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Bro . 0 . C . Shaw , No . 59 1 Bro . James Adrain , No . 272 . Bro . J . T . M'llveeu , No . 83 | Bro . A . Forde , No . 609 . Stewards , with wands : Bvo . J . A . Henderson ; Bra . Plato Oulton . Organist , Bro . Chipp . Director of Ceremonies , Bro . II . Mm-ney . Senior Grand Deacon , Bro . James M'Cullough , with wand and
column of labour . Junior Grand Deacon , Bro . A . C . Dobbin , with wand and column of refreshment . Grand Secretary , Bro . S . Black , with patent of appointment . Grand Treasurer , Bro . William Emerson . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Archdeacon Maufc , with Bible on a cushion . Deputy Prov . G . Masters . The Prov . Grand Master Elect . Corinthian Li-jhfc , borne by Bro . Hayn , P . M . 40 . Junior G . Warden , Pro . W . C . Cunningham , with Plumb Line .
Doric Light , borne , by Bro . E . W . Lee , P . M . 154 . Senior G . Warden , Bro . James M'Cracken , with Level . Bro . F . Kinahan , P . M ., with Ionic Light . Bro . G . A . Cnrrnfchers , P . M ., with Square . Representative of Grancl Master , Bro . Pirrie . Two Members of Committee , with wands . Bro . J . Shelley , P . M . 7 . Bro . J . G . M'GeePM 154
, .. . Bro . Dr . Pirrie . had been appointed by his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland , to represent his Grace at the installation , and the officers and brethren being duly placed , that officer declared the purpose of the assembly to be the installation of a Provincial Grand Master for the province of Belfast and North Down , appointed under the provisions of the regulations and laws concerning such offices . He then directed Bro . S . Black ,
Prov . G . Sec , to road Article I . of the section of the constitution of the order relating to the Provincial Grand Master , and also the patent of appointment . That duty having been discharged , the Provincial Grand Master was then presented by Bro . Lanyon , D . Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Archdeacon Maul ; , P . Prov . G . M , anel bound to his trust , installed , invested , and saluted , according to , due form . After these ceremoniesBro . Archdeacon MantProv . G . Chap .
, , , read the appointed prayer , and a Masonic anthem was performed on the grand organ by Bro . Dr . Chipp . The brethren then again adjourned to the minor hall , where the Most Noble the Marquis of Donegal ! , as Prov . G . M ., took the chair , anel closed the lodge in duo form . The brethren then separated , and met again in the body ofthe large hall for
THE BAKQTJET , Which took place afc six o'clock , and the magnificent hall set off the decorations of the Masonic Order assembled to the utmost effect . There was a great number of ladies in the gallery . Amongst the brethren in attendance were : —Bro . Charles Lanyon , D . Prov . G . M ., in the chair ; fche M . W . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Donegal ! on the leftBro . James Torrensthe
, ; , Yen . Archdeacon Mant , P . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . T . Gist , Sewel , Sorgisson , Wilson , 4 th Hussars ; Sub-Inspector , T . M'Carthy . On the right of the chair—Bros . Dr . Pirrie , representative of the Grand Master of Ireland on this occasion ; Captain Lindsay , 4 th Hussars ; Colonel O'Connor , the very Rev . the Dean of Down , Dr . AVoodward . Bros . Kennedy and Neviston , 4 th Hussars ; G . F . Echlin , Captain Bland , S . Black , E . Orme , AV .
It . Ankctell , John S . Charley , A . Tate , J . Shelley , Capt . Whitla , Dr . Murney , Francis AVatson , Lakeview ; H . II . Bottomley , Wm . Emerson , W . M . No . 7 ; Roberts , 44 , Clonmel ; J . Preston , James Dickson , William Dobbin , J . A . Henderson , Captain Ramsbotham , W . AAllliams , County Inspector ; H . Bindon , John Oulton , G . K . Smith , Forde Hutcheson , J . P . Sfcranocmn , G . Heyn , C . Kinahan , Henry Kirk , C . Garraway , Jas . Hamilton ,
Rev . Nixon Porter , D . M'Tear , J . Boyd , John G . M'Gee , John Emerson , James Henry , H . J . Neill , D . Jaffa , N . Greer , J . Robertson , Rev . J . Labarte , R . Boag , Edward Smyth , Stevens , Bellcek ; D . Leonard , Banbridge ; Charles Duffin , W . Gill , W . J . Wheeler , R . Kelly , AV . C . Cunningham , R . Atkinson , W . H . Kisbey , Dr . Chipp , E . W . Lee , W . J . Johnston , Thomas ValentineJames WValentineHGHendersonPhiliRich
, . , . . , p - ardson , John Herdman , Edward Rieldell , N . Gowan , Plato Oulton , Francis Ward , James M'Lean , R . Beath , James M'Cracken , S . W ., P . G . S . ; Samuel Teirney , J . Orr , R . Braithivaite , AV . M . 46 ; J , Noble , 24 , Bainbridge . Thanks having been returned by the Archdeacon of Down ,
The D . PEOV . G . MASTER , said : Brethren , fill your glasses Before I give the first toast which- has been arranged on your programme for tho proceedings of this evening , I think it right fco say that , however numerous , influential , and respectable tho display this evening has elicited , I believe we would have had a much more numerous display if it hael not been for the necessity that had unfortunately arisen for the adjournment of this our banquet from Tuesday last to the present occasion .
