illiam Williams , of 16 , Dock Street , Newport , for his zealous services . Song and sentiment were the order of the day , and the brethren broke up about 10 p . m ., having spent a very agreeable evening .
NORTH AVALES . B Hoi-TirEAD . —nibemia Lodge ( No . 597 ) . —The Brethren of this lodge met at the Marine Hotel , ou Monday evening , the Sth ult . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Peters , AA ' . M ., supported by Bros . J . Lloyd Griffith , S . AA ' . ; AA'illiam Lewis , J . AV . ; Gwen R . Ellis , Sec . ; John Ellis , S . D . ; Dr . Owen AVilliams'J . D ., Rev . 0 . AA ' . Jones , Chap . ; Evan Evans , Steward ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler . The lodge was opened by the
AA ' . M . ; the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . John Roberts ( of the Elhana Lodge , Ireland ) was elected a joining member , and Bros . A'aux , Ilattersley , Robson , ^ Kiug , and Little were passed to the second degree . Several propositions were made , and thc lodge was closed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . TAIIIVORTIT . —Marmion Lodge ( No . 1060 ) . —The annual meetingof the Brethren of this lodge was held on the 14 th ult . at thc Lodgo Rooms , Church Street . The chair was occupied by Ijro . Dumole , AA' . M . supported by Bros . R . Bindlcy . S . AA ' . ; Henri- Hoare , J . AV .: AV . Tempest , S . D . ; Gibbons ,. I . C . ; Thomas Cooke , " l . G . ; S . Spruce , Secretary ; C . Clarson , Trea . ; E . Hooper , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Ayton , Chap . Thc AA ' . M . Elect Bro . Bindley , S . W ., having
been duly installed , proceeded to invest his otlicers as follows : — Bios . Henry Haie , S . AA ' . ; AV . Tempest , J . AA ' . ; Gibbous , S . D . ; Thomas Cooke . J . D . ; A . Bindley , I . G . ; Rev , Br . Byton , Chaplain ; C . Carson , Treasurer ; S . Spruce , Secretary . A sumptuous banquet closed the proceedings .
SOUTH AA'ALES . C . wnii' ' F .--Glamorgan-Lodge ( No . 3 G ) . —The installation of tbe AA ' . M . elect , bro . Samuel Cooper , for the ensuing year , took place yesterday , at tbe Masonic Hall , Royal Arcade , St . Mary Street . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock by the W . M ., Pro . George Robert-ion , who proceeded with the business of the lodge , after which he performed the installation ceremony io a very efficient manner . The following appointment of officers
for the ensuing year took place , viz ., Bros . . 1 . E . llillups , S . W . ; M . J . Almond , J . AA ' . ; AV . D . ISlcsselly , S . D . ; E . C . Hurley , J . D .: John AA'illianis , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . C . Hit , Sec ; E . Frost . I . G . ; and W . Davies , Tyler . At six o ' clock the lodge was closed , and the brethren , about forty , adjourned to tbe Royal Hotel , ivhere the installation banquet was held , undrthe presidency of the new Master , who was supported by Br " . James Hnrm .-in , AA' . M . 960 ; P . M . P . H . Martin , P . M . John Willliams ,
960 ; Bros . R . P . Langley , Samuel Nash , E . J . Thomas , P . M . 's , No . 3 fi , and Brother George Robertson , I . P . M . No . 36 ; Brother B . S . Fisher , P . M . No . 1 , 098 . A large number of the Bute Lodge brethren were present , both at the installation and banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed hy thc new AA . M ., in a style that prognosticates well for his ability ijto conduct the affairs of the lodge in a manner not inferior tolhis predecessors . An admirable musical programme was ' ::, interspersed willi the toasts . Bro . Tisso t . the excellent manager of the hotel , laid a very excellent tabl ' ' the guests .
