Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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Craft Masonry.
pathic tear over the memory of our deceased brothers , let charity incline us to throw a veil over their foibles , whatever they may have been , and not withhold the praise the virtues may have claimed . Suffer the apologies of human nature to plead in their behalf—perfection on earth has never been attained ; the wisest as well as the best of men have erred . Their meritorious actions it is our duty to imitate , and from their weakness we ought to derive instruction . Let uswhile in this stage of
, existence , support with propriety the character of our profession , advert to the nature of our solemnities , and pursue with assiduity the sacred tenets of our Order . Then , with becoming reverence , let us supplicate Divine grace to ensure the favour of that Eternal Being whose gooducss and power know no bound , that when ^ the awful moment arrives , bo it soon or late , wo may be enabled to prosecute ourjourney without dread or
apprehension to that distant country whence no traveller returns . By the light of the Divine countenance we shall pass without trembling through those gloomy mansions where all things are forgotten ; and at the great tremendous day of trial aud retribution , when arraigned at the bar of Divine justice , let us hope that judgment-will be pronounced in our favour , and that wo shall receive our reward in the possession of an immortal
inheritance , where joy iiowsin one continued stream and no mound can check its course . Unto the grave bath been consigned the mortal remains of our much-respected Brothers Scruby and Newton , there to remain until tho general resurrection in favourable expectation tbat their immortal souls may then partake of joys which have been prepared for the ri ghteous from the begimhng of the world . And Almihty Godof His
may g , infinite goodness , at the tribunal of unbiassed justice extend His mercy towards them , and all of us , and crown our hope with everlasting bliss iu tbe expanded realms of a boundless eternity . This we beg for the honour of His name to whom be glory . now and for ever . "—At the conclusion of tho address Bro . T . Meggy announced the result of his stewardship at the last festival of the Girls' Schooland stated that in addition to
, other subscriptions , the lodge had scut in twenty guineas towards the amount required to secure a Life Governorship of that excellent institution . Bros . E . Baxter , P . M S ; Bilby P . M . SGI ; Gratz , P . M . $ 69 , and Straehan , 1319 , wore present as visitors .
BERKS AND BUCKS . _ .. T ___ . SBU _ n .. — ' Br . acingham Lodge ( No . 591 ) . —The annual festival of this ledge was held on AVednesday , the 21 st June , at the George Hotel , Aylesbury , when there was a goodly gathering of members and visitors . There ivas one intiatioiCwhieh was performed bthe Rev . 0 . J . GracePMand PProv
y , .., . . Grand Chap ., and one passing , performed by the Rev , A . L . Taylor , W .. AJ , P . Prov . G . S . W . The installation of the Rev . ' John Williams , Prov . S . G . W . and the AV . M . elect ( who has previously been through the chair ) , was most ablv and impressively rendered bd Rev . W . Biggs , P . M . and Prov . " Gr . See . The AA ' . M . was saluted in thc respective degrees , and the addresses ivere effectively given bthe Installing Masterwho was quite
y , equal to his work and performed it with great ability . The AV . M . having invested Lis officers and finally closed the lodge , the brethren adjoiu-ned to refreshment iu the " shape o ? a banquet provided by Bro . Windsor , ivhich gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the evening ' s enjoyment being much enhanced by the singing ofthe musical brethren , among whom must ho mentioned Bro . Mortimer The
, P . Prov . G . O . meeting having been as usual concluded in peace , was closed in harmony . CORNWALL . MiiXBEOOir . —Meridian Lodge ( No . 893 ) . —The installation meeting of this lod-e was held on Thursday , the 15 tb ult ., at the lodge-room New Street , Millbrook . Henry Clark , the AV . M .-elcet' was duly installed into the chair of K . S by Bro R R . Rodd , P . M . ISO , " 1 ' . Pi-o . G . S . AV . ; assisted by Bros . E . . 1 . AVorth ' P . M . S 93 , P . Prn . G . S . D . ; W . II . Bickford , P . M . 893 , P . Pro . G . S . D .
