Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
some observations that had been made with regard to their worthy and excellent Mayor . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) He ¦ was quite sure tha observations would be met when he stated that tha Sfayor was not in Belfast when fche riots commenced , and there was a sufficient justification for his absence on that occasion . He did nofc think it necessary to go into tho matter . The man ivas tlre ' i absent , and his responsibility ceased . ( Hear , Jiear . ) He hoped no further observations would he made on
this subject , and he gave their "Visiting Brethren . " Captain Lr-vrjs . tr ( lth Hussars ) respondeel . The D . PBOV . G . MASTEB then gave " Tho Stewards . " Bro . MeTi'xiiv responded in a Cow appropriate remarks . Bro . IBELAXD wished to niuke a few remarks with reference to thc charge made by the Provincial Grand Master against the Mayor . ( " Order , ' order ; " " Chair , chair . " ) A VOICE : Is this Masonry ? AVill you hear Bro . Ireland ? Another VOICE : The Mayor is not a Mason . AVe can't discuss ifc here .
A third VOICE : Neither is John F . Ferguson . The D . Puov . G . MASTER : Stop now , gentlemen , and I will propose the last toasfc , namely , ' ' The Health of the Ladies , coupled with the Marchioness of Donegal ! . " Ho regretted extremely that tho meeting should separate except in the most perfect feeling of unanimity and concord . ( Hear , hear . ) Observations had been made iu reference to tho Mayor , and he believed the brethren present were quite satisfied that if the
Mayor had been present on the occasion of the outbreak of tbe riots and tumults , things would have been very different in this town . He believed that tbe observations which had been made by their most noble brother only went the length of saying that he considered the Mayor was nofc present when the outbreak first took place . He was quite satisfied Lord Donegall did nofc intend to convey to that assembly that any blame was
to be attached to the Mayor , but that he merely wished fco say this , that if the Mayor had been present afc tire outbreak a great deal of what had taken place might have been prevented . Ifc was only due to the Mayor to make these observations , and he was quite sure the Prov . Grand Master did nofc intend to convey anything derogatory to the Mayor , bufc only to regret that ho was not here when , in his opinion , these outbreaks had occurred . Ho would net have entered into these observations if the meeting did not appear to feel it in a most remarkable manner . The PBOV . G . MASTEB , in responding to the toast of " The
Ladies , coupled with Lady Donegall , " said : I beg leave , on behalf of Lady Donegall , to return you my most sincere thanks for the honour you have clone her . 1 am sure there is no one takes a deeper interest in the prosperity of this town than she does . She had no idea of its extent or size when sho came to ifc , nor had she any idea of its various institutions , iu which , since sho came here , she has taken so deep an interest , and ifc "will be her pride , as ifc will be mine , to visit you as often as we
can . ( Hear , hear . ) Now , with respect to what fell from me with regard to tlie Mayor , I have only this remark to make , that I should be very sorry to accuse him unjustly , anel it will very easy for the Mayor to prove he was absent before tho commencement of the riots , and , if so , I will withdraw all I have said with respect to him , but I have a public duty to perform . I did not see the Mayor in his place whore he ought to have been , and ifc was my duty to say what I said , anel from my duty
I never will shrink . ( Hear , hear . ) If the Mayor proves he was absent—and I hope he can do so—I will most cheerfully withdraw all I said concerning him ; but as I have said , as Lord Lieutenant of this county , and doing all I could fco put down these riots , I had a duty to discharge , and from that I will never shrink . ( Loud applause . ) I beg to return vow my sincere thanks for the toasfc yon have so cheerfully respondeel to , and hope we may have many merry meetings . The proceedings then terminated .
