Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 8 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Provincial Grancl Lodge of Kent is to be held at Gravesend on the 22 nd of October , when the installation of Viscount Holmesdale , as Provincial Grand Master , will take place .
Grand Lodge.
TUE following is the Official Agenda of Business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednescky next . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 6 fch of June , ancl of an Especial Grand Lodge , holden at Middlesborough , Yorkshire , on the 7 th August , will bo read and respectively put for -confirmation .
The Report of tbe Board of Benevolence for tbe last quarter , - in which is a recommendation for a grant of £ 30 to the widow of tbe late Brother , James Davenport , of the Albion Lodge ( No . 0 ) , London . The Report of ihe Board of General Purposes to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have
received and adjudicated upon the following complaints , viz .: — 1 . Against the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No- 20 ) , at Chatham ^ for neglecting to make tbe returns required by the law , and to pay the registration or joining fee for members initiated in or joining the Lodge . The W . Master acknowledged that it had been the custom of the lodge not to include in the returns , or to pa 3 * the registration fee for any new members who did not take tba third degree . Finding that this practice had existed for many years , the
board caused a strict examination to be made of the books , by which it was shown that , during tbe last fifteen years , upwards of fifty candidates hacl been admitted into tbe Lodge , either as joining members or by initiation , from whom the fees hacl been received , but for whom no fees hacl been paid over to Grand Lodge . The Board ordered the dues ( the property of Grancl Lodge ) amounting' to £ 35 3 * . to bo paid forthwith ; and , taking into consideration the position of the lodgeancl the fact of the W . Master having ( b
, y dispensation ) held that office for four years , and therefore being supposed to be cognizant of the laws , inflicted tbe highest penalty in their power , namely , a fine of £ 5 , severely reprimanded the W . Master and officers of the Lodge , and ordered their decision to be read in open lodge , ancl to be recorded on the minutes . The dues ancl fine have been paid .
2 . Against the Pythagorean Lodge , ( No . 03 ) , at Greenwich , for conferring degrees within tbe period prescribed by tbe constitutions . The Board being satisfied upon explanation that the irregularity hacl taken place in consequence of the Lodge having , upon a certain occasion , been unable to meet until a fortnight after its usual time , and hacl not arisen from an intentional disregard of the law , reprimanded the W . Master , and admonished him to be more careful for the future . The Board also directed the W . Master to confer the
degrees again at proper intervals , so as to enable the brethren to obtain their Grand Lodge certificates . 3 . Against the Panmure Lodge , ( No . 1025 ) , at Aldershot , for neglecting to register the names of brethren made in or joining the lodge . The Board having heard the explanation offered , were satisfied that the W . Master had met with considerable difficulty in conducting tbe aftaivs of tbe Lodge , and that efforts were now being made to carry it on with greater regularit . They therefore ordered
y the dues , amounting to £ 3 os . Gd ., to be paid , reprimanded the W . Master and Officers of the Lodge , and admonished them to be moro careful for the future . ' I . By the Lodge of Benevolence against the Loyal Welsh Lodge , ( No . 525 ) , at Pembroke Dock , for certifying to the petition of a brother that he hacl been a regular contributing member for twentyone years , whereas Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only fourteen
years . It being proved that the error in the certificate arose from carelessness in not sufficiently examining the books , that the brother had really been a member for only fourteen years , and that consequently no monies , the property of Grand Lodge , hacl been withheld , the Board admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future . 5 . Against the Royal Gloucester Lotlge ( No . 152 ) , at Southampton , for certifying to the petition of a brother , that he had been a subscribing member for -1- whereas no dues had been paid to
y years , Grand Lod ge . It appeared upon investigation that some confusion bad arisen from the fact that there were " two brothers of the same name in the lodge , and the brother , in question had only subscribed for one year ; the Hoard , therefore , ordered the dues for that year to be paid ; imposed a fine of £ 1 Is . upon the lodge , and directed
Grand Lodge.
