Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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The CIIAIMIA-S' gave "The Past Provincial Grand Officers , " trusting , that though they had ceased to hold office in the Prvincial Grand Lodge , tbey had not relaxed in their duties or cooled in their attachment to the tenets and objects of Alasonry . i Bro . BAKER , P . Prov . S . G . W . replied , ancl assured the brethren that the love of Masonry remained as strong in their hearts as ivhen they held offices . Bro . BOND CABBELL , Prov . G . AI ., said be had been entrusted with
the next toast , which he supposed bad been confided to him , because it was the health of the only Officer of the Provincial Grancl Lodge , whom he did not appoint , the Treasurer . He ( Bro . Cabbell ) could say without any hesitation , that it would be impossible any where to fine ! a brother more qualified to perform the duties of that responsible office than their excellent Bro . Barwell , who hacl been for so many successive years , chosen as their Treasurer by the members of the Prov . Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . )
Bro . J . BAEWLLL , Prov . G . Treas . said he was sure if Freemasonry were taken up in the proper spirit , the Order would constitute the majority of the population of every civilized country on the face of the globe , which ifc was far from doing afc present , though ifc ought . He was confident that the more extensive diffusion of the principles of Masonry would tend to a material amelioration of the moral position of the people at large . He thought it was of great importance on that accountthat they should seek to
, attach young men to their Order ; for ifc was at an early age , that the principles of Masonry were of the chief importance . Jlen who were introduced into the Order in the middle of their life , had , for the most part , discovered b 3 ' experience , and begun to act upon these principles , but to young men just entering upon life , the 3 * would be new and solemn truths , which , being invpressecl on their minds by Masonry , would have a beneficial influence on their career , warn
them of those errors , which men were often led into without any inherent viciousness in their disposition . He was persuaded , therefore , that it was better to look for young anil aspiring blood , rathei than for persons of distinction ancl mature age , though the lattei were , of course , always acceptable . They did not want , however , wealth so much as young blood , which , would one day , rise to the surface , ancl an excellent example of that principle hacl been set their worthy Chairman , whose son has just entered the Order ,
even before the usual ago , a dispensation haying been obtained for that purpose . ( Applause . ) The CHAIIUIAK having proposed "The Health of the Provincial -Grand Secretary "Bro . AV . LEEDES FOX , in responding , observed that he thoroughly concurred with their li . AV . Prov . G . AI . that the principles of Freemasonry were not to bo kept to the fraternity- alone , but should be extended to every son and daughter of Adam . He was very glad
that Bro . Cabbell made the remarks he hacl about their charities ; for he thought there was something ennobling in the sentiment of universal charity—feeding the hungry and clothing tbe naked , —to whatever class or order they might belong . He knew perfectl y well tbat tbey ought to support their Masonic Institutions ; and so they did . That , however , was no reason WI 13- they should not also contribute to other charities . ( Hear , hear . ) "The Health of LadStracey and the Ladies " concluded the list
y of toasts , and most of the company left , the remainder of the brethren prolonging the conviviality of the evening for a short time under the presidency of Bro . AVilkin , when the health ol Bro . Joseph Marshall , on whom the arrangements for the banquet devolved , was proposed and cordially drank , a compliment he well deserved for his exertions , which contributed materially to the degree of success which attended the banquet .
SUSSEX . l'ROVIXCIAL OH AXD LODGE The Provincial Grand Lotlge was held in the Assembly Boom , Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on Tuesday , the 28 th day of August , the A . AV . Bro . George C . Dalbiac , D . Prov . G . AI . presiding , Bro . , T . Cordy , P . Prov . S . G . AV . acting as D . Prov , G . AI . There were present all the present Prov . Grancl Officers , and very many past Prov . Officers , and the Prov . G . Stewards ancl the W . AI . 'sAVardensPast Alasters
, , also Brethren of the province . The Prov . Grand Lodgo was opened at 3 o ' clock . The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed ; the report of the Finance Committee ivas brought up , showing ^ handsome balance of £ 103 lis . lOd . in the hands of the Treasurer , whilst during the year £ 30 had been voted to charity . A statementshelving the of Masonry in the province
, progress , was raid from which it appeared there bad been 40 initiations , 22 joining members , the quarterage amounted to £ 13 13 s . ( id ., ancl the total number of subscribing members 335 . Bro . AVilliam Vcrrall , was re-elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . Tbe D . Prov . Grand Alaster , thus addressed the brethren : — Brethren , I have again the satisfaction of thanking you for your
attendance to clay at our annual meet ' iig , anil to acknowledge gratefully tie fraternal greeting I have rcce ' vod , and the support so cordially -Accorded to me ou all occasions . This imlecd . makes my duties easy and most agreeable , and , with the good will and truly Alasonic spirit pervading all , it is impossible I can feel otherwise than most proud of the |) Osition our Bight AV . Prov . Grand Master has entrusted to me , endorsed as I fully believe it to be hy the brethren of the province .
