Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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it was a pleasure to see . He did not wish to see a largo lodgo , but a happy family ( hear , hear ) , and hoped at the termination of his year of office they would be able to endorse their W . M . 's good opinion of the two principal officers . The W . MASTEE next proposed the health of their Chaplain anel Treasurer . In the former they had one who was their own minister of religion , beloved and respected by them all , and they
ought to be very proud that he had cast his lot in with him . Their treasurer was a good man of business , and if their finances prospered as his own had done , there would be nothing to be desired . Bro . LEW , Chaplain , mig ht congratulate himself on having witnessed the ceremony of that day , which bad impressed him more than anything he had seen in Masonry during tho eight years he had been a member of the Order . ( He then drew a
very eloquently parallel between the truths of the Bible and Freemasonry , which our limited space compels us to omit . ) Bro . MAHCtJS , in a few words , hoped to be always supplied with funds , and keep their expenditure within due bounds . The W . MASTEE then gave the health of the Secretary , Senior and Junior Deat'ons . Bro . Kiscir , S . D ., returned thanks , and requested them to wait to the end of their year of office , when he hoped each of
them would be enabled to give a good account of his stewardship , and receive those thanks which at present were complimentary . The Tyler ' s toast followed , and the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . BOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on AVednesday , Julv 27 th , at Bro . J . Stevens ' , Boyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . Bro . C . G . C . StahrW . M . presidedand was assisted bBrou . G . Wilton
, , y , I . P . M . ; J . Stevens , P . M . ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . H . Pembroke , J . AV . ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . ; J . Hawker , AA . S . ; B . Phipps , and others . Amongst tbe visitors we noticed Bros . F . H . Ellsworth , 73 ; J . Patte , J . D . 147 ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , 733 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Holnian to become a member of the lodge , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of his
admission . Mr . Holnian being in attendance was duly initiated into the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Letters were received from the other candidates expressing their regret for their nonattendance . Business being concluded the lodge was closed .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Anlyn ( No . 954 ) . — Emergency meetings of this lodge were convened for the 22 nd and 25 th ult ., when two gentlemen were received into Freemasonry by Bro . Kent , W . M ., and one F . C , after a satisfactory examination , raised to the third degree . On the conclusion of the ceremonies the brethren assembled at the banquet hall
to partake of slight refreshment . The AV . M . proposed , in a few suitable remarks , the health of the newly initiated , to which the candidates replied , expressing themselves highly gratified at the honour conferred upon them . The health of the W . M . was given and duly honoured . It being the first time Bro . Kent had presided at an installation , he took occasion to remark that it was a privilege indeed to assist in bringing to Masonic light
such characters as the brethren above referred to . The brethren dispersed at an early hour . * — ¦ DURHAM . GATESHEAD—Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —This lodge held its meeting at the Grey Horse Inn , on Monday , July 25 r , h . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Bryden , assisted by
Bros . Smith as S . W ., Banning as J . W ., ancl the rest of the officers and bretliren . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . Archer was balloted for ancl unanimously elected , and , being iu attendance , was initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . S . B . of England , delivered the lecture on the tracing board , which was duly appreciated hy all present . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and , the business of the lodge over , it was closed iu solemn form . At refreshment the brethren enjoyed themselves , and retired at nine o ' clock .
KENT . PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Annual festivities of the Freemasons in Kent was held on Monday , the 25 th ult ., at Faversham , under the presidency cf A iscount Holmesdale , M . P ., the Grand Master of tho province . In the morning the Faversham Lodge entertained at breakfast at the King ' s Hotel the Masters of the various lodges and the
existing and Past Grand Officers . At one o ' clock over 200 of the brethren attended the Grand Lodge , which was opened in due form at the Town Hall . After the usual routine business had been transacted , it was proposed by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., and seconded by Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., that in consideration of the Hythe and Faversham Lodges both having received the Provincial Grand Lodge on their centenary anniversaries , that a centenary jewel be presented to each of the
lodges , tlie same to be worn by the AV . M . for the time being ; and that the same be paid for out of the Provincial Grand Lodge funds . Lord Holmesdale said that the first cast of the die would be eighteen guineas , and that then the jewels could he produced at a cost of £ 2 18 s . each . He thought such a recognition of the antiquity of a lodge very proper . The motion was ultimately carried .
The following were then installed as the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . E . Routh Prov . S . G . W . „ F . W . Elers „ J . G . AV . „ Benjamin Thorpe „ G . Treas . „ Eobert Gee , G . Reg . „ Edward AVates „ G . Sec .
