Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 8 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the interests of Freemasonry in the province of Sussex , of bis su-iet adherence to tbe laws and constitutions , and practical observance at' the principles of the Order , ancl also as a token of their fraternal regard and esteem for his character as a man , and for his fidelity as " a Alason . —August , I 860 . " The silver cup , was of _ a most unique shape , and of the value of sixty guineas , contained the purse .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
PoilTSMOUTlt . —lloyal Kami Chapter Pose Croix . —A Chapter of Emergency was held on August 28 , to confer the Illustrious degree on two officers of the garrison , and to elect Bro . Hyde Pullen M / AV . S . of the Rydc Chapter , an Honorary Alcmber , which business was duly transacted . The Illustrious Bro . R . W . Bradley presided with great ability , assisted hy Bros . Hyde Pullen , Rankin Stebbing , P . H . Ho ' llingsworth , lb & e . About 1 G brethren attended . There was a full choral service , under the direction of R . Bell , Organist .
Mark Masonry.
WIXCIIESTEJI . —A new Alark Lodge , to be called the Alark Lodge of Economy , AVinchester , is to be opened on Friday , the 14-th of September next , the AA' . AI . Beach , AI . P ., to be the first Alaster , the Rev . and G . R , Portal , S . AV , ancl Rankin Stebbing , J . AV . The M . AV . Grand AV . Alaster , the Earl of Carnarvon has signified his intention to be present , and a long list of candidates for initiation has been handed in . A new Mark Lodge is on the tapis for Southampton .
POO-N'AU . —Lodge St . Andrew i . i the East ( No . 313 , Scotch Constitutions . )—This Lodge held its regular meeting' on . Monday the 16 th July , 1860 , at the Alasonic-hal'f , Poonah . Bro . the Hon . E . 11 . Bourke , ' AI ., presided , supported-by Bros . F . C . Shcrren , P . AI . ; J . Dracup , D . M . ; D . ITcpworth , Sub . A'l . j A . F . Dawson , S . AV . ; J . IT . Clabby , J . AA ' . ; G . A . Summers , Sec . and Treas . ; S . Gordon , S . D . ; D . Alkien , Officiating J . D . ; J . D . Swiney , AV . ; R , I . Garnett ; J . Cumiinghame , I . G . ; J . 0 . Banclall ; A . F . Stewart ;
J . King ; I . Keily ; G . R , Bawlinson ; B . Hudson ; J . F . Fernandez ; G . Fowler ; AV . Brewer ; T . Stevenson ; A . Champion ; I . Lenning ; G . Smith ; J . Bitchie ; T . Berry ; AV . J . AVilson ; It . Roberts ; G . AlcCullen ; J . Fryer ; P . Phelps ; and visiting Brethren J . Sinclair , of Lodge A'ietoria , Belgium !; and H . Brewer , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay . The Lodge having Aieen opened , ancl the minutes of the last Lodge read and unanimously confirmedthe AA . AI . initiated into the mysteries of ancient
Free-, masonry Capt . Robert Baigril and Messrs . B . Burke and . ! . Fido . Bro . T . Berry , a candidatel ' or the F . C . Degree , having on examination satisfactorily acquitted himself ; was , in a Lodge of that degree , passed . The Lodge being again lowered to the first degree , the following business ivas transacted : — Ballots were taken for the affiliation of Bros . H . Brewer , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay ( No . 351 ) , and J . Sinclair , of Lodge A'ietoria , Belgaum ( No . 363 ) , both on the registry of Scotland , which proved
unanimous . The widow of a departed Brother—Airs . Campellwas , on a proposition of the W . AL , with the unanimous consent of the Brethren , placed on the list of pensioners of the Lodge , receiving a monthly stipend of ten rupees . The following ivas tho business proposed and duly seconded for the next fortnightly meeting : Three candidates for initiation ; "Brothers Baigril , Neugler , and Burke , for passing ; and Brothers Fowler , Letivitch , ancl lien' } ' for tho Sublime Degree of M . M ' . Bro . Hepworth , S . M ., proposed and
