Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
from Turin confirm the news relative to the disturbed state of the Southern Tyrol , and affords au additional illustration of the fact that the Austrian tenure of A enetia rests solely upon the display of an overwhelming force and the occupation of the Quadrilateral . Arrests and domiciliary visits are the order of the day ; the functions of the police are in full activity , and necessarily there is great alarm prevailing among the
population . The election of M . Cheneviere to a seat in the Conseil d'Etat having been the alleged cause of the outbreak at Geneva , the Great Council of tho Canton has resolved upon demanding of the Federal Council to support the decision of the electors . If the statement of the Neue Preussisclie Zeitung of Berlin is to be relied upon , the occupation of Jutland by the
Prussians is not likely to terminate very speedily ; seeing that we are assured by this semi-official print that until the definitive conclusion of peace the question of the withdrawal of the troops cannot even be raised as a subject of discussion . The Duke of Augustenbnrg has dispatched to the Federal Diet at Frankfort a memorial in support of his claims to Schleswig-Holstein .
—¦—Prince Couza , the ruler of the Danubian Principalities , has entered upon his reforming career with an earnestness anel sincerity that must be gratifying to all philanthropic minds . Letters from Bucharest announce the abolition of compulsory labour and the granting of permission to the peasants to become landed proprietors upon the payment of an indemnity to the
landowners . By tlie evidence afforded from several quarters of late it seems clear that tho kingdom and government of Greece is far from being in a settled condition . It appears that some member of the Opposition recently thought fit to send an insulting letter to the King . This led to an excited sitting of the Assembly , and gave rise to considerable popular feeling . It is satisfactory , however , to notice that ; ultimately
good sense and good taste prevailed , and the Assembly expressed its indignation at the letter by a majority of 193 to 27 . The recent hopes of the re-establishment of peace amongst the South American Republics have been disappointed . A telegram from Lisbon , in anticipation of the mail announces from Buenos Ayres , under date of the 29 th of July that the negociations for peace have not been successful , and that
hostilities have recommenced . A French steamer has brought to Toulon important dispatches from Tunis to the 27 th inst . It appears from these that the admirals of the various foreign fleets have advised the Ottoman Commissioner to leave the country , in order to simplify the question and give some chance of a speedier solution . Some of tho Spanish journals have the
coolness to recommend the Government to erect straightway a fortress in the Chincha Islands , on the ground that these islands are the legitimate property of Spain . INDIA AND CHINA . —The Calcutta and China mail has arrived , but neither from India or China is there any political intelligence of importance . Tho Persian Gulf telegraph cable is
reported to be broken , but there does not seem to be any reason to suppose that the damage is of a kind which cannot be repaired without great difficulty . A telegram from Suez , giving Bombay dates to the Oth ulfc ., says that Sir Charles Trevelyan has recommended tlie introduction of the sovereign into India as a legal tender of ten rupees . Should the recommendation
be acteel upon it will settle the vexed question of a ' gold standard for our Indian possessions . AMKBICA . —Tho American news is to the 20 th ult . Two corps of General Grant's army had been suddenly landed on the 14 th ult . on the north bank of the James River , and hael occupied a position either six or nine miles from Richmond . They had taken several guns and a few hundred prisoners ; but the Confederate works in front of them were said to be ex-
The Week.