AVe have every reason to bo satisfied with the progress of Alasonry during the past year ; and I am enabled to congratulate the brethren on our financial and numerical state . I feel assured you will give full credit to tbe Finance Committee for the care of funds , ancl the economy practised in tbe necessary expenses . A most pleasing event , during the past year , has boon the resuscitation of Lodge 61 at Arundel , and our warmest thanks are due to those brethren who have devoted so much timo and zealous
co-operation to this good work . The Mariners Lodge ( No . 878 ) was erased , by order of Grand Lodge , on September 7 , 1859 . The petition for a new lodge to be held in Brighton , ancl styled the Yarborough Lodge , has been granted . The warrant bears date February IS , 1860 , but the consecration of the lodge , at the request of the members , has been delayed to the early part of September . My only regret at this ceremony not preceding our annual meeting , is 1113- being precluded from paying it the compliment of its being represented in
Prov . Grand Lodge . Although not strictly a Prov . Grand Lodge a Hair , I am gratified to state that the Chapter attached to Lodge 390 has been resuscitated , under very favourable circumstances . Previously to appointing my officers for the yesn- I just mention , it is not my intention to annually make a full change of officers , unless circumstances imf ' orseen prevent the arrangement . This rule is , of course , not applicable to those officers where
a continued change would be attended with great inconvenience . I cannot help , before closing these few remarks , expressing the deep gratification I feel , and ivhich I know is unanimously shared b 3 nil tho brethren , that the eclat ancl interest of our annual meeting will be greatly enhanced by the acknowledgement and recognition of the faithful services of a zealous brother and dear friend . And now , brethren , accept mj- best thanks for your support , and
believe me deeply grateful for your increasing endeavours to promote the prosperity of the Graft , and your zealous co-operation in performing the duties of yom * offices . I must implore the Masters of lodges to observe the same vigilance in the correctness of their returns which has characterised our correspondence with Grand Lodge , and prevented us receiving any sort of rebuke or reprimand from Grand Lodge . The following brethren ivere then appointed officers , ancl invested .-
—Bro . John AVilson Prov . S . G . AV . „ Bannister „ J . G . AV . „ Tayler „ Chaplain „ Henry A errall „ Beg . „ Gavin E . Poeock „ Sec . „ John Scott „ S . G . D . „ Alolesivorth „ J . G . D . Freeman Sup . AVorks
„ „ „ Wellerd „ D . C . „ Moppott „ A . D . C . „ Taskefc „ S . B . „ Kuhe „ Organist . „ Smith „ Purst . „ Tatham " 1 „ Corder ( Prov . Grand Stewards . Hart i
„ „ Ba 3 'nes J Bro . G . Poeock , Prov . G ., Sec , proposed , and Bro . Cordy , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., seconded , and it was resolved , "that two Governorships for fifteen years in the lloyal Alasonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their Widows be purchased from the funds of this Provincial Grand Lodge at a cost of .- £ 20 , and that the privileges of ono be given to the AV . Alaster ( for the time being ) of the lloyal
York Lodge ( No . 391 ) , aud of the other to the AV . Alaster ( for the time being ) ofthe AVcllington Lodge ( No . 426 ) . " Tbe 1 ) . Prov . G . AI " ., having announced that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would bo held at Arundel , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed " in form . "
THE n . iyciUET Took place in the ball-room . The D . Prov . Grand Alaster presided , supported by about 120 brethren . Among the Past Prov . Officers were Bros . Turner , , 1 . Bacon , Adams , Wood , King , Langtry , Wilkinson , Fabian , Siviithei-s , AIcGce , Scott , and Williams . The visitors were , Bros . Crew , No . I . ; Slight , P . G . D . ; Barron , No . 2 ; Adlard , No . 7 ; Davison , No , 10 ; Aleviuott , No . 1-1 ; Matthews ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The CIIAIMIA-S' gave "The Past Provincial Grand Officers , " trusting , that though they had ceased to hold office in the Prvincial Grand Lodge , tbey had not relaxed in their duties or cooled in their attachment to the tenets and objects of Alasonry . i Bro . BAKER , P . Prov . S . G . W . replied , ancl assured the brethren that the love of Masonry remained as strong in their hearts as ivhen they held offices . Bro . BOND CABBELL , Prov . G . AI ., said be had been entrusted with
the next toast , which he supposed bad been confided to him , because it was the health of the only Officer of the Provincial Grancl Lodge , whom he did not appoint , the Treasurer . He ( Bro . Cabbell ) could say without any hesitation , that it would be impossible any where to fine ! a brother more qualified to perform the duties of that responsible office than their excellent Bro . Barwell , who hacl been for so many successive years , chosen as their Treasurer by the members of the Prov . Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . )
