Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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brethren are all highly respectable ; raid there seems every prospect of tho "Hunting Metropolis" possessing in a short time a highly flourishing lodge . The business of tho evening being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
DURHAM . GATESHEAD- ON-TYNE . — Chapter de Burghi ( No . 424 . )—The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street , on Thursday , October 25 th . The chapter has been newly furnished with banners , the painting of which has been executed by that talented artist , Bro . Dalziel , and presented a most handsome appearance . Iu the absence of
the Z ., the chapter was opened by tho M . E . C . R . J . Banning , P . Z ., asZ . ; M . E . C . AA . Bridon , II . ; and M . E . C . AV . Morron , P . Z ., as J . There was a numerous attendance of past principals , including M . E . Z . 's , Henry Hosham , P . Z . ; Anthony Clapham , P . Z . ; T . J . Strachan , & c . The following officers were then severally installed , tho ceremony being performed by M . E . C . R . J . Banning , P . Z . M . E . C . 's AA . Bridon , Z . ; Ii . J . Banning , H . Joshua Heaward , J . The following companions
were invested also with the collars of their respective offices , JE . C . ' s Benjamin Hugil ) , E . ; J . A . Allan , N . ; Anthony Clapham , P . Z ., Treas . ; T . S . Strachan , P . S . ; and Joshua Curry . Janitor . Upon the closing of the chapter the companions adjourned to an adjoining room , and partook of a ; very sumptuous dinner . The chair being occupied by tho M . E . Z ., Comp . Bridon , The usual loyal toasts , as well as those restricted to this sublime degree , were given and heartily responded to , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . _ NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of H . R . ' D . M . —At the regular conclave of this chapter , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on Friday evening , the 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the M . W . S ., Bro . B . J . Banning , M . D ., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : S . P . Jens Jensen , M . AV . S . elect ; Past M . AA ' . S . G . Ludwig , Treas . ; S . P . J . S . Trotter , Equerry . The installation will take place in February .
Red Cross Knights.
A meeting of tho Grand Imperial Council was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., when the report of the committee on Regalia , was duly received and adopted , after which ballots were severally taken for the admission of the E . Sir Knights , Lord Kenlis , and Edward Busher , to seats in the Grand Council , and tho result was unanimously in their favour . The principal vacant offices in the council were then filled , and the supreme body is now constituted as follows : —
SirIvnts . the Right Hon . tho Lord Kenlis , M . I . G . Sovereign ; Frederick Martyn Williams , MP ., M . E . G . V . Eusebius ; Edward Busher , G . I . General ; Robert Joues , G . I . - General ; William Henry Hubbard , G . Treas . ; Robert AA ' entworth Little , G . Recorder ; Henry Gustavus Buss , G . Almoner ( the latter three " of the Executive Committee ); John George Marsh , G . Architect . From the zeal that lias been manifested by several members of the Order , a brilliant future for the ancient and illustrious Masonic fraternity of Red Cross Knights may bo anticipated .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OE SOUTHERN INDIA . A special communication of this District Grand Lodge was holden in tho hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras , on Saturday , June 23 rd , 1 SG 6 , being St . John ' s Eve . Present : Bros . Col . AV . Pitt Macdonald , D . G . M . ; A . Macdonald-Bitchie , L . A ., Dep . D . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , D . S . G . AY . ; Surg .