R . P . Stephens , P . M . 893 , P . Pro . G . Steward ; R , II . Rae , P . M 189 ; Smith , W . M . 954 ; Thomas , AV . M . 159 . The AV . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as his otlicers : — Bros . AV . J . Harris , I . P . M . ; T . Scriven , S . W . ; AV . Couth , J . W . ; R . P . Stephens , P . M ., Treas . ; John Kenwood , Sec . ; C . A . Payne , S . D ; H . Eaton , J . D . ; J . H . Filmer , I . G . ; J . Dillon , Dir . of Car . ; and W . Cawse , Steward . In the evening a banquet was served at the Coopers' Arms , after which the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
CUMBERLAND . COCKEEIIOUTII . —Shiddaw Lodge ( No . 1 , 002 ) . —The Installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , Gth ult ., when there were present : —Bros . Morton , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; G . AV . Kenwortby , Prov . J . G . W . ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec , P . G . S . B . ; Rev . H . L . Puxley , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; R . Robinson , Prov . G . J . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 ; Rev . AV . Williams , Prov . G . Asst . G . Chap ., J . W . 1 , 002 ; J . R . Tickle , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA' . Shilton , P . M .. ;
W . Taylor , S . AV . ; I . Evening , Treas . ; C . Mayson , See . ; W . H . Lewtbwaite , S . D . ; J . Allison , J . D . ; R . Brown , and W . IV . ts Bro . Puxley , the retiring Master , having opened the Lodge in form , and the minutes having been read and confirmed , the Installing Master assumed his position in the chair , and proceeded to install Bro . John Pearson , as AV . M . for the ensuing year . A Board of Installed Masteis was formed . On the re-admittance of the brethren , tho newly-installed Master was
sainted iu the several degrees , Bro . W . II . Lewtbwaite playing on the harmonium tbe salutary marches . The newly-installed W . Jl . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros C . Mayson , S . AV . ; II . Bailey , J . W . ; I . Evening , Treas . ; AV . II Lewthwaite , Sec ; J . Allinson , S . D . ; J . Bolton , J . D . ; W . H . Smethurst , I . G . ; YY . Potts , Tyler . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , provided at the Globe Hotel . The newly-installed Master presided . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were responded to .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Dundas Lodge ( No . 1 , 255 ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this successful young lodge was held ou Wednesday afternoon , June 21 st , at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . Elect , Br . Francis R . Tomes , in the chair of King Solomon . After the AV . Master had been duly installed , he proceeded to make appointments of his officers . The following are the officers of the lod for the
ge year ensuing : —Bros . Francis R . Tomes , Worshipful Master ; Walter G . Ball , I . P . M . ; William 11 . Triplet , S . Warden ; J . Hicks , J . AVarden ; AVilliam Bell , Treasurer ; T . B . Harvey , P . M , Secretary ; Samuel B . Harvey , S . Deacon ; — Cobhleiiick , 1 Deacon ; W . H . Hoare , Organist ; R . J . G . Duggua , Inner Guard ; Philip Symons , Director of Ceremonies ; Hector B . Ma- > liiillanS . Steward ; George FryJ . StewardThomas Smith
, , ; , Tyler . After the formal business of the day had been transacted , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , at the Globe Hotel , where Bro . Isaac Watts had provided as handsome and as excellent a dinner as either iutitiate or " outer barbarian " need desiro to enjoy . The dinner hour was fixed for three o'clock-, many of the brethren having to leave by early trains ;
and the dinner , admirably cooked , ivas provided by Mrs . Watts to the minute . Lodge "Dundas" is not a lodgo of indulgence ; its refreshment means a banquet only once : i year , and as it meets at the Temple none of the fair could by possibility object to any of their ma « culine friends becoming associated with it . The W . M . ably occupied the chair , and the Senior Warden tbe vice-chair . The other officers took their respective places at the festive board . Besides those already named as present at tho
ceremony of the installation , and were also present at the table tbe following , chief of whom were guests : —HAY . Bro . Metham P . G . D . aud D . Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Br . Nichollis , P . M ., P . Pro . G . O . BAY . Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . Pro . G . A . D . C ; A ' . W . I . AVatts , P . M . P . Pr " . G . T .. W . Bro . A' . Bird , P . M . ; Bro . F . A . Thomas ; A' -W , Bro . Latimer , P . Pro . G . Sec . ; W . Bro . Westcott , P . M . ; AV . Bro . E . A . DaviesAV . M . After the most le justice had htei