Bro . J . BAEWLLL , Prov . G . Treas . said he was sure if Freemasonry were taken up in the proper spirit , the Order would constitute the majority of the population of every civilized country on the face of the globe , which ifc was far from doing afc present , though ifc ought . He was confident that the more extensive diffusion of the principles of Masonry would tend to a material amelioration of the moral position of the people at large . He thought it was of great importance on that accountthat they should seek to
, attach young men to their Order ; for ifc was at an early age , that the principles of Masonry were of the chief importance . Jlen who were introduced into the Order in the middle of their life , had , for the most part , discovered b 3 ' experience , and begun to act upon these principles , but to young men just entering upon life , the 3 * would be new and solemn truths , which , being invpressecl on their minds by Masonry , would have a beneficial influence on their career , warn
them of those errors , which men were often led into without any inherent viciousness in their disposition . He was persuaded , therefore , that it was better to look for young anil aspiring blood , rathei than for persons of distinction ancl mature age , though the lattei were , of course , always acceptable . They did not want , however , wealth so much as young blood , which , would one day , rise to the surface , ancl an excellent example of that principle hacl been set their worthy Chairman , whose son has just entered the Order ,
even before the usual ago , a dispensation haying been obtained for that purpose . ( Applause . ) The CHAIIUIAK having proposed "The Health of the Provincial -Grand Secretary "Bro . AV . LEEDES FOX , in responding , observed that he thoroughly concurred with their li . AV . Prov . G . AI . that the principles of Freemasonry were not to bo kept to the fraternity- alone , but should be extended to every son and daughter of Adam . He was very glad
that Bro . Cabbell made the remarks he hacl about their charities ; for he thought there was something ennobling in the sentiment of universal charity—feeding the hungry and clothing tbe naked , —to whatever class or order they might belong . He knew perfectl y well tbat tbey ought to support their Masonic Institutions ; and so they did . That , however , was no reason WI 13- they should not also contribute to other charities . ( Hear , hear . ) "The Health of LadStracey and the Ladies " concluded the list
y of toasts , and most of the company left , the remainder of the brethren prolonging the conviviality of the evening for a short time under the presidency of Bro . AVilkin , when the health ol Bro . Joseph Marshall , on whom the arrangements for the banquet devolved , was proposed and cordially drank , a compliment he well deserved for his exertions , which contributed materially to the degree of success which attended the banquet .
SUSSEX . l'ROVIXCIAL OH AXD LODGE The Provincial Grand Lotlge was held in the Assembly Boom , Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on Tuesday , the 28 th day of August , the A . AV . Bro . George C . Dalbiac , D . Prov . G . AI . presiding , Bro . , T . Cordy , P . Prov . S . G . AV . acting as D . Prov , G . AI . There were present all the present Prov . Grancl Officers , and very many past Prov . Officers , and the Prov . G . Stewards ancl the W . AI . 'sAVardensPast Alasters
, , also Brethren of the province . The Prov . Grand Lodgo was opened at 3 o ' clock . The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed ; the report of the Finance Committee ivas brought up , showing ^ handsome balance of £ 103 lis . lOd . in the hands of the Treasurer , whilst during the year £ 30 had been voted to charity . A statementshelving the of Masonry in the province
, progress , was raid from which it appeared there bad been 40 initiations , 22 joining members , the quarterage amounted to £ 13 13 s . ( id ., ancl the total number of subscribing members 335 . Bro . AVilliam Vcrrall , was re-elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . Tbe D . Prov . Grand Alaster , thus addressed the brethren : — Brethren , I have again the satisfaction of thanking you for your
attendance to clay at our annual meet ' iig , anil to acknowledge gratefully tie fraternal greeting I have rcce ' vod , and the support so cordially -Accorded to me ou all occasions . This imlecd . makes my duties easy and most agreeable , and , with the good will and truly Alasonic spirit pervading all , it is impossible I can feel otherwise than most proud of the |) Osition our Bight AV . Prov . Grand Master has entrusted to me , endorsed as I fully believe it to be hy the brethren of the province .
