Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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tillery Company , trusting that he might look forward to tho time when he should fill the exalted position of W . 5 I . ; and , while he added a little weight , he trusted he should be able to add additional lustre to the brightness of their institution . — The W . M . said the next toast was also a very pleasing one , and one that was ahvays received by the members of the Fitzroy Lodge with acclamation— " The Health of tho Visitors . " There was nothing that gave the Fitzroy Lodgreater leasure than
ge p to see a numerous body of visitors ; they were glad to see them , and they gave them a hearty welcome . Tliey were honoured that night by many distinguished members of the Craft , and he had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Visitors . " —Bi-r > . TBUSCOTT , S . W . Grand Master ' s Lodge , returned thanks . —The W . M . said the next toast he had to propose was the health of the P . M . 's of the Fitzroy Lodge ; and amongst them
present that evening were Bros / llelsham , Eglese , Matthews , Newton , and May , and they were all worthy members of the lodge . Without them they could scarcely hold their meetings , for lie never missed a face from amongst them ; some of them
were not only the pillars , hut the founders of tho lodge , which lie hoped would be carried on to all time , or , at any rate , as long as the Honourable Artillery Company lasted , for hundreds of years to come . They were always ready to take any post of duty , and make themselves agreeable to all . They did all they could to promote the prosperity of the lodge , and as distinguished Masons they were known throughout the Craft . He gave "The Health of the P . M . 's of the Fitzroy Lod" ancl he
ge , hoped every brother would drink the toast with all the enthusiasm which it deserved . —Bro . HELSHAM said , on the part of the P . M . 's , he had great pleasure in returning tl . anks . They were all ready to render any assistance in their power , and he hoped that the toast would liave to be proposed many times before they ceased to be members of the Fitzroy Lodge . —Bro . PETEE MATTHEWS P . M . and Treas . said he was lad at all
, , g times to see the members , and was pleased when he could do anything to promote the welfare of the lodge ? Nothing afforded him so much pleasure as to see the members happy , to assist the Master , and to make those comfortable who visited the lodge from time to time , cementing mutual friendship , and carrying out the principles of unity of kindness and goodwill . He trusted
that the W . M . would have a happy season , and that many members of their splendid regiment would be added to the numbers of their splendid lodge . —The W . M . then gave " The Officers of the Lodge . " —Bro . NEWTO ?* , P . M . and Steward , said he was proud to return thanks on the part of the officers of the lodge , who felt a pleasure in performing their duties ; and he hoped that they should have an increase in their numbers , which would bring with them increased pleasure . After a few
other observations , he thanked the W . M . for the compliment he had paid to the officers of the lodge . —The W . M . said there -was one toast he had to propose , which was for the benefit of the Fitzroy Lodge . It was the health of their Treasurer and Secretary , two most worthy men and excellent Masons , for they were always at their post . Bro . Matthews , their Treasurer , took care of their funds ; and having been on the audit committee , he had had an opportunity of seeing the books , and he
must say that he never saw accounts kept in such a regular way in his life . Their Bro . Helsham found out a mistake of three halfpence in easting up the columns , which caused the greatest confusion to the Treasurer until the cause of the error was discovered , and , therefore , he must say that he never saw books better kept than those of the Fitzroy Lodge , and there was no lodge in the Craft that had a better balance in hand . As regarded their brother secretary ( Bro . Eglese ) , it was his duty
