Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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Other sums were voted for distressed brethren , and twenty pounds to head a list of subscription , to make a present to the widow of a late most worthy brother , on her starting in business , and to render her first year ' s expenses as light as possible . Tho Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to invest the following Brethren as Grand Officers of the province for the ensuing year : —The V . W . Bro . Chas . E . Deacon , P . M ., 152 and 555 , D . Prov . " G . M . ; the W . Bro . John Hayward , P . M ., 401 , Mayor of
Lymington , S . G . W . ; tbe W . Bro . Jno . Naisb , P . M ., 90 , Mayor of Winchester , J . G . W . ; tbe AV . and Rev . Bro . Geo . Bradshaw , M . A . Oxon , and T . C . Dublin , WM ., 401 , G . Chaplain ; the VV . Bro . T . P . Payne , WM ., 152 , G . R . ; Bro . AVm . Hickman , 152 , 401 , 462 , 555 , G . Sec . ; the AV . Bro . R . G . AVood , AV . M ., 1025 , S . G . D . ; Bro . Geo . P . Perkins , 152 , 462 , J . G . D . ; Bro . Thos . Batchelor , P . M . 717 , G . S . Wks . ; Bro . W . H . Preece , 152 , 401 , 462 , G . D . C . ; Bro . Robt . Hulbert 995 Assistant do . ; Bro . E . Booth 152 G . Swd . B . ; Bro .
, , , , C . Buckliind , 1025 , G . St . B . ; Bro . Oakshot , P . M . 90 , G . P . Bros . Blake 401 , AVaters 152 , H . Clarke 152 , 1 G 2 , 401 , A . Miller 152 , 462 , AV . Smith 462 , ancl J . It . Stebbing 401 , P . M . 152 , 462 , 555 , Grand Stewards . Lockyer ancl Grant , Grancl Tylers . The P . G . Alaster announced his intention of summoning the next Lodge at Lymington . The minutes books of 13 Lodges were presented to the Grand
Master ; and having been inspected by him were signed and confirmed . Fines were recorded against two brethren for having omitted to return Grand Lodge clothing , and two Lodges ordered to be summoned to shew cause why their returns were not forwarded , if the next application failed to bring tbem . Complimentary votes of thanks were passed to Jas . Elstone , Esq ., for tbe use of bis grounds ; to Thos . AVillis Fleming . JEsq . Prov . G . M .,
Hyde Pullen , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., and tho brethren of the Province of the Isle of AViirlit , for their friendly visit that clay ; to B . J . Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , and P . G . S . B . ; to Bro . Thos . Coombs , Grand Secretary of Dorset , all of which were appropriately acknowledged . The Grand Lodge closed in due form at three , p . m ., ancl the brethren were requested to assemble at the banquet , on tbe grounds at Aldershot Lodge , at four . The brethrentogether with several of their ladiesthen repaired
, , to tbe grounds of J . Elstone , Esq ., Aldershot Lodgo . Here , by the kind permission of this warm-hearted gentleman , a magnificent marquee , with three smaller ones , was erected , ancl a splendid banquet served up under the catership of Bro . Tilbury , which reflected great credit on his establishment . The hand of the 1 st battalion Rifle Brigade , under the able direction of their master ( Mr . Miller ) , performed the following airs during the banquet , in a style which was much admired : —
The Alason ' s March by N . N . Operatic Selection , " Massaniello" Auber . Quadrille ( solos for various instruments ) , "Tbe Lakes of Rillarney" Smyth . Operatic Selection , " Lucia di Lammermoor " Donizetti Galop , " 'la Scelta" Mulinaro "God Save the Queen . " Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis ProvGAI ied the chairsupported
. .. occup , on his right by Bro . Deacon , ancl on his left by J . Elstone , Esq ., faced by Bro , Hayward , Mayor of Lymington . On the cloth being removed the Prov . G . AI . first gave " The Queen and the Craft , " which was received in a most loyal manner . The next toastwas " The Right Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " which was responded to with tbe usual Alasonic feeling ; then followed "The Deputy Grand Alaster of England , Lord Panmure , and