( Hear , hear . ) Bnfc , brethren , I am glad and happy to say that , although we have been deprived of the presence of-a great number of our friends and a great number of distinguished visitors who would have honoured our banquet on Tuesday last , and would have attended here for the purpose of doing honour to our most noble guest who sits afc my siele —( loud applause)—- although I am sure we have been disappointed of fche presence of a great number of brethren , I am sure there is not a brother
amongst us who does not think the committee who hael the management of that banquet used a wise discretion in the postponement thereof —( hear , hear , and applause)—and I am sure of this , that there is nofc a brother present who does not regret with the utmost sincerity the cause which necessitated that postponement . ( Hear , hear ) . Ifc is refreshing to think that amidst all the strife with which this town has been visited during tho pasfc week that in this room afc least , among the brethren
present , we can say that peace , love , and harmony prevail . ( Loud cheers , and hear , hear . ) Brethren , if these principles which actuate our ancient brotherhood were more generally known , and more generally acteel upon , we should not have fche periodical visitations which have lately disgraced our town . ( Hear , hear . ) I shall now , brethren , proceecl to give yon the toast which is the first ou our list , and as Masons , brethren , it is a toast which we all deliht to honourfor loyalty to the
g , throne has always been a distinguished principle of Masonry . ( Loud applause . ) And afc no time , I am sure , will the toast be received with greater enthusiasm than at the present , when she who sits on the throne has enlisted the good feeling and sympathy of all classes of her subjects —( applause)—not only by her conduct on that throne , but by the exercise of every domestic and social virtue . ( Loud applause . ) I beg , therefore , to give you "Tho Health of the Queen . ( Loud applause . )
The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB : Brethren , the toast I have now to propose is the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . Brethren , when last I had the honour of addressing an assembly such as this , it was just at that period when his Royal Highness the Prince of AA ' ales was about adopting a very important change in his life , and we , as Masons , were most hearty in our congratulations anel in our wishes that every happiness should attend him . ( Hear , hear ,
and loud cheers . ) Brethren , now I think we may congratulate him that he has been so fortunate in the selection which he has made , for no one could have rendered herself more popular than fche object of his choice in the land of her adoption . ( Loud cheers . ) I ventured also at the time fco express the hope that it would not be long before his Royal Highness would join that ancient brotherhood of which we are all members , and I am glad to learn from the public prints that he has , or is about
shortly to enter into that bond of brotherhood ; anel I am sure that all Masons will do their best to receive him as he ought to be received . ( Loud cheers . ) I beg to y > voy > ose to yon " The , Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family . " ( Applause . ) The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB : Brethren , the next toast I have to propose to you is that ofthe health of the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master of Ireland . ( Hearhearanel applause . )
, , Brethren , I need nofc say that no one is more respected in his position , either as a Mason or as a distinguished Irish nobleman , than the Grancl Master of Ireland —( hear , hear)—and I am quite sure that I shall receive your approbation when I say that a great deal is due to him for his anxiety to improve the status of Masonry in this country . I believe , also , that ifc is due to him that , at a time when all secret societies were attempted to be put down in this country , our noble Grand Master of Ireland
succeeded in establishing the principle that Masonry should be exempted from that oreler . I therefore beg to give you " The Health of our Most Noble Grand Master of Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Leinster . " ( Received with all the Masonic honours . ) The D . PEOV . G . MASTEE : Brethren , the toast I have now to propose to you is , the health of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England . ( Applause . ) As Masons , brethren , we always delight to express our sympathy with our English brethren , and I am sure you will elo honour to the toast which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . 0 . C . Shaw , No . 59 1 Bro . James Adrain , No . 272 . Bro . J . T . M'llveeu , No . 83 | Bro . A . Forde , No . 609 . Stewards , with wands : Bvo . J . A . Henderson ; Bra . Plato Oulton . Organist , Bro . Chipp . Director of Ceremonies , Bro . II . Mm-ney . Senior Grand Deacon , Bro . James M'Cullough , with wand and
column of labour . Junior Grand Deacon , Bro . A . C . Dobbin , with wand and column of refreshment . Grand Secretary , Bro . S . Black , with patent of appointment . Grand Treasurer , Bro . William Emerson . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Archdeacon Maufc , with Bible on a cushion . Deputy Prov . G . Masters . The Prov . Grand Master Elect . Corinthian Li-jhfc , borne by Bro . Hayn , P . M . 40 . Junior G . Warden , Pro . W . C . Cunningham , with Plumb Line .
