Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TUB TALES ASD LEGENDS or MASONRY . —AVe understand that a work , embodying the tales and legends of Masonry , is projecting , under the editorship of Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye . It is superfluous to say that such a work will be of the greatest ; interest , as well as of value . Bro . Haye ' s Follow Crafts in the work are well known polishers in the quarry . The volume will
be of about 300 pages , and the price 3 s . Gd . to subscribers Intending subscribers will please forward their names to the office of this Magazine ; letters to be addressed to tho editor .
PYTHAGOREAN LODGE ( NO . 79 ) . —For upwards of a century this lodge has met within one mile of the parish church , commonly called the old church , St . Alphago , and on the last Monday of the month as a rule , consequently on last Monday , the 29 th ult ., at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , the meeting was held . Bro . F . AV . Ward , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . S . M . Vinton , S . AV . ; R . Trill , J . AV . ; J . C . Peckham , P . M ., Sec ; J . H . BoughneyS . D . ; E . BonceyJ . D . ; T . Perrid IG AA R
, , ge , .. ; . . Orchard , P . M . ; T . Lloyd , P . M . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., and many others , opened the lodge . The minutes were read and confirmed . One gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry , in a creditable manner . Ballots proved , unanimous for admitting the son of Bro . J . Green , P . M ., as an initiate , and Bro . E . Dorling , P . G . Sec . for Suffolk , as a joining member , who had sent as a present the ashlarswhich were acceptedaccompanied
, , by a vote of thanks to he entered on the minutes . The other candidates did not attend . The lodge was closed . Visitors : — Bro . A . H . Tattershall , S . AV . 13 , J . W . 140 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , 157 , Sec . 871 ; AV . Noah , S . AV . 140 ; E . Johnson , I . G . 140 . The usual pleasant reunion was spent at Bro . J . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich .
LODGE OP TEAU ? ERAXCE ( SO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the AAliite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday , October 18 th , as it was regularly agreed to move from the Plough Tavern , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . The three ceremonies were done . The usual banquet followed . This lodge now swells the lists of lodges meeting in Deptford to four , viz ., Lodge of Justice , 147 ; Wellington Lodge , 54 S ; and 169 , all held at the White Swan , and S 7 , held at the lloyal Oaks , High-street , and there is also tho Temperance Chapter , 1 G 9 , held at the AVhite Swan , all of which shows what rapid progress the Order is making in Deptford .
ROYAX OAK LODGE ( NO . S 71 ) . —Bro . II . A . Collington , W . M ., at the appointed time opened this prosperous lodge at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , with the assistance of Bros . AY . Andrews , S . \ A . ; J . Truelove , as J . AV . ; F . Walters , P . M ., See . ; J . Hawker , S . D . ; AV . Jeffery , J . D . ; G Holmau , I . G . ; E . AVest , AA . II . Truelove , M . Coneanen , G . F . Honey , and others . The visitors were Bros . T . J . Dickie , P . G . P . ; M . A . Lowenstarke , I . G ., 73 ; F . AA . AVard , AV . M . 79 ;
T . Perrige , I . G ., 79 ; C . G . Diiley 147 ; J . Koper , 147 ; J . Baddiley , 548 ; Wheeler 73 , S . C . ; and many others . Tho minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously confirmed : Ballots were unanimous in favour of Messrs . T . " Paine and II . J . AA right ' s admission . Bros . G . S . Ditton , G . Ellis , J . W . T . Barrett , and C . AVood were raised . Bros . S . A . Lewin , and AY . Poyer , passed , Mr . T . C . King was initiated . The work was as usual admirabldone . Through the indefatigable exertions
y of the AV . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , and Bro . F . AValfcers , P . M ., Sec , the following brethren agreed to s'tand and were accepted as Stewards for the forthcoming festivals ot the Masonic Charities for 1867 , viz ., Bros . AA . Andrews , S . A \ ., for the Aged freemasons and their Widows ; J . Hawker , S . D ., for the Boys , W . Billington , for the Girls . Thus setting a good example to the other lodges of the town and neighbourhood to follow in
the wake and do in the like manner , for this is the first time within any Mason's memory , that one lodge has ever sent a complete list of Stewards . Business being ended the lodge was closed . The banquet and toasts followed as usual .