success to the Panmure Lodge , " which was received with much applause . The next was " The health of the rest of the Grancl Officers of England , coupled with the name of Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., D . Prov . G . AI . of the province of Oxfordshire , " being the onty Grancl Officer present , who responded to the same in a very complimentary address , thanking them for the good feeling shown to the officers of the Grancl Lodge . Bro . BeachAV . M .. ; 995 and PProvGWMPfor this division
, , . . .. .. of the county , in a very complimentary speech , proposed the health of the Bight Worshipful Grancl Master of the province of Hampshire , Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . The Prov . G . AI . returned thanks ; and in doing so , said the compliment paid him by the Brethren was more than he deserved . ( No , no . ) He had fulfilled tbe important office which he now held for nearly a quarter of a century , and during that period there had been
six new Lodges formed under his guidance , out of fifteen . Freemasonry hacl made great progress in his province since he hacl been in office . The Panmure Lodge , at Aldershot was one of the youngest , and he wished it every success . The Chairman then proposed , " Tho Deputy G . M . of the Province , Bro . Deacon . " Bro . Deacon , I ) . Prov . G . AI . replied ; and , after thanking the meeting for the compliment , passed a very high euloghuii upon the
ladies present for their kind attendance , as it showed thej- were admirers of the Craft . AVith regard to himself , he greatly admired Freemasonry , and trusted he should do so throughout life ; for it was the only Society- where man could meet his fellow man , irrespective of airy sect of religion , difference of politics , trade , profession or station ,, on the level , for moral instruction . He said , "I rejoice in Freemasonry , as it is established on peace ancl justice , ancl its motto is to do justice to all men , to love ancl fear
God , and to seek to preserve universal charity and love among all men ; ancl my belief is that Freemasonry is immortal . " Seven hundred men were ranking under their banner in this province of Hampshire . ( Brother Deacon resumed his seat amidst great applause . ) The next toast was "Tlie Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Wight , Bro . T . AV . F . Fleming , " who briefly responded . The provinces of Dorsetshire and Oxfordshire were each
represented by a Provincial Grand Officer , whose healths , coupled with their provinces , were drank and acknowledged by them . Next followed " Tbe Provincial Grand Officers of Hampshire , " responded to by the Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Hayward , Mayor of Lymington . Brother Stebbing proposed the " Army and Navy , " in a neat and appropiate speech . Bro . AV . Dawes , 3 rd battalion Military Train , returned thanks on behalf of the army in a very excellent speech .
Tbe R . W . Prov . G . M . replied on behalf of the navy , ancl told the meeting what the Jack tars would be able to do if again required , and was sure tliey would give tlie same account of an enemy as they had done during his service . The Prov . G . M . then proposed the health of J . Elstone , Esq ., ancl thanked him for his kindness in granting the use of his grounds for the occasion . The toast was received with all honours ; anil J . Elstone , Esq .,
returned thanks in his usual kind manner , and expressed his gratification at having had it in his power to grant the site for such au entertainment , ancl to meet such a body of gentlemen of his country . AVith regard to himself " , he bad experienced great pleasure in that day's amusement , and it would remain amongst his most pleasing recollections . Air . E . sat clown amidst loud applause . The Chairman next proposed the " Health of the Ladies , " in a very humorous speech . The toast was received with enthusiasm ;
and the Vice-Chairman ( Bro . Hayward ) returned thanks on behalf of the fair ones in a speech equally humorous . The Brethren shortly afterwards separated , delighted with the proceedings of the clay . SouiHA 3 irrojr . —TwelveBrothersLodgeQso . 1087 ) . —At a regular stated Lodge , held on Aug . 27 , Bro . Rankin Stebbing , AV . M . in the chair , Bro . Robert Parker , merchant , was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year , and Dr . Henry Clark , Treasurer . The R . J 1 . Bro / Charles Ewens Deacon , D . Prov . G . Alaster of the Province , attended .