Bro . Cunniiigbame seconded , that the funds of the Lodge contribute ten rupees per cent , towards the " AVidows and Orphans Fund" ivhich is in connection with tho Lodge . Bio . Summers , tlie Secretary , in making tlie following proposition , which was seconded by the AA ' . AI . Bro . the Hon . E . R . Burke , observed that he rose to make a proposition which , if eloquence was required to recommend , he would have regretted that it had not fallen into able hands ; but , as the proposition ivas of
such a nature that carried with ifc its * own recommendation , he felt no hesitation in proposing a Brother whose name ivas as familiar as a household word , not only to Scotch , but to all Alasons under the different constitutions , for election as an Honorary Al ' ember of Lodge St . Andrew in the East . He hacl , as late as that clay , been examining the old records of the Lodge of the time of his many predecessors in office , and found that in all times of trouble and difficulty and assistance , Bro . A'f'diiam Alexander Laurie , the Grind Secretary to
the Grand Lodge of Scotland , was addressed , who , " heart and hand , " came forward with that ready co-operation which was the best characteristic of a Alason in spirit and in deed : that Bro . Lauril had for some years filled the distinguished post of Grand Secretary to tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Brethren were all aware of , and that through him they ancl all other Brother Alasons of the sister lodges under the Scotch constitution looked up to that guiding-star which shone so brilliantly at their bead iu the person
of their Alosfc AVorshipful the Grand Alaster . It , therefore , behove them , in token of their regard for their esteemed aud much-respected Bro . Laurie , to elect him to the distinguished rank of Honorary Member of the Lodge . ( Carried with acclamation . ) Bro . Summers , the Treasurer , on examining " The AVidows and Orphans Box , " reported that twenty-six rupees eight annas were found therein . No other business offering , the Lodge was closed in clue form with solemn prayerand the Brethren adjourned to refreshmentwhen
, , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts met with clue honour , ancl the proceedings wero much enlivened by somo excellent songs and recitations . At the signal toast of " Happy to Aleet , Sorry to Part , and Happy to Aleet Again , " the Brethren separated , after a happy reunion , throughout which the utmost harmony and good-fellowship prevailed .
KNIGHTS-TEAIPLAE . POO >\ UI . —Ascalon Encampment . —The members of this encampment met- on Fuftlay evening , the 20 th July , at the Alasonic Hall . Eras . E . R . Bourke , Officiating K . C . ; G-. A . Summers , Officiating 1 st Captain ; A . F . Dawson , Officiating 2 nd Captain ; F . C . Sherren , Officiating Prelate ; J . Decamp , Registrar ; J . Bannister , Expert ; J . S . Stirling , Capt . of Lines ; , T . H . Clabby , 1 st Herald ; S . Gordon , 2 nd Herald ; J . A . Randall , Equerry ; j . King and P . Donohoe .
The Encampment being opened in clue form , tho summons convening the meeting , was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . The following Companions , R . J . Garnett ; G . AI . L . Campbell and It . Andrews , of Chapter "'St . Andrews , " ( No . OS , on the Roll of Scotland ) , having passed the ballot , were admitted in form and duly installed in accordance with ancient usage . A dispensation received from tho AI . E . Grand Alaster ivas readauthorising the appointed of an Officiating E . G .
