Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Emmens , P . M ., Treas . ; Mayne , Sec . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; Blytbe , J . D . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; Lloyd , Steward . In the course of the evening a splendid P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Wilson . THE TJitBAN LODGE ( NO . 1 , 196 . )—An ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesduy evening the 23 rd ult ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , Bro . Richard Henry Marshthe W . M . presidedsupported by the
, , , following officers : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter , I . P . M . ; William Sawyer , S . W . ; J . R . Ware , J . W . ; M'Queen ( in tiie absence of Bro . De Fleury ) , J . D . ; Kuster , Org . ; Dr . Johnson , Treas . ; and Bro . J . Callingham , I . G . ; of the members there were present Bros . E . L . Blanchard , Davoy , Ward , Gowlaud , & c . ; and the following visitors , 0 . Summers , 940 ; AV . Boys , 704 ; and J . F . Creswick , 951 . Bro . George Dearberg was raised to
the degree of a M . M . in a masterly manner by fhe W . M . The lodge having closed , the brethren sat down to the banquet served by Bro . Wickens , in bis usual good style . 'fhe usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the W . M . gave " the visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Boys , ou behalf of himself and Bros . Oliver Summers , ami J . F . Creswick , Bros . E . L . BlanchardC . BraidJ . E . CarpenterA . Summers .
, , , J . F . Creswick , and Bro . Kuster , contributed to the harmony of the evening by some excellent vocal and instrumental music . Altogether a most pleasant evening was spent . SOTJTHERK" STAB LODGE ( NO . 1 , 15 S . )—This young lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday the 23 rd ult ., Bro . T . H . Pulsford , the W . M ., was in the chair . The officers present beins ; Bros .
Clarke , the S . W ., and D . S . Bayfield , J . W . ; H . Thompson , Treas ; Towers , I . G ; Potter , Steward : amongst the members present ira-e noticed Bros . Page . litiddleston , Margerisou , Allotfc , Hooker , Harris , Walker , Davenport , Kipps , Pig got , Higgins , Towerzey , & c . Visitors—Bros . Dr . Goldsboro' Fenton , Dann , Silver , Pyman , Ilirscb , Stevens . The minutes being read and confirmed , Bros . Hooker , Walker , and Hammond , being in attendance were raised to the third degreeand Messrs .
, G . T . Pearson and C . Jacques , having been balloted for and accepted were duly initiated by the W . M . into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The brethren then proceeded to the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , the choice falling upon the S . W . of the lodge Bro . R . E . Clarke . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., was re-eloeted treasurer . A handsome sum having been voted by the lodge for the purpose of presenting Bro . Pulsford ,
with a P . M . ' s jewel , the lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a well sewed banquet , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . EKBIELD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 237 ) . —This lodge met on the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Room , Court House , Enfield . The WM ., Bro . J . J . Wilson , presided , supported by Bros . E . S . Cornwall , S . W . ; J . PurdeyJ . W . ; J . E . Green . Treas . ; T . HobbsSec
, , ; C . Tye , S . D . ; and R . Mathison , J . D . The visitors were : — R . W . Goddard , W . M ., 65 ; T . H . Chase , 151 : F . C . Bugbird , 889 ; and Cbas . Smith , P . M ., 578 . The business was very light , and what ceremonies was performed were most efficiently rendered . The brethren separated at an early hour .
DEVONSHIRE . Toi'JTESS . —Pleiades Lodge ( So . 710 ) . —Tiie monthly meeting was held on Thursday , March 25 th , when there was a larger attendance than usual , owing to an expectation of a discussion of important question ,- ! , although of the Exeter brethren , generally very regular in their attendance , only the W . M . and S . W . were present . The lod was opened in " the 1 st degrees
ge soon after 6 p . m ., by Bro . George Heath , W . M ., assisted by Bros . John Heath . I . P . M ., Marks , P . M . acting as S . W ., W . Cumimr , J . W ., Adams , Sec , Nicer , S . D ., & c . After the minutes had been read , Bro . Dr . Hopkins rose for the purpose of formally proposing that the minutes should be confirmed , in order that lie might have a . right to address the brethren . He then read a correspondence which had taken place between the PGMand
... himself on a point of Masonic law , and entered ou other subjects arising therefrom at great length . The proposition was seconded by Bro , Oldrey , and a warm discussion ensued , in which Bros . J , Heath , I . P . M ., Niner , S . D ., Watson , P . M ., W . Cuming , J . W ., Marks , P . M ., Pridham , S . W ., Adams , See ., aud the W . M- took part . Pro . Dr . Hopkins having replied , the resolution was put to the vote and curried unanimously . Soon
after S p . m . the W . M . and S . W . left the lodge to return to Exeter , where they reside , by the last train , and the chair was taken by the I . P . M . Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave notice that he should again propose an addition to the by-laws which had been rejected more than a year ago , with a view to define the manner of conducting the ballot at the election of W . M . Consideration of another amendment of the by-laws proposed by Bro . Niner at the meeting in February , was again deferred . The lodge was finally closed at S-30 .
