Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN TURKEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
BEO , ROE . MORRIS , LL . D . —NEW MASONIC DICTIONARY . A correspondent in a recently-defunct Masonic contemporary asked how letters could safely find Rob . Morris . Dr . Morris ' s present address is "La Grange , Kentucky . " Having during the late civil
war in America suffered very considerable pecuniaryloss , Bro . Morris , in the hope of bettering his circumstances , was led to embark in business in New York . The adventure , however , failed to produce the desired result . Ever self-reliant , honourable , and independent , our brother obtained temporary respite from
his difficulties by disposing . of his Masonic library to the _ Cosmopolitan Library Association , New York , which library is- thus referred to by the . Boston Masonic monthly : — "The manner of collecting these multiplied objects was varied . . . from bookstalls , from correspondence , by purchase , through a
European agent , aud by devise . . . through all these efforts , whatever has been published upon Masonry may as a general thing be found in the Cosmopolitan Library ; it contains 1 , 200 volumes . ... No one but an enthusiast , and one possessed of unparalleled and almost unlimited opportunities of communicating with Freemasons the world over , could have made such a collection . " Removing to Chicago , Bro . Morris resumed his editorial labours in connection with a
neAy series of "The Yoice of Masonry "—a position which he held till January last , at which period the enterprising publisher , Bro . John C . W . Bailey , assumed the entire control of the magazine , which continues to be well conducted , and is still enriched by the effusions of Bro . Morris's pen . As a public lecturerand by the fruits of his contributions to
, Masonic and general literature , Bro . Morris is again enabled to keep the wolf from the door , ancl is now happil y and hopefully enjoying the delectation of domestic life . That he may have seen the end of his pecuniary troubles , is the heartfelt wish of his numerous admirers on this side the Atlantic . When
we last heard from Dr . Morris he Avas busily engaged preparing for the press a new Masonic dictionarya work the publication of which is looked forward to with much interest in the States ; and by this announcement the expectancy of the numerous readers of the MAGAZINE will also be directed to the same event . —D . MURRAY LYON .
The Editor is not reapomiils for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . FREEMASONRY IN TURKEY . 10 ins EDIT 01 I 01 ? THE FllEGJIiSOSS' srAGAZIJfE ASD MASONIC 3 IIE 110 E . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Permit me briefly to make a few remarks upon two communications which
recently appeared in your columns . In the MAGAZINE of the 15 th September last , a paragraph signed "William Compass" states that the writer visited a building near the Hippodrome , in Stamboul , which he was told by his very intelligent guide Avas the Figasetthat " within the courtyardon each side of
, , the gateway , and ou massive walls full twenty feethigh , he found depicted a gigantic pair of compasses , a triangle , a great twenty-four inch guage , and other emblems . " A more absurd mis-statement Avas never printed . No such emblems appear on the walls of
the building , which , from tho writer s misuncierstaudiug his guide , he calls by a Avrong name . It is the Tidjaret , the . Ottoman tribunal of commerce . The boards he noticed on the wall are simply similar to those on all public buildings , and have no resemblance whatever to Masonic symbols . As to the absurd statement of the guide that Freemasons Avere
not alloAved by the Turks , nor that any such diabolical proceedings are to be heard of in Constantinople , you are" well aware there are now nine Masonic lodges in this capital holding under England , France , Italy , and Germany , -working in English , French , Greek , Italian , German , ancl Armenian , besides the
English District Grand Lodge . Masons are now numbered here by hundreds , including a number of leading Turks . Amongst the latter there is a rapidlyspreading desire to join the Order . Either "William Compass " has been thoroughly duped by his " friend , " or he is guilty of erpetrating a stupidmalevolent
p , hoax . The second paragraph I have to notice appears in the MAGAZINE of the 22 nd September last , referring to an extract from the Zevanl Herald . Without
going into details , which would be very uninteresting to readers unacquainted either with the place or persons referred to , I need only state , and you can rely upou my explanation , that the manner in which a petty affair of the police keeping a thoroughfare open , and some verbal discussion between a highly respectable brother and the chief of the local police
, also a member of the Craft , has been skilfully distorted to serve the bitter feeling of the editor of the paper , who is anything but friendly to the Order , for reasons which it Avill not be difficult for any brother to understand , when he recollects that there is some difficulty in obtaining admission . No row of the
kind mentioneu ever occurred . Blows were not given , and only a few angry Avords were used by the police . I regret that you should not have supplemented the paragraphs in question by some editorial note , as their publication , though only gaining temporary
currency , may be calculated to mislead many as to the status ancl Avorking here . I have transmitted you a diploma of 1 'Ordre Maconniqne Reforme cle Memphis , sous les auspices de la Gv . Loge des Philadelphes . As a number of persons are being victimised by this imposture , which
I am informed is spreading in England , I trust you will expose the fraud thus attempted to be practised upon those who join the body under the impression that it is regular Masonry . In our lodges here we have been able to detect some of these spurious brethren , and , I am glad to say , have made them regular . I am , clear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally . P . M . Constantinople , Oct . 15 , 18 GG .
Freemasonry In Turkey.
