Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE FURNITURE AND THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE No. 600. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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the full period of " one year" may be hereafter detrimental to his Grand Lodge rights , I can but look "upon any such attempt as this of the Glamorgan Lodge , to deprive him of the privileges of a Past Master during the tenure of his office as Worshipful Master , as a simple absurdity . Nevertheless , 1 do not pretend to set myself up as an authority on Masonic
jurisprudence , and hoping this may lead to further discussion upon the subject , beg to subscribe myself , Tours fraternally , A TEN YEARS' "FULL PRIVATE . " South 'Wales , Eastern Division .
Lodge Furniture And The Freemasons' Tavern.
10 THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AKD MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR A " STD BROTHER , —About the first fruits of the building scheme in Great Queen-sfcreefc , is the inquiry what are the lodges and chapters meeting there to do with the furniture ? Out it must go , and a very pretty item iu lodge expenses will be the
next two years' removal , backwards and forwards , to say nothing of the wear , tear , and destruction of lodge and chapter fittings consequent on the pulling doAvn . The Janitor of my chapter came here with a long face stating that the store gallery at the top of the
liouse must be cleaved hy the end of the month , and "wanting to know where the furniture should be taken ? It is both handsome aud good , and stood the chance of being worthless , in a very short time , if left in the Tavern . Our M . E . Z ., fortunately , could give it house room , but if we have to pay every time of meeting
for two removals , I fancy , when the audit comes round , some of the companions Avill pull pretty long faces at the bills . What is to be done ? Can we meet without furniture till the new building is ready , aud then must we sell at a ruinous sacrifice ? I am , yours fraternally , E . A .
Lodge No. 600.
LODGE No . 600 .
TO THE EDITOR OP TUB FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MIRROR , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , '—It would he unnecessary to notice again the " tables" paraded by . this lodge , were they not calculated to mislead the unwary . As to the thirteen local and other charities which receive its support , to the exclusion of all the M asonic Charitiesthe object is so palpable that it may
, be left to tell its own tale ; but it may again be asked ( though with a certainly that the questions are unanswerable ) , have the "funds" in Table No . 1 any existence ' , except on paper , or in the fertile imagination of the Treasurer ? Have the " institutions connected with the lodge" any foundation , or do they
still remain in nubibus ? Will the still "further development of the system" produce any advantage to Ereemasonry , or redound to the credit of this lodge ? " The system" may create an increase of members and funds ; but how long will' the lodge allow its yearly published tables to be branded as " a
mockery , a delusion , and a snare ?" I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , INVESTIGATOE .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We regret to hear that Bro . Sir John Ratcliff , J . G . AV ., lies dangerously ill , and that all hopes of his recovery have been , given up by his friends .
GRAND LODGE . The following is the agenda of the business to be transacted , in Grand Lodge on AA'ednesday next , September 7 th : — 1 . The minutes of the quarterly communication of the 1 st Juneto be read , and put for confirmation . 2 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the
lastquarter . 3 . —THE REroET or IHE BOARD OP G ENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted , ' Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that a complaint has been preferred by the Lodge of Benevolence against
the-Lodge of Justice ( No . 14-7 ) , Deptford , for having attached to the petition of an applicant for relief a certificate or recommendation , purporting to be signed by the Master , AVardens , and majority of members in open lodge assembled , whereas such , recommendation had not been signed in open lodge , ns required by the " Book of Constitutions , " p . 96 , art . G . The Master and .
AVai-dens having been summoned to answer the complaint , attended with other members of the lodge . No mention of thepetition appeared in tho minute book of the lodge , and it wasadmitted that the petition had never been before the lodge all , but that the recommendation had been signed out of the lodge . The Board considering such a breach of the Jaw highly
reprehensible on the part of the AV . Master and the other brethren who had signed the recommendation , and as tending to mislead the members of the Lodge of Benevolence , and possibly to lead to a wrong application of the funds of Grancl Lodge entrusted to their distribution , severely reprimanded the Master and the other members who had attaehed their names to the . recommendation , and warned them fco be more cautious for the future .
The Board have also to report that the undermentioned lodges have for some time past neglected to make the prescribed returns and payments to the Grand Lodge , anel several applicationshaving been made to such lodges calling for returns without effect , the Board recommend that the Masters and Wardens of tho loelges comprised in the subjoined list he respectively summoned to attend tlie Grancl Lodge at the quarterly
communication to be holden iu December next , to show cause why their warrants should not be forfeited , and their loelges erased from the list of lodges , viz .: — Nos . 353 ltoyal Sussex Lodge , Repton . 468 Lodge of Merit , Oundle . 555 Lodge of Fidelity , Southwold .
616 London and North-Western Lodge of Fidelity , Crewe-626 Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , Calne . 627 South Suffolk Lodge , Sudbury . 708 Carnarvon Lodge , Hampton Court . 724 Derby Loelge , Boofcle . 877 Koyal Alfred Lodge , Jersey .