AVe have every reason to bo satisfied with the progress of Alasonry during the past year ; and I am enabled to congratulate the brethren on our financial and numerical state . I feel assured you will give full credit to tbe Finance Committee for the care of funds , ancl the economy practised in tbe necessary expenses . A most pleasing event , during the past year , has boon the resuscitation of Lodge 61 at Arundel , and our warmest thanks are due to those brethren who have devoted so much timo and zealous
co-operation to this good work . The Mariners Lodge ( No . 878 ) was erased , by order of Grand Lodge , on September 7 , 1859 . The petition for a new lodge to be held in Brighton , ancl styled the Yarborough Lodge , has been granted . The warrant bears date February IS , 1860 , but the consecration of the lodge , at the request of the members , has been delayed to the early part of September . My only regret at this ceremony not preceding our annual meeting , is 1113- being precluded from paying it the compliment of its being represented in
Prov . Grand Lodge . Although not strictly a Prov . Grand Lodge a Hair , I am gratified to state that the Chapter attached to Lodge 390 has been resuscitated , under very favourable circumstances . Previously to appointing my officers for the yesn- I just mention , it is not my intention to annually make a full change of officers , unless circumstances imf ' orseen prevent the arrangement . This rule is , of course , not applicable to those officers where
a continued change would be attended with great inconvenience . I cannot help , before closing these few remarks , expressing the deep gratification I feel , and ivhich I know is unanimously shared b 3 nil tho brethren , that the eclat ancl interest of our annual meeting will be greatly enhanced by the acknowledgement and recognition of the faithful services of a zealous brother and dear friend . And now , brethren , accept mj- best thanks for your support , and
believe me deeply grateful for your increasing endeavours to promote the prosperity of the Graft , and your zealous co-operation in performing the duties of yom * offices . I must implore the Masters of lodges to observe the same vigilance in the correctness of their returns which has characterised our correspondence with Grand Lodge , and prevented us receiving any sort of rebuke or reprimand from Grand Lodge . The following brethren ivere then appointed officers , ancl invested .-
—Bro . John AVilson Prov . S . G . AV . „ Bannister „ J . G . AV . „ Tayler „ Chaplain „ Henry A errall „ Beg . „ Gavin E . Poeock „ Sec . „ John Scott „ S . G . D . „ Alolesivorth „ J . G . D . Freeman Sup . AVorks
„ „ „ Wellerd „ D . C . „ Moppott „ A . D . C . „ Taskefc „ S . B . „ Kuhe „ Organist . „ Smith „ Purst . „ Tatham " 1 „ Corder ( Prov . Grand Stewards . Hart i
„ „ Ba 3 'nes J Bro . G . Poeock , Prov . G ., Sec , proposed , and Bro . Cordy , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., seconded , and it was resolved , "that two Governorships for fifteen years in the lloyal Alasonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their Widows be purchased from the funds of this Provincial Grand Lodge at a cost of .- £ 20 , and that the privileges of ono be given to the AV . Alaster ( for the time being ) of the lloyal
York Lodge ( No . 391 ) , aud of the other to the AV . Alaster ( for the time being ) ofthe AVcllington Lodge ( No . 426 ) . " Tbe 1 ) . Prov . G . AI " ., having announced that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would bo held at Arundel , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed " in form . "
THE n . iyciUET Took place in the ball-room . The D . Prov . Grand Alaster presided , supported by about 120 brethren . Among the Past Prov . Officers were Bros . Turner , , 1 . Bacon , Adams , Wood , King , Langtry , Wilkinson , Fabian , Siviithei-s , AIcGce , Scott , and Williams . The visitors were , Bros . Crew , No . I . ; Slight , P . G . D . ; Barron , No . 2 ; Adlard , No . 7 ; Davison , No , 10 ; Aleviuott , No . 1-1 ; Matthews ,