Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
that its landmarks were known long before the revival in 1715 . I may then say , in addition , that all the evidence we now have points umnistakeably to the identity of our speculative with the operative Order . The Constitutions among the Ilarleian MSS ., which once belonged to the Chester Guild of Freemasons
, give us the difference iu sums paid for admission of speculative aud operative members , and these constitutions belong to the end of the 17 th century—at least , they were copied then . In another Harleian MS . we find what are called the " New Articles nr
Constitutions , " which some writers have fixed as being passed by the Grand Assembly in 16 G 0 , and which afford clear evidence of the introduction and rapid increase of the speculative element . The two earliest known admissions of speculative Masons—1645 and 1616—are made into operative lodges . I
must , therefore , utterly dispute the assertion of " Pictus , " that Masonry has no antiquity and is of quite modern date , or that there is any real doubt of the identity between operative and speculative Freemasonry . I believe , on the contrary , after the studies of several yearsthat we are gradually accumulating
, data and documents , authentic facts and genuine evidences from which we shall one day be able to put together ( especially in its connexion with the operative sodalities ) a trustworth y and creditable history of our useful and benevolent Order . —A MASONIC STUDENT .
TREEMASONRY ABOUT TAVO HUNDRED TEARS ODD . I am glad to find "A Masonic Student " has come forward as the champion of the pseudo-great antiquity of Freemasonry , and I shall be happy to hear whatever he or anyone else can say in opposition to the views I have stated at page 22 S " of the Magazine . All
I desire is to get at the truth , and , with a fair field and no favour , I say bring forward your proofs , pile them upon me , and , if they be genuine , of course I am bound to admit them . I intend to give time to any brother who can say anvthing ou the subject . One thing I would like : "A Masonic
Student" refers to certain MSS . at page 250 , will lie say if these , or copies of them , are printed in the Magazine , and , if so , where ? Or , if not , will he mention where any MSS ., or other writing or writ referred to , can be seen , so that all may know exactly what is referred to . I trust that , after the " spar "
is ended and the summing up given , we will be able to say that the true History of Freemasonry lias been advanced a little , however little that advancement may be . As to " a poem on the constitutions of Masonry , " published in J . 0 . Harwell ' s small book , I am not
prepared at present to admit its age to be the 14 th century . The MS . we are told belonged to a collector of the 17 th century . And , as to a MSS . entitled the " Beginning and first foundation of the most worthy Craft of Masonry , with the charges thereto belonging , " which Halliwell says was written about 1600 I
, have to say that the Editor of the Freemasons ' Magazine , July 16 , 1 S 59 , says it " is not more than 130 years old . " However , as to these , more hereafter . —PICTUS ,
DODGE MINUTES , ETC . Under the above heading I iutend to give a few extracts from old minute-books , and the following is
from what I believe to be the oldest extant minutebook of the Glasgow Incorporation of Masons ; said book commences at A . D . 1600 and ends at 16 S 1 . Bro . W . Hill , writer , here had the old minute-book for examination , and the following is what he says about it : —
" Although mention is not unfrequently made of the charter or seal of cause granted by the magistrates in 1551 in favour of the Incorporation ( see December 11 th , 1600 ; 29 th September , 1609 , and 4 th October , 1616 ) , the only notice anent the lodge is in a minute of date 22 nd September , 1620 , to the
following effect : — ' Entry of Apprentices to the Lodge of Glasgow . The last day of december , 1613 years , compeared John Stewart , Deacon of Masons , aud signified to David Slater , Warden of the Lodge of Glasgow , aud to the remenant brethren of that lodge , that he was to enter John Stewart , his apprentice , in the said lodge . Lykas upon the morn being
the first day of January , 1614 years , the said Warden and brethren of the said lodge entered the said John Stewart younger , apprentice to the said John Stewart elder , conform , to the acts and liberty of the lodge . ' What the object of this quotation from the records of the lodge , in the minutes of the Incorporation of this particular date * wasis not very evidentas the
, , quotation is simply interjected without any preface or allusion whatever between a minute respecting the booking of William Millar as servant to Malcolm Suodgrass , and a similar minute recording the booking of James Love as another servant with Malcolm Snodgrass both at one and the same meeting . "
Deacon's Court , anno 1601 . —Andrew Boyd Deacon . Quartermasters .- — -William Dunlop , ante-deacon y Michael Glasgow , George Esdaill , John Boyd , Alexander Stewart , John Raukine . Keepers of the Keys . —William Dunlop , John Boyd . Officer- — -William Ritchie .
Clerk —( seems to have been some legal gentleman ) . W . P . BUCHAN . THE CHAIR . In reference to the chair , which m Scotland , in certain lodges , is given indiscriminately to any of the members who have previously received the first three
degrees and the Mark ; it has struck me that this ceremony is merely , perhaps , a relic of some ceremony or farce in vogue when the Deacon , or new Master of the lodge , was first introduced as such . ( I am referring to the time previous to A . D . 1700 , before the M . M . degree was invented ) , and at which all members
of the lodge , Apprentices as Avell as Fellow Crafts , enjoyed the pleasure of being present and assisting . According to the Grand Lodge Laws of Scotland , . 1866 ( chap . 21 , sec . 17 ) , the new R . W . M . should be installed in a lodge opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree ; all business being done on that degree . — CHAIRED MASON .
BUZZWINGS . Another farcical advertisement about Buzzwings appeared in the Times in the end of January . —NOTE .