H . T . Shaw , D . J . G . D .. as D . J . G . AV . ; Rev . E . S . Goodhart , B . A ., as D . G . C . j C . Scott , Actins D . G . S . ; AV . Joyes , D . G . S . B ., as D . S . G . D . ; II , Gardiner , as D . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , C . E ., D . G . S . AV . ; AA . II . Buchan , D . G . P . and Ag ., D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; N . Morison , D . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; j . It . Maddox , D . G . Tyler ; with the District Grand Stewards , several Past District Grand Officers , and the Masters , Past Masters , and AA ' ardous of Lodges Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 ; Universal Charity Lodge , 2 / 3 ; and
Mount , 026 . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The District Grand Lodge having been adjourned , a procession was arranged according to the order . ' prescribed , and tho brethren marched to St . Matthias' Church , whore divine service was held , and a sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . S . Goodhart , Acting D . G . C . The collection , which was in behalf of the
Vepery Parochial Poor Schools , amounted to rupees 216-12-0 . After service the procession re-formed as before , and having returned to the lodge rooms , the members of the District Grand Lodge re-assembled , whjn it was proposed by tho R . AA . D . G . M ., and seconded by the P .. W . D . D . G . M ., and carried unanimously , that the Rev . Bro . Goodhart be requested to place his sermon at the disposal of the District Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being printed at its expense .
The District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . A communication of this District Grand Lodge was holden in tbe hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras , on Monday , 9 th July , 1 S 66 . The following brethren being present , Bros . Col . AV . Pitt Macdonald , D . G . M . ; A . Macdonald-Ritchio Dep . D . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , D . S . G . AY . ; AV . M . Seharlieb ,
P . D . S . G . AV ., asD . J . G . W . ; J . Miller , P . D . G . R . ; Charles Scott , A . D . G . S . ; T . AV . Wray . P . D . S . G-D . tis D . S . G . D . ; H . T . Shaw , D . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , D . G . S . AV . ; W . Joyes , D . G . S . B . ; AV . H . Buchan , D . G . Ft . ; P . Stevens , J . C . Berlio , AV . F . Hooper , S . Jesudaseu , B . H . IV . Magrath , Beresford Anderson , as Stewards ; AY . Axelby , as D . G . Tyler ; with the following representatives of subordinate lodges , H . Gardiner , P . M ., as W . M . ; N . Morison , J . AV ., of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , 150 ; J . Mills , AV . M . ; W . AVaddell , J . AV ., of Lodge Universal Charity , 273 ; Capt . H . T .
Rogers , W . M . ; Lieut . A . J . Filgate , S . W . ; Lieut . J . F . Bierson , J . AV ., of Lodge Mount , 926 . The visiting brethren were Bros . AVickham , D . J . G . AV . ; H . Bonnycastle , and E . W . Barnett , both of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , 150 . Tho District Grand Lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The D . G . Master stated that it was possibly the last time he might address the brethren from tbe chair . The Almighty had
been pleased to afflict him with a calamity which might result in total blindness before the close of another year . He was going on twelve months leave to the Hills in tho hope that a pure , bracing climate would give a better chance of a favourable result when the hour for operation arrived . Under these circumstances , it became incumbent on him at this communication to deliver over charge of his executive functions to his worthDeputyreporting the same to the Grand Lodge of
y , England . The D . G . Master congratulated the members of tho District Grand Lodge on the improved position in which it ( in common with all other Provincial Grand Lodges abroad now designated District Grand Lodges , and their officers District Grand Officers ) , was placed at the communication of tho Grand Lodges of England held on 11 th December last , by the concession of more extensive powers . AA'ith the nature of these powers most of tho
members were probably acquainted , aud ho had no doubt that the possession of them would lead to a better administration of the affairs of tho Craft in British provinces , remote from Head quarters . The D . G . M . was gratified to report that Masonry was continuing to make progress in tho district . A twelfth lodge , Anchor of Hope , at Wellington , had been established . He had himself opened the lodge , having previously granted to the brethren composing it u dispensation to commence