NORFOLK . BANQUET TO BRO . B . B . CABBELL , E . B . S ., PllOVIXCIAT , GBAND MASTEIt . The banquet in honour of Bro . B . 13 . Cabbell , the R . AV . Prov . G . AI . of Norfolk , was given on Fridaj-, August 2-1 , at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , and was attended by nearly 60 of the leading Brethren of the province—a respectable number , considering that the price of tickets was a guinea . The chair was occupied In ,- Bro . Sir Henry J . StraceyBart . M . P . P . Prov . S . G . W . and on his right
, , , , sat the right worshipful guest , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell . The Senior and Junior Grand AVardens of the Province , Bro . T . M Wilkin ( W . M . 124 ) , and Bro . A . F . Morgan ( W . M . 110 ) , occupied the vice-chairs . The other Brethren present were the Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; the Hon . Harbord Harbord , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson ( Chaplain of 110 ); A . J . Creswell , P . AI . ( 60 ); AV . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec ; R . S . Baker ,
P . Prov . S . G . AV . ( 119 ); J . Barwell , Prov . G . Treasurer ( 60 ); AVright Searby , P . Prov . 1 S . G . D . ( W . M . 60 ); Emanuel Hyams , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ( AV . M . 258 ); IT . J . Mason , Prov . G . S . B . ' ( AVM . 1109 ); AV . Smith , Prov . J . G . D . ( W . M . 119 ); P . Back , S . D . ( 00 ); H . AVright , P . Prov . S . G . D . ( 119 ); E . Stracey ( 110 ); C . IT . Chamberlin ( 117 ); C . II . Gurney ( 110 ); G . Leggett , P . AI . ( 100 ); J . D . Ellis , S . W . * ( 110 ); G . E . Simpson , J . W . ( 110 ); J . Marshall , P . Prov . G . D . C . ( 110 ); R .
AVhite ( 110 ); S . Smith , P . S . W . ( 110 ); C . Taclman ( 110 ); IT . Underwood , P . AI ., P . Prov . G . P . ( 1109 ); G . AV . Alinus , S . AV . ( 1109 ); F . Colsey , J . W . ( 258 ); J . Darken , S . D . ( 258 ); J . Laflan Hainty , J . D . ( 258 ); B . Hitclunau ( 110 ); AV . Todd ( 258 ); J . Chapman ( 119 ); J . Aldous ( 100 ); T . II . Allen ( 110 ); J . Cholmeley ( 60 ); W . Wilde , jun . ( 110 ); IT . J . Gooch ( 258 ); J . Suggett ( 1109 ); J . Abel ( 258 ); G . G . Collinson ( 12-1 ); J . AV . Burin , P . Prov . G . J . D . ( 117 ); S . Harward ( 110 ) ; J . Tomlinson , jun . ( 117 ); A . Piper , J . Boulter , J . Amies ( 00 ); W . Jecks , jun ., P . M . ( 60 ); H . P . Green ( 110 ); Bowker ( 124 ); Rossi ( 110 ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Other sums were voted for distressed brethren , and twenty pounds to head a list of subscription , to make a present to the widow of a late most worthy brother , on her starting in business , and to render her first year ' s expenses as light as possible . Tho Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to invest the following Brethren as Grand Officers of the province for the ensuing year : —The V . W . Bro . Chas . E . Deacon , P . M ., 152 and 555 , D . Prov . " G . M . ; the W . Bro . John Hayward , P . M ., 401 , Mayor of
Lymington , S . G . W . ; tbe W . Bro . Jno . Naisb , P . M ., 90 , Mayor of Winchester , J . G . W . ; tbe AV . and Rev . Bro . Geo . Bradshaw , M . A . Oxon , and T . C . Dublin , WM ., 401 , G . Chaplain ; the VV . Bro . T . P . Payne , WM ., 152 , G . R . ; Bro . AVm . Hickman , 152 , 401 , 462 , 555 , G . Sec . ; the AV . Bro . R . G . AVood , AV . M ., 1025 , S . G . D . ; Bro . Geo . P . Perkins , 152 , 462 , J . G . D . ; Bro . Thos . Batchelor , P . M . 717 , G . S . Wks . ; Bro . W . H . Preece , 152 , 401 , 462 , G . D . C . ; Bro . Robt . Hulbert 995 Assistant do . ; Bro . E . Booth 152 G . Swd . B . ; Bro .