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
that its landmarks were known long before the revival in 1715 . I may then say , in addition , that all the evidence we now have points umnistakeably to the identity of our speculative with the operative Order . The Constitutions among the Ilarleian MSS ., which once belonged to the Chester Guild of Freemasons
, give us the difference iu sums paid for admission of speculative aud operative members , and these constitutions belong to the end of the 17 th century—at least , they were copied then . In another Harleian MS . we find what are called the " New Articles nr
Constitutions , " which some writers have fixed as being passed by the Grand Assembly in 16 G 0 , and which afford clear evidence of the introduction and rapid increase of the speculative element . The two earliest known admissions of speculative Masons—1645 and 1616—are made into operative lodges . I
must , therefore , utterly dispute the assertion of " Pictus , " that Masonry has no antiquity and is of quite modern date , or that there is any real doubt of the identity between operative and speculative Freemasonry . I believe , on the contrary , after the studies of several yearsthat we are gradually accumulating
, data and documents , authentic facts and genuine evidences from which we shall one day be able to put together ( especially in its connexion with the operative sodalities ) a trustworth y and creditable history of our useful and benevolent Order . —A MASONIC STUDENT .
TREEMASONRY ABOUT TAVO HUNDRED TEARS ODD . I am glad to find "A Masonic Student " has come forward as the champion of the pseudo-great antiquity of Freemasonry , and I shall be happy to hear whatever he or anyone else can say in opposition to the views I have stated at page 22 S " of the Magazine . All
I desire is to get at the truth , and , with a fair field and no favour , I say bring forward your proofs , pile them upon me , and , if they be genuine , of course I am bound to admit them . I intend to give time to any brother who can say anvthing ou the subject . One thing I would like : "A Masonic
Student" refers to certain MSS . at page 250 , will lie say if these , or copies of them , are printed in the Magazine , and , if so , where ? Or , if not , will he mention where any MSS ., or other writing or writ referred to , can be seen , so that all may know exactly what is referred to . I trust that , after the " spar "
is ended and the summing up given , we will be able to say that the true History of Freemasonry lias been advanced a little , however little that advancement may be . As to " a poem on the constitutions of Masonry , " published in J . 0 . Harwell ' s small book , I am not
prepared at present to admit its age to be the 14 th century . The MS . we are told belonged to a collector of the 17 th century . And , as to a MSS . entitled the " Beginning and first foundation of the most worthy Craft of Masonry , with the charges thereto belonging , " which Halliwell says was written about 1600 I
, have to say that the Editor of the Freemasons ' Magazine , July 16 , 1 S 59 , says it " is not more than 130 years old . " However , as to these , more hereafter . —PICTUS ,
DODGE MINUTES , ETC . Under the above heading I iutend to give a few extracts from old minute-books , and the following is
from what I believe to be the oldest extant minutebook of the Glasgow Incorporation of Masons ; said book commences at A . D . 1600 and ends at 16 S 1 . Bro . W . Hill , writer , here had the old minute-book for examination , and the following is what he says about it : —
" Although mention is not unfrequently made of the charter or seal of cause granted by the magistrates in 1551 in favour of the Incorporation ( see December 11 th , 1600 ; 29 th September , 1609 , and 4 th October , 1616 ) , the only notice anent the lodge is in a minute of date 22 nd September , 1620 , to the
following effect : — ' Entry of Apprentices to the Lodge of Glasgow . The last day of december , 1613 years , compeared John Stewart , Deacon of Masons , aud signified to David Slater , Warden of the Lodge of Glasgow , aud to the remenant brethren of that lodge , that he was to enter John Stewart , his apprentice , in the said lodge . Lykas upon the morn being
the first day of January , 1614 years , the said Warden and brethren of the said lodge entered the said John Stewart younger , apprentice to the said John Stewart elder , conform , to the acts and liberty of the lodge . ' What the object of this quotation from the records of the lodge , in the minutes of the Incorporation of this particular date * wasis not very evidentas the
, , quotation is simply interjected without any preface or allusion whatever between a minute respecting the booking of William Millar as servant to Malcolm Suodgrass , and a similar minute recording the booking of James Love as another servant with Malcolm Snodgrass both at one and the same meeting . "
Deacon's Court , anno 1601 . —Andrew Boyd Deacon . Quartermasters .- — -William Dunlop , ante-deacon y Michael Glasgow , George Esdaill , John Boyd , Alexander Stewart , John Raukine . Keepers of the Keys . —William Dunlop , John Boyd . Officer- — -William Ritchie .
Clerk —( seems to have been some legal gentleman ) . W . P . BUCHAN . THE CHAIR . In reference to the chair , which m Scotland , in certain lodges , is given indiscriminately to any of the members who have previously received the first three
degrees and the Mark ; it has struck me that this ceremony is merely , perhaps , a relic of some ceremony or farce in vogue when the Deacon , or new Master of the lodge , was first introduced as such . ( I am referring to the time previous to A . D . 1700 , before the M . M . degree was invented ) , and at which all members
of the lodge , Apprentices as Avell as Fellow Crafts , enjoyed the pleasure of being present and assisting . According to the Grand Lodge Laws of Scotland , . 1866 ( chap . 21 , sec . 17 ) , the new R . W . M . should be installed in a lodge opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree ; all business being done on that degree . — CHAIRED MASON .
BUZZWINGS . Another farcical advertisement about Buzzwings appeared in the Times in the end of January . —NOTE .