CHESHIRE . CREWE . —LODGE or THE FOUR CARDINAL VIRTUES ( NO . 979 . ) The St . John ' s festival of this young and prosperous lodge took place . on Tuesday , October 23 , in the beautiful lodge room at the Crewe Arms Hotel . There was a goodly number of visitors , including Bros . Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Cumberland ; Rev . A . O'JSfeil , Assist . Prov . G . Chap ., Lancashire A \ est ; Hine , Caledonian Lodge , Manchester ; Wadsworth , & c . Bro . Bullock
opened the lodge punctually , when the minutes were confirmed , and some other routine business done . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Heap examined , approved , and entrusted for taking the third degree . Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B . and Prov . G . S . W ., Cheshire , the Installing Master , now arrived , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . Tho AV . M . then raised Bro . Heap to the sublime degree , with musical working , Bro . Gibson presiding at the harmonium . Bro . Bullock
then closed the lodge to second degree , and delivered the following address before vacating the chair he had held for two years : — Brethren , —The time has now arrived when I have the pleasing duty to perform of handing the warrant of this lodge to my successor , Bro . George Lord , who was the first candidate I ever had the honour of initiating . Before doing so , I think it only riht that I should give you a brief account of my
g stewardship , more especially as you conferred the unexpected and unsolicited honour and great trust of W . M . upon me for two successive years , and also because I have worked all the ceremonies , with two or three exceptions , since it was established . I think also , without the slightest egotism , I may call myself the founder of the Lodge of the Four Cardinal Virtues . Our petition was signed by six resident brethren , who subscribed their guinea each , and one non-resident brother who lent us
his name . The warrant , after considerable difficulty and some opposition , was granted , the petition being recommended by tho Lodge of Unity , 321 . Starting with only six members , then , Bros . Mould , Bullock , Scott , Reade , AA ilson , and AVhitting , our
first meeting took place , and we initiated three brethren , Bros . Eardly and Lord , our present Wardens , being the first two . AA e had three joining members from the Lodge of Fidelity . AA e were progressing favourably when our respected S . W ., Bro . Scott , was called away from Crewe . This was our first disappointment . Soon after Bro . Kenyon , our J . D ., was removed , and next Bro . AViison , the S . D . Thus , the lodge lost three efficient officers during its first year . Nothing daunted ,
however , we kept on gradually increasing . The lodge was consecrated by Bro . Cope , the installing Master of this evening to whom we nil owe a deep debt of gratitude . On January 27 , 1864 , a large number of distinguished brethren , our worthy Prov . G . M . being one , honoured us with their company . The W . M . Bro . Mould , would have been installed on that occasion , but was prevented by illness . At the end of tho first year I was elected your AV . M . During my two years of office death has
carried away two of our members , Bros . Mould and Edwards . Five resignations have taken place , all but one through removal of residence . I have initiated eighteen candidates since tho lodge started , and am proud to say that due inquiry has been made in each instance , and we have no reason for regret on this head as to the admission of one single brother . Our members now are twenty ; wo could have had several members more , but
they we feared would not reflect credit to the Craft or 979 . The lodge was removed from the Town Hall to the present excellent lodge loom , and that , too , by the unanimous vote of the members , the minority wisely voting with tho majority . And now I must refer to that which I believe will do us some credit as one of tho young est lodges in the province , viz ., our assistance to the Masonic Charities . I am proud to Say the 979 possesses during its existence—Five votes for the London Royal Masonic
, Boys' School , thus standing at the head of the thirty lodges in this instance ; two votes for the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ; five votes for the Cheshire Masonic Institution . The members , too , have not been backward in assisting any worthy brethren in distress . The W . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TUB TALES ASD LEGENDS or MASONRY . —AVe understand that a work , embodying the tales and legends of Masonry , is projecting , under the editorship of Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye . It is superfluous to say that such a work will be of the greatest ; interest , as well as of value . Bro . Haye ' s Follow Crafts in the work are well known polishers in the quarry . The volume will
be of about 300 pages , and the price 3 s . Gd . to subscribers Intending subscribers will please forward their names to the office of this Magazine ; letters to be addressed to tho editor .