„ J . Johnson „ Assist . G . Sec . „ L . A . Hart „ S . G . D . ,. F . W . Greenhill „ J . G . D . „ G . B . Sliarpe „ G . Dir . of Cew . „ C . F . Sutton „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ H . P . Bennett „ G . Supt . of \\ orks . „ Edward Mudd „ G . S . B . E . J . Townsend G . Org .
„ „ „ F . Gosling „ G . Purst . „ —Thornicroft ~ ) „ — Usher . ; : = Sot o ...::::::::::::::::::::: 1- » G - sto ™* - ' „ — Dives „ — Ashwarth
The brethren then formed on the bowling green of the Ship Hotel , and thence proceeded in procession to church , headed by the band of the Faversham Artillery Volunteer Corps , and also by twelve youths , sons of Masons , bearing small banners , the emblems of the twelve tribes of Israel , and each wearing a blue scarf . The service having been duly performed , the sermon was preached by Bro . Walter Field , M . A ., Rector of GodmershamD . Prov . G . Chap . He took his text from the 2 nd chapter
, of tbe 1 st Epistle of St . Peter , v . 5 , from which he preached a most appropriate and eloquent discourse . At the close of the service £ 23 15 s . was collected , to be divided equally between the local and Freemasons' schools . At four o ' clock about 200 of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner in the public rooms , provided in a very admirable manner by Mr . Pawley , of the Ship Hotel . The chair was
occupied by Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Prov . G . M ., supported on his right by the preacher of the day , and on his left by Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . There were also present besides the Masters , Past Masters , and officers of the various lodges , Bro . S . Barton Wilson , P . S . G . D , and Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' School . The cloth having been cleared , Bro . Lord HOLMESDALE gave " The Queen ancl the Craft , " " The Prince of Wales and the
rest of the Royal Family , " " The M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " "The K . W . the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Wilson . Bro . DOBSON proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . M ., Viscount Holmesdale , " in very eulogistic terms . Bro . Lord HOLMESDALE briefly returned thanks . He hoped that the prosperity of Masonry in Kent , spoken of by Bro .
Dobson , would continue to increase , and that he might be spared for many years to preside over them . He trusted that the lodge would continue to increase , and that the Charities which depended on them might flourish also . Of these they might
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
it was a pleasure to see . He did not wish to see a largo lodgo , but a happy family ( hear , hear ) , and hoped at the termination of his year of office they would be able to endorse their W . M . 's good opinion of the two principal officers . The W . MASTEE next proposed the health of their Chaplain anel Treasurer . In the former they had one who was their own minister of religion , beloved and respected by them all , and they
ought to be very proud that he had cast his lot in with him . Their treasurer was a good man of business , and if their finances prospered as his own had done , there would be nothing to be desired . Bro . LEW , Chaplain , mig ht congratulate himself on having witnessed the ceremony of that day , which bad impressed him more than anything he had seen in Masonry during tho eight years he had been a member of the Order . ( He then drew a
very eloquently parallel between the truths of the Bible and Freemasonry , which our limited space compels us to omit . ) Bro . MAHCtJS , in a few words , hoped to be always supplied with funds , and keep their expenditure within due bounds . The W . MASTEE then gave the health of the Secretary , Senior and Junior Deat'ons . Bro . Kiscir , S . D ., returned thanks , and requested them to wait to the end of their year of office , when he hoped each of
them would be enabled to give a good account of his stewardship , and receive those thanks which at present were complimentary . The Tyler ' s toast followed , and the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . BOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on AVednesday , Julv 27 th , at Bro . J . Stevens ' , Boyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . Bro . C . G . C . StahrW . M . presidedand was assisted bBrou . G . Wilton
, , y , I . P . M . ; J . Stevens , P . M . ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . H . Pembroke , J . AV . ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . ; J . Hawker , AA . S . ; B . Phipps , and others . Amongst tbe visitors we noticed Bros . F . H . Ellsworth , 73 ; J . Patte , J . D . 147 ; A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , 733 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Holnian to become a member of the lodge , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of his
admission . Mr . Holnian being in attendance was duly initiated into the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Letters were received from the other candidates expressing their regret for their nonattendance . Business being concluded the lodge was closed .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Anlyn ( No . 954 ) . — Emergency meetings of this lodge were convened for the 22 nd and 25 th ult ., when two gentlemen were received into Freemasonry by Bro . Kent , W . M ., and one F . C , after a satisfactory examination , raised to the third degree . On the conclusion of the ceremonies the brethren assembled at the banquet hall
to partake of slight refreshment . The AV . M . proposed , in a few suitable remarks , the health of the newly initiated , to which the candidates replied , expressing themselves highly gratified at the honour conferred upon them . The health of the W . M . was given and duly honoured . It being the first time Bro . Kent had presided at an installation , he took occasion to remark that it was a privilege indeed to assist in bringing to Masonic light
such characters as the brethren above referred to . The brethren dispersed at an early hour . * — ¦ DURHAM . GATESHEAD—Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —This lodge held its meeting at the Grey Horse Inn , on Monday , July 25 r , h . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Bryden , assisted by
Bros . Smith as S . W ., Banning as J . W ., ancl the rest of the officers and bretliren . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . Archer was balloted for ancl unanimously elected , and , being iu attendance , was initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . S . B . of England , delivered the lecture on the tracing board , which was duly appreciated hy all present . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and , the business of the lodge over , it was closed iu solemn form . At refreshment the brethren enjoyed themselves , and retired at nine o ' clock .