( Signed ) J . LLEAVELITN EVASS , Freemasons' Hall , President .. London , August 24 , 1864 . To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the full period of " one year" may be hereafter detrimental to his Grand Lodge rights , I can but look "upon any such attempt as this of the Glamorgan Lodge , to deprive him of the privileges of a Past Master during the tenure of his office as Worshipful Master , as a simple absurdity . Nevertheless , 1 do not pretend to set myself up as an authority on Masonic
jurisprudence , and hoping this may lead to further discussion upon the subject , beg to subscribe myself , Tours fraternally , A TEN YEARS' "FULL PRIVATE . " South 'Wales , Eastern Division .
Lodge Furniture And The Freemasons' Tavern.
10 THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AKD MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIR A " STD BROTHER , —About the first fruits of the building scheme in Great Queen-sfcreefc , is the inquiry what are the lodges and chapters meeting there to do with the furniture ? Out it must go , and a very pretty item iu lodge expenses will be the
next two years' removal , backwards and forwards , to say nothing of the wear , tear , and destruction of lodge and chapter fittings consequent on the pulling doAvn . The Janitor of my chapter came here with a long face stating that the store gallery at the top of the
liouse must be cleaved hy the end of the month , and "wanting to know where the furniture should be taken ? It is both handsome aud good , and stood the chance of being worthless , in a very short time , if left in the Tavern . Our M . E . Z ., fortunately , could give it house room , but if we have to pay every time of meeting
for two removals , I fancy , when the audit comes round , some of the companions Avill pull pretty long faces at the bills . What is to be done ? Can we meet without furniture till the new building is ready , aud then must we sell at a ruinous sacrifice ? I am , yours fraternally , E . A .
Lodge No. 600.
LODGE No . 600 .
TO THE EDITOR OP TUB FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MIRROR , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , '—It would he unnecessary to notice again the " tables" paraded by . this lodge , were they not calculated to mislead the unwary . As to the thirteen local and other charities which receive its support , to the exclusion of all the M asonic Charitiesthe object is so palpable that it may
, be left to tell its own tale ; but it may again be asked ( though with a certainly that the questions are unanswerable ) , have the "funds" in Table No . 1 any existence ' , except on paper , or in the fertile imagination of the Treasurer ? Have the " institutions connected with the lodge" any foundation , or do they
still remain in nubibus ? Will the still "further development of the system" produce any advantage to Ereemasonry , or redound to the credit of this lodge ? " The system" may create an increase of members and funds ; but how long will' the lodge allow its yearly published tables to be branded as " a
mockery , a delusion , and a snare ?" I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , INVESTIGATOE .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We regret to hear that Bro . Sir John Ratcliff , J . G . AV ., lies dangerously ill , and that all hopes of his recovery have been , given up by his friends .
GRAND LODGE . The following is the agenda of the business to be transacted , in Grand Lodge on AA'ednesday next , September 7 th : — 1 . The minutes of the quarterly communication of the 1 st Juneto be read , and put for confirmation . 2 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the
lastquarter . 3 . —THE REroET or IHE BOARD OP G ENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted , ' Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that a complaint has been preferred by the Lodge of Benevolence against
the-Lodge of Justice ( No . 14-7 ) , Deptford , for having attached to the petition of an applicant for relief a certificate or recommendation , purporting to be signed by the Master , AVardens , and majority of members in open lodge assembled , whereas such , recommendation had not been signed in open lodge , ns required by the " Book of Constitutions , " p . 96 , art . G . The Master and .
AVai-dens having been summoned to answer the complaint , attended with other members of the lodge . No mention of thepetition appeared in tho minute book of the lodge , and it wasadmitted that the petition had never been before the lodge all , but that the recommendation had been signed out of the lodge . The Board considering such a breach of the Jaw highly
reprehensible on the part of the AV . Master and the other brethren who had signed the recommendation , and as tending to mislead the members of the Lodge of Benevolence , and possibly to lead to a wrong application of the funds of Grancl Lodge entrusted to their distribution , severely reprimanded the Master and the other members who had attaehed their names to the . recommendation , and warned them fco be more cautious for the future .
The Board have also to report that the undermentioned lodges have for some time past neglected to make the prescribed returns and payments to the Grand Lodge , anel several applicationshaving been made to such lodges calling for returns without effect , the Board recommend that the Masters and Wardens of tho loelges comprised in the subjoined list he respectively summoned to attend tlie Grancl Lodge at the quarterly
communication to be holden iu December next , to show cause why their warrants should not be forfeited , and their loelges erased from the list of lodges , viz .: — Nos . 353 ltoyal Sussex Lodge , Repton . 468 Lodge of Merit , Oundle . 555 Lodge of Fidelity , Southwold .
616 London and North-Western Lodge of Fidelity , Crewe-626 Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , Calne . 627 South Suffolk Lodge , Sudbury . 708 Carnarvon Lodge , Hampton Court . 724 Derby Loelge , Boofcle . 877 Koyal Alfred Lodge , Jersey .
( Signed ) J . LLEAVELITN EVASS , Freemasons' Hall , President .. London , August 24 , 1864 . To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on