, for the "Ascalon Encampment" in place of Fra . Gould , who was away in China , and that Captains of the respective columns may be similarly appointed , in consequence of Fra . Hunt , tbe 2 nd Captain ' s absence from the . station . Tho Officiating E . G . proposed , and Fra . Summers seconded , that the new bye-laws of the Encampment read and confirmed , be printed . The " AViilow ' s ancl Orphan ' s Box " contained three rupees , which , on a proposition made and
unanimously carried , was directed to lie made over to the " \\ idow ' s and Orphan ' s" Fund , in connection with Lodge "St . Andrew in the East " ( No . 313 ) , on tho Roll of Scotland . There being no further business before the Encampment , it was closed with prayer , ancl the members retired to refreshment , where the usual toasts were drank with all due honour . The Sir Knights after thor the passing of a very agreeable evening , adjourned to meet again at no distant period . [ In reference to the above , a correspondent writes , "Please , be good
enough to let the Encampment have . your opinion , as there is a discussion on the subject , if this authority of merely appointing officiating office-bearers , is , consistent with sec . 32 , p . 37 of the Statutes of the Order . Eras . Gould and Hunt being incapacitated from discharging the duties of their respective offices , being removed from the station , and further , Fra . Gould , before leaving , having expressed his wish that a successor be appointed . The dispensation is only so far necessary in consequence of none of the Sir Kniht ' s
g of the Encampment , having under sec . 25 , p . 35 , of the Statutes , served ' one whole year' in tlio office of Capt . Commanding Column . Though , neither law referred to , would appear to give the power assumed yet , we hold , that under the circumstances , the exercise of such a power , would , in the absence P . E . C's . in the Encampment be acknowledged by the Grand Conclave , as otherwise tho Encampment must come to an cnd . "j
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Madame Novello is announced for two farewell performances at the Crystal Palace ; one of "The Messiah , " the other of "The Creation , " to be given during the last week in September . The list of singers for the coming Royal Italian Opera season , afc Paris , includes , among tbe second tenors , a Air . Alorley , an Englishman , we presume . The list of unfamiliar operas comprises , "La Regina di Golconda , " and "II Furioso , " by Donizetti , and "Un Balio in Alascliera , " by Signer A ' crcli .
After numerous meetings , many disputes , and innumerable difficulties , Air . Alfred Wignn , has , at tbe eleventh hour , bad sufficient courage to become lessee and manager of tho St . James's Theatre , for the AVinter season .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the interests of Freemasonry in the province of Sussex , of bis su-iet adherence to tbe laws and constitutions , and practical observance at' the principles of the Order , ancl also as a token of their fraternal regard and esteem for his character as a man , and for his fidelity as " a Alason . —August , I 860 . " The silver cup , was of _ a most unique shape , and of the value of sixty guineas , contained the purse .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
PoilTSMOUTlt . —lloyal Kami Chapter Pose Croix . —A Chapter of Emergency was held on August 28 , to confer the Illustrious degree on two officers of the garrison , and to elect Bro . Hyde Pullen M / AV . S . of the Rydc Chapter , an Honorary Alcmber , which business was duly transacted . The Illustrious Bro . R . W . Bradley presided with great ability , assisted hy Bros . Hyde Pullen , Rankin Stebbing , P . H . Ho ' llingsworth , lb & e . About 1 G brethren attended . There was a full choral service , under the direction of R . Bell , Organist .
Mark Masonry.
WIXCIIESTEJI . —A new Alark Lodge , to be called the Alark Lodge of Economy , AVinchester , is to be opened on Friday , the 14-th of September next , the AA' . AI . Beach , AI . P ., to be the first Alaster , the Rev . and G . R , Portal , S . AV , ancl Rankin Stebbing , J . AV . The M . AV . Grand AV . Alaster , the Earl of Carnarvon has signified his intention to be present , and a long list of candidates for initiation has been handed in . A new Mark Lodge is on the tapis for Southampton .