TnE MOST BEAUTIFUL HAND . —Two charming women were discussing , one day , what ifc is which constitutes beauty in the hand . They differed in opinion as much as in tho shape of the beautiful members whoso merits they where discussing . A gentleman friend presented himself , and by common consent the question was referred to him . It was a delicate matter . He thought of Paris and the three goddesses . Glancing from
one to fche other of tha beautiful white hands presented for his examination , he replied at last : " I give ifc up—the question is too hard for me ; bufc ask the poor , anel they will tell you that the most beautiful hand in the world is fche hand that gives . "
GRAND LODGE . The following is the address of the Grand Master of Canada to the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of Canada , assembled in Annual Communication , afc Hamilton , 13 th July , 1861 . BHETIIREN , —AVe now assemble for our ninth annual communication . For nine has the Great Architect of the
years Universe been mercifully pleased to spare us to meet each other in social intercourse and friendship , and consult together for our common good , and ( all thanksgiving and humble gratitude to Him ) the beginning of each Masonic year has shown the Ancient Craft to be advancing in prosperity and usefulness , and the Grand Loelge , to which we all acknowledge special allegiance , to have been making rapid strides to a vigorous
manhood . AV'hafc was born in 1855 has become the fostering parent of upwards of 1 G 0 lodges—all working , I have reason to believe , in order , peace , and harmony , anel with a continually growing family . I am happy to tell Grand Lodge that I know of nothing that seriously affects tlie symmetry of our firmly * founded Masonic edifice . Freemasons should be eminently loyal men . Without loyalty they cannot be in practice what they profess to bo , and / therefore , I make no apology before noticing
our own specific affairs , for mentioning as a matter of sincere congratulation , the auspicious birth of a Prince—born , let us hope anel pray , to be a joy to its illustrious parents , the Prince and Princess of Wales , and an additional source , combined with the unwavering affection of her subjects , of consolation to our widowed good Queen , and to secure to our common country , fche British Empire , a continuation of those virtues and excellencies that belong to our sovereign avid also the well-known attributes of the lamented Prince Consort , anel which live not only in the national heart , but are freely acknowledged by the world at
large . I am sure you will not be backward in expressing your sentiments on this happy event . During the past year ' l have granted eight dispensations fco hold the following new lodges , viz .: — Alexandra , afc Oil Springs , Co . Lambton . Goodwood , at Richmond , C . W . Garrison , afc Quebec . Percy , afc AVarkworth , Co . Northumberland .
Forest , at AVroxeter , C . AV . Browne , at Adamsville , C . E . Star in the East , at Wellington , Co . Prince Edward . Burlington , afc Wellington-square . The petitions in each case were regularly and strongly recommended , and I trust Grand Lodge will confirm them hy warrants . I received a petition for a new Wentworth Lodge , fco be helel
at Stoney Creek , bufc as ifc was recommended by a lodge , though supported by the District Deputy Grand Master , I was obliged to decline granting a dispensation , anel I am unaware if further steps have been adopted , with a view to apply for a warrant . I have to report that Norfolk Loelge ( No . 10 ) , and Simcoe Ledge ( No . 63 ) , both held at Simcoe , have , for the advantage of our Order in their locality , amalgamated , with my
concurrence , and No . 63 having dissolved , the warrant has been surrendered , anel is iu the custody of the Grand Secretary , to be cancelled by your authority . Such of the proceedings of our sister lodges as have been received by the Grand Secretary , are with fche Board of General Purposes for general information , and that we are on terms of friendly intercourse with all 1 am thankful and happy to be able to state . I make some necessary remarks oa some which have come directly to my notice .
