Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
give them the full particulars of the case , as he ( Bro . Havers ) never remembered an instance of the kind . Comp . WYNN was sure the chapter would make all proper submission to Grand Chapter , and , on returning to Tottenham , would work regularly . Comp . WARREN , liaving been appealed to by Comp . Havers ,
could only state that if the case of the removal of the St . John ' s Chapter had not been brought directly before Grand Chapter , it had indirectly , he believed , by a petition for another warrant for the loilge . Comp . MCINTYRE said a chapter could not be removed without the authority of the lodge to which it was attached , and i '
did not appear in the case mentioned by Comp . Warren that consent had not been obtained . In the case of the High Cross Chapter now before them , he felt that , it liaving been investigated by the General Committee , who had suspended the chapter until due submission had been made , they could not remit the suspension on such a letter as that before them , which was altogether most lame and impotent .
The amendment referring the matter back to the Committee was then put ancl carried unanimously . The next paragraph iu the Committee's report ran as follows : — " The Committee have also to report that the Alfred Chapter ( So . 306 ) , Leeds , which was suspended in October , 1863 , for
neglecting to comply with the peremptory orders of the Committee , have memorialised for a removal of the suspension , and the chapter having furnished the Committee with the information required , and sent in their charter and minute book , they beg to recommend that the prayer of the memorialists be granted , their suspension be removed , and the members of the chapter restored to their Arch Masonic functions . "
Comp . GOLE moved that Chapter 306 having made all due submission , the suspension be withdrawn , and tho brethren restored to their Masonic functions . Comp . MCINTYRE seconded the motion . Carried unanimously . A letter was then read by the G . SCRIBE E . from Comp .
White Melville , G . Scribe __ - . for Scotland , stating the determination of Grand Chapter at their convocation in August relative to the receiving Scotch Royal Arch Masons in English chapters , and the reason why the Grand Chapter of England declined to receive a representative from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , had been laid before that Grand Chapter on the 21 st of September , and was considered as satisfactory .
The letter was ordered to be entered on the minutes . Warrants ivere then granted to Comps . Henry Murray as % ., William Thomas Mercer as H ., John Ball as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge ( No . 525 ) , Hong Kong , China , to be called the Victoria Chapter , to meet at Hong-Kong , on the 18 th day of every
month ; and to Comps . Peter Clymo as Z ., Richard Ilawke as H ., John Ongh as J ., and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the St . Martin's Lodge ( No . 510 ) , Liskeard , in the County of Cornwall , to be called the St . Martin ' s Chapter , to meet at the London Inn , Liskeard , on the first Tuesday of every third month .
Tiro . S . S . DvnsET then rose to more that the correspondence that has taken place between the Principals of Chapter 784 and Grand Scribe E . he produced and read in Grand Chapter , as the Chapter 784 feels most aggrieved at the Committee of General Purposes declining to lay their complaint ( regarding an un-Masonic letter addressed to thorn by a P . Z . of 781 , through their Scribe E . ) to the notice of Grand Chapter , and that the
sense of Grand Chapter be taken on the matter originally complained of against the P . Z . of 784 . This gave rise to a long and somewhat personal discussion , which it could do no good to publish , and resulted in the wholematter being remitted to the General Committee , with instructions to report thereon to the next Grand Chapter , by which
time we hope a much respected companion , who is evidently ilithe wrong , will have made such an apology to the Wellington Chapter as to prevent our hearing any more of the matter . All business being ended , Grand Chapter was closed a littlebefore ten o'clock .
[ With regard to the discussion on the first question , wo may add that the St . John's Chapter granted for Hampstead was : removed toRadley's Hotel , Blaekfriars , and liaving conveniently lost its charter , applied for a warrant of confirmation . This Comp . Warren opposed on the ground that , the charter liaving been granted for Hampstead , the chapter had no business in-London ; but he was overruled by Grand Chapter . But more of this anon . —ED . ]
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Chapter de Burghi ( No . 614 ) . —This chapter was opened in solemn form at the Grey Horse , Gateshead , on Wednesday , October 26 th , by P . M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Barrier , P . Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Chapter of England , assisted by P . M . E . Z . Comp . Hotham , M ' . E . H . Comp- R . J . Banning , and P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham . The ballot was taken for Bros . J .