Doric Light , borne , by Bro . E . W . Lee , P . M . 154 . Senior G . Warden , Bro . James M'Cracken , with Level . Bro . F . Kinahan , P . M ., with Ionic Light . Bro . G . A . Cnrrnfchers , P . M ., with Square . Representative of Grancl Master , Bro . Pirrie . Two Members of Committee , with wands . Bro . J . Shelley , P . M . 7 . Bro . J . G . M'GeePM 154
, .. . Bro . Dr . Pirrie . had been appointed by his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland , to represent his Grace at the installation , and the officers and brethren being duly placed , that officer declared the purpose of the assembly to be the installation of a Provincial Grand Master for the province of Belfast and North Down , appointed under the provisions of the regulations and laws concerning such offices . He then directed Bro . S . Black ,
Prov . G . Sec , to road Article I . of the section of the constitution of the order relating to the Provincial Grand Master , and also the patent of appointment . That duty having been discharged , the Provincial Grand Master was then presented by Bro . Lanyon , D . Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Archdeacon Maul ; , P . Prov . G . M , anel bound to his trust , installed , invested , and saluted , according to , due form . After these ceremoniesBro . Archdeacon MantProv . G . Chap .
, , , read the appointed prayer , and a Masonic anthem was performed on the grand organ by Bro . Dr . Chipp . The brethren then again adjourned to the minor hall , where the Most Noble the Marquis of Donegal ! , as Prov . G . M ., took the chair , anel closed the lodge in duo form . The brethren then separated , and met again in the body ofthe large hall for
THE BAKQTJET , Which took place afc six o'clock , and the magnificent hall set off the decorations of the Masonic Order assembled to the utmost effect . There was a great number of ladies in the gallery . Amongst the brethren in attendance were : —Bro . Charles Lanyon , D . Prov . G . M ., in the chair ; fche M . W . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Donegal ! on the leftBro . James Torrensthe
, ; , Yen . Archdeacon Mant , P . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . T . Gist , Sewel , Sorgisson , Wilson , 4 th Hussars ; Sub-Inspector , T . M'Carthy . On the right of the chair—Bros . Dr . Pirrie , representative of the Grand Master of Ireland on this occasion ; Captain Lindsay , 4 th Hussars ; Colonel O'Connor , the very Rev . the Dean of Down , Dr . AVoodward . Bros . Kennedy and Neviston , 4 th Hussars ; G . F . Echlin , Captain Bland , S . Black , E . Orme , AV .
It . Ankctell , John S . Charley , A . Tate , J . Shelley , Capt . Whitla , Dr . Murney , Francis AVatson , Lakeview ; H . II . Bottomley , Wm . Emerson , W . M . No . 7 ; Roberts , 44 , Clonmel ; J . Preston , James Dickson , William Dobbin , J . A . Henderson , Captain Ramsbotham , W . AAllliams , County Inspector ; H . Bindon , John Oulton , G . K . Smith , Forde Hutcheson , J . P . Sfcranocmn , G . Heyn , C . Kinahan , Henry Kirk , C . Garraway , Jas . Hamilton ,
Rev . Nixon Porter , D . M'Tear , J . Boyd , John G . M'Gee , John Emerson , James Henry , H . J . Neill , D . Jaffa , N . Greer , J . Robertson , Rev . J . Labarte , R . Boag , Edward Smyth , Stevens , Bellcek ; D . Leonard , Banbridge ; Charles Duffin , W . Gill , W . J . Wheeler , R . Kelly , AV . C . Cunningham , R . Atkinson , W . H . Kisbey , Dr . Chipp , E . W . Lee , W . J . Johnston , Thomas ValentineJames WValentineHGHendersonPhiliRich
, . , . . , p - ardson , John Herdman , Edward Rieldell , N . Gowan , Plato Oulton , Francis Ward , James M'Lean , R . Beath , James M'Cracken , S . W ., P . G . S . ; Samuel Teirney , J . Orr , R . Braithivaite , AV . M . 46 ; J , Noble , 24 , Bainbridge . Thanks having been returned by the Archdeacon of Down ,
The D . PEOV . G . MASTER , said : Brethren , fill your glasses Before I give the first toast which- has been arranged on your programme for tho proceedings of this evening , I think it right fco say that , however numerous , influential , and respectable tho display this evening has elicited , I believe we would have had a much more numerous display if it hael not been for the necessity that had unfortunately arisen for the adjournment of this our banquet from Tuesday last to the present occasion .
