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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAI MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK JOB 1 S 69 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication lias been just issued . It can bo obtained at the office of the FEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . — We tiro requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
OriEK' Scnoor . — "We desire to bring before the notice of our numerous readers as worthy of their support , the case of Alice IJitson jUolineaux , aged eight years , a candidate lor admission at the ensuing Election for the Royal Masonic- Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway Compaiiy . He died very suddenly iu November 1 S 67 , leaving a
Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been conlined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , mid as six of these are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the interest of all 1 ' reemasons , aud more especially , perhaps that portion of them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro .
Molineaux was a very rising man in his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . lie belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which ho hart been a member four years . Bro . George Hawkins of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies .
The daughter of Airs . S . Palmer is si candidate for admission . We understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . We aro requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a candidate for election , comes up again in April . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the case is a very deserving one . Also the case of 'Theresa Mary Claiscn , which is warmly recommended and which is peculiarly distressing .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL —We bog to refer to our advertising columns anent this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic support . BEETIIREN are reminded that the Lodge Anisic published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
GEACT LODGE or IRELAND ORGAN FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros . Francis Quin , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Mincliin will be happy to receive subscriptions . His Grace the Luke of Leincester , G . M ., has headed the list with th magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ 100 is the amount required
THE "Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , and may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . R . Cooke , S , Silver-street , Durham .
Masonic Mems.
THE Most Worshipful Grand Master lias fixed the 14 .-th inst ., for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street , and has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by tho Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ 0 Gs .
CrSASD MASONIC BAIL IA DUBLIN . —The Masonic ball which will take place in Dublin this month , under the patronage of the Duke of Leinster , M . W . Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , is intended , we believe , to rival , if not to oclipse , tho splendid entertainment given to tho Prince and Princess of Wales during their late visit to Dublin . The ball will be held in the Exhibition Building , and no trouble or
expense will be spared to make it iu every respect a magnificent and brilliant reunion . The ball is to talce place on the Friday after Pnncbestown ltaces , which are always attended by a great number of Northerns , and are yearly growing more popular and attractive . The ball will be a great addition to the week ' s amusement , and a most agreeable conclusion , Private letters
from Dublin inform us that the committee of management are putting forth all their energy in the hope of making the coming Masonic ball the most splendid that lias ever taken place in Ireland .
BEO . OVOBOBA , an artist who has achieved distinction in India , is now engaged in his studio , at 52 , Welbeck-street , on a series of large paintings of the Seven Churches of Asia , with a view to their exhibition . Ho has just published a work on the same subject ( Simpson , Low , -and Co . )
IIIE fifteen sections will be worked at the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzi-oy-siuiarc , on Thursday evening , the Sth inst ., at seven o ' clock , Bro . Thos . Alexander Adams in the chair , when a strong muster of tho brethren—particularly of old members of the lodge—is expected . LORD MAYO has consented to be patron of the Order of Freemasonry in India .
PORTRAITS of the Rt . Hon . the Eavl of Dalhousie , K . T . G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this oiliee , pi-ice 3 s . Gd . ' each . A few copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large sizo paper , can be had , price 10 s . Gd . TIIE INAUGURATION FESTIVAL . —We understand that several important changes in the details of the Festival arrangements
were made at the last meeting of the General Committee on Wednesday last , the 31 st ult ., amongst which were that each ' Steward will have two tickets for disposal in addition to his own ,- that the musical arrangements will be upon a much more extensive scalo , and a concert in the Hall will form part thereof ; that additional space for an increase iu the number of brethren
who may dine has been effected by providing for the ladies in a much more satisfactory manner than has hitherto been done . The whole of the arrangements are now under several sub-committees of five members each . The whole affair holes healthy , and will , without doubt , prove to lie a great success , and will contrast strongly with that grossly bungled affair , the Zetland
Commemoration -, the difference between the two undertakings is that the Inauguration has been managed by men of business —laymen , and tho other has not . PROVINCIAL- GRAND LODGE or BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is understoodbe held at Windsoron Fridaythe 21 st of May next
, , , , when the R . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., will be invested and installed as the new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long in the Slough of Despond .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAI MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK JOB 1 S 69 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication lias been just issued . It can bo obtained at the office of the FEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . — We tiro requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
OriEK' Scnoor . — "We desire to bring before the notice of our numerous readers as worthy of their support , the case of Alice IJitson jUolineaux , aged eight years , a candidate lor admission at the ensuing Election for the Royal Masonic- Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway Compaiiy . He died very suddenly iu November 1 S 67 , leaving a
Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been conlined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , mid as six of these are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the interest of all 1 ' reemasons , aud more especially , perhaps that portion of them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro .
Molineaux was a very rising man in his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . lie belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which ho hart been a member four years . Bro . George Hawkins of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies .
The daughter of Airs . S . Palmer is si candidate for admission . We understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . We aro requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a candidate for election , comes up again in April . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the case is a very deserving one . Also the case of 'Theresa Mary Claiscn , which is warmly recommended and which is peculiarly distressing .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL —We bog to refer to our advertising columns anent this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic support . BEETIIREN are reminded that the Lodge Anisic published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
GEACT LODGE or IRELAND ORGAN FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros . Francis Quin , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Mincliin will be happy to receive subscriptions . His Grace the Luke of Leincester , G . M ., has headed the list with th magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ 100 is the amount required
THE "Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , and may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . R . Cooke , S , Silver-street , Durham .
Masonic Mems.
THE Most Worshipful Grand Master lias fixed the 14 .-th inst ., for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street , and has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by tho Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ 0 Gs .
CrSASD MASONIC BAIL IA DUBLIN . —The Masonic ball which will take place in Dublin this month , under the patronage of the Duke of Leinster , M . W . Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , is intended , we believe , to rival , if not to oclipse , tho splendid entertainment given to tho Prince and Princess of Wales during their late visit to Dublin . The ball will be held in the Exhibition Building , and no trouble or
expense will be spared to make it iu every respect a magnificent and brilliant reunion . The ball is to talce place on the Friday after Pnncbestown ltaces , which are always attended by a great number of Northerns , and are yearly growing more popular and attractive . The ball will be a great addition to the week ' s amusement , and a most agreeable conclusion , Private letters
from Dublin inform us that the committee of management are putting forth all their energy in the hope of making the coming Masonic ball the most splendid that lias ever taken place in Ireland .
BEO . OVOBOBA , an artist who has achieved distinction in India , is now engaged in his studio , at 52 , Welbeck-street , on a series of large paintings of the Seven Churches of Asia , with a view to their exhibition . Ho has just published a work on the same subject ( Simpson , Low , -and Co . )
IIIE fifteen sections will be worked at the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzi-oy-siuiarc , on Thursday evening , the Sth inst ., at seven o ' clock , Bro . Thos . Alexander Adams in the chair , when a strong muster of tho brethren—particularly of old members of the lodge—is expected . LORD MAYO has consented to be patron of the Order of Freemasonry in India .
PORTRAITS of the Rt . Hon . the Eavl of Dalhousie , K . T . G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this oiliee , pi-ice 3 s . Gd . ' each . A few copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large sizo paper , can be had , price 10 s . Gd . TIIE INAUGURATION FESTIVAL . —We understand that several important changes in the details of the Festival arrangements
were made at the last meeting of the General Committee on Wednesday last , the 31 st ult ., amongst which were that each ' Steward will have two tickets for disposal in addition to his own ,- that the musical arrangements will be upon a much more extensive scalo , and a concert in the Hall will form part thereof ; that additional space for an increase iu the number of brethren
who may dine has been effected by providing for the ladies in a much more satisfactory manner than has hitherto been done . The whole of the arrangements are now under several sub-committees of five members each . The whole affair holes healthy , and will , without doubt , prove to lie a great success , and will contrast strongly with that grossly bungled affair , the Zetland
Commemoration -, the difference between the two undertakings is that the Inauguration has been managed by men of business —laymen , and tho other has not . PROVINCIAL- GRAND LODGE or BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is understoodbe held at Windsoron Fridaythe 21 st of May next
, , , , when the R . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., will be invested and installed as the new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long in the Slough of Despond .