SUFFOLK . HAI-ESWORTIT . —Lo & r je of Prudence ( No . 388 ) . —The Festival of St . John was observed by this Lodfio ou Monday the 26 th inst ., when Bro . If . W . Flick was installed as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in the most , solemn and effective manner by Bro . C . S . Pedgrift , P . M . The W . M . appointed as his officers , Bros . John Read , S . AA ' . ; AA ' . H . Young , J . W . ; Robert Baker , S . D . ; S . B . Till ' e , J . D . ; E . C . Parslee , Sec . ; C . S . Pedgrift , Treas . ; AA'm . Chappcl , I . G . ; and James ,
Miller , Tyler . The Lodge was well attended . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . F . Jennings , Prov . G . S . AA ' . ; Major Alley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . F . Borstal ,, P . Prov . G . Purs . ; John Calver , AV . M ., Lodge Faithful , No . 85 ; E . B . Adams , P . M . Lodge AVavency , No . 927 , and S . Pike , J . D . Lodge Faithful , No . 85 . The Lodge having been closed iu due form , the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro .
Chandler , oj the Three Tuns Hotel . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , aud the evening spent in the most agreeable manner , which was much enhanced by the excellent singing of several of the brethren .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . PEOVIXCIAI , GRAXD LODO-E . A meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire was held b y the kind permission of Dr . Grindrod , in Townsbend House , Great Malvern , on Tuesday last . There were present the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . A . H . Royds , John Barber , D . Prov . G . M . ; E . AA'armington , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . H . Jones , Prov . J . G . AA ' . ; and about eighty
other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form , prayer here being offered hy Bro . the Rev . George Fish , Vicar of . Great Malvern . The usual ^ business having been transacted , thc R . AA ' . Prov . Grand Master appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . E . A . H . Royds , Prov . S . G . AV AA ' IIAVoods ProvGJAA ' .
„ . . . .. ,, Rev . C . J . Ridgway Prov . G . Chap . ,. — Rutland , Prov . G . Reg . „ AV . Bristoiv , Prov . G . Sec . „ AA ' . Meredith Prov . G . S . D . „ E . Turner , Prov . G .. T . D . ,, — Kings , Proy . G . Sup . of AA'ks „ C . F . Pideock , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ P . Bloomer , Prov . G . Asst . D . of C . „ T . Cox Prov . G . Swd . Bearer „ B . Trowman , Prov . G . O . ,, T . E . Lucy , Prov . G . P . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been dul y closed , the brethren formed iu procession and proceeded in Masonic clothing to the Abbey Church . The sermon was preached b y Bro . the Rev . G . Fisk , who choose for his text 1 st Kings vi .,
the Hth to 14 th verses , and upon these appropriate words delivered an instructive and eloquent discourse . At the close of tho service a collection was made by the Provincial Grand Stewards , ancl the sum realised , £ 15 Ss . 2 d ., increased to £ 20 from the funds of tho Provincial Grand Lodge , will , by resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , be paid to the Endowment Fund of tbe Malvern Rural Hospital . The brethren re-l ' onued in procession , and waited to the Belle A ' ne Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was spread by Bro . Browning .
LAXOIVT . EE . —Lodge Barton ( So . 485 ) . —The regular mooting of tin . Lodge was held on the 28 th February , 187 J , when there were present : — W . Bro . J . Harris . AV . M . ; Hales , S . W . ; Temooljee , J . AV . J . Neil , Sec ; A . T . L . Penned ., S . D . ; Nanabhoy , J . l ) . ; Eduljee , I . G . ; Do . sabhay , Tyler ; Merwanjee and others . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed Tho candidate not being present to take his degree , a meeting
of instruction was held . There being no further business , thc Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . KUHRACHEE . —Lodge Harmony ( No . 484 , S . C . ) —At a regular meeting of this Lodge held on the 17 th April , 1871 , when there were present : —AA " . Bros . Ariiaseer Goostadjee , AA ' . M . ; John Berrie , P . M , ; E . Brooks , D . M . ; Pestonjcc Byramjee , S . M . ; Furdonjee Nusserwanjoe , S . AV . ; Dadabhoy Heerjeebhoy , J . W . ;
Burjorjee Nanabhoy , Treas . ; Dorabjee Nanabhoy , Sec . ; Dadabhoy Eduljee , S . D . ; Pestonjcc Hormu . jeo , J D . ; Ardaseer Cursetjee , l . U . ; Mauockjee Framje , Tyler . ; and Byramjee Eduljee . Visitors : —AV . Bro . D . Mackenzie ancl Bro . Home . The Lodge was opened iu due and ancient form with prayer , and tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . 'Ihe ballot was taken for Mr . Abdul Rizzack bin Hnjee AA ' ahab Tamoor , and found clear , The candidate being present , was admitted properly prepared aud initiated in the first or Entered