POO-N'AU . —Lodge St . Andrew i . i the East ( No . 313 , Scotch Constitutions . )—This Lodge held its regular meeting' on . Monday the 16 th July , 1860 , at the Alasonic-hal'f , Poonah . Bro . the Hon . E . 11 . Bourke , ' AI ., presided , supported-by Bros . F . C . Shcrren , P . AI . ; J . Dracup , D . M . ; D . ITcpworth , Sub . A'l . j A . F . Dawson , S . AV . ; J . IT . Clabby , J . AA ' . ; G . A . Summers , Sec . and Treas . ; S . Gordon , S . D . ; D . Alkien , Officiating J . D . ; J . D . Swiney , AV . ; R , I . Garnett ; J . Cumiinghame , I . G . ; J . 0 . Banclall ; A . F . Stewart ;
J . King ; I . Keily ; G . R , Bawlinson ; B . Hudson ; J . F . Fernandez ; G . Fowler ; AV . Brewer ; T . Stevenson ; A . Champion ; I . Lenning ; G . Smith ; J . Bitchie ; T . Berry ; AV . J . AVilson ; It . Roberts ; G . AlcCullen ; J . Fryer ; P . Phelps ; and visiting Brethren J . Sinclair , of Lodge A'ietoria , Belgium !; and H . Brewer , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay . The Lodge having Aieen opened , ancl the minutes of the last Lodge read and unanimously confirmedthe AA . AI . initiated into the mysteries of ancient
Free-, masonry Capt . Robert Baigril and Messrs . B . Burke and . ! . Fido . Bro . T . Berry , a candidatel ' or the F . C . Degree , having on examination satisfactorily acquitted himself ; was , in a Lodge of that degree , passed . The Lodge being again lowered to the first degree , the following business ivas transacted : — Ballots were taken for the affiliation of Bros . H . Brewer , of Lodge Perseverance , Bombay ( No . 351 ) , and J . Sinclair , of Lodge A'ietoria , Belgaum ( No . 363 ) , both on the registry of Scotland , which proved
unanimous . The widow of a departed Brother—Airs . Campellwas , on a proposition of the W . AL , with the unanimous consent of the Brethren , placed on the list of pensioners of the Lodge , receiving a monthly stipend of ten rupees . The following ivas tho business proposed and duly seconded for the next fortnightly meeting : Three candidates for initiation ; "Brothers Baigril , Neugler , and Burke , for passing ; and Brothers Fowler , Letivitch , ancl lien' } ' for tho Sublime Degree of M . M ' . Bro . Hepworth , S . M ., proposed and
Bro . Cunniiigbame seconded , that the funds of the Lodge contribute ten rupees per cent , towards the " AVidows and Orphans Fund" ivhich is in connection with tho Lodge . Bio . Summers , tlie Secretary , in making tlie following proposition , which was seconded by the AA ' . AI . Bro . the Hon . E . R . Burke , observed that he rose to make a proposition which , if eloquence was required to recommend , he would have regretted that it had not fallen into able hands ; but , as the proposition ivas of
such a nature that carried with ifc its * own recommendation , he felt no hesitation in proposing a Brother whose name ivas as familiar as a household word , not only to Scotch , but to all Alasons under the different constitutions , for election as an Honorary Al ' ember of Lodge St . Andrew in the East . He hacl , as late as that clay , been examining the old records of the Lodge of the time of his many predecessors in office , and found that in all times of trouble and difficulty and assistance , Bro . A'f'diiam Alexander Laurie , the Grind Secretary to
the Grand Lodge of Scotland , was addressed , who , " heart and hand , " came forward with that ready co-operation which was the best characteristic of a Alason in spirit and in deed : that Bro . Lauril had for some years filled the distinguished post of Grand Secretary to tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Brethren were all aware of , and that through him they ancl all other Brother Alasons of the sister lodges under the Scotch constitution looked up to that guiding-star which shone so brilliantly at their bead iu the person
of their Alosfc AVorshipful the Grand Alaster . It , therefore , behove them , in token of their regard for their esteemed aud much-respected Bro . Laurie , to elect him to the distinguished rank of Honorary Member of the Lodge . ( Carried with acclamation . ) Bro . Summers , the Treasurer , on examining " The AVidows and Orphans Box , " reported that twenty-six rupees eight annas were found therein . No other business offering , the Lodge was closed in clue form with solemn prayerand the Brethren adjourned to refreshmentwhen
, , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts met with clue honour , ancl the proceedings wero much enlivened by somo excellent songs and recitations . At the signal toast of " Happy to Aleet , Sorry to Part , and Happy to Aleet Again , " the Brethren separated , after a happy reunion , throughout which the utmost harmony and good-fellowship prevailed .