TO THE EDITOE OE THE EKEEIsrASO ^ s' ITAGAZIXE AX !) raASOI . 'IC MXREOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — An application has been made to me from Smyrna to ICUOAV what position does a lodge occupy that has not sent any returns to Grand Lodge for two years . Can it be put in order by sending a return for the present year ? Can a lodge still holding a Avamurt , but which lias not met for nearly tAvo years , resume its meetings ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BEO , ROE . MORRIS , LL . D . —NEW MASONIC DICTIONARY . A correspondent in a recently-defunct Masonic contemporary asked how letters could safely find Rob . Morris . Dr . Morris ' s present address is "La Grange , Kentucky . " Having during the late civil
war in America suffered very considerable pecuniaryloss , Bro . Morris , in the hope of bettering his circumstances , was led to embark in business in New York . The adventure , however , failed to produce the desired result . Ever self-reliant , honourable , and independent , our brother obtained temporary respite from
his difficulties by disposing . of his Masonic library to the _ Cosmopolitan Library Association , New York , which library is- thus referred to by the . Boston Masonic monthly : — "The manner of collecting these multiplied objects was varied . . . from bookstalls , from correspondence , by purchase , through a
European agent , aud by devise . . . through all these efforts , whatever has been published upon Masonry may as a general thing be found in the Cosmopolitan Library ; it contains 1 , 200 volumes . ... No one but an enthusiast , and one possessed of unparalleled and almost unlimited opportunities of communicating with Freemasons the world over , could have made such a collection . " Removing to Chicago , Bro . Morris resumed his editorial labours in connection with a
neAy series of "The Yoice of Masonry "—a position which he held till January last , at which period the enterprising publisher , Bro . John C . W . Bailey , assumed the entire control of the magazine , which continues to be well conducted , and is still enriched by the effusions of Bro . Morris's pen . As a public lecturerand by the fruits of his contributions to
, Masonic and general literature , Bro . Morris is again enabled to keep the wolf from the door , ancl is now happil y and hopefully enjoying the delectation of domestic life . That he may have seen the end of his pecuniary troubles , is the heartfelt wish of his numerous admirers on this side the Atlantic . When
we last heard from Dr . Morris he Avas busily engaged preparing for the press a new Masonic dictionarya work the publication of which is looked forward to with much interest in the States ; and by this announcement the expectancy of the numerous readers of the MAGAZINE will also be directed to the same event . —D . MURRAY LYON .
The Editor is not reapomiils for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . FREEMASONRY IN TURKEY . 10 ins EDIT 01 I 01 ? THE FllEGJIiSOSS' srAGAZIJfE ASD MASONIC 3 IIE 110 E . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Permit me briefly to make a few remarks upon two communications which
recently appeared in your columns . In the MAGAZINE of the 15 th September last , a paragraph signed "William Compass" states that the writer visited a building near the Hippodrome , in Stamboul , which he was told by his very intelligent guide Avas the Figasetthat " within the courtyardon each side of
, , the gateway , and ou massive walls full twenty feethigh , he found depicted a gigantic pair of compasses , a triangle , a great twenty-four inch guage , and other emblems . " A more absurd mis-statement Avas never printed . No such emblems appear on the walls of
the building , which , from tho writer s misuncierstaudiug his guide , he calls by a Avrong name . It is the Tidjaret , the . Ottoman tribunal of commerce . The boards he noticed on the wall are simply similar to those on all public buildings , and have no resemblance whatever to Masonic symbols . As to the absurd statement of the guide that Freemasons Avere
not alloAved by the Turks , nor that any such diabolical proceedings are to be heard of in Constantinople , you are" well aware there are now nine Masonic lodges in this capital holding under England , France , Italy , and Germany , -working in English , French , Greek , Italian , German , ancl Armenian , besides the
English District Grand Lodge . Masons are now numbered here by hundreds , including a number of leading Turks . Amongst the latter there is a rapidlyspreading desire to join the Order . Either "William Compass " has been thoroughly duped by his " friend , " or he is guilty of erpetrating a stupidmalevolent
p , hoax . The second paragraph I have to notice appears in the MAGAZINE of the 22 nd September last , referring to an extract from the Zevanl Herald . Without
going into details , which would be very uninteresting to readers unacquainted either with the place or persons referred to , I need only state , and you can rely upou my explanation , that the manner in which a petty affair of the police keeping a thoroughfare open , and some verbal discussion between a highly respectable brother and the chief of the local police
, also a member of the Craft , has been skilfully distorted to serve the bitter feeling of the editor of the paper , who is anything but friendly to the Order , for reasons which it Avill not be difficult for any brother to understand , when he recollects that there is some difficulty in obtaining admission . No row of the
kind mentioneu ever occurred . Blows were not given , and only a few angry Avords were used by the police . I regret that you should not have supplemented the paragraphs in question by some editorial note , as their publication , though only gaining temporary
currency , may be calculated to mislead many as to the status ancl Avorking here . I have transmitted you a diploma of 1 'Ordre Maconniqne Reforme cle Memphis , sous les auspices de la Gv . Loge des Philadelphes . As a number of persons are being victimised by this imposture , which
I am informed is spreading in England , I trust you will expose the fraud thus attempted to be practised upon those who join the body under the impression that it is regular Masonry . In our lodges here we have been able to detect some of these spurious brethren , and , I am glad to say , have made them regular . I am , clear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally . P . M . Constantinople , Oct . 15 , 18 GG .
Freemasonry In Turkey.
TO THE EDITOE OE THE EKEEIsrASO ^ s' ITAGAZIXE AX !) raASOI . 'IC MXREOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — An application has been made to me from Smyrna to ICUOAV what position does a lodge occupy that has not sent any returns to Grand Lodge for two years . Can it be put in order by sending a return for the present year ? Can a lodge still holding a Avamurt , but which lias not met for nearly tAvo years , resume its meetings ,