Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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of this lodge also took up about £ 33 , as one of the two Stewards from this province , Bro . Cope being tho other , at the last festival of the Royal Masonic Boys' School , when the P . G . M . of Cheshire presided . I shall be proud if it can send another Steward to the next Royal Benevolent Institution festival , when our Prov . G . M . will-again preside , and if not a Steward I hope at least a good subscription . Another feature of congratulation is that since this lodge's
commencement every vote , but on' one occasion , has been unanimous , and this fact , I hope , will convince some brethren of a neighbouring lodge , that they have done mo an injustice when they report that I am too fast for a young Mason . I hope and trust , brethren , my speed in this same direction may never be impeded by such unkind remarks . The meetings have continued throughout the year , and have been well attended . Oui \ financial position is satisfactory . We subscribe for that
excellent paper , the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . Our lodgings are excellent . Our furniture is good . Difficulties of no mean dimensions have arisen , but they have been conquered , and I shall hand that warrant to you , Bro . Lord , with feelings of the greatest pleasure and satisfaction , and although some of my words and actions may not have pleased all , yet I can assure you , brethren , that if they have been errors at all they were errors of judgment and not of the heart . I regret that the
Sandbaeh and Nantwieh lodges , our close neighbours , have not shown us more sympathy by visiting us , but I hope they will do so during your year of office . Brethren , I thank you for all your kindness , and I sincerely hope that the lodge will prosper in good members , prosper in good feeling and harmony , and above all prosper by devoting each year a portion of its funds to our great Masonic charities and assist in raising Cheshire to that position which tho number
and importance of its lodges entitle it to hold and to be on a level with the East Lancashire , whose candidate was elected in London , on Monday week last , to the Boys' School on the first application with 720 votes , while the son of our first and late AA . M . and the first candidate from Cheshire only obtained 87 votes , 22 of those being from strangers . My income is too small and my family too large for me to do much for the Charities , but every one can do a little and I hope every
member of this lodge will do his utmost . Bro . Lord , may your year of office be a highly prosperous one . May tho three grand principles of the Craft , brotherly love , relief , and truth in conjunction with the four cardinal virtues , temperance , fortitude , prudence , and justice ever actuate the minds and subdue the passions of the future Masters , officers , and members of this lodge , that all may live and die within the square , and that the fragrance of virtue , like the sprig of acacia , may
bloom over tho grave of every departed brother !" Bro . Bullock ' s address was received most attentively by tlie whole lodge and he then called upon Bro . Cope to install Bro . Geo . Lord , AA . M . elect , and presented him for that purpose . It is seldom that this beautiful ceremony is worked to such perfection . The most perfect silence and attention was awarded to this excellent Mason during the whole ceremony and the W . M . seemed greatlimpressed . Bro .. Lord appointed the
y following officers : —S . AV ., Bro . Eardley ; J . XV ., Bro . Roado ; Secretary , Bro . AVhalc ; S . D ., Bro . J . Cope ; J . D ., Bro . Gibson ; I . G-., Bro . Dobson . Bro . Roado and AVilkinson had been elected Treasurer and Tyler and were also invested . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree and a candidate proposed . I . P . M . Bro . Bullock proposed and Bro . Dr , Lord seconded— " That sincere thanks be given and
recorded in the minutes , to Bro . Cope , G . S . B ., for his great kindness in coming to consecrate the lodge and also now to install tho Master . " Bro . Cope responded , and said ho' should ever bo ready to aasist so good a lodge . The brethren now retired to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Halsey , which gave the greatest satisfaction to all . The AA ' . M . went through his duties very ably and proposed the usual Masonic toasts . Bro . Bullock proposed " The health of Bro . Captain Cope , " alluding to his
distinguished position as an officer of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge , and ho hoped soon to sec him appointed D . Prov . G . M ., a position ho was so well qualified to hold . It would be presumption for him to praise the working of the installation . They had all heard and seen it . But Bro . Cope was not only distinguished as the best working Mason in the province and holding high position in Masonry , ho was what was also greater , viz ., a vice president of the Boys' School , president of the Girls ' School , a vice president of the Cheshire Masonic Institution , a large subscriber to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and had
also represented the province on several occasions as steward to the charities . The brethren may feel proud to have such a brother among them and he took it as a great personal favour from Bro . Cope , in giving his valuable help to this young lodge , in which he had the greatest interest . The P . M ., Bro . Bullock , then gave " The health of Bro . Cope , " which was drank most enthusiastically and with Masonic honours . Bro . Cope responded in an excellent speechfull of good
, advice to the lodge , especially as regards the careful admission of brethren . He also complimented Bro . Bullock , the I . P . M . for the raising and said he had visited many lodges , but had never heard a raising done better , and although this was the first time he had heard Bro . Bullock work any of the degrees , he hoped it would not be tho last , as it was a great pleasure to so See the ceremonies done in so efficient and correct a style .