Heaward and J . Curry , which was unanimous in their favour ; and both being in attendance , they were duly prepared and presented by P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham to the Acting M . E . Z .,. who performed the ceremony for M . E . Z . Comp . Gillespie , hebeing unable lo preside from indisposition , Bro . Smailes , M . E . Z . of the Chapter De Swinburne , taking the part of P . S . with his usual kindness . Business over , the chapter was closed in solemn form . At refreshmentpresided over by P . M . E Z . Auty
, Clapham , the usual toasts were done justice to , and a happy evening was spent . On the following day , Oct . 27 th , the regular meeting was held , the chapter being again opened by P . M . E . Z . C . j . Banister as Z ., M . E . Comp . R . J . Banning , H . and P . M . E . Comp . IL Hotham as J . The minutes of last meeting and chapter of emergency were read and confirmed . P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham then presented the M . E . II . for installation as Z ., which ceremony was performed by Comp . C . J .
Banister with great care . Comp . H . Gillies , II . elect , not beingable to attend owing to a death in his family , Comp . W . Bryden , J . elect , was then presented by Comp . Clapham , ancl installed by the Acting M . E . Z . The following officers were then invested : —Comps . Allen , S . E ; R . S . Lottingcr , S . N . ; P . M . E . Z .. A . Clapham , Treas . Several candidates were proposed , ancl the business of the chapter over , it was closed in solemn form . The banquet was all that could be desired ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were done justice to , and the companions separated at nine o ' clock , after spending a very happy time . Visitors present—Comps . Straun , Thompson , Jenson , __ c .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —Oyle Chapter ( No . 431 ) . —The annualconvocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall ,. Norfolk-street , on Thursday , the 27 th of October , M . E . Comp . John G . Tulloch , P . Z ., presiding as Z . ( in the unavoidableabsence of the 1 st Principal , M . E . Comp . E . Shotton ) , assisted by the other Principals and companions . After the minutes of
the previous meetings had been confirmed , the Principals elect were duly installed in their respective chairs by M . E . Comps . J . G . Tulloch , P . Z ., and W . Twizell , P . Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . H . Hewison , P . Z . of St . Hilda ' s Chapter ( No . 240 ) . The following are the Principals and officers appointed and installed for the ensuing year : —M . E . Comps . James Symington , as Z . ; Hans Christian Hansen , as II . ; James Patterson Simpson , as X ; W . Twizell , P . Z ., as Treas . ; John G . Tulloch , P . Z ., as E . ;
Comps . J . Kelly , as N . ; Joseph Gibson , as P . S . ; W . Quarrieand Septimus Young , as Assist . Sojourners ; and John Evans , Janitor . After receiving propositions , the chapter was dosed in ancient form . The companions then adjourned to a splendid
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
give them the full particulars of the case , as he ( Bro . Havers ) never remembered an instance of the kind . Comp . WYNN was sure the chapter would make all proper submission to Grand Chapter , and , on returning to Tottenham , would work regularly . Comp . WARREN , liaving been appealed to by Comp . Havers ,
could only state that if the case of the removal of the St . John ' s Chapter had not been brought directly before Grand Chapter , it had indirectly , he believed , by a petition for another warrant for the loilge . Comp . MCINTYRE said a chapter could not be removed without the authority of the lodge to which it was attached , and i '
did not appear in the case mentioned by Comp . Warren that consent had not been obtained . In the case of the High Cross Chapter now before them , he felt that , it liaving been investigated by the General Committee , who had suspended the chapter until due submission had been made , they could not remit the suspension on such a letter as that before them , which was altogether most lame and impotent .
The amendment referring the matter back to the Committee was then put ancl carried unanimously . The next paragraph iu the Committee's report ran as follows : — " The Committee have also to report that the Alfred Chapter ( So . 306 ) , Leeds , which was suspended in October , 1863 , for
neglecting to comply with the peremptory orders of the Committee , have memorialised for a removal of the suspension , and the chapter having furnished the Committee with the information required , and sent in their charter and minute book , they beg to recommend that the prayer of the memorialists be granted , their suspension be removed , and the members of the chapter restored to their Arch Masonic functions . "
Comp . GOLE moved that Chapter 306 having made all due submission , the suspension be withdrawn , and tho brethren restored to their Masonic functions . Comp . MCINTYRE seconded the motion . Carried unanimously . A letter was then read by the G . SCRIBE E . from Comp .
White Melville , G . Scribe __ - . for Scotland , stating the determination of Grand Chapter at their convocation in August relative to the receiving Scotch Royal Arch Masons in English chapters , and the reason why the Grand Chapter of England declined to receive a representative from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , had been laid before that Grand Chapter on the 21 st of September , and was considered as satisfactory .
The letter was ordered to be entered on the minutes . Warrants ivere then granted to Comps . Henry Murray as % ., William Thomas Mercer as H ., John Ball as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge ( No . 525 ) , Hong Kong , China , to be called the Victoria Chapter , to meet at Hong-Kong , on the 18 th day of every
month ; and to Comps . Peter Clymo as Z ., Richard Ilawke as H ., John Ongh as J ., and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the St . Martin's Lodge ( No . 510 ) , Liskeard , in the County of Cornwall , to be called the St . Martin ' s Chapter , to meet at the London Inn , Liskeard , on the first Tuesday of every third month .