to read out the notices ,, whether of a regular lodge or extraordinary , meetings , and , besides , he had to send out private notices to the Master and P . M . ' s ., for their attendance at the Grand Lodge . He gave them " The Health of their Treasurer , Bro . Matthews , and their Secretary , Bro . Eglese , " the founders of the lodge , whose name ancl fame in masonry were spread far ancl wide . —Bro . MATTHEWS having very briefly responded , Bro . Eglese said he returned thanks to the W . JI . lor the very
eulogistic manner in which he had spoken of him , and to the brethren for the kind way in which they had responded to the toast ; and he must say that he was always ready as their Secretary to clo his duty . He trusted he should see their numbers swell , for his duties were to him a labour of love , and , therefore , he should be glad to have an addition to his work . It gave him great pleasure to see that their brother initiate , and a joining member , were of the right quality , and lie had no doubt that their brother initiate would find something more in Free-
masonry than what he had seen that night . From the very earnest way in which he had answered the questions put to him , he felt that he would look upon it as something more than a convivial meeting , as it tended to make the heart of man better than it was before . Bro . Davies , who had come amongst them as a joining member , was a bright example as a working member of the Craft . He was one of the stars of which others would become the satellites , and he had no doubt they would inculcate
outside the lodge those worthy actions and principles which were the distinguishing features of the greatest institution of the country . He could assure them that he would never shrink from his duties , and he felt greatly obliged to them for the compliment they had paid him . The W . M . next gave " The Press , " which was responded to by Bros . THOMPSON and JACKSO . * , who severally descanted on the social advantages which were derived from the free and unfettered press of this country .: —The
Tyler ' s toast was then given , which brought a truly happy meeting to a close shortly before eleven o ' clock . Bro . Vernon sung some of Dibdin ' s songs in the course of the evening , aud excited general applause .
ROYAI , OAK LODOE ( NO . 871 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , October 26 th , at Deptford . Bro . G . Wilton , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . C . G . C . Stahr , W . M ., opened the lodge in due form , assisted by Bros . II . A . Collington , P . M ., S . W . ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; G . S . Hodgson , S . D . ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . ; J . Rosenstock , I . G . ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ; H .
Firmin , R . Phipps , W . Jell ' ery , A . It . Parkinson , D . Barber , H . Stevens , R . Mills , G . Holman , and many others . The only visitor was Bro . J . Bavin , S . W . 147 . The minutes of the regular lodge and the emergency meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bros . H . Stevens and D . Barber having answered the questions in an able manner , qualifying them for the third degree , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Gr . Wilton , P . M ., who threw into the exordium that pathos which
at all times delighted the ears of the brethren during his prosperous year of office . Bro . C . G-. C . Stahr , W . M ., then took the chair . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
CHESHIRE . KNUTSEOED . —Le Tabley Lodge ( No . 911 ) . —A meeting of this lodge w . is held at the Old Assembly Room , Knutsford , on Monday , October 17 th . Present—Bros , the Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . W . P . S . G . W . of England , Prov . S . G . W . of Cheshire , and W . M . of 911 , in the chair ; the Hon . W . Egerton , M . P . ; the Hon . Butler Johnstone , M . P . ; John Twiss , Joseph
Woodcock , the Rev . J . N . Tanner , & c . It was proposed by Bro . Lord de Tabley , W .. M ., seconded by Bro . Twiss , Prov . G . Org ., and unanimously resolved— " That the thanks of this lodge are due and are hereby tendered to Bro . George W . Clarke for his exertions in the formation of this lodge , and for the zeal and ability he has shown in the office of its Secretary . " Bro . Clarke has resigned the office of Secretary . DURHAM .