KNIGHTS-TEAIPLAE . POO >\ UI . —Ascalon Encampment . —The members of this encampment met- on Fuftlay evening , the 20 th July , at the Alasonic Hall . Eras . E . R . Bourke , Officiating K . C . ; G-. A . Summers , Officiating 1 st Captain ; A . F . Dawson , Officiating 2 nd Captain ; F . C . Sherren , Officiating Prelate ; J . Decamp , Registrar ; J . Bannister , Expert ; J . S . Stirling , Capt . of Lines ; , T . H . Clabby , 1 st Herald ; S . Gordon , 2 nd Herald ; J . A . Randall , Equerry ; j . King and P . Donohoe .
The Encampment being opened in clue form , tho summons convening the meeting , was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read , and unanimously confirmed . The following Companions , R . J . Garnett ; G . AI . L . Campbell and It . Andrews , of Chapter "'St . Andrews , " ( No . OS , on the Roll of Scotland ) , having passed the ballot , were admitted in form and duly installed in accordance with ancient usage . A dispensation received from tho AI . E . Grand Alaster ivas readauthorising the appointed of an Officiating E . G .
, for the "Ascalon Encampment" in place of Fra . Gould , who was away in China , and that Captains of the respective columns may be similarly appointed , in consequence of Fra . Hunt , tbe 2 nd Captain ' s absence from the . station . Tho Officiating E . G . proposed , and Fra . Summers seconded , that the new bye-laws of the Encampment read and confirmed , be printed . The " AViilow ' s ancl Orphan ' s Box " contained three rupees , which , on a proposition made and
unanimously carried , was directed to lie made over to the " \\ idow ' s and Orphan ' s" Fund , in connection with Lodge "St . Andrew in the East " ( No . 313 ) , on tho Roll of Scotland . There being no further business before the Encampment , it was closed with prayer , ancl the members retired to refreshment , where the usual toasts were drank with all due honour . The Sir Knights after thor the passing of a very agreeable evening , adjourned to meet again at no distant period . [ In reference to the above , a correspondent writes , "Please , be good
enough to let the Encampment have . your opinion , as there is a discussion on the subject , if this authority of merely appointing officiating office-bearers , is , consistent with sec . 32 , p . 37 of the Statutes of the Order . Eras . Gould and Hunt being incapacitated from discharging the duties of their respective offices , being removed from the station , and further , Fra . Gould , before leaving , having expressed his wish that a successor be appointed . The dispensation is only so far necessary in consequence of none of the Sir Kniht ' s
g of the Encampment , having under sec . 25 , p . 35 , of the Statutes , served ' one whole year' in tlio office of Capt . Commanding Column . Though , neither law referred to , would appear to give the power assumed yet , we hold , that under the circumstances , the exercise of such a power , would , in the absence P . E . C's . in the Encampment be acknowledged by the Grand Conclave , as otherwise tho Encampment must come to an cnd . "j
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Madame Novello is announced for two farewell performances at the Crystal Palace ; one of "The Messiah , " the other of "The Creation , " to be given during the last week in September . The list of singers for the coming Royal Italian Opera season , afc Paris , includes , among tbe second tenors , a Air . Alorley , an Englishman , we presume . The list of unfamiliar operas comprises , "La Regina di Golconda , " and "II Furioso , " by Donizetti , and "Un Balio in Alascliera , " by Signer A ' crcli .
After numerous meetings , many disputes , and innumerable difficulties , Air . Alfred Wignn , has , at tbe eleventh hour , bad sufficient courage to become lessee and manager of tho St . James's Theatre , for the AVinter season .