Tiro . S . S . DvnsET then rose to more that the correspondence that has taken place between the Principals of Chapter 784 and Grand Scribe E . he produced and read in Grand Chapter , as the Chapter 784 feels most aggrieved at the Committee of General Purposes declining to lay their complaint ( regarding an un-Masonic letter addressed to thorn by a P . Z . of 781 , through their Scribe E . ) to the notice of Grand Chapter , and that the
sense of Grand Chapter be taken on the matter originally complained of against the P . Z . of 784 . This gave rise to a long and somewhat personal discussion , which it could do no good to publish , and resulted in the wholematter being remitted to the General Committee , with instructions to report thereon to the next Grand Chapter , by which
time we hope a much respected companion , who is evidently ilithe wrong , will have made such an apology to the Wellington Chapter as to prevent our hearing any more of the matter . All business being ended , Grand Chapter was closed a littlebefore ten o'clock .
[ With regard to the discussion on the first question , wo may add that the St . John's Chapter granted for Hampstead was : removed toRadley's Hotel , Blaekfriars , and liaving conveniently lost its charter , applied for a warrant of confirmation . This Comp . Warren opposed on the ground that , the charter liaving been granted for Hampstead , the chapter had no business in-London ; but he was overruled by Grand Chapter . But more of this anon . —ED . ]
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Chapter de Burghi ( No . 614 ) . —This chapter was opened in solemn form at the Grey Horse , Gateshead , on Wednesday , October 26 th , by P . M . E . Z . Comp . C . J . Barrier , P . Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Chapter of England , assisted by P . M . E . Z . Comp . Hotham , M ' . E . H . Comp- R . J . Banning , and P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham . The ballot was taken for Bros . J .
Heaward and J . Curry , which was unanimous in their favour ; and both being in attendance , they were duly prepared and presented by P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham to the Acting M . E . Z .,. who performed the ceremony for M . E . Z . Comp . Gillespie , hebeing unable lo preside from indisposition , Bro . Smailes , M . E . Z . of the Chapter De Swinburne , taking the part of P . S . with his usual kindness . Business over , the chapter was closed in solemn form . At refreshmentpresided over by P . M . E Z . Auty
, Clapham , the usual toasts were done justice to , and a happy evening was spent . On the following day , Oct . 27 th , the regular meeting was held , the chapter being again opened by P . M . E . Z . C . j . Banister as Z ., M . E . Comp . R . J . Banning , H . and P . M . E . Comp . IL Hotham as J . The minutes of last meeting and chapter of emergency were read and confirmed . P . M . E . Z . Auty Clapham then presented the M . E . II . for installation as Z ., which ceremony was performed by Comp . C . J .
Banister with great care . Comp . H . Gillies , II . elect , not beingable to attend owing to a death in his family , Comp . W . Bryden , J . elect , was then presented by Comp . Clapham , ancl installed by the Acting M . E . Z . The following officers were then invested : —Comps . Allen , S . E ; R . S . Lottingcr , S . N . ; P . M . E . Z .. A . Clapham , Treas . Several candidates were proposed , ancl the business of the chapter over , it was closed in solemn form . The banquet was all that could be desired ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were done justice to , and the companions separated at nine o ' clock , after spending a very happy time . Visitors present—Comps . Straun , Thompson , Jenson , __ c .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —Oyle Chapter ( No . 431 ) . —The annualconvocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall ,. Norfolk-street , on Thursday , the 27 th of October , M . E . Comp . John G . Tulloch , P . Z ., presiding as Z . ( in the unavoidableabsence of the 1 st Principal , M . E . Comp . E . Shotton ) , assisted by the other Principals and companions . After the minutes of
the previous meetings had been confirmed , the Principals elect were duly installed in their respective chairs by M . E . Comps . J . G . Tulloch , P . Z ., and W . Twizell , P . Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . H . Hewison , P . Z . of St . Hilda ' s Chapter ( No . 240 ) . The following are the Principals and officers appointed and installed for the ensuing year : —M . E . Comps . James Symington , as Z . ; Hans Christian Hansen , as II . ; James Patterson Simpson , as X ; W . Twizell , P . Z ., as Treas . ; John G . Tulloch , P . Z ., as E . ;
Comps . J . Kelly , as N . ; Joseph Gibson , as P . S . ; W . Quarrieand Septimus Young , as Assist . Sojourners ; and John Evans , Janitor . After receiving propositions , the chapter was dosed in ancient form . The companions then adjourned to a splendid