KENT . SH . EER 5-ES 3 . —Adam ' s Lodge , ( No . 15 S . )—On Thursday tho 18 th ult ., the ceremony of installation of the Worshipful Master of this lodge took place at the Britannia Inn , Mile Town . The brethren in goodly numbers assembled at 4 o ' clock , when the ceremonv of installation was most impressively performed by Bio . J . S . KeddelP . Prov . S . G . W .
, Bro . W . Fleming , the W . M . elect , having been conducted to the chair , selected for his officers the following gentlemen : — Bros . Bugsliaw , S . W ., Fabian , , \ . ' , ., Carpenter , S . D .. Nixon , J . 1 ) ., Firminger , I . G ., and Foster , O . G . The Rev . Grabham , R . M .. and Prov . G . Chat ) ., having offered up prayer , the lodge was worked in its several degrees and then closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banquotting hallat the Masonic
, lodge , where preparations bad been made by Bro . . 7 . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D . Upwards of sixty sat down to the excellent spread provided . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were cheerfully responded to . The meeting was presided over by Bro , Edward Wates , P . Prov . G . Sec , who was glad to remark iu giving the toast of one of the Royal Familthat he
y could state it as " Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . " This brother was held in the hi ghest regard by the nation generally , from his uniform kindness , and lie doubted not that his fellowship with Masonry would most materially effect beneficial results to the Craft . He gave a minute detail of the successful Masonic working in the province . He made some touching allusion to the verv munificent manner in which
the Craft bad so recently raised the sum of £ 12 , 000 towards the funds for an additional wing at the Boy's School , which had been raised at one meeting . He regretted that their Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Dobson , was unavoidably absent through ill-health . He had been with him that morning , and the message from thai brother to the lod ge was to express his great regret tit not being able to be present . The toast of the " Provincial Grand Officers led with
, coup the names of Bros . E . Wates , P . Prov . G . Sec , J . S . Keddell , P . Prov . S . G . W ., I . Townsend , P . Prov . G . R ., S . Townsend , P . Prov . J . D ., and Bio . J . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D ., " was responded to by Bro . S . Townsend . A great feature in the evening ' s programme was the presentation to the lodge room of two beautiful full-sized coloured photographs of Bro . Keddell , aud Bro . I . Townsend , in full
Masonic regalia , and executed by a local artist , Bro . II . Hunt , junr . The pictures are most elegantly and faithfully portrayed , and reflect the highest credit upon BrO . Hunt . The presentation was accompanied by an address by Bro . Nixon , eulogistic of the able and cheerful assistance which those brethren had always manifested for Adam's Lodge , and Masonry in general . He trusted they miht be spared
g many years tor the instruction of brethren in the minor degrees . The De Sluu-laud Lodge , No . 1 , 089 , was represented by several brethren , and the response to that toast was made by 3 ro . _ Shepherd , P . M ., who stated the pleasure that lodge had in visiting their parent lodge , and trusted they might continue to work together with ' that love and harmony characteristic of the Craft .