( Hear , hear . ) Bnfc , brethren , I am glad and happy to say that , although we have been deprived of the presence of-a great number of our friends and a great number of distinguished visitors who would have honoured our banquet on Tuesday last , and would have attended here for the purpose of doing honour to our most noble guest who sits afc my siele —( loud applause)—- although I am sure we have been disappointed of fche presence of a great number of brethren , I am sure there is not a brother
amongst us who does not think the committee who hael the management of that banquet used a wise discretion in the postponement thereof —( hear , hear , and applause)—and I am sure of this , that there is nofc a brother present who does not regret with the utmost sincerity the cause which necessitated that postponement . ( Hear , hear ) . Ifc is refreshing to think that amidst all the strife with which this town has been visited during tho pasfc week that in this room afc least , among the brethren
present , we can say that peace , love , and harmony prevail . ( Loud cheers , and hear , hear . ) Brethren , if these principles which actuate our ancient brotherhood were more generally known , and more generally acteel upon , we should not have fche periodical visitations which have lately disgraced our town . ( Hear , hear . ) I shall now , brethren , proceecl to give yon the toast which is the first ou our list , and as Masons , brethren , it is a toast which we all deliht to honourfor loyalty to the
g , throne has always been a distinguished principle of Masonry . ( Loud applause . ) And afc no time , I am sure , will the toast be received with greater enthusiasm than at the present , when she who sits on the throne has enlisted the good feeling and sympathy of all classes of her subjects —( applause)—not only by her conduct on that throne , but by the exercise of every domestic and social virtue . ( Loud applause . ) I beg , therefore , to give you "Tho Health of the Queen . ( Loud applause . )
The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB : Brethren , the toast I have now to propose is the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . Brethren , when last I had the honour of addressing an assembly such as this , it was just at that period when his Royal Highness the Prince of AA ' ales was about adopting a very important change in his life , and we , as Masons , were most hearty in our congratulations anel in our wishes that every happiness should attend him . ( Hear , hear ,
and loud cheers . ) Brethren , now I think we may congratulate him that he has been so fortunate in the selection which he has made , for no one could have rendered herself more popular than fche object of his choice in the land of her adoption . ( Loud cheers . ) I ventured also at the time fco express the hope that it would not be long before his Royal Highness would join that ancient brotherhood of which we are all members , and I am glad to learn from the public prints that he has , or is about
shortly to enter into that bond of brotherhood ; anel I am sure that all Masons will do their best to receive him as he ought to be received . ( Loud cheers . ) I beg to y > voy > ose to yon " The , Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family . " ( Applause . ) The D . PEOV . G . MASTEB : Brethren , the next toast I have to propose to you is that ofthe health of the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master of Ireland . ( Hearhearanel applause . )
, , Brethren , I need nofc say that no one is more respected in his position , either as a Mason or as a distinguished Irish nobleman , than the Grancl Master of Ireland —( hear , hear)—and I am quite sure that I shall receive your approbation when I say that a great deal is due to him for his anxiety to improve the status of Masonry in this country . I believe , also , that ifc is due to him that , at a time when all secret societies were attempted to be put down in this country , our noble Grand Master of Ireland
succeeded in establishing the principle that Masonry should be exempted from that oreler . I therefore beg to give you " The Health of our Most Noble Grand Master of Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Leinster . " ( Received with all the Masonic honours . ) The D . PEOV . G . MASTEE : Brethren , the toast I have now to propose to you is , the health of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England . ( Applause . ) As Masons , brethren , we always delight to express our sympathy with our English brethren , and I am sure you will elo honour to the toast which