GATESHEAD . —Lodye of Industry ( So . 48 ) . —This lodge was opened on Monday , October 24 th , by the W . M ., Bro . William Bryden , Prov . G . Purst . of Durham , assisted by Bro . Winter , S . W . ; Bro . Yougal , J . W ., and a full attendance of brethren and visitors . Two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M ., in his usual correct manner . Several communications were read , and the W . M . said that he hoped to be well supported at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham ,
to be held next clay at South Shields . The lodge was then closed in due form . At refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister responded for the Grand Officers of England ; Bro . R . J . Banning , Prov . J . G . W . of Durham , for the Province of Durham ; Bro . Winter , Prov . G . D . for the province of Northumberland , inviting the brethren of this province to visit them on the 11 th of November at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the visitors . The E . A . song was led by Bro . Banister , P . M ., and the last toast was given at nine o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tillery Company , trusting that he might look forward to tho time when he should fill the exalted position of W . 5 I . ; and , while he added a little weight , he trusted he should be able to add additional lustre to the brightness of their institution . — The W . M . said the next toast was also a very pleasing one , and one that was ahvays received by the members of the Fitzroy Lodge with acclamation— " The Health of tho Visitors . " There was nothing that gave the Fitzroy Lodgreater leasure than
ge p to see a numerous body of visitors ; they were glad to see them , and they gave them a hearty welcome . Tliey were honoured that night by many distinguished members of the Craft , and he had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Visitors . " —Bi-r > . TBUSCOTT , S . W . Grand Master ' s Lodge , returned thanks . —The W . M . said the next toast he had to propose was the health of the P . M . 's of the Fitzroy Lodge ; and amongst them
present that evening were Bros / llelsham , Eglese , Matthews , Newton , and May , and they were all worthy members of the lodge . Without them they could scarcely hold their meetings , for lie never missed a face from amongst them ; some of them
were not only the pillars , hut the founders of tho lodge , which lie hoped would be carried on to all time , or , at any rate , as long as the Honourable Artillery Company lasted , for hundreds of years to come . They were always ready to take any post of duty , and make themselves agreeable to all . They did all they could to promote the prosperity of the lodge , and as distinguished Masons they were known throughout the Craft . He gave "The Health of the P . M . 's of the Fitzroy Lod" ancl he
ge , hoped every brother would drink the toast with all the enthusiasm which it deserved . —Bro . HELSHAM said , on the part of the P . M . 's , he had great pleasure in returning tl . anks . They were all ready to render any assistance in their power , and he hoped that the toast would liave to be proposed many times before they ceased to be members of the Fitzroy Lodge . —Bro . PETEE MATTHEWS P . M . and Treas . said he was lad at all
, , g times to see the members , and was pleased when he could do anything to promote the welfare of the lodge ? Nothing afforded him so much pleasure as to see the members happy , to assist the Master , and to make those comfortable who visited the lodge from time to time , cementing mutual friendship , and carrying out the principles of unity of kindness and goodwill . He trusted
that the W . M . would have a happy season , and that many members of their splendid regiment would be added to the numbers of their splendid lodge . —The W . M . then gave " The Officers of the Lodge . " —Bro . NEWTO ?* , P . M . and Steward , said he was proud to return thanks on the part of the officers of the lodge , who felt a pleasure in performing their duties ; and he hoped that they should have an increase in their numbers , which would bring with them increased pleasure . After a few
other observations , he thanked the W . M . for the compliment he had paid to the officers of the lodge . —The W . M . said there -was one toast he had to propose , which was for the benefit of the Fitzroy Lodge . It was the health of their Treasurer and Secretary , two most worthy men and excellent Masons , for they were always at their post . Bro . Matthews , their Treasurer , took care of their funds ; and having been on the audit committee , he had had an opportunity of seeing the books , and he
must say that he never saw accounts kept in such a regular way in his life . Their Bro . Helsham found out a mistake of three halfpence in easting up the columns , which caused the greatest confusion to the Treasurer until the cause of the error was discovered , and , therefore , he must say that he never saw books better kept than those of the Fitzroy Lodge , and there was no lodge in the Craft that had a better balance in hand . As regarded their brother secretary ( Bro . Eglese ) , it was his duty