The toast of the "Visitors " was replied to bv Bro Capt . C . d'Arhois , F . E . E ., and lion . W . M . of Zil & s Philantropes , Paris , who at some length gave his experience in the Craft , both as to the workings of the lodges in France , in other countries , as well us in England—to the latter he was greatly pleased for their general extreme courtesy to visiting brethren and did not deem it egotistic to state that the English brethren would find that amity of feeling existingshould they kindlfavour tho
, y continental lodges with a visit . The thanks of the brethren were given to the outgoing officers for the zeal manifested by them during their period of office , and the W . M . could not but hope that his selection of officers
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Emmens , P . M ., Treas . ; Mayne , Sec . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; Blytbe , J . D . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; Lloyd , Steward . In the course of the evening a splendid P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Wilson . THE TJitBAN LODGE ( NO . 1 , 196 . )—An ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesduy evening the 23 rd ult ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , Bro . Richard Henry Marshthe W . M . presidedsupported by the
, , , following officers : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter , I . P . M . ; William Sawyer , S . W . ; J . R . Ware , J . W . ; M'Queen ( in tiie absence of Bro . De Fleury ) , J . D . ; Kuster , Org . ; Dr . Johnson , Treas . ; and Bro . J . Callingham , I . G . ; of the members there were present Bros . E . L . Blanchard , Davoy , Ward , Gowlaud , & c . ; and the following visitors , 0 . Summers , 940 ; AV . Boys , 704 ; and J . F . Creswick , 951 . Bro . George Dearberg was raised to
the degree of a M . M . in a masterly manner by fhe W . M . The lodge having closed , the brethren sat down to the banquet served by Bro . Wickens , in bis usual good style . 'fhe usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the W . M . gave " the visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Boys , ou behalf of himself and Bros . Oliver Summers , ami J . F . Creswick , Bros . E . L . BlanchardC . BraidJ . E . CarpenterA . Summers .
, , , J . F . Creswick , and Bro . Kuster , contributed to the harmony of the evening by some excellent vocal and instrumental music . Altogether a most pleasant evening was spent . SOTJTHERK" STAB LODGE ( NO . 1 , 15 S . )—This young lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday the 23 rd ult ., Bro . T . H . Pulsford , the W . M ., was in the chair . The officers present beins ; Bros .
Clarke , the S . W ., and D . S . Bayfield , J . W . ; H . Thompson , Treas ; Towers , I . G ; Potter , Steward : amongst the members present ira-e noticed Bros . Page . litiddleston , Margerisou , Allotfc , Hooker , Harris , Walker , Davenport , Kipps , Pig got , Higgins , Towerzey , & c . Visitors—Bros . Dr . Goldsboro' Fenton , Dann , Silver , Pyman , Ilirscb , Stevens . The minutes being read and confirmed , Bros . Hooker , Walker , and Hammond , being in attendance were raised to the third degreeand Messrs .
, G . T . Pearson and C . Jacques , having been balloted for and accepted were duly initiated by the W . M . into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The brethren then proceeded to the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , the choice falling upon the S . W . of the lodge Bro . R . E . Clarke . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., was re-eloeted treasurer . A handsome sum having been voted by the lodge for the purpose of presenting Bro . Pulsford ,
with a P . M . ' s jewel , the lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a well sewed banquet , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . EKBIELD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 237 ) . —This lodge met on the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Room , Court House , Enfield . The WM ., Bro . J . J . Wilson , presided , supported by Bros . E . S . Cornwall , S . W . ; J . PurdeyJ . W . ; J . E . Green . Treas . ; T . HobbsSec
, , ; C . Tye , S . D . ; and R . Mathison , J . D . The visitors were : — R . W . Goddard , W . M ., 65 ; T . H . Chase , 151 : F . C . Bugbird , 889 ; and Cbas . Smith , P . M ., 578 . The business was very light , and what ceremonies was performed were most efficiently rendered . The brethren separated at an early hour .
DEVONSHIRE . Toi'JTESS . —Pleiades Lodge ( So . 710 ) . —Tiie monthly meeting was held on Thursday , March 25 th , when there was a larger attendance than usual , owing to an expectation of a discussion of important question ,- ! , although of the Exeter brethren , generally very regular in their attendance , only the W . M . and S . W . were present . The lod was opened in " the 1 st degrees
ge soon after 6 p . m ., by Bro . George Heath , W . M ., assisted by Bros . John Heath . I . P . M ., Marks , P . M . acting as S . W ., W . Cumimr , J . W ., Adams , Sec , Nicer , S . D ., & c . After the minutes had been read , Bro . Dr . Hopkins rose for the purpose of formally proposing that the minutes should be confirmed , in order that lie might have a . right to address the brethren . He then read a correspondence which had taken place between the PGMand
... himself on a point of Masonic law , and entered ou other subjects arising therefrom at great length . The proposition was seconded by Bro , Oldrey , and a warm discussion ensued , in which Bros . J , Heath , I . P . M ., Niner , S . D ., Watson , P . M ., W . Cuming , J . W ., Marks , P . M ., Pridham , S . W ., Adams , See ., aud the W . M- took part . Pro . Dr . Hopkins having replied , the resolution was put to the vote and curried unanimously . Soon
after S p . m . the W . M . and S . W . left the lodge to return to Exeter , where they reside , by the last train , and the chair was taken by the I . P . M . Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave notice that he should again propose an addition to the by-laws which had been rejected more than a year ago , with a view to define the manner of conducting the ballot at the election of W . M . Consideration of another amendment of the by-laws proposed by Bro . Niner at the meeting in February , was again deferred . The lodge was finally closed at S-30 .
