Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
banquet at the Albion Hotel , served up in Bro . Manning ' s usual first-class style , and the day was spent in a most harmonious and agreeable manner .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE -ON-TTNE .- —Royal Kent Chapter Hose Croix . — This chapter was opened in due form at the Masonic Hall , Newgate-street , on Friday , October 28 th , by the M . W . S ., Bro . II . G . Ludwig , assisted by his generals . The petition " of Sir Knt . J . Jenson was presented by tbe Grand Marshal , Bro . Hotham , ancl he being unanimous . lv elected , was admitted and
perfected ^ by Bro . C . J . Banister , 30 ° , and P . M . W . S . of this chapter , in his usual careful manner . The newly-perfected Prince was proclaimed by the Heralds . The ceremony was completed , with the assistance of the Princes , to the satisfaction of all present . This being the time to elect the M . W . S . for the next year , Sov . Prince Edward Shotten , the 1 st General , -was unanimousl y elected M . W . S . P . M . W . Sov . H . G . Ludwig was re-elected Treasurer , ancl the business of the chapter over , it was closed in solemn form .
Knights Templar.
WOOLWICH . KEMEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —An emergency meeting of the fraters of the Kemeys Tynte was held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 28 th ult . The following Sir Knts . were present—J . W . Fi ' gg , as E . G . ; Li ' eut .-Col . Clerk , P . E . C , as Prelate ; P . Laird , as 1 st Capt . ; Capt , Dadson , 2 nd Capt . ; J . R . Thompson , as Expert ; Matthew
Cooke , G . Org ., Capt . of Lines ; Capt . N . G . Phillips ; Capt . Boyle , and C . Horsley , Stuart Encampment , Watford . Companions II . S . le Strange and J . P . Langlois were installed Knights of the Order . A Priory of the Order of Malta was afterwards held , when the newly installed Sir Knts . and the visitor were received into the Order of S . John of Jerusalem by Capt . Boyle , Em . Prior . The business being concluded , the Sir Knts . adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , and spent a most agreeable and happy evening .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . — Northumberland and Berwiek-on-Tweed Lodge ( E . G . ) . —Wednesday , October 26 th , being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened . by the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . Overseer of the Grand Mark Lodge , assisted by Bros . A . Gillespie , P . M . ; H . Hotham , as S . W . ; Wm . Loades , J . W . ; and a full attendance of members . The ballot
was taken for three candidates , and each unanimously elected . Bros . Rewcastle and Pearson being in attendance , were each severally advanced to this degree by the W . M . with earnestness and care . The election for W . M . was then proceeded with , and on examining the ballotting papers , Bro . Saneter was duly elected . Bro . Lambton was unanimously elected Treasurer . Three brethren were proposed as candidates for this degree , ancl the lodge was closed in solemn form at nine o ' clock .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( No . 590 ) . —The monthly meeting was held in the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , October 27 th . The lod ge was opened at seven p . m . by Bro . 0 . Le Sueur , W . M ., assisted by Bro . P . E . Le Sueur , S . W . ' , Bro . Ch . Benest , J . W ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , acting as P . M . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in tho second degree . The Senior and Junior Wardens and Bro . P .
Channel Islands.
Binet liaving given a strong recommendation , from long personal knowledge , of ?>!• . . J . P . Picot as a candidate for initiation , a ballot was taken , which proved unanimous in his favour _ -. but owing to his absence from the island , the ceremony was deferred . The W . M . announced a present to the lodge from Bro . Catley , J . D . of a handsome box , decorated with carvings of Masonic emblems , for the reception of the balloting balls , on which a vote of thanks to that brother was unanimously passed ..
Bro . F . J . Amy having been presented as a candidate for the third degree , the W . M . put the usual questions , ancl inquired if any brother wished to subject him to further examination , on which Bro . Schmitt rose and put a long series of questions , which elicited a thorough acquaintance on the part of Bro ., Amy with the tracing board of the second degree . They were answered so accurately , that the W . M . complimented the candidateand expressed a hope that so good an le would have
, examp a beneficial effect on others . Bro . Amy was then entrusted , and retired for preparation . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , the candidate was re-introduced , and dulyiaise . d to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M ., Bro . Schmitt giving the charge and the explanation of tho tracingboard . The W . M . liaving announced that he had relieved two distressed brethren , the amounts given were ordered to be repaid
to him . A deputation was appointed to present to the lady of the W . M . the vote of thanks on parchment agreed upon at a previous meeting for a present she had made to the lodge . Bro . Manuel called the attention of the meeting to the acoustic disadvantages of the room , and it was determined to confer with the architect on the subject . A gentleman was proposed forinitiation , and a brother to be admitted as a joining member . Thelodge was closed at a quarter past nine , and the brethren adjourned to the banqnetting-room for the usual light refreshment .