its sentence to be read m open Lodge , and to be recorded on the minutes . 0 . Against the Ionic Lodge , ( No . 276 ) , London , for neglecting to pay the registration fee for a brother who bad joined the Lodge , and who subsequently became a petitioner for relief from the Lodge of Benevolence . The Board , being satisfied that the error arose from inadvertence , ordered the registration fee to be paid , and admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future , ancl directed its decision
to bo read , and recorded on the minutes of the Lodge . Tbe Board beg to report , in reference to the question as to the non-confirmation of a minute of Grancl Lodge , ordering the erasure of the Lodge of Concord , No . 49 , London , that Brother Madden not having brought before them any other facts than those already known to Grand Lodge , they do not feel themselves justified in recommending that the application of Brother Madden for the nonconfirmation of that minute be acceded to .
( Signed ) JOHST ITAVEIIS , President . Freemasons' Hall , Aug . 21 st , 1860 . The Board subjoin a statement of tho cash account , showing tha t at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 17 th instant , there was a balance in the hands of the grand treasurer of £ 1379 2 * . 3 d ., and in the hands of the Grancl Secretary , forpetty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 701 . 9 * . lid ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 190 lis . IQcl ., and
there is in the unappropriated account £ 533 14 * . Gel ., of winch a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter . Notices of Motion . —By W . Brother George Barrett , P . M ., No . 212 : — " That , for the future , the Grancl Lodge supply th e annuitants residing at the Freemasons' Asylum , Croydon , with coals and candles , the cost to bo paid out of the Fund of General Purposes . "
By W . Brother Joseph Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant : — ' That out of the amount of Stock in the Three per Cent . Consols , now standing in the names ofthe Trustees of the Fund of Benevolence of Grand Lodge , the Grand Treasurer be directed to transfer the sum of £ 1000 , Three per Cent . Consols , in equal proportions , into the names of tbe Trustees of tho following Masonic Charities : —
Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 1000 ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 1000 ; Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons , £ 1000 ; Ro 3 al Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons , £ 1000 . Total , £ -1000 . " By W . Brother George Barrett , P . M ., No . 212-. — "That £ 4000
Stock be voted from tbe Fund of General Purposes to the following Masonic Charities , viz .: —Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 1000 ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 1000 ; Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons , £ 1000 ; , Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons , £ 1000 . Total , £ -1000 .
HAMPSHIRE . MIOVIXCIAL CKAXD LODGE . Tier , AxsuAL GiiAXD LODGE of this province , was held at Aldershot , on Tuesday , the 11 th ult , at the Concert Room of the Roy al Hotel ( Bro . Tilbury's ) Sou th Camp , and was close tiled at high noon . Tbe Right "Worshipful Grancl Master of the Province , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., presided , supported by Bros . Charles Ewcns Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas Willis Fleming , Prov ., G . M .,
Isle of Wia-lit ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . Isle of Wight ; R . J . Spiers , P . G ' . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . Master Oxfordshire ; W . W . Beach , M . P , Prov . S . G . W ., Hants ; Thos . Coombes , Prov . G . Secretary , Dor ¦ set , ancl a number of other distinguished members of the Provincial Grand Lodge and visitors , including Bro . Frederick Perkins , Mayor of Southampton , Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Ford , late Mayor of Portsmonth , Prov . J . G . W . ; ancl Bro . Ilankin Stebbing , officiating as Grand Secretarywhoin conjunction with Bro"Wentworth DawesGrand
, , . , Director of Ceremonies , and II . G . Wood , W . M . of tho Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) , had made all the arrangements for this most successful meeting . Thirteen Lodges in the Province wero fully represented , ancl all the preliminaries being arranged , the Lodge was duly opened , the iiev . George Bradshaw , A . M ., acting as Grand Chaplain . The minutes of tho last Grand Lodge having been read and confirmed , and letters of regret , on account of their
unavoidable absence , read from tho Bight Hon . tbe Earl of Carnarvon , P . Prov . G . V . ' . ; Wyndham Portal P . ( i . W . ; Bro . H . M " . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . W „ & c , the following address was delivered by the Prov . G . Muster : —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Provincial Grancl Lodge of Kent is to be held at Gravesend on the 22 nd of October , when the installation of Viscount Holmesdale , as Provincial Grand Master , will take place .