, , , , C . Buckliind , 1025 , G . St . B . ; Bro . Oakshot , P . M . 90 , G . P . Bros . Blake 401 , AVaters 152 , H . Clarke 152 , 1 G 2 , 401 , A . Miller 152 , 462 , AV . Smith 462 , ancl J . It . Stebbing 401 , P . M . 152 , 462 , 555 , Grand Stewards . Lockyer ancl Grant , Grancl Tylers . The P . G . Alaster announced his intention of summoning the next Lodge at Lymington . The minutes books of 13 Lodges were presented to the Grand
Master ; and having been inspected by him were signed and confirmed . Fines were recorded against two brethren for having omitted to return Grand Lodge clothing , and two Lodges ordered to be summoned to shew cause why their returns were not forwarded , if the next application failed to bring tbem . Complimentary votes of thanks were passed to Jas . Elstone , Esq ., for tbe use of bis grounds ; to Thos . AVillis Fleming . JEsq . Prov . G . M .,
Hyde Pullen , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., and tho brethren of the Province of the Isle of AViirlit , for their friendly visit that clay ; to B . J . Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , and P . G . S . B . ; to Bro . Thos . Coombs , Grand Secretary of Dorset , all of which were appropriately acknowledged . The Grand Lodge closed in due form at three , p . m ., ancl the brethren were requested to assemble at the banquet , on tbe grounds at Aldershot Lodge , at four . The brethrentogether with several of their ladiesthen repaired
, , to tbe grounds of J . Elstone , Esq ., Aldershot Lodgo . Here , by the kind permission of this warm-hearted gentleman , a magnificent marquee , with three smaller ones , was erected , ancl a splendid banquet served up under the catership of Bro . Tilbury , which reflected great credit on his establishment . The hand of the 1 st battalion Rifle Brigade , under the able direction of their master ( Mr . Miller ) , performed the following airs during the banquet , in a style which was much admired : —
The Alason ' s March by N . N . Operatic Selection , " Massaniello" Auber . Quadrille ( solos for various instruments ) , "Tbe Lakes of Rillarney" Smyth . Operatic Selection , " Lucia di Lammermoor " Donizetti Galop , " 'la Scelta" Mulinaro "God Save the Queen . " Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis ProvGAI ied the chairsupported
. .. occup , on his right by Bro . Deacon , ancl on his left by J . Elstone , Esq ., faced by Bro , Hayward , Mayor of Lymington . On the cloth being removed the Prov . G . AI . first gave " The Queen and the Craft , " which was received in a most loyal manner . The next toastwas " The Right Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " which was responded to with tbe usual Alasonic feeling ; then followed "The Deputy Grand Alaster of England , Lord Panmure , and
success to the Panmure Lodge , " which was received with much applause . The next was " The health of the rest of the Grancl Officers of England , coupled with the name of Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., D . Prov . G . AI . of the province of Oxfordshire , " being the onty Grancl Officer present , who responded to the same in a very complimentary address , thanking them for the good feeling shown to the officers of the Grancl Lodge . Bro . BeachAV . M .. ; 995 and PProvGWMPfor this division
, , . . .. .. of the county , in a very complimentary speech , proposed the health of the Bight Worshipful Grancl Master of the province of Hampshire , Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . The Prov . G . AI . returned thanks ; and in doing so , said the compliment paid him by the Brethren was more than he deserved . ( No , no . ) He had fulfilled tbe important office which he now held for nearly a quarter of a century , and during that period there had been
six new Lodges formed under his guidance , out of fifteen . Freemasonry hacl made great progress in his province since he hacl been in office . The Panmure Lodge , at Aldershot was one of the youngest , and he wished it every success . The Chairman then proposed , " Tho Deputy G . M . of the Province , Bro . Deacon . " Bro . Deacon , I ) . Prov . G . AI . replied ; and , after thanking the meeting for the compliment , passed a very high euloghuii upon the
ladies present for their kind attendance , as it showed thej- were admirers of the Craft . AVith regard to himself , he greatly admired Freemasonry , and trusted he should do so throughout life ; for it was the only Society- where man could meet his fellow man , irrespective of airy sect of religion , difference of politics , trade , profession or station ,, on the level , for moral instruction . He said , "I rejoice in Freemasonry , as it is established on peace ancl justice , ancl its motto is to do justice to all men , to love ancl fear
God , and to seek to preserve universal charity and love among all men ; ancl my belief is that Freemasonry is immortal . " Seven hundred men were ranking under their banner in this province of Hampshire . ( Brother Deacon resumed his seat amidst great applause . ) The next toast was "Tlie Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Wight , Bro . T . AV . F . Fleming , " who briefly responded . The provinces of Dorsetshire and Oxfordshire were each
represented by a Provincial Grand Officer , whose healths , coupled with their provinces , were drank and acknowledged by them . Next followed " Tbe Provincial Grand Officers of Hampshire , " responded to by the Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Hayward , Mayor of Lymington . Brother Stebbing proposed the " Army and Navy , " in a neat and appropiate speech . Bro . AV . Dawes , 3 rd battalion Military Train , returned thanks on behalf of the army in a very excellent speech .