ENGLAND . The Grand Lodge of England , as it promised to do , has erased from its list all lodges claimed by me as belonging to the Grand Lodge of Canada , retaining only those to which no objection can be raised , the Nos . ' of which I think ifc well to give here ; they are 17 214-182 , and 931-648 Quebec ; 514-374 and 923-640 Montreal ; 720-490 Goderich ; 796-544 Carleton Place , C . \ V ., and 835-571 Ottaws . The latter figures are the existing numbers ; 774-532
Sfc . John ' s , C . E ., was also retained , but I pointed out the error , and ifc is to be rectified . No . 643-440 Montreal , is likewise claimed , and is the cause of the one only unadjusted difficulty . You have declared it to be an irregular body ; the Grand Loelge of England as positively insists that ifc has never ceased to be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
some observations that had been made with regard to their worthy and excellent Mayor . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) He ¦ was quite sure tha observations would be met when he stated that tha Sfayor was not in Belfast when fche riots commenced , and there was a sufficient justification for his absence on that occasion . He did nofc think it necessary to go into tho matter . The man ivas tlre ' i absent , and his responsibility ceased . ( Hear , Jiear . ) He hoped no further observations would he made on
this subject , and he gave their "Visiting Brethren . " Captain Lr-vrjs . tr ( lth Hussars ) respondeel . The D . PBOV . G . MASTEB then gave " Tho Stewards . " Bro . MeTi'xiiv responded in a Cow appropriate remarks . Bro . IBELAXD wished to niuke a few remarks with reference to thc charge made by the Provincial Grand Master against the Mayor . ( " Order , ' order ; " " Chair , chair . " ) A VOICE : Is this Masonry ? AVill you hear Bro . Ireland ? Another VOICE : The Mayor is not a Mason . AVe can't discuss ifc here .
A third VOICE : Neither is John F . Ferguson . The D . Puov . G . MASTER : Stop now , gentlemen , and I will propose the last toasfc , namely , ' ' The Health of the Ladies , coupled with the Marchioness of Donegal ! . " Ho regretted extremely that tho meeting should separate except in the most perfect feeling of unanimity and concord . ( Hear , hear . ) Observations had been made iu reference to tho Mayor , and he believed the brethren present were quite satisfied that if the
Mayor had been present on the occasion of the outbreak of tbe riots and tumults , things would have been very different in this town . He believed that tbe observations which had been made by their most noble brother only went the length of saying that he considered the Mayor was nofc present when the outbreak first took place . He was quite satisfied Lord Donegall did nofc intend to convey to that assembly that any blame was
to be attached to the Mayor , but that he merely wished fco say this , that if the Mayor had been present afc tire outbreak a great deal of what had taken place might have been prevented . Ifc was only due to the Mayor to make these observations , and he was quite sure the Prov . Grand Master did nofc intend to convey anything derogatory to the Mayor , bufc only to regret that ho was not here when , in his opinion , these outbreaks had occurred . Ho would net have entered into these observations if the meeting did not appear to feel it in a most remarkable manner . The PBOV . G . MASTEB , in responding to the toast of " The
Ladies , coupled with Lady Donegall , " said : I beg leave , on behalf of Lady Donegall , to return you my most sincere thanks for the honour you have clone her . 1 am sure there is no one takes a deeper interest in the prosperity of this town than she does . She had no idea of its extent or size when sho came to ifc , nor had she any idea of its various institutions , iu which , since sho came here , she has taken so deep an interest , and ifc "will be her pride , as ifc will be mine , to visit you as often as we
can . ( Hear , hear . ) Now , with respect to what fell from me with regard to tlie Mayor , I have only this remark to make , that I should be very sorry to accuse him unjustly , anel it will very easy for the Mayor to prove he was absent before tho commencement of the riots , and , if so , I will withdraw all I have said with respect to him , but I have a public duty to perform . I did not see the Mayor in his place whore he ought to have been , and ifc was my duty to say what I said , anel from my duty
I never will shrink . ( Hear , hear . ) If the Mayor proves he was absent—and I hope he can do so—I will most cheerfully withdraw all I said concerning him ; but as I have said , as Lord Lieutenant of this county , and doing all I could fco put down these riots , I had a duty to discharge , and from that I will never shrink . ( Loud applause . ) I beg to return vow my sincere thanks for the toasfc yon have so cheerfully respondeel to , and hope we may have many merry meetings . The proceedings then terminated .