Grand Lodge.
TUE following is the Official Agenda of Business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednescky next . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 6 fch of June , ancl of an Especial Grand Lodge , holden at Middlesborough , Yorkshire , on the 7 th August , will bo read and respectively put for -confirmation .
The Report of tbe Board of Benevolence for tbe last quarter , - in which is a recommendation for a grant of £ 30 to the widow of tbe late Brother , James Davenport , of the Albion Lodge ( No . 0 ) , London . The Report of ihe Board of General Purposes to the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have
received and adjudicated upon the following complaints , viz .: — 1 . Against the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No- 20 ) , at Chatham ^ for neglecting to make tbe returns required by the law , and to pay the registration or joining fee for members initiated in or joining the Lodge . The W . Master acknowledged that it had been the custom of the lodge not to include in the returns , or to pa 3 * the registration fee for any new members who did not take tba third degree . Finding that this practice had existed for many years , the
board caused a strict examination to be made of the books , by which it was shown that , during tbe last fifteen years , upwards of fifty candidates hacl been admitted into tbe Lodge , either as joining members or by initiation , from whom the fees hacl been received , but for whom no fees hacl been paid over to Grand Lodge . The Board ordered the dues ( the property of Grancl Lodge ) amounting' to £ 35 3 * . to bo paid forthwith ; and , taking into consideration the position of the lodgeancl the fact of the W . Master having ( b
, y dispensation ) held that office for four years , and therefore being supposed to be cognizant of the laws , inflicted tbe highest penalty in their power , namely , a fine of £ 5 , severely reprimanded the W . Master and officers of the Lodge , and ordered their decision to be read in open lodge , ancl to be recorded on the minutes . The dues ancl fine have been paid .
2 . Against the Pythagorean Lodge , ( No . 03 ) , at Greenwich , for conferring degrees within tbe period prescribed by tbe constitutions . The Board being satisfied upon explanation that the irregularity hacl taken place in consequence of the Lodge having , upon a certain occasion , been unable to meet until a fortnight after its usual time , and hacl not arisen from an intentional disregard of the law , reprimanded the W . Master , and admonished him to be more careful for the future . The Board also directed the W . Master to confer the
degrees again at proper intervals , so as to enable the brethren to obtain their Grand Lodge certificates . 3 . Against the Panmure Lodge , ( No . 1025 ) , at Aldershot , for neglecting to register the names of brethren made in or joining the lodge . The Board having heard the explanation offered , were satisfied that the W . Master had met with considerable difficulty in conducting tbe aftaivs of tbe Lodge , and that efforts were now being made to carry it on with greater regularit . They therefore ordered
y the dues , amounting to £ 3 os . Gd ., to be paid , reprimanded the W . Master and Officers of the Lodge , and admonished them to be moro careful for the future . ' I . By the Lodge of Benevolence against the Loyal Welsh Lodge , ( No . 525 ) , at Pembroke Dock , for certifying to the petition of a brother that he hacl been a regular contributing member for twentyone years , whereas Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only fourteen
years . It being proved that the error in the certificate arose from carelessness in not sufficiently examining the books , that the brother had really been a member for only fourteen years , and that consequently no monies , the property of Grand Lodge , hacl been withheld , the Board admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future . 5 . Against the Royal Gloucester Lotlge ( No . 152 ) , at Southampton , for certifying to the petition of a brother , that he had been a subscribing member for -1- whereas no dues had been paid to
y years , Grand Lod ge . It appeared upon investigation that some confusion bad arisen from the fact that there were " two brothers of the same name in the lodge , and the brother , in question had only subscribed for one year ; the Hoard , therefore , ordered the dues for that year to be paid ; imposed a fine of £ 1 Is . upon the lodge , and directed
Grand Lodge.
