Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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saw and heard that day , would stimulate them to endeavour to obtain the honour , however unworthily deserved , that day received by their father . After the presentation to Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch had taken place , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form , the Grand Chap , of England , the Rev . 11 . J . Simpson , having said a suitable prayer , and Bro . Sir D . Gooch , as the LP . Prov . D . G . M ., closed the proceedings in the usual manner observed on such occasions ,
and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The banquet was served at tho Angel Hotel , and the diningroom had been most tastefully and artistically ( in a Masonic sense ) embellished by Bro . Dicks , of Swindon . The walls were literally covered with the mystic emblems of the Craft . The banquet was liberally served by host Lawes , about 110 brethren being present . Of that number the following names were lied to us : —Bros . Lord MethuenP . G . M . Wilts ;
supp , , S . Wittey , D . P . G . M . Wilts ; Sir I ) . Gooch , Bart , M . P ., P . G . M . Berks aud Bucks ; Rev . George John Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chap , and D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; Rev . C . R . Davy , P . G . Chap . England ; Rev . Ravenshaw , G . C . England ; Rev . R , J . Simpson , G . Chap . England ; Spiers , D . P . G . M . Oxon ; Bridges , D . P . G . M . Somerset ; William Smith , C . B ., P . G . Steward , & c , & c ; Capt . Bradford , P . G . S . W . Wilts , & P . G . Treas . ; Beaham . P . P . 3 . G-. W . ;
R , deM . Lawson , P . P . G . J . W . ; Wielon , P . P . J . G . W . Somerset ; Muttleburv , P . P . G . Reg . Somerset ; Humphrey , P . P . G . Reg . Stafford ; Biggs , P . P . G . S , W ., Wilts ; Wyndham , P . P . G . Reg . Wilts ; Dicks , P . P . J . D . Wilts ; Tombs , P . G . S . Wilts ; Kinneir , P . G . J . W . Wilts ; Moore , P . G . S . D . Wilts ; Read , P . P . G . S . W . Wilts ; Ward , P . G . Purst , Wilts : T . Chandler , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts ; Toomer , Gen . Doherty , Ford , Bennet , Lord , Hay ward , MitchellNottTarrantEdmundsBraid ]
AshleyNewAVest-, , , . , , macott , Rogers , Cox . Davis , in fact brethren were present from the metropolis , the northern , the midland counties , and from Wales . On the cloth being removed , XFon nobis Domine was sung , the R . W . the G . M . then gave as the first toast " the Queen aud the Craft , " to which followed "the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . the G . M . ; " "the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the M . W . the
D . G . M . ; " and other Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge . Bro . Simpson , Grand Chap , of England , responded to the atter toast in an eloquent and telling speech , iu which he cotuared the Grand Lodge and the Provincial Lodges as being espectively the heart and the body of a great system . If the body of members were unequal to the work , the heart must soon cease to beat ; but he believed that the heart of members of Masonry to be in full action in England .
The health of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Methuen was most appropriately proposed by Bro . Wittey , and his lordship having briefly responded , gave the health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . of Berks and Bucks , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., 3 I . P ., which was received with truly Masonic demonstrations . Sir Daniel , in the course of an able and feeling speech , spoke of the former decline of Masonry in Wilts , and of the great progress the cause had of late made . He referred with pride to the fact that he was the
father in Masonry to a very large number of brethren , and that he could say that of none of them was Wiltshire ashamed . But , nevertheless , lie cautioned the brethren to have great care in admitting new brethren , for the rule of the body was to respect and be respected . In his concluding remarks , Sir Daniel said he hoped , and believed , his new appointment would not materially lessen his connection with the Wilts province , and assured them that on all occasions it would afford him the
greatest pride to put on the clothing of a Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Wilts . The " toast of the present Provincial Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Wittey , " was then proposed by Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , and was eloquently acknowledged . The remaining toasts were : — "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Gooch Testimonial Committee , " " The Masonic Charities , " " The AV . M . Officers and Brethren of the Royal Sussex Lodof Emulation" The Worshiful