tremely strong . General Sheridan , whose forces had pursued the Confederates up tho Shenandoah Valley , had fallen back to the neighbourhood of AAlnehesfcer . It was thought that a battle was imminent between his corps and the troops of the Confederate General Early , who was said to have been reinforced by 20 , 000 men drawn from General Lee ' s army . There was no fresh news from Atlanta , and apparently there were no
details of the engagement which , according to Confederate despatches , occurred on the 6 th inst ., when two Federal attacks on part of General Hood ' s position were alleged to have been repulsed . The Confederate General AVheeler had commenced
operations which might seriously affect General Sherman ' s communications and supplies . On the 14 th ult . he was besieging the post of Dalton , in Georgia , held by 800 Federals ; but ifc was then hoped that the garrison might hold out till it could be succoured . He had captured a railway train and a quantity of Federal stores ; and , so long as he could maintain his position at Dalton , he , of course , interrupted all railway transport between General Sherman ' s army and his base of supplies at Chattanooga . According to the latest New York telegrams , however , the garrison of Dalton had been reinforced , and had
" driven off General Wheeler . Federal despatches from Admiral Farragut ' s fleet confirmed the accounts of the operations at Mobile . The squadron passed Forts Gains anel Morgan under full steam , giving anel receiving " a terrible fire . " The Federal loss during the whole engagement amounted fco aboufc 250 men , including the crew of the " monitor" Tecumseh , which was instantaneously sunk by a torpedo . The Confederates had abandoned Fort Powell , and tho garrison had unconditionally
surrendered Foit Gaines to the Federals , who were preparing to invest Forb Morgan , which they had already begun to shell from two mortar vessels . A body of Federal troops was also said to be advancing from Pensacola iu order to "flank " Mobile . A body of Confederate guerrillas had suddenly crossed the Ohio River from the Kentucky bank , and had destroyed eight river steamers . The Confederate cruiser Tallahassee had arrived at Halifax after having burned more than 50 Federal
merchantmen or fishing vessels off New York and the coast of the Northern States . Tho Neio York Herald was urgingthat Commissioners should be sent to Richmond , in order to propose an armistie for six months and the convocation of a convention from all states to devise the best means of obtaining peace . Since the above was in type , news has been received to the 22 nd . Grant ' s
movement to fche north bank of the James River seems again to have been a feint or an attempt at a surprise , for his troops had recrossed , and the 5 th corps was pushed forward to the AVeldon railroad . On the 19 th ult . they were in position on the road , when they were surprised by the Confederates and driven back with the loss of 3 , 000 men . Reinforcements were , however , brought up , and the Federals recovered their lost ground . At last accounts , fighting continued . It is mentioned , incidentally , that Early ' s return northward was creating much excitement in Maryland .
To Correspondents.
AV . M . —Attend Grancl Loelge and judge for yourselves . S . S . —Honorary members are not acknowledged by the " Book of Constitutions . " P . M . —In 1843 . S . W . —North and South . H . S . T . —The subject is of too private a nature for our pages . Wa are sure we should be doing more mischief than good were we to publish ex parte statements on disputes between the
brethren , even if they do occur in lodge . BETA -will find all the information he wants in our volume for 1859 . A NON-MASOS shall receive the information he asks for on sending us his name anel address . S . J . R . —Charles Dickens is not a Mason , so far as we know . Probably you allude to his Bro . Alfred , who died two or three years since . He was AV . M . of the Universal Lodge at the time of his death .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
from Turin confirm the news relative to the disturbed state of the Southern Tyrol , and affords au additional illustration of the fact that the Austrian tenure of A enetia rests solely upon the display of an overwhelming force and the occupation of the Quadrilateral . Arrests and domiciliary visits are the order of the day ; the functions of the police are in full activity , and necessarily there is great alarm prevailing among the
population . The election of M . Cheneviere to a seat in the Conseil d'Etat having been the alleged cause of the outbreak at Geneva , the Great Council of tho Canton has resolved upon demanding of the Federal Council to support the decision of the electors . If the statement of the Neue Preussisclie Zeitung of Berlin is to be relied upon , the occupation of Jutland by the
Prussians is not likely to terminate very speedily ; seeing that we are assured by this semi-official print that until the definitive conclusion of peace the question of the withdrawal of the troops cannot even be raised as a subject of discussion . The Duke of Augustenbnrg has dispatched to the Federal Diet at Frankfort a memorial in support of his claims to Schleswig-Holstein .
—¦—Prince Couza , the ruler of the Danubian Principalities , has entered upon his reforming career with an earnestness anel sincerity that must be gratifying to all philanthropic minds . Letters from Bucharest announce the abolition of compulsory labour and the granting of permission to the peasants to become landed proprietors upon the payment of an indemnity to the
landowners . By tlie evidence afforded from several quarters of late it seems clear that tho kingdom and government of Greece is far from being in a settled condition . It appears that some member of the Opposition recently thought fit to send an insulting letter to the King . This led to an excited sitting of the Assembly , and gave rise to considerable popular feeling . It is satisfactory , however , to notice that ; ultimately
good sense and good taste prevailed , and the Assembly expressed its indignation at the letter by a majority of 193 to 27 . The recent hopes of the re-establishment of peace amongst the South American Republics have been disappointed . A telegram from Lisbon , in anticipation of the mail announces from Buenos Ayres , under date of the 29 th of July that the negociations for peace have not been successful , and that
hostilities have recommenced . A French steamer has brought to Toulon important dispatches from Tunis to the 27 th inst . It appears from these that the admirals of the various foreign fleets have advised the Ottoman Commissioner to leave the country , in order to simplify the question and give some chance of a speedier solution . Some of tho Spanish journals have the
coolness to recommend the Government to erect straightway a fortress in the Chincha Islands , on the ground that these islands are the legitimate property of Spain . INDIA AND CHINA . —The Calcutta and China mail has arrived , but neither from India or China is there any political intelligence of importance . Tho Persian Gulf telegraph cable is
reported to be broken , but there does not seem to be any reason to suppose that the damage is of a kind which cannot be repaired without great difficulty . A telegram from Suez , giving Bombay dates to the Oth ulfc ., says that Sir Charles Trevelyan has recommended tlie introduction of the sovereign into India as a legal tender of ten rupees . Should the recommendation
be acteel upon it will settle the vexed question of a ' gold standard for our Indian possessions . AMKBICA . —Tho American news is to the 20 th ult . Two corps of General Grant's army had been suddenly landed on the 14 th ult . on the north bank of the James River , and hael occupied a position either six or nine miles from Richmond . They had taken several guns and a few hundred prisoners ; but the Confederate works in front of them were said to be ex-
The Week.