PYTHAGOREAN LODGE ( NO . 79 ) . —For upwards of a century this lodge has met within one mile of the parish church , commonly called the old church , St . Alphago , and on the last Monday of the month as a rule , consequently on last Monday , the 29 th ult ., at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , the meeting was held . Bro . F . AV . Ward , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . S . M . Vinton , S . AV . ; R . Trill , J . AV . ; J . C . Peckham , P . M ., Sec ; J . H . BoughneyS . D . ; E . BonceyJ . D . ; T . Perrid IG AA R
, , ge , .. ; . . Orchard , P . M . ; T . Lloyd , P . M . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., and many others , opened the lodge . The minutes were read and confirmed . One gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry , in a creditable manner . Ballots proved , unanimous for admitting the son of Bro . J . Green , P . M ., as an initiate , and Bro . E . Dorling , P . G . Sec . for Suffolk , as a joining member , who had sent as a present the ashlarswhich were acceptedaccompanied
, , by a vote of thanks to he entered on the minutes . The other candidates did not attend . The lodge was closed . Visitors : — Bro . A . H . Tattershall , S . AV . 13 , J . W . 140 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , 157 , Sec . 871 ; AV . Noah , S . AV . 140 ; E . Johnson , I . G . 140 . The usual pleasant reunion was spent at Bro . J . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich .
LODGE OP TEAU ? ERAXCE ( SO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the AAliite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday , October 18 th , as it was regularly agreed to move from the Plough Tavern , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . The three ceremonies were done . The usual banquet followed . This lodge now swells the lists of lodges meeting in Deptford to four , viz ., Lodge of Justice , 147 ; Wellington Lodge , 54 S ; and 169 , all held at the White Swan , and S 7 , held at the lloyal Oaks , High-street , and there is also tho Temperance Chapter , 1 G 9 , held at the AVhite Swan , all of which shows what rapid progress the Order is making in Deptford .
ROYAX OAK LODGE ( NO . S 71 ) . —Bro . II . A . Collington , W . M ., at the appointed time opened this prosperous lodge at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , with the assistance of Bros . AY . Andrews , S . \ A . ; J . Truelove , as J . AV . ; F . Walters , P . M ., See . ; J . Hawker , S . D . ; AV . Jeffery , J . D . ; G Holmau , I . G . ; E . AVest , AA . II . Truelove , M . Coneanen , G . F . Honey , and others . The visitors were Bros . T . J . Dickie , P . G . P . ; M . A . Lowenstarke , I . G ., 73 ; F . AA . AVard , AV . M . 79 ;
T . Perrige , I . G ., 79 ; C . G . Diiley 147 ; J . Koper , 147 ; J . Baddiley , 548 ; Wheeler 73 , S . C . ; and many others . Tho minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously confirmed : Ballots were unanimous in favour of Messrs . T . " Paine and II . J . AA right ' s admission . Bros . G . S . Ditton , G . Ellis , J . W . T . Barrett , and C . AVood were raised . Bros . S . A . Lewin , and AY . Poyer , passed , Mr . T . C . King was initiated . The work was as usual admirabldone . Through the indefatigable exertions
y of the AV . M ., Bro . H . A . Collington , and Bro . F . AValfcers , P . M ., Sec , the following brethren agreed to s'tand and were accepted as Stewards for the forthcoming festivals ot the Masonic Charities for 1867 , viz ., Bros . AA . Andrews , S . A \ ., for the Aged freemasons and their Widows ; J . Hawker , S . D ., for the Boys , W . Billington , for the Girls . Thus setting a good example to the other lodges of the town and neighbourhood to follow in
the wake and do in the like manner , for this is the first time within any Mason's memory , that one lodge has ever sent a complete list of Stewards . Business being ended the lodge was closed . The banquet and toasts followed as usual .