operations , pending the receipt of their warrant . This last had arrived , aud the lodge was now numbered 1093 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England . There were two lodges , however , of which the D . G . M .. had to give an unsatisfactory account , viz ., Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichinopoly , and Emulation ( So . 908 ) , Ncgapatam . The latter had not sent in any returns for four years , and the former for eighteen months . He would accordingly , with the sanction of the District Grand Lodge , direct the D . G . S . to call upon the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
brethren are all highly respectable ; raid there seems every prospect of tho "Hunting Metropolis" possessing in a short time a highly flourishing lodge . The business of tho evening being ended , the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
DURHAM . GATESHEAD- ON-TYNE . — Chapter de Burghi ( No . 424 . )—The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street , on Thursday , October 25 th . The chapter has been newly furnished with banners , the painting of which has been executed by that talented artist , Bro . Dalziel , and presented a most handsome appearance . Iu the absence of
the Z ., the chapter was opened by tho M . E . C . R . J . Banning , P . Z ., asZ . ; M . E . C . AA . Bridon , II . ; and M . E . C . AV . Morron , P . Z ., as J . There was a numerous attendance of past principals , including M . E . Z . 's , Henry Hosham , P . Z . ; Anthony Clapham , P . Z . ; T . J . Strachan , & c . The following officers were then severally installed , tho ceremony being performed by M . E . C . R . J . Banning , P . Z . M . E . C . 's AA . Bridon , Z . ; Ii . J . Banning , H . Joshua Heaward , J . The following companions
were invested also with the collars of their respective offices , JE . C . ' s Benjamin Hugil ) , E . ; J . A . Allan , N . ; Anthony Clapham , P . Z ., Treas . ; T . S . Strachan , P . S . ; and Joshua Curry . Janitor . Upon the closing of the chapter the companions adjourned to an adjoining room , and partook of a ; very sumptuous dinner . The chair being occupied by tho M . E . Z ., Comp . Bridon , The usual loyal toasts , as well as those restricted to this sublime degree , were given and heartily responded to , and a most agreeable evening was spent .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . _ NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of H . R . ' D . M . —At the regular conclave of this chapter , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on Friday evening , the 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the M . W . S ., Bro . B . J . Banning , M . D ., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : S . P . Jens Jensen , M . AV . S . elect ; Past M . AA ' . S . G . Ludwig , Treas . ; S . P . J . S . Trotter , Equerry . The installation will take place in February .
Red Cross Knights.
A meeting of tho Grand Imperial Council was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., when the report of the committee on Regalia , was duly received and adopted , after which ballots were severally taken for the admission of the E . Sir Knights , Lord Kenlis , and Edward Busher , to seats in the Grand Council , and tho result was unanimously in their favour . The principal vacant offices in the council were then filled , and the supreme body is now constituted as follows : —
SirIvnts . the Right Hon . tho Lord Kenlis , M . I . G . Sovereign ; Frederick Martyn Williams , MP ., M . E . G . V . Eusebius ; Edward Busher , G . I . General ; Robert Joues , G . I . - General ; William Henry Hubbard , G . Treas . ; Robert AA ' entworth Little , G . Recorder ; Henry Gustavus Buss , G . Almoner ( the latter three " of the Executive Committee ); John George Marsh , G . Architect . From the zeal that lias been manifested by several members of the Order , a brilliant future for the ancient and illustrious Masonic fraternity of Red Cross Knights may bo anticipated .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OE SOUTHERN INDIA . A special communication of this District Grand Lodge was holden in tho hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras , on Saturday , June 23 rd , 1 SG 6 , being St . John ' s Eve . Present : Bros . Col . AV . Pitt Macdonald , D . G . M . ; A . Macdonald-Bitchie , L . A ., Dep . D . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , D . S . G . AY . ; Surg .