ge ; p Masters , Officers , and Brethren of the other Lodges in the Province . " The musical arrangements v . ere really excellent , and were under the direction of Bro . Tolley , P . P . G . Org ., Berks and Bucks , who was assisted by Bros . Marriott and Briggs , of the Chapel Royal , Windsor . OC these toasts and the responses thereto , however , more next week .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) ECCXESHILL . —Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1 , 03-1 , ) — The usual monthly meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held
at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday the 26 th ult ., Bro . Samuel Rhodes , W . M ., opened the lodge at 5 o ' clock p . m ., when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro , Otto Mappes , was then advanced to the pedestal , where he repeated the O . B . of an E . A ., and answered the necessary questions ; he then retired , and after the lodge had been opened in the second degree was again admitted and duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . Bro . J . G . Hutchinson , S . W ., and
AV . M . elect , was then jn-esented to the W . M ., and after the usual formalities had been duly and properly observed , a board of installed masters was formed under the presidency of Bro . Chr . Pratt , the senior P . M ., who performed the ceremony of installation ; the board having been dissolved , the brethren were admitted in regular Older , and saluted Bro . P . G . Hutchinson , the AV . M ., who then appointed his officers for the ensuing year in the following Orderviz : —Bros . Thomas ShackletonS . AV . ;
, , Edward Smith , J . W . ; Joseph Whitehead , S . D . ; AVilliam Pratt , J . D . ; Benjamin Ingham , I . G . ; J . Lightfoot , O . G . ; Pratt , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer by the lodge , and Bro . John Procter , re-nppointed Secretary . Bro . P . M . Beauland , was elected to present tho lodge as Charity Steward . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer and according to ancient custom . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet served in the
dining room ; the AV . M . being surrounded by the Past Masters and Honorary Past Masters , Bros . Thomas Hill and James Lumb , the latter being P . G . S . B . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal toasts were drunk , after which the W . M . proposed the health of the Right Honorable the Earl of Zetland , MW . G . M . of England , and the Right Honorable the Earl de Grey and Ripon , E . W . D . G . M . of England and the rest of the Grand officers . The S . W . then gave the Right Honorable
the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AA . G . AI . of West Yorkshire , and the rest of'the Prov . G . officers , coupling with that toast the name of Bro . James Lumb who responded . The health of the W . M . Past Masters and officers , having been ably proposed and responded to , Bro . Samuel Rhodes , I . P . M ., next proposed with considerable pathos the " Masonic charities " making especial mention of Bro . Pratt , P . M ., charity steward for the past year , whovery eloquently responded to the toastand after dwelling
, , at some length on the noble manner in which the Province of West Yorkshire had contributed ^ o the aid of that invaluable institution at AVood Green , referred more particularly to the magnificent stun of £ 195 6 s . which this young lodge of only four years standing had forwarded for the above institution at the last festival . After spending a pleasant and harmonious evening the entertainment was brought to a happy conclusion at an early hour .
LANARKSHIRE . LESirAHAGOYT . —Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Ward . — This lodge , consisting of Bros . Hector' Frederick M'Lean , P . G . M . ; Edward Gih-oy , S . AA . ; John Annan , J . W . ; Ferguson M'Gillvray , G . D . of Cer . ; and John Curi-ie , Prov . G . Sec , paid a visit to St . John ' s Lodge , So . 20 , on the 23 rd ult . Before opening the lodge the books were examined , aud found in a very
creditable state . The next visit paid by the Prov . G . L . was at Douglas , on Tuesday evening last . ' These visitations will continue weekly in the order ot seniority , until all the lodges in the province have been visited .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . DOJIATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —A jubilee of this chapter was held on the 25 th ult ., at Andertoii ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Comp . J . Brett , as M . E . Z ., assisted by the principals , opened the chapter in ancient form . The Comps . were admitted , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , likewise the report from the Audit Committee . This being the installation meetingComp . Brett then installed the principals
, as follows : —K . W . Little , M . E . Z . ; Coutes , H . ; Gilbert , J . ; G . AVilson , N . ; T . Cubitt , P . A . ; J . B . Foulger , 1 st Assist . A . ; Barrett , 2 nd Assist . A . ; Buss , P . Z . and E . The visitors were AV AVatson , T . Foxall , Dr . Lucy , Tanner , Ough , and C . Hosgood .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