KENT . SH . EER 5-ES 3 . —Adam ' s Lodge , ( No . 15 S . )—On Thursday tho 18 th ult ., the ceremony of installation of the Worshipful Master of this lodge took place at the Britannia Inn , Mile Town . The brethren in goodly numbers assembled at 4 o ' clock , when the ceremonv of installation was most impressively performed by Bio . J . S . KeddelP . Prov . S . G . W .
, Bro . W . Fleming , the W . M . elect , having been conducted to the chair , selected for his officers the following gentlemen : — Bros . Bugsliaw , S . W ., Fabian , , \ . ' , ., Carpenter , S . D .. Nixon , J . 1 ) ., Firminger , I . G ., and Foster , O . G . The Rev . Grabham , R . M .. and Prov . G . Chat ) ., having offered up prayer , the lodge was worked in its several degrees and then closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banquotting hallat the Masonic
, lodge , where preparations bad been made by Bro . . 7 . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D . Upwards of sixty sat down to the excellent spread provided . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were cheerfully responded to . The meeting was presided over by Bro , Edward Wates , P . Prov . G . Sec , who was glad to remark iu giving the toast of one of the Royal Familthat he
y could state it as " Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . " This brother was held in the hi ghest regard by the nation generally , from his uniform kindness , and lie doubted not that his fellowship with Masonry would most materially effect beneficial results to the Craft . He gave a minute detail of the successful Masonic working in the province . He made some touching allusion to the verv munificent manner in which
the Craft bad so recently raised the sum of £ 12 , 000 towards the funds for an additional wing at the Boy's School , which had been raised at one meeting . He regretted that their Deputy Provincial Grand Master Bro . Dobson , was unavoidably absent through ill-health . He had been with him that morning , and the message from thai brother to the lod ge was to express his great regret tit not being able to be present . The toast of the " Provincial Grand Officers led with
, coup the names of Bros . E . Wates , P . Prov . G . Sec , J . S . Keddell , P . Prov . S . G . W ., I . Townsend , P . Prov . G . R ., S . Townsend , P . Prov . J . D ., and Bio . J . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D ., " was responded to by Bro . S . Townsend . A great feature in the evening ' s programme was the presentation to the lodge room of two beautiful full-sized coloured photographs of Bro . Keddell , aud Bro . I . Townsend , in full
Masonic regalia , and executed by a local artist , Bro . II . Hunt , junr . The pictures are most elegantly and faithfully portrayed , and reflect the highest credit upon BrO . Hunt . The presentation was accompanied by an address by Bro . Nixon , eulogistic of the able and cheerful assistance which those brethren had always manifested for Adam's Lodge , and Masonry in general . He trusted they miht be spared
g many years tor the instruction of brethren in the minor degrees . The De Sluu-laud Lodge , No . 1 , 089 , was represented by several brethren , and the response to that toast was made by 3 ro . _ Shepherd , P . M ., who stated the pleasure that lodge had in visiting their parent lodge , and trusted they might continue to work together with ' that love and harmony characteristic of the Craft .
The toast of the "Visitors " was replied to bv Bro Capt . C . d'Arhois , F . E . E ., and lion . W . M . of Zil & s Philantropes , Paris , who at some length gave his experience in the Craft , both as to the workings of the lodges in France , in other countries , as well us in England—to the latter he was greatly pleased for their general extreme courtesy to visiting brethren and did not deem it egotistic to state that the English brethren would find that amity of feeling existingshould they kindlfavour tho
, y continental lodges with a visit . The thanks of the brethren were given to the outgoing officers for the zeal manifested by them during their period of office , and the W . M . could not but hope that his selection of officers