H . T . Shaw , D . J . G . D .. as D . J . G . AV . ; Rev . E . S . Goodhart , B . A ., as D . G . C . j C . Scott , Actins D . G . S . ; AV . Joyes , D . G . S . B ., as D . S . G . D . ; II , Gardiner , as D . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , C . E ., D . G . S . AV . ; AA . II . Buchan , D . G . P . and Ag ., D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; N . Morison , D . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; j . It . Maddox , D . G . Tyler ; with the District Grand Stewards , several Past District Grand Officers , and the Masters , Past Masters , and AA ' ardous of Lodges Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 ; Universal Charity Lodge , 2 / 3 ; and
Mount , 026 . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The District Grand Lodge having been adjourned , a procession was arranged according to the order . ' prescribed , and tho brethren marched to St . Matthias' Church , whore divine service was held , and a sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . E . S . Goodhart , Acting D . G . C . The collection , which was in behalf of the
Vepery Parochial Poor Schools , amounted to rupees 216-12-0 . After service the procession re-formed as before , and having returned to the lodge rooms , the members of the District Grand Lodge re-assembled , whjn it was proposed by tho R . AA . D . G . M ., and seconded by the P .. W . D . D . G . M ., and carried unanimously , that the Rev . Bro . Goodhart be requested to place his sermon at the disposal of the District Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being printed at its expense .
The District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . A communication of this District Grand Lodge was holden in tbe hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras , on Monday , 9 th July , 1 S 66 . The following brethren being present , Bros . Col . AV . Pitt Macdonald , D . G . M . ; A . Macdonald-Ritchio Dep . D . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , D . S . G . AY . ; AV . M . Seharlieb ,
P . D . S . G . AV ., asD . J . G . W . ; J . Miller , P . D . G . R . ; Charles Scott , A . D . G . S . ; T . AV . Wray . P . D . S . G-D . tis D . S . G . D . ; H . T . Shaw , D . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , D . G . S . AV . ; W . Joyes , D . G . S . B . ; AV . H . Buchan , D . G . Ft . ; P . Stevens , J . C . Berlio , AV . F . Hooper , S . Jesudaseu , B . H . IV . Magrath , Beresford Anderson , as Stewards ; AY . Axelby , as D . G . Tyler ; with the following representatives of subordinate lodges , H . Gardiner , P . M ., as W . M . ; N . Morison , J . AV ., of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , 150 ; J . Mills , AV . M . ; W . AVaddell , J . AV ., of Lodge Universal Charity , 273 ; Capt . H . T .
Rogers , W . M . ; Lieut . A . J . Filgate , S . W . ; Lieut . J . F . Bierson , J . AV ., of Lodge Mount , 926 . The visiting brethren were Bros . AVickham , D . J . G . AV . ; H . Bonnycastle , and E . W . Barnett , both of Lodge Perfect Unanimity , 150 . Tho District Grand Lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The D . G . Master stated that it was possibly the last time he might address the brethren from tbe chair . The Almighty had
been pleased to afflict him with a calamity which might result in total blindness before the close of another year . He was going on twelve months leave to the Hills in tho hope that a pure , bracing climate would give a better chance of a favourable result when the hour for operation arrived . Under these circumstances , it became incumbent on him at this communication to deliver over charge of his executive functions to his worthDeputyreporting the same to the Grand Lodge of
y , England . The D . G . Master congratulated the members of tho District Grand Lodge on the improved position in which it ( in common with all other Provincial Grand Lodges abroad now designated District Grand Lodges , and their officers District Grand Officers ) , was placed at the communication of tho Grand Lodges of England held on 11 th December last , by the concession of more extensive powers . AA'ith the nature of these powers most of tho
members were probably acquainted , aud ho had no doubt that the possession of them would lead to a better administration of the affairs of tho Craft in British provinces , remote from Head quarters . The D . G . M . was gratified to report that Masonry was continuing to make progress in tho district . A twelfth lodge , Anchor of Hope , at Wellington , had been established . He had himself opened the lodge , having previously granted to the brethren composing it u dispensation to commence
operations , pending the receipt of their warrant . This last had arrived , aud the lodge was now numbered 1093 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England . There were two lodges , however , of which the D . G . M .. had to give an unsatisfactory account , viz ., Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichinopoly , and Emulation ( So . 908 ) , Ncgapatam . The latter had not sent in any returns for four years , and the former for eighteen months . He would accordingly , with the sanction of the District Grand Lodge , direct the D . G . S . to call upon the