( From the afasonic Record of Western India . ) KURRACHEE . The ceremony of the Installation of the Worshipful Masters elect of Lodges Union and Industry took place on St . John ' s ; Day , 24 th of June , in the presence of a large number of Mason ? , some of whom came down from Kotree , Amongst those present were—John BruntonE . T . BeauvaisJ . J .
, , Martin , and W . A . Brunton , P . M . ' s ., Captain J . Macdonald , W . M . of Lodge Hope ; Bros . H . Stone , Robert Brunton , Fisher , Taverner , Philips , Martinnant , Knapp , Waddington , Giblea , Bright , Rosetti , Bell , Hamilton , Gardiner , and some others . After the Lodge had been opened in the 3 rd Degree , Bro .. Colliding , S . W . of Lodge Industry , W . M . Elect of the same-Lod was called to the pedestal bBro . J . Bruntonand after
ge , y , the usual interrogatories , he was placed in the . Eastern Chair , proclaimed in thc three several degrees as W . M , of Lodge Industry , and the brethren requested to salute him as such , during which Bro . Martinnant , who presided at the harmonium , played some suitable marches . The same ceremony was observed with regard to Bro . W . A . Brunton , W . M . elect of Lodge Union . After the ceremony of Installation was
concluded , Bro . W . A . Brunton proceeded to elect the Officebearers of Lodge Union , who were severally invested with the badges of office—Bros , J . Brunton , P . M . ; J . D . Swiney , P . M . ; E . T . Beauvais , P . M . ; C . Goolden , Hon . P . M . ; Bros . E . K . Wilkinson , S . W . and Treas . ; 13 . F . de Rosetti , J . W . ; Henry Stone , Sec ; W . Phillips , S . D . ; G . F . Taverner , J . D . ; II . Fisher , I . G . ; E . T . Martinnant , Org . ; and Thomas Gardiner , Tyler . There being no further businessthe Lodge was lowered
, and closed with prayer . Lodge Union held its first monthly meeting on the 19 fch inst ., when Bro . Gardiner was passed to the Fellow Craft ' s Degree , ancl Bro . Robert Brunton raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; Bros . J . Bancroft and S . S . Elson were admitted as joining members .
MI-IOW . LODGE ST . PAUL ( NO . 389 , S . C . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd Juno . In the absence of the W . M ., the S . W ., Bro . Allen , officiated . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The accounts for the quarter ending 30 th March were laid "before tho lodge , showing a balance of Its . 15-10-7 . The ballot was taken for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
banquet at the Albion Hotel , served up in Bro . Manning ' s usual first-class style , and the day was spent in a most harmonious and agreeable manner .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE -ON-TTNE .- —Royal Kent Chapter Hose Croix . — This chapter was opened in due form at the Masonic Hall , Newgate-street , on Friday , October 28 th , by the M . W . S ., Bro . II . G . Ludwig , assisted by his generals . The petition " of Sir Knt . J . Jenson was presented by tbe Grand Marshal , Bro . Hotham , ancl he being unanimous . lv elected , was admitted and
perfected ^ by Bro . C . J . Banister , 30 ° , and P . M . W . S . of this chapter , in his usual careful manner . The newly-perfected Prince was proclaimed by the Heralds . The ceremony was completed , with the assistance of the Princes , to the satisfaction of all present . This being the time to elect the M . W . S . for the next year , Sov . Prince Edward Shotten , the 1 st General , -was unanimousl y elected M . W . S . P . M . W . Sov . H . G . Ludwig was re-elected Treasurer , ancl the business of the chapter over , it was closed in solemn form .
Knights Templar.
WOOLWICH . KEMEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —An emergency meeting of the fraters of the Kemeys Tynte was held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 28 th ult . The following Sir Knts . were present—J . W . Fi ' gg , as E . G . ; Li ' eut .-Col . Clerk , P . E . C , as Prelate ; P . Laird , as 1 st Capt . ; Capt , Dadson , 2 nd Capt . ; J . R . Thompson , as Expert ; Matthew
Cooke , G . Org ., Capt . of Lines ; Capt . N . G . Phillips ; Capt . Boyle , and C . Horsley , Stuart Encampment , Watford . Companions II . S . le Strange and J . P . Langlois were installed Knights of the Order . A Priory of the Order of Malta was afterwards held , when the newly installed Sir Knts . and the visitor were received into the Order of S . John of Jerusalem by Capt . Boyle , Em . Prior . The business being concluded , the Sir Knts . adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , and spent a most agreeable and happy evening .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . — Northumberland and Berwiek-on-Tweed Lodge ( E . G . ) . —Wednesday , October 26 th , being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened . by the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . Overseer of the Grand Mark Lodge , assisted by Bros . A . Gillespie , P . M . ; H . Hotham , as S . W . ; Wm . Loades , J . W . ; and a full attendance of members . The ballot
was taken for three candidates , and each unanimously elected . Bros . Rewcastle and Pearson being in attendance , were each severally advanced to this degree by the W . M . with earnestness and care . The election for W . M . was then proceeded with , and on examining the ballotting papers , Bro . Saneter was duly elected . Bro . Lambton was unanimously elected Treasurer . Three brethren were proposed as candidates for this degree , ancl the lodge was closed in solemn form at nine o ' clock .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( No . 590 ) . —The monthly meeting was held in the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , October 27 th . The lod ge was opened at seven p . m . by Bro . 0 . Le Sueur , W . M ., assisted by Bro . P . E . Le Sueur , S . W . ' , Bro . Ch . Benest , J . W ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , acting as P . M . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in tho second degree . The Senior and Junior Wardens and Bro . P .