to read out the notices ,, whether of a regular lodge or extraordinary , meetings , and , besides , he had to send out private notices to the Master and P . M . ' s ., for their attendance at the Grand Lodge . He gave them " The Health of their Treasurer , Bro . Matthews , and their Secretary , Bro . Eglese , " the founders of the lodge , whose name ancl fame in masonry were spread far ancl wide . —Bro . MATTHEWS having very briefly responded , Bro . Eglese said he returned thanks to the W . JI . lor the very
eulogistic manner in which he had spoken of him , and to the brethren for the kind way in which they had responded to the toast ; and he must say that he was always ready as their Secretary to clo his duty . He trusted he should see their numbers swell , for his duties were to him a labour of love , and , therefore , he should be glad to have an addition to his work . It gave him great pleasure to see that their brother initiate , and a joining member , were of the right quality , and lie had no doubt that their brother initiate would find something more in Free-
masonry than what he had seen that night . From the very earnest way in which he had answered the questions put to him , he felt that he would look upon it as something more than a convivial meeting , as it tended to make the heart of man better than it was before . Bro . Davies , who had come amongst them as a joining member , was a bright example as a working member of the Craft . He was one of the stars of which others would become the satellites , and he had no doubt they would inculcate
outside the lodge those worthy actions and principles which were the distinguishing features of the greatest institution of the country . He could assure them that he would never shrink from his duties , and he felt greatly obliged to them for the compliment they had paid him . The W . M . next gave " The Press , " which was responded to by Bros . THOMPSON and JACKSO . * , who severally descanted on the social advantages which were derived from the free and unfettered press of this country .: —The
Tyler ' s toast was then given , which brought a truly happy meeting to a close shortly before eleven o ' clock . Bro . Vernon sung some of Dibdin ' s songs in the course of the evening , aud excited general applause .
ROYAI , OAK LODOE ( NO . 871 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , October 26 th , at Deptford . Bro . G . Wilton , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . C . G . C . Stahr , W . M ., opened the lodge in due form , assisted by Bros . II . A . Collington , P . M ., S . W . ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; G . S . Hodgson , S . D . ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . ; J . Rosenstock , I . G . ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ; H .
Firmin , R . Phipps , W . Jell ' ery , A . It . Parkinson , D . Barber , H . Stevens , R . Mills , G . Holman , and many others . The only visitor was Bro . J . Bavin , S . W . 147 . The minutes of the regular lodge and the emergency meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bros . H . Stevens and D . Barber having answered the questions in an able manner , qualifying them for the third degree , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Gr . Wilton , P . M ., who threw into the exordium that pathos which
at all times delighted the ears of the brethren during his prosperous year of office . Bro . C . G-. C . Stahr , W . M ., then took the chair . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
CHESHIRE . KNUTSEOED . —Le Tabley Lodge ( No . 911 ) . —A meeting of this lodge w . is held at the Old Assembly Room , Knutsford , on Monday , October 17 th . Present—Bros , the Right Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . W . P . S . G . W . of England , Prov . S . G . W . of Cheshire , and W . M . of 911 , in the chair ; the Hon . W . Egerton , M . P . ; the Hon . Butler Johnstone , M . P . ; John Twiss , Joseph
Woodcock , the Rev . J . N . Tanner , & c . It was proposed by Bro . Lord de Tabley , W .. M ., seconded by Bro . Twiss , Prov . G . Org ., and unanimously resolved— " That the thanks of this lodge are due and are hereby tendered to Bro . George W . Clarke for his exertions in the formation of this lodge , and for the zeal and ability he has shown in the office of its Secretary . " Bro . Clarke has resigned the office of Secretary . DURHAM .
GATESHEAD . —Lodye of Industry ( So . 48 ) . —This lodge was opened on Monday , October 24 th , by the W . M ., Bro . William Bryden , Prov . G . Purst . of Durham , assisted by Bro . Winter , S . W . ; Bro . Yougal , J . W ., and a full attendance of brethren and visitors . Two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M ., in his usual correct manner . Several communications were read , and the W . M . said that he hoped to be well supported at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham ,
to be held next clay at South Shields . The lodge was then closed in due form . At refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister responded for the Grand Officers of England ; Bro . R . J . Banning , Prov . J . G . W . of Durham , for the Province of Durham ; Bro . Winter , Prov . G . D . for the province of Northumberland , inviting the brethren of this province to visit them on the 11 th of November at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the visitors . The E . A . song was led by Bro . Banister , P . M ., and the last toast was given at nine o ' clock .