saw and heard that day , would stimulate them to endeavour to obtain the honour , however unworthily deserved , that day received by their father . After the presentation to Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch had taken place , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form , the Grand Chap , of England , the Rev . 11 . J . Simpson , having said a suitable prayer , and Bro . Sir D . Gooch , as the LP . Prov . D . G . M ., closed the proceedings in the usual manner observed on such occasions ,
and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The banquet was served at tho Angel Hotel , and the diningroom had been most tastefully and artistically ( in a Masonic sense ) embellished by Bro . Dicks , of Swindon . The walls were literally covered with the mystic emblems of the Craft . The banquet was liberally served by host Lawes , about 110 brethren being present . Of that number the following names were lied to us : —Bros . Lord MethuenP . G . M . Wilts ;
supp , , S . Wittey , D . P . G . M . Wilts ; Sir I ) . Gooch , Bart , M . P ., P . G . M . Berks aud Bucks ; Rev . George John Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chap , and D . P . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; Rev . C . R . Davy , P . G . Chap . England ; Rev . Ravenshaw , G . C . England ; Rev . R , J . Simpson , G . Chap . England ; Spiers , D . P . G . M . Oxon ; Bridges , D . P . G . M . Somerset ; William Smith , C . B ., P . G . Steward , & c , & c ; Capt . Bradford , P . G . S . W . Wilts , & P . G . Treas . ; Beaham . P . P . 3 . G-. W . ;
R , deM . Lawson , P . P . G . J . W . ; Wielon , P . P . J . G . W . Somerset ; Muttleburv , P . P . G . Reg . Somerset ; Humphrey , P . P . G . Reg . Stafford ; Biggs , P . P . G . S , W ., Wilts ; Wyndham , P . P . G . Reg . Wilts ; Dicks , P . P . J . D . Wilts ; Tombs , P . G . S . Wilts ; Kinneir , P . G . J . W . Wilts ; Moore , P . G . S . D . Wilts ; Read , P . P . G . S . W . Wilts ; Ward , P . G . Purst , Wilts : T . Chandler , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts ; Toomer , Gen . Doherty , Ford , Bennet , Lord , Hay ward , MitchellNottTarrantEdmundsBraid ]
AshleyNewAVest-, , , . , , macott , Rogers , Cox . Davis , in fact brethren were present from the metropolis , the northern , the midland counties , and from Wales . On the cloth being removed , XFon nobis Domine was sung , the R . W . the G . M . then gave as the first toast " the Queen aud the Craft , " to which followed "the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . the G . M . ; " "the Earl de Grey and Ripon , the M . W . the
D . G . M . ; " and other Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge . Bro . Simpson , Grand Chap , of England , responded to the atter toast in an eloquent and telling speech , iu which he cotuared the Grand Lodge and the Provincial Lodges as being espectively the heart and the body of a great system . If the body of members were unequal to the work , the heart must soon cease to beat ; but he believed that the heart of members of Masonry to be in full action in England .
The health of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Methuen was most appropriately proposed by Bro . Wittey , and his lordship having briefly responded , gave the health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . of Berks and Bucks , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., 3 I . P ., which was received with truly Masonic demonstrations . Sir Daniel , in the course of an able and feeling speech , spoke of the former decline of Masonry in Wilts , and of the great progress the cause had of late made . He referred with pride to the fact that he was the
father in Masonry to a very large number of brethren , and that he could say that of none of them was Wiltshire ashamed . But , nevertheless , lie cautioned the brethren to have great care in admitting new brethren , for the rule of the body was to respect and be respected . In his concluding remarks , Sir Daniel said he hoped , and believed , his new appointment would not materially lessen his connection with the Wilts province , and assured them that on all occasions it would afford him the
greatest pride to put on the clothing of a Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master of Wilts . The " toast of the present Provincial Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Wittey , " was then proposed by Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , and was eloquently acknowledged . The remaining toasts were : — "The Visiting Brethren , " "The Gooch Testimonial Committee , " " The Masonic Charities , " " The AV . M . Officers and Brethren of the Royal Sussex Lodof Emulation" The Worshiful