tremely strong . General Sheridan , whose forces had pursued the Confederates up tho Shenandoah Valley , had fallen back to the neighbourhood of AAlnehesfcer . It was thought that a battle was imminent between his corps and the troops of the Confederate General Early , who was said to have been reinforced by 20 , 000 men drawn from General Lee ' s army . There was no fresh news from Atlanta , and apparently there were no
details of the engagement which , according to Confederate despatches , occurred on the 6 th inst ., when two Federal attacks on part of General Hood ' s position were alleged to have been repulsed . The Confederate General AVheeler had commenced
operations which might seriously affect General Sherman ' s communications and supplies . On the 14 th ult . he was besieging the post of Dalton , in Georgia , held by 800 Federals ; but ifc was then hoped that the garrison might hold out till it could be succoured . He had captured a railway train and a quantity of Federal stores ; and , so long as he could maintain his position at Dalton , he , of course , interrupted all railway transport between General Sherman ' s army and his base of supplies at Chattanooga . According to the latest New York telegrams , however , the garrison of Dalton had been reinforced , and had
" driven off General Wheeler . Federal despatches from Admiral Farragut ' s fleet confirmed the accounts of the operations at Mobile . The squadron passed Forts Gains anel Morgan under full steam , giving anel receiving " a terrible fire . " The Federal loss during the whole engagement amounted fco aboufc 250 men , including the crew of the " monitor" Tecumseh , which was instantaneously sunk by a torpedo . The Confederates had abandoned Fort Powell , and tho garrison had unconditionally
surrendered Foit Gaines to the Federals , who were preparing to invest Forb Morgan , which they had already begun to shell from two mortar vessels . A body of Federal troops was also said to be advancing from Pensacola iu order to "flank " Mobile . A body of Confederate guerrillas had suddenly crossed the Ohio River from the Kentucky bank , and had destroyed eight river steamers . The Confederate cruiser Tallahassee had arrived at Halifax after having burned more than 50 Federal
merchantmen or fishing vessels off New York and the coast of the Northern States . Tho Neio York Herald was urgingthat Commissioners should be sent to Richmond , in order to propose an armistie for six months and the convocation of a convention from all states to devise the best means of obtaining peace . Since the above was in type , news has been received to the 22 nd . Grant ' s
movement to fche north bank of the James River seems again to have been a feint or an attempt at a surprise , for his troops had recrossed , and the 5 th corps was pushed forward to the AVeldon railroad . On the 19 th ult . they were in position on the road , when they were surprised by the Confederates and driven back with the loss of 3 , 000 men . Reinforcements were , however , brought up , and the Federals recovered their lost ground . At last accounts , fighting continued . It is mentioned , incidentally , that Early ' s return northward was creating much excitement in Maryland .
To Correspondents.
AV . M . —Attend Grancl Loelge and judge for yourselves . S . S . —Honorary members are not acknowledged by the " Book of Constitutions . " P . M . —In 1843 . S . W . —North and South . H . S . T . —The subject is of too private a nature for our pages . Wa are sure we should be doing more mischief than good were we to publish ex parte statements on disputes between the
brethren , even if they do occur in lodge . BETA -will find all the information he wants in our volume for 1859 . A NON-MASOS shall receive the information he asks for on sending us his name anel address . S . J . R . —Charles Dickens is not a Mason , so far as we know . Probably you allude to his Bro . Alfred , who died two or three years since . He was AV . M . of the Universal Lodge at the time of his death .