KENT . PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Annual festivities of the Freemasons in Kent was held on Monday , the 25 th ult ., at Faversham , under the presidency cf A iscount Holmesdale , M . P ., the Grand Master of tho province . In the morning the Faversham Lodge entertained at breakfast at the King ' s Hotel the Masters of the various lodges and the
existing and Past Grand Officers . At one o ' clock over 200 of the brethren attended the Grand Lodge , which was opened in due form at the Town Hall . After the usual routine business had been transacted , it was proposed by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., and seconded by Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., that in consideration of the Hythe and Faversham Lodges both having received the Provincial Grand Lodge on their centenary anniversaries , that a centenary jewel be presented to each of the
lodges , tlie same to be worn by the AV . M . for the time being ; and that the same be paid for out of the Provincial Grand Lodge funds . Lord Holmesdale said that the first cast of the die would be eighteen guineas , and that then the jewels could he produced at a cost of £ 2 18 s . each . He thought such a recognition of the antiquity of a lodge very proper . The motion was ultimately carried .
The following were then installed as the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Bro . E . Routh Prov . S . G . W . „ F . W . Elers „ J . G . AV . „ Benjamin Thorpe „ G . Treas . „ Eobert Gee , G . Reg . „ Edward AVates „ G . Sec .
„ J . Johnson „ Assist . G . Sec . „ L . A . Hart „ S . G . D . ,. F . W . Greenhill „ J . G . D . „ G . B . Sliarpe „ G . Dir . of Cew . „ C . F . Sutton „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ H . P . Bennett „ G . Supt . of \\ orks . „ Edward Mudd „ G . S . B . E . J . Townsend G . Org .
„ „ „ F . Gosling „ G . Purst . „ —Thornicroft ~ ) „ — Usher . ; : = Sot o ...::::::::::::::::::::: 1- » G - sto ™* - ' „ — Dives „ — Ashwarth
The brethren then formed on the bowling green of the Ship Hotel , and thence proceeded in procession to church , headed by the band of the Faversham Artillery Volunteer Corps , and also by twelve youths , sons of Masons , bearing small banners , the emblems of the twelve tribes of Israel , and each wearing a blue scarf . The service having been duly performed , the sermon was preached by Bro . Walter Field , M . A ., Rector of GodmershamD . Prov . G . Chap . He took his text from the 2 nd chapter
, of tbe 1 st Epistle of St . Peter , v . 5 , from which he preached a most appropriate and eloquent discourse . At the close of the service £ 23 15 s . was collected , to be divided equally between the local and Freemasons' schools . At four o ' clock about 200 of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner in the public rooms , provided in a very admirable manner by Mr . Pawley , of the Ship Hotel . The chair was
occupied by Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Prov . G . M ., supported on his right by the preacher of the day , and on his left by Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . There were also present besides the Masters , Past Masters , and officers of the various lodges , Bro . S . Barton Wilson , P . S . G . D , and Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' School . The cloth having been cleared , Bro . Lord HOLMESDALE gave " The Queen ancl the Craft , " " The Prince of Wales and the
rest of the Royal Family , " " The M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " "The K . W . the Deputy Grand Master of England , and the Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Wilson . Bro . DOBSON proposed " The Health of the Prov . G . M ., Viscount Holmesdale , " in very eulogistic terms . Bro . Lord HOLMESDALE briefly returned thanks . He hoped that the prosperity of Masonry in Kent , spoken of by Bro .
Dobson , would continue to increase , and that he might be spared for many years to preside over them . He trusted that the lodge would continue to increase , and that the Charities which depended on them might flourish also . Of these they might