Tbe R . W . Prov . G . M . replied on behalf of the navy , ancl told the meeting what the Jack tars would be able to do if again required , and was sure tliey would give tlie same account of an enemy as they had done during his service . The Prov . G . M . then proposed the health of J . Elstone , Esq ., ancl thanked him for his kindness in granting the use of his grounds for the occasion . The toast was received with all honours ; anil J . Elstone , Esq .,
returned thanks in his usual kind manner , and expressed his gratification at having had it in his power to grant the site for such au entertainment , ancl to meet such a body of gentlemen of his country . AVith regard to himself " , he bad experienced great pleasure in that day's amusement , and it would remain amongst his most pleasing recollections . Air . E . sat clown amidst loud applause . The Chairman next proposed the " Health of the Ladies , " in a very humorous speech . The toast was received with enthusiasm ;
and the Vice-Chairman ( Bro . Hayward ) returned thanks on behalf of the fair ones in a speech equally humorous . The Brethren shortly afterwards separated , delighted with the proceedings of the clay . SouiHA 3 irrojr . —TwelveBrothersLodgeQso . 1087 ) . —At a regular stated Lodge , held on Aug . 27 , Bro . Rankin Stebbing , AV . M . in the chair , Bro . Robert Parker , merchant , was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year , and Dr . Henry Clark , Treasurer . The R . J 1 . Bro / Charles Ewens Deacon , D . Prov . G . Alaster of the Province , attended .
NORFOLK . BANQUET TO BRO . B . B . CABBELL , E . B . S ., PllOVIXCIAT , GBAND MASTEIt . The banquet in honour of Bro . B . 13 . Cabbell , the R . AV . Prov . G . AI . of Norfolk , was given on Fridaj-, August 2-1 , at the Royal Hotel , Norwich , and was attended by nearly 60 of the leading Brethren of the province—a respectable number , considering that the price of tickets was a guinea . The chair was occupied In ,- Bro . Sir Henry J . StraceyBart . M . P . P . Prov . S . G . W . and on his right
, , , , sat the right worshipful guest , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell . The Senior and Junior Grand AVardens of the Province , Bro . T . M Wilkin ( W . M . 124 ) , and Bro . A . F . Morgan ( W . M . 110 ) , occupied the vice-chairs . The other Brethren present were the Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; the Hon . Harbord Harbord , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson ( Chaplain of 110 ); A . J . Creswell , P . AI . ( 60 ); AV . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec ; R . S . Baker ,
P . Prov . S . G . AV . ( 119 ); J . Barwell , Prov . G . Treasurer ( 60 ); AVright Searby , P . Prov . 1 S . G . D . ( W . M . 60 ); Emanuel Hyams , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ( AV . M . 258 ); IT . J . Mason , Prov . G . S . B . ' ( AVM . 1109 ); AV . Smith , Prov . J . G . D . ( W . M . 119 ); P . Back , S . D . ( 00 ); H . AVright , P . Prov . S . G . D . ( 119 ); E . Stracey ( 110 ); C . IT . Chamberlin ( 117 ); C . II . Gurney ( 110 ); G . Leggett , P . AI . ( 100 ); J . D . Ellis , S . W . * ( 110 ); G . E . Simpson , J . W . ( 110 ); J . Marshall , P . Prov . G . D . C . ( 110 ); R .
AVhite ( 110 ); S . Smith , P . S . W . ( 110 ); C . Taclman ( 110 ); IT . Underwood , P . AI ., P . Prov . G . P . ( 1109 ); G . AV . Alinus , S . AV . ( 1109 ); F . Colsey , J . W . ( 258 ); J . Darken , S . D . ( 258 ); J . Laflan Hainty , J . D . ( 258 ); B . Hitclunau ( 110 ); AV . Todd ( 258 ); J . Chapman ( 119 ); J . Aldous ( 100 ); T . II . Allen ( 110 ); J . Cholmeley ( 60 ); W . Wilde , jun . ( 110 ); IT . J . Gooch ( 258 ); J . Suggett ( 1109 ); J . Abel ( 258 ); G . G . Collinson ( 12-1 ); J . AV . Burin , P . Prov . G . J . D . ( 117 ); S . Harward ( 110 ) ; J . Tomlinson , jun . ( 117 ); A . Piper , J . Boulter , J . Amies ( 00 ); W . Jecks , jun ., P . M . ( 60 ); H . P . Green ( 110 ); Bowker ( 124 ); Rossi ( 110 ) .