TnE MOST BEAUTIFUL HAND . —Two charming women were discussing , one day , what ifc is which constitutes beauty in the hand . They differed in opinion as much as in tho shape of the beautiful members whoso merits they where discussing . A gentleman friend presented himself , and by common consent the question was referred to him . It was a delicate matter . He thought of Paris and the three goddesses . Glancing from
one to fche other of tha beautiful white hands presented for his examination , he replied at last : " I give ifc up—the question is too hard for me ; bufc ask the poor , anel they will tell you that the most beautiful hand in the world is fche hand that gives . "
GRAND LODGE . The following is the address of the Grand Master of Canada to the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of Canada , assembled in Annual Communication , afc Hamilton , 13 th July , 1861 . BHETIIREN , —AVe now assemble for our ninth annual communication . For nine has the Great Architect of the
years Universe been mercifully pleased to spare us to meet each other in social intercourse and friendship , and consult together for our common good , and ( all thanksgiving and humble gratitude to Him ) the beginning of each Masonic year has shown the Ancient Craft to be advancing in prosperity and usefulness , and the Grand Loelge , to which we all acknowledge special allegiance , to have been making rapid strides to a vigorous
manhood . AV'hafc was born in 1855 has become the fostering parent of upwards of 1 G 0 lodges—all working , I have reason to believe , in order , peace , and harmony , anel with a continually growing family . I am happy to tell Grand Lodge that I know of nothing that seriously affects tlie symmetry of our firmly * founded Masonic edifice . Freemasons should be eminently loyal men . Without loyalty they cannot be in practice what they profess to bo , and / therefore , I make no apology before noticing
our own specific affairs , for mentioning as a matter of sincere congratulation , the auspicious birth of a Prince—born , let us hope anel pray , to be a joy to its illustrious parents , the Prince and Princess of Wales , and an additional source , combined with the unwavering affection of her subjects , of consolation to our widowed good Queen , and to secure to our common country , fche British Empire , a continuation of those virtues and excellencies that belong to our sovereign avid also the well-known attributes of the lamented Prince Consort , anel which live not only in the national heart , but are freely acknowledged by the world at
large . I am sure you will not be backward in expressing your sentiments on this happy event . During the past year ' l have granted eight dispensations fco hold the following new lodges , viz .: — Alexandra , afc Oil Springs , Co . Lambton . Goodwood , at Richmond , C . W . Garrison , afc Quebec . Percy , afc AVarkworth , Co . Northumberland .
Forest , at AVroxeter , C . AV . Browne , at Adamsville , C . E . Star in the East , at Wellington , Co . Prince Edward . Burlington , afc Wellington-square . The petitions in each case were regularly and strongly recommended , and I trust Grand Lodge will confirm them hy warrants . I received a petition for a new Wentworth Lodge , fco be helel
at Stoney Creek , bufc as ifc was recommended by a lodge , though supported by the District Deputy Grand Master , I was obliged to decline granting a dispensation , anel I am unaware if further steps have been adopted , with a view to apply for a warrant . I have to report that Norfolk Loelge ( No . 10 ) , and Simcoe Ledge ( No . 63 ) , both held at Simcoe , have , for the advantage of our Order in their locality , amalgamated , with my
concurrence , and No . 63 having dissolved , the warrant has been surrendered , anel is iu the custody of the Grand Secretary , to be cancelled by your authority . Such of the proceedings of our sister lodges as have been received by the Grand Secretary , are with fche Board of General Purposes for general information , and that we are on terms of friendly intercourse with all 1 am thankful and happy to be able to state . I make some necessary remarks oa some which have come directly to my notice .
ENGLAND . The Grand Lodge of England , as it promised to do , has erased from its list all lodges claimed by me as belonging to the Grand Lodge of Canada , retaining only those to which no objection can be raised , the Nos . ' of which I think ifc well to give here ; they are 17 214-182 , and 931-648 Quebec ; 514-374 and 923-640 Montreal ; 720-490 Goderich ; 796-544 Carleton Place , C . \ V ., and 835-571 Ottaws . The latter figures are the existing numbers ; 774-532
Sfc . John ' s , C . E ., was also retained , but I pointed out the error , and ifc is to be rectified . No . 643-440 Montreal , is likewise claimed , and is the cause of the one only unadjusted difficulty . You have declared it to be an irregular body ; the Grand Loelge of England as positively insists that ifc has never ceased to be