, amp done to the dinner , the Worshipful Master , in short and terse speeches , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing "The health ofthe Pro . G . M . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , " he stated that he had received a kind response in his . invitation stating that he was prevented from accepting it , owing to the serious illness of Mrs . Huyshe . The Prov . Grand Master wa
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
pathic tear over the memory of our deceased brothers , let charity incline us to throw a veil over their foibles , whatever they may have been , and not withhold the praise the virtues may have claimed . Suffer the apologies of human nature to plead in their behalf—perfection on earth has never been attained ; the wisest as well as the best of men have erred . Their meritorious actions it is our duty to imitate , and from their weakness we ought to derive instruction . Let uswhile in this stage of
, existence , support with propriety the character of our profession , advert to the nature of our solemnities , and pursue with assiduity the sacred tenets of our Order . Then , with becoming reverence , let us supplicate Divine grace to ensure the favour of that Eternal Being whose gooducss and power know no bound , that when ^ the awful moment arrives , bo it soon or late , wo may be enabled to prosecute ourjourney without dread or
apprehension to that distant country whence no traveller returns . By the light of the Divine countenance we shall pass without trembling through those gloomy mansions where all things are forgotten ; and at the great tremendous day of trial aud retribution , when arraigned at the bar of Divine justice , let us hope that judgment-will be pronounced in our favour , and that wo shall receive our reward in the possession of an immortal
inheritance , where joy iiowsin one continued stream and no mound can check its course . Unto the grave bath been consigned the mortal remains of our much-respected Brothers Scruby and Newton , there to remain until tho general resurrection in favourable expectation tbat their immortal souls may then partake of joys which have been prepared for the ri ghteous from the begimhng of the world . And Almihty Godof His
may g , infinite goodness , at the tribunal of unbiassed justice extend His mercy towards them , and all of us , and crown our hope with everlasting bliss iu tbe expanded realms of a boundless eternity . This we beg for the honour of His name to whom be glory . now and for ever . "—At the conclusion of tho address Bro . T . Meggy announced the result of his stewardship at the last festival of the Girls' Schooland stated that in addition to
, other subscriptions , the lodge had scut in twenty guineas towards the amount required to secure a Life Governorship of that excellent institution . Bros . E . Baxter , P . M S ; Bilby P . M . SGI ; Gratz , P . M . $ 69 , and Straehan , 1319 , wore present as visitors .
BERKS AND BUCKS . _ .. T ___ . SBU _ n .. — ' Br . acingham Lodge ( No . 591 ) . —The annual festival of this ledge was held on AVednesday , the 21 st June , at the George Hotel , Aylesbury , when there was a goodly gathering of members and visitors . There ivas one intiatioiCwhieh was performed bthe Rev . 0 . J . GracePMand PProv
y , .., . . Grand Chap ., and one passing , performed by the Rev , A . L . Taylor , W .. AJ , P . Prov . G . S . W . The installation of the Rev . ' John Williams , Prov . S . G . W . and the AV . M . elect ( who has previously been through the chair ) , was most ablv and impressively rendered bd Rev . W . Biggs , P . M . and Prov . " Gr . See . The AA ' . M . was saluted in thc respective degrees , and the addresses ivere effectively given bthe Installing Masterwho was quite
y , equal to his work and performed it with great ability . The AV . M . having invested Lis officers and finally closed the lodge , the brethren adjoiu-ned to refreshment iu the " shape o ? a banquet provided by Bro . Windsor , ivhich gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the evening ' s enjoyment being much enhanced by the singing ofthe musical brethren , among whom must ho mentioned Bro . Mortimer The
, P . Prov . G . O . meeting having been as usual concluded in peace , was closed in harmony . CORNWALL . MiiXBEOOir . —Meridian Lodge ( No . 893 ) . —The installation meeting of this lod-e was held on Thursday , the 15 tb ult ., at the lodge-room New Street , Millbrook . Henry Clark , the AV . M .-elcet' was duly installed into the chair of K . S by Bro R R . Rodd , P . M . ISO , " 1 ' . Pi-o . G . S . AV . ; assisted by Bros . E . . 1 . AVorth ' P . M . S 93 , P . Prn . G . S . D . ; W . II . Bickford , P . M . 893 , P . Pro . G . S . D .