The AA 7 . M . gave " The Visitors , " and Bro . Bowes made a suitable reply . The J . AA . proposed Bro . Bullock's health and said he was sure that their late AA . M . was as good a Mason out as in lodge , and spoke in the most complimentary terms of his character as a man and Mason . The brother made an eloquent response and then proposed the health of Bro . George Lord , the AA . M ., the first man he ever had the honour of initiating . Bro . Lord responded . Other toasts followed and all departed at 11 o'clock , delighted with the satisfactory manner in which the 3 rd St . John ' s had been managed .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . J . II . Thompson , W . M ., who was supported on his left by the oldest P-M . of tho lodge , Bro . J . E . Wilkinson , recently returned from abroad . Bro . Wilkinson
was AV . M . upwards of twonty years ago , and was one of those brethren who mainly contributed to place the lodge in its present high position . The work of tho evening comprised ballotting for two gentlemen , both of whom were elected , but neither were able to attend . Bro . J . H . Kendal , of Lodge No . 160 , was elected a subscribing member . Bros . James and Garbutt being desirous of being raised to the degree of M . M . 's , were examined as to proficiency , and upon being re-adraitted
were duly raised by Bro . R . J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., -. who also explained tbe working tools and gave the lectures . Upon the closing of the . lodge the brethren partook together of refreshments , and duo importance was given in the toast list to the health of Bro . AVilkinson , the oldest P . M . of the lodge . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 30 th ult ., a lodge of emergency , regularly summoned , was held in | the Freemasons' Hall , Durham . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock , by Bro . AA . R . Fitzgerald , 18 ° , W . M ., Prov . G . S . D ., with tho assistance of the following
officers , viz ., Bros , lilackett , S . W . ; Hearon , as J . AA . ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , M . A ., Chap ., Prov . G . Chap . ; Rowlandson , S . D . j AV . Brignall , Jun ., J . D . ; J . AValker , Org . ; T . C . Ebdy , I . G ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Greenwell , Steward . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . AV . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; XV . Brignall , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; T . Jones , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Rev . F . Thompson , P . Prov . G- Chap ., & c . Visitors : Bros . PoachellAA . M . United Service Lod No . 215 I . C . ; and
, ge , , II . A . Noel , Meridian Lodge , No . S 93 . The circular calling the lodge , aud the request in writing to tho AA . M ., to summon the same , having been read and entered on the . minutes , tho ballot was taken for Messrs . S . A . Buncombe Shaf'to and J . Henderson , both of whom were unanimously elected . Bro . AY . Donkin an E . A ., being a candidate for advancement , underwent the usual examination , and acquitting himself satisfactorily , ho withdrew .