its sentence to be read m open Lodge , and to be recorded on the minutes . 0 . Against the Ionic Lodge , ( No . 276 ) , London , for neglecting to pay the registration fee for a brother who bad joined the Lodge , and who subsequently became a petitioner for relief from the Lodge of Benevolence . The Board , being satisfied that the error arose from inadvertence , ordered the registration fee to be paid , and admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future , ancl directed its decision
to bo read , and recorded on the minutes of the Lodge . Tbe Board beg to report , in reference to the question as to the non-confirmation of a minute of Grancl Lodge , ordering the erasure of the Lodge of Concord , No . 49 , London , that Brother Madden not having brought before them any other facts than those already known to Grand Lodge , they do not feel themselves justified in recommending that the application of Brother Madden for the nonconfirmation of that minute be acceded to .
( Signed ) JOHST ITAVEIIS , President . Freemasons' Hall , Aug . 21 st , 1860 . The Board subjoin a statement of tho cash account , showing tha t at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 17 th instant , there was a balance in the hands of the grand treasurer of £ 1379 2 * . 3 d ., and in the hands of the Grancl Secretary , forpetty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 701 . 9 * . lid ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 190 lis . IQcl ., and
there is in the unappropriated account £ 533 14 * . Gel ., of winch a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter . Notices of Motion . —By W . Brother George Barrett , P . M ., No . 212 : — " That , for the future , the Grancl Lodge supply th e annuitants residing at the Freemasons' Asylum , Croydon , with coals and candles , the cost to bo paid out of the Fund of General Purposes . "
By W . Brother Joseph Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant : — ' That out of the amount of Stock in the Three per Cent . Consols , now standing in the names ofthe Trustees of the Fund of Benevolence of Grand Lodge , the Grand Treasurer be directed to transfer the sum of £ 1000 , Three per Cent . Consols , in equal proportions , into the names of tbe Trustees of tho following Masonic Charities : —
Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 1000 ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 1000 ; Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons , £ 1000 ; Ro 3 al Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons , £ 1000 . Total , £ -1000 . " By W . Brother George Barrett , P . M ., No . 212-. — "That £ 4000
Stock be voted from tbe Fund of General Purposes to the following Masonic Charities , viz .: —Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 1000 ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 1000 ; Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons , £ 1000 ; , Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons , £ 1000 . Total , £ -1000 .
HAMPSHIRE . MIOVIXCIAL CKAXD LODGE . Tier , AxsuAL GiiAXD LODGE of this province , was held at Aldershot , on Tuesday , the 11 th ult , at the Concert Room of the Roy al Hotel ( Bro . Tilbury's ) Sou th Camp , and was close tiled at high noon . Tbe Right "Worshipful Grancl Master of the Province , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., presided , supported by Bros . Charles Ewcns Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas Willis Fleming , Prov ., G . M .,
Isle of Wia-lit ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . Isle of Wight ; R . J . Spiers , P . G ' . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . Master Oxfordshire ; W . W . Beach , M . P , Prov . S . G . W ., Hants ; Thos . Coombes , Prov . G . Secretary , Dor ¦ set , ancl a number of other distinguished members of the Provincial Grand Lodge and visitors , including Bro . Frederick Perkins , Mayor of Southampton , Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Ford , late Mayor of Portsmonth , Prov . J . G . W . ; ancl Bro . Ilankin Stebbing , officiating as Grand Secretarywhoin conjunction with Bro"Wentworth DawesGrand
, , . , Director of Ceremonies , and II . G . Wood , W . M . of tho Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) , had made all the arrangements for this most successful meeting . Thirteen Lodges in the Province wero fully represented , ancl all the preliminaries being arranged , the Lodge was duly opened , the iiev . George Bradshaw , A . M ., acting as Grand Chaplain . The minutes of tho last Grand Lodge having been read and confirmed , and letters of regret , on account of their
unavoidable absence , read from tho Bight Hon . tbe Earl of Carnarvon , P . Prov . G . V . ' . ; Wyndham Portal P . ( i . W . ; Bro . H . M " . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . W „ & c , the following address was delivered by the Prov . G . Muster : —