CHESHIRE . CREWE . —LODGE or THE FOUR CARDINAL VIRTUES ( NO . 979 . ) The St . John ' s festival of this young and prosperous lodge took place . on Tuesday , October 23 , in the beautiful lodge room at the Crewe Arms Hotel . There was a goodly number of visitors , including Bros . Bowes , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Cumberland ; Rev . A . O'JSfeil , Assist . Prov . G . Chap ., Lancashire A \ est ; Hine , Caledonian Lodge , Manchester ; Wadsworth , & c . Bro . Bullock
opened the lodge punctually , when the minutes were confirmed , and some other routine business done . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Heap examined , approved , and entrusted for taking the third degree . Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B . and Prov . G . S . W ., Cheshire , the Installing Master , now arrived , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . Tho AV . M . then raised Bro . Heap to the sublime degree , with musical working , Bro . Gibson presiding at the harmonium . Bro . Bullock
then closed the lodge to second degree , and delivered the following address before vacating the chair he had held for two years : — Brethren , —The time has now arrived when I have the pleasing duty to perform of handing the warrant of this lodge to my successor , Bro . George Lord , who was the first candidate I ever had the honour of initiating . Before doing so , I think it only riht that I should give you a brief account of my
g stewardship , more especially as you conferred the unexpected and unsolicited honour and great trust of W . M . upon me for two successive years , and also because I have worked all the ceremonies , with two or three exceptions , since it was established . I think also , without the slightest egotism , I may call myself the founder of the Lodge of the Four Cardinal Virtues . Our petition was signed by six resident brethren , who subscribed their guinea each , and one non-resident brother who lent us
his name . The warrant , after considerable difficulty and some opposition , was granted , the petition being recommended by tho Lodge of Unity , 321 . Starting with only six members , then , Bros . Mould , Bullock , Scott , Reade , AA ilson , and AVhitting , our
first meeting took place , and we initiated three brethren , Bros . Eardly and Lord , our present Wardens , being the first two . AA e had three joining members from the Lodge of Fidelity . AA e were progressing favourably when our respected S . W ., Bro . Scott , was called away from Crewe . This was our first disappointment . Soon after Bro . Kenyon , our J . D ., was removed , and next Bro . AViison , the S . D . Thus , the lodge lost three efficient officers during its first year . Nothing daunted ,
however , we kept on gradually increasing . The lodge was consecrated by Bro . Cope , the installing Master of this evening to whom we nil owe a deep debt of gratitude . On January 27 , 1864 , a large number of distinguished brethren , our worthy Prov . G . M . being one , honoured us with their company . The W . M . Bro . Mould , would have been installed on that occasion , but was prevented by illness . At the end of tho first year I was elected your AV . M . During my two years of office death has
carried away two of our members , Bros . Mould and Edwards . Five resignations have taken place , all but one through removal of residence . I have initiated eighteen candidates since tho lodge started , and am proud to say that due inquiry has been made in each instance , and we have no reason for regret on this head as to the admission of one single brother . Our members now are twenty ; wo could have had several members more , but
they we feared would not reflect credit to the Craft or 979 . The lodge was removed from the Town Hall to the present excellent lodge loom , and that , too , by the unanimous vote of the members , the minority wisely voting with tho majority . And now I must refer to that which I believe will do us some credit as one of tho young est lodges in the province , viz ., our assistance to the Masonic Charities . I am proud to Say the 979 possesses during its existence—Five votes for the London Royal Masonic
, Boys' School , thus standing at the head of the thirty lodges in this instance ; two votes for the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ; five votes for the Cheshire Masonic Institution . The members , too , have not been backward in assisting any worthy brethren in distress . The W . M .