The lodge was opened in the second degree , when ho was re-admitted and passed to a F . C . The AV . M . having explained the working tools , the lodge was closed in tho second and resumed in the first degree , when Messrs . Shaf'to and Henderson were respectively introduced , and made E . A . ' s . The whole of the ceremony was conducted by the XV . M . in a thoroughly impressive manner . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due formafter which the brethren
, adjourned to refreshment , and spent the remainder of the evening with that degree of genuine pleasure known only to those of the mystic tie . ESSEX . BRIGUTEINGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 22 nd
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of this lodge also took up about £ 33 , as one of the two Stewards from this province , Bro . Cope being tho other , at the last festival of the Royal Masonic Boys' School , when the P . G . M . of Cheshire presided . I shall be proud if it can send another Steward to the next Royal Benevolent Institution festival , when our Prov . G . M . will-again preside , and if not a Steward I hope at least a good subscription . Another feature of congratulation is that since this lodge's
commencement every vote , but on' one occasion , has been unanimous , and this fact , I hope , will convince some brethren of a neighbouring lodge , that they have done mo an injustice when they report that I am too fast for a young Mason . I hope and trust , brethren , my speed in this same direction may never be impeded by such unkind remarks . The meetings have continued throughout the year , and have been well attended . Oui \ financial position is satisfactory . We subscribe for that
excellent paper , the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . Our lodgings are excellent . Our furniture is good . Difficulties of no mean dimensions have arisen , but they have been conquered , and I shall hand that warrant to you , Bro . Lord , with feelings of the greatest pleasure and satisfaction , and although some of my words and actions may not have pleased all , yet I can assure you , brethren , that if they have been errors at all they were errors of judgment and not of the heart . I regret that the
Sandbaeh and Nantwieh lodges , our close neighbours , have not shown us more sympathy by visiting us , but I hope they will do so during your year of office . Brethren , I thank you for all your kindness , and I sincerely hope that the lodge will prosper in good members , prosper in good feeling and harmony , and above all prosper by devoting each year a portion of its funds to our great Masonic charities and assist in raising Cheshire to that position which tho number
and importance of its lodges entitle it to hold and to be on a level with the East Lancashire , whose candidate was elected in London , on Monday week last , to the Boys' School on the first application with 720 votes , while the son of our first and late AA . M . and the first candidate from Cheshire only obtained 87 votes , 22 of those being from strangers . My income is too small and my family too large for me to do much for the Charities , but every one can do a little and I hope every
member of this lodge will do his utmost . Bro . Lord , may your year of office be a highly prosperous one . May tho three grand principles of the Craft , brotherly love , relief , and truth in conjunction with the four cardinal virtues , temperance , fortitude , prudence , and justice ever actuate the minds and subdue the passions of the future Masters , officers , and members of this lodge , that all may live and die within the square , and that the fragrance of virtue , like the sprig of acacia , may
bloom over tho grave of every departed brother !" Bro . Bullock ' s address was received most attentively by tlie whole lodge and he then called upon Bro . Cope to install Bro . Geo . Lord , AA . M . elect , and presented him for that purpose . It is seldom that this beautiful ceremony is worked to such perfection . The most perfect silence and attention was awarded to this excellent Mason during the whole ceremony and the W . M . seemed greatlimpressed . Bro .. Lord appointed the
y following officers : —S . AV ., Bro . Eardley ; J . XV ., Bro . Roado ; Secretary , Bro . AVhalc ; S . D ., Bro . J . Cope ; J . D ., Bro . Gibson ; I . G-., Bro . Dobson . Bro . Roado and AVilkinson had been elected Treasurer and Tyler and were also invested . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree and a candidate proposed . I . P . M . Bro . Bullock proposed and Bro . Dr , Lord seconded— " That sincere thanks be given and
recorded in the minutes , to Bro . Cope , G . S . B ., for his great kindness in coming to consecrate the lodge and also now to install tho Master . " Bro . Cope responded , and said ho' should ever bo ready to aasist so good a lodge . The brethren now retired to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Halsey , which gave the greatest satisfaction to all . The AA ' . M . went through his duties very ably and proposed the usual Masonic toasts . Bro . Bullock proposed " The health of Bro . Captain Cope , " alluding to his
distinguished position as an officer of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge , and ho hoped soon to sec him appointed D . Prov . G . M ., a position ho was so well qualified to hold . It would be presumption for him to praise the working of the installation . They had all heard and seen it . But Bro . Cope was not only distinguished as the best working Mason in the province and holding high position in Masonry , ho was what was also greater , viz ., a vice president of the Boys' School , president of the Girls ' School , a vice president of the Cheshire Masonic Institution , a large subscriber to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and had
also represented the province on several occasions as steward to the charities . The brethren may feel proud to have such a brother among them and he took it as a great personal favour from Bro . Cope , in giving his valuable help to this young lodge , in which he had the greatest interest . The P . M ., Bro . Bullock , then gave " The health of Bro . Cope , " which was drank most enthusiastically and with Masonic honours . Bro . Cope responded in an excellent speechfull of good
, advice to the lodge , especially as regards the careful admission of brethren . He also complimented Bro . Bullock , the I . P . M . for the raising and said he had visited many lodges , but had never heard a raising done better , and although this was the first time he had heard Bro . Bullock work any of the degrees , he hoped it would not be tho last , as it was a great pleasure to so See the ceremonies done in so efficient and correct a style .