R . P . Stephens , P . M . 893 , P . Pro . G . Steward ; R , II . Rae , P . M 189 ; Smith , W . M . 954 ; Thomas , AV . M . 159 . The AV . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as his otlicers : — Bros . AV . J . Harris , I . P . M . ; T . Scriven , S . W . ; AV . Couth , J . W . ; R . P . Stephens , P . M ., Treas . ; John Kenwood , Sec . ; C . A . Payne , S . D ; H . Eaton , J . D . ; J . H . Filmer , I . G . ; J . Dillon , Dir . of Car . ; and W . Cawse , Steward . In the evening a banquet was served at the Coopers' Arms , after which the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
CUMBERLAND . COCKEEIIOUTII . —Shiddaw Lodge ( No . 1 , 002 ) . —The Installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , Gth ult ., when there were present : —Bros . Morton , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; G . AV . Kenwortby , Prov . J . G . W . ; E . Busher , Prov . G . Sec , P . G . S . B . ; Rev . H . L . Puxley , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; R . Robinson , Prov . G . J . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 ; Rev . AV . Williams , Prov . G . Asst . G . Chap ., J . W . 1 , 002 ; J . R . Tickle , Prov . G . Purst . ; AA' . Shilton , P . M .. ;
W . Taylor , S . AV . ; I . Evening , Treas . ; C . Mayson , See . ; W . H . Lewtbwaite , S . D . ; J . Allison , J . D . ; R . Brown , and W . IV . ts Bro . Puxley , the retiring Master , having opened the Lodge in form , and the minutes having been read and confirmed , the Installing Master assumed his position in the chair , and proceeded to install Bro . John Pearson , as AV . M . for the ensuing year . A Board of Installed Masteis was formed . On the re-admittance of the brethren , tho newly-installed Master was
sainted iu the several degrees , Bro . W . II . Lewtbwaite playing on the harmonium tbe salutary marches . The newly-installed W . Jl . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros C . Mayson , S . AV . ; II . Bailey , J . W . ; I . Evening , Treas . ; AV . II Lewthwaite , Sec ; J . Allinson , S . D . ; J . Bolton , J . D . ; W . H . Smethurst , I . G . ; YY . Potts , Tyler . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , provided at the Globe Hotel . The newly-installed Master presided . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were responded to .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Dundas Lodge ( No . 1 , 255 ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this successful young lodge was held ou Wednesday afternoon , June 21 st , at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . Elect , Br . Francis R . Tomes , in the chair of King Solomon . After the AV . Master had been duly installed , he proceeded to make appointments of his officers . The following are the officers of the lod for the
ge year ensuing : —Bros . Francis R . Tomes , Worshipful Master ; Walter G . Ball , I . P . M . ; William 11 . Triplet , S . Warden ; J . Hicks , J . AVarden ; AVilliam Bell , Treasurer ; T . B . Harvey , P . M , Secretary ; Samuel B . Harvey , S . Deacon ; — Cobhleiiick , 1 Deacon ; W . H . Hoare , Organist ; R . J . G . Duggua , Inner Guard ; Philip Symons , Director of Ceremonies ; Hector B . Ma- > liiillanS . Steward ; George FryJ . StewardThomas Smith
, , ; , Tyler . After the formal business of the day had been transacted , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , at the Globe Hotel , where Bro . Isaac Watts had provided as handsome and as excellent a dinner as either iutitiate or " outer barbarian " need desiro to enjoy . The dinner hour was fixed for three o'clock-, many of the brethren having to leave by early trains ;
and the dinner , admirably cooked , ivas provided by Mrs . Watts to the minute . Lodge "Dundas" is not a lodgo of indulgence ; its refreshment means a banquet only once : i year , and as it meets at the Temple none of the fair could by possibility object to any of their ma « culine friends becoming associated with it . The W . M . ably occupied the chair , and the Senior Warden tbe vice-chair . The other officers took their respective places at the festive board . Besides those already named as present at tho
ceremony of the installation , and were also present at the table tbe following , chief of whom were guests : —HAY . Bro . Metham P . G . D . aud D . Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Br . Nichollis , P . M ., P . Pro . G . O . BAY . Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . Pro . G . A . D . C ; A ' . W . I . AVatts , P . M . P . Pr " . G . T .. W . Bro . A' . Bird , P . M . ; Bro . F . A . Thomas ; A' -W , Bro . Latimer , P . Pro . G . Sec . ; W . Bro . Westcott , P . M . ; AV . Bro . E . A . DaviesAV . M . After the most le justice had htei
, amp done to the dinner , the Worshipful Master , in short and terse speeches , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing "The health ofthe Pro . G . M . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , " he stated that he had received a kind response in his . invitation stating that he was prevented from accepting it , owing to the serious illness of Mrs . Huyshe . The Prov . Grand Master wa