Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
its broad bosom the freight of untold treasures—corn from Egypt , gold from Ophir , myrrh and frankincense from Arabia , silks from Persia , oil and honey from Syria , and its own richest wealth from Judah ' s sacred mount—still pouring onward with its deepening and resistless tide , as from the hollow of God ' s own handat once iving a refreshing draught to a
, g thirsty soul , and fertilising provinces and kingdoms with its inexhaustible streams . What if it have a tinge and a taste from the soils it has passed through , a sediment from the affluence of its tributaries , and a bitter and a sweet from the luxuriant vegetation which adorns its banks and dips into its current ? Is it not
still the Great River of the Avaters of life , making glad the city and church of our God , rolling ever around with its majestic sweep , and carrying with it the innumerable commerce from every kindred , and tongue , and people under heaven towards the Greater Sea ?—LIVEEMOEE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents , CARTER'S LIEE OE BISHOP ARMSTRONG . TO THE IDITOB OP THE FltEESrASOXS' MAGAZINE AITD MASONIC StIBEOE . SIR , —Not being a Mason , but wishing to become one , aud having read your interesting journal , I am
induced to ask whether any faith may be put in the account given of Ereemasons as reported in Carter's " Life of Bishop Armstrong ? " and I do hope your goodness will extend so far as