The AA 7 . M . gave " The Visitors , " and Bro . Bowes made a suitable reply . The J . AA . proposed Bro . Bullock's health and said he was sure that their late AA . M . was as good a Mason out as in lodge , and spoke in the most complimentary terms of his character as a man and Mason . The brother made an eloquent response and then proposed the health of Bro . George Lord , the AA . M ., the first man he ever had the honour of initiating . Bro . Lord responded . Other toasts followed and all departed at 11 o'clock , delighted with the satisfactory manner in which the 3 rd St . John ' s had been managed .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . J . II . Thompson , W . M ., who was supported on his left by the oldest P-M . of tho lodge , Bro . J . E . Wilkinson , recently returned from abroad . Bro . Wilkinson
was AV . M . upwards of twonty years ago , and was one of those brethren who mainly contributed to place the lodge in its present high position . The work of tho evening comprised ballotting for two gentlemen , both of whom were elected , but neither were able to attend . Bro . J . H . Kendal , of Lodge No . 160 , was elected a subscribing member . Bros . James and Garbutt being desirous of being raised to the degree of M . M . 's , were examined as to proficiency , and upon being re-adraitted
were duly raised by Bro . R . J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., -. who also explained tbe working tools and gave the lectures . Upon the closing of the . lodge the brethren partook together of refreshments , and duo importance was given in the toast list to the health of Bro . AVilkinson , the oldest P . M . of the lodge . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 30 th ult ., a lodge of emergency , regularly summoned , was held in | the Freemasons' Hall , Durham . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock , by Bro . AA . R . Fitzgerald , 18 ° , W . M ., Prov . G . S . D ., with tho assistance of the following
officers , viz ., Bros , lilackett , S . W . ; Hearon , as J . AA . ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , M . A ., Chap ., Prov . G . Chap . ; Rowlandson , S . D . j AV . Brignall , Jun ., J . D . ; J . AValker , Org . ; T . C . Ebdy , I . G ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Greenwell , Steward . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . AV . Stoker , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; XV . Brignall , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; T . Jones , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Rev . F . Thompson , P . Prov . G- Chap ., & c . Visitors : Bros . PoachellAA . M . United Service Lod No . 215 I . C . ; and
, ge , , II . A . Noel , Meridian Lodge , No . S 93 . The circular calling the lodge , aud the request in writing to tho AA . M ., to summon the same , having been read and entered on the . minutes , tho ballot was taken for Messrs . S . A . Buncombe Shaf'to and J . Henderson , both of whom were unanimously elected . Bro . AY . Donkin an E . A ., being a candidate for advancement , underwent the usual examination , and acquitting himself satisfactorily , ho withdrew .
The lodge was opened in the second degree , when ho was re-admitted and passed to a F . C . The AV . M . having explained the working tools , the lodge was closed in tho second and resumed in the first degree , when Messrs . Shaf'to and Henderson were respectively introduced , and made E . A . ' s . The whole of the ceremony was conducted by the XV . M . in a thoroughly impressive manner . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due formafter which the brethren
, adjourned to refreshment , and spent the remainder of the evening with that degree of genuine pleasure known only to those of the mystic tie . ESSEX . BRIGUTEINGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 22 nd