Channel Islands.
Binet liaving given a strong recommendation , from long personal knowledge , of ?>!• . . J . P . Picot as a candidate for initiation , a ballot was taken , which proved unanimous in his favour _ -. but owing to his absence from the island , the ceremony was deferred . The W . M . announced a present to the lodge from Bro . Catley , J . D . of a handsome box , decorated with carvings of Masonic emblems , for the reception of the balloting balls , on which a vote of thanks to that brother was unanimously passed ..
Bro . F . J . Amy having been presented as a candidate for the third degree , the W . M . put the usual questions , ancl inquired if any brother wished to subject him to further examination , on which Bro . Schmitt rose and put a long series of questions , which elicited a thorough acquaintance on the part of Bro ., Amy with the tracing board of the second degree . They were answered so accurately , that the W . M . complimented the candidateand expressed a hope that so good an le would have
, examp a beneficial effect on others . Bro . Amy was then entrusted , and retired for preparation . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , the candidate was re-introduced , and dulyiaise . d to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M ., Bro . Schmitt giving the charge and the explanation of tho tracingboard . The W . M . liaving announced that he had relieved two distressed brethren , the amounts given were ordered to be repaid
to him . A deputation was appointed to present to the lady of the W . M . the vote of thanks on parchment agreed upon at a previous meeting for a present she had made to the lodge . Bro . Manuel called the attention of the meeting to the acoustic disadvantages of the room , and it was determined to confer with the architect on the subject . A gentleman was proposed forinitiation , and a brother to be admitted as a joining member . Thelodge was closed at a quarter past nine , and the brethren adjourned to the banqnetting-room for the usual light refreshment .
( From the afasonic Record of Western India . ) KURRACHEE . The ceremony of the Installation of the Worshipful Masters elect of Lodges Union and Industry took place on St . John ' s ; Day , 24 th of June , in the presence of a large number of Mason ? , some of whom came down from Kotree , Amongst those present were—John BruntonE . T . BeauvaisJ . J .
, , Martin , and W . A . Brunton , P . M . ' s ., Captain J . Macdonald , W . M . of Lodge Hope ; Bros . H . Stone , Robert Brunton , Fisher , Taverner , Philips , Martinnant , Knapp , Waddington , Giblea , Bright , Rosetti , Bell , Hamilton , Gardiner , and some others . After the Lodge had been opened in the 3 rd Degree , Bro .. Colliding , S . W . of Lodge Industry , W . M . Elect of the same-Lod was called to the pedestal bBro . J . Bruntonand after
ge , y , the usual interrogatories , he was placed in the . Eastern Chair , proclaimed in thc three several degrees as W . M , of Lodge Industry , and the brethren requested to salute him as such , during which Bro . Martinnant , who presided at the harmonium , played some suitable marches . The same ceremony was observed with regard to Bro . W . A . Brunton , W . M . elect of Lodge Union . After the ceremony of Installation was
concluded , Bro . W . A . Brunton proceeded to elect the Officebearers of Lodge Union , who were severally invested with the badges of office—Bros , J . Brunton , P . M . ; J . D . Swiney , P . M . ; E . T . Beauvais , P . M . ; C . Goolden , Hon . P . M . ; Bros . E . K . Wilkinson , S . W . and Treas . ; 13 . F . de Rosetti , J . W . ; Henry Stone , Sec ; W . Phillips , S . D . ; G . F . Taverner , J . D . ; II . Fisher , I . G . ; E . T . Martinnant , Org . ; and Thomas Gardiner , Tyler . There being no further businessthe Lodge was lowered
, and closed with prayer . Lodge Union held its first monthly meeting on the 19 fch inst ., when Bro . Gardiner was passed to the Fellow Craft ' s Degree , ancl Bro . Robert Brunton raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; Bros . J . Bancroft and S . S . Elson were admitted as joining members .
MI-IOW . LODGE ST . PAUL ( NO . 389 , S . C . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on the 3 rd Juno . In the absence of the W . M ., the S . W ., Bro . Allen , officiated . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The accounts for the quarter ending 30 th March were laid "before tho lodge , showing a balance of Its . 15-10-7 . The ballot was taken for