ge ; p Masters , Officers , and Brethren of the other Lodges in the Province . " The musical arrangements v . ere really excellent , and were under the direction of Bro . Tolley , P . P . G . Org ., Berks and Bucks , who was assisted by Bros . Marriott and Briggs , of the Chapel Royal , Windsor . OC these toasts and the responses thereto , however , more next week .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) ECCXESHILL . —Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1 , 03-1 , ) — The usual monthly meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held
at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday the 26 th ult ., Bro . Samuel Rhodes , W . M ., opened the lodge at 5 o ' clock p . m ., when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro , Otto Mappes , was then advanced to the pedestal , where he repeated the O . B . of an E . A ., and answered the necessary questions ; he then retired , and after the lodge had been opened in the second degree was again admitted and duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . Bro . J . G . Hutchinson , S . W ., and
AV . M . elect , was then jn-esented to the W . M ., and after the usual formalities had been duly and properly observed , a board of installed masters was formed under the presidency of Bro . Chr . Pratt , the senior P . M ., who performed the ceremony of installation ; the board having been dissolved , the brethren were admitted in regular Older , and saluted Bro . P . G . Hutchinson , the AV . M ., who then appointed his officers for the ensuing year in the following Orderviz : —Bros . Thomas ShackletonS . AV . ;
, , Edward Smith , J . W . ; Joseph Whitehead , S . D . ; AVilliam Pratt , J . D . ; Benjamin Ingham , I . G . ; J . Lightfoot , O . G . ; Pratt , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer by the lodge , and Bro . John Procter , re-nppointed Secretary . Bro . P . M . Beauland , was elected to present tho lodge as Charity Steward . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer and according to ancient custom . The brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet served in the
dining room ; the AV . M . being surrounded by the Past Masters and Honorary Past Masters , Bros . Thomas Hill and James Lumb , the latter being P . G . S . B . The cloth having been withdrawn the usual loyal toasts were drunk , after which the W . M . proposed the health of the Right Honorable the Earl of Zetland , MW . G . M . of England , and the Right Honorable the Earl de Grey and Ripon , E . W . D . G . M . of England and the rest of the Grand officers . The S . W . then gave the Right Honorable
the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AA . G . AI . of West Yorkshire , and the rest of'the Prov . G . officers , coupling with that toast the name of Bro . James Lumb who responded . The health of the W . M . Past Masters and officers , having been ably proposed and responded to , Bro . Samuel Rhodes , I . P . M ., next proposed with considerable pathos the " Masonic charities " making especial mention of Bro . Pratt , P . M ., charity steward for the past year , whovery eloquently responded to the toastand after dwelling
, , at some length on the noble manner in which the Province of West Yorkshire had contributed ^ o the aid of that invaluable institution at AVood Green , referred more particularly to the magnificent stun of £ 195 6 s . which this young lodge of only four years standing had forwarded for the above institution at the last festival . After spending a pleasant and harmonious evening the entertainment was brought to a happy conclusion at an early hour .
LANARKSHIRE . LESirAHAGOYT . —Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Ward . — This lodge , consisting of Bros . Hector' Frederick M'Lean , P . G . M . ; Edward Gih-oy , S . AA . ; John Annan , J . W . ; Ferguson M'Gillvray , G . D . of Cer . ; and John Curi-ie , Prov . G . Sec , paid a visit to St . John ' s Lodge , So . 20 , on the 23 rd ult . Before opening the lodge the books were examined , aud found in a very
creditable state . The next visit paid by the Prov . G . L . was at Douglas , on Tuesday evening last . ' These visitations will continue weekly in the order ot seniority , until all the lodges in the province have been visited .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . DOJIATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —A jubilee of this chapter was held on the 25 th ult ., at Andertoii ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Comp . J . Brett , as M . E . Z ., assisted by the principals , opened the chapter in ancient form . The Comps . were admitted , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , likewise the report from the Audit Committee . This being the installation meetingComp . Brett then installed the principals
, as follows : —K . W . Little , M . E . Z . ; Coutes , H . ; Gilbert , J . ; G . AVilson , N . ; T . Cubitt , P . A . ; J . B . Foulger , 1 st Assist . A . ; Barrett , 2 nd Assist . A . ; Buss , P . Z . and E . The visitors were AV AVatson , T . Foxall , Dr . Lucy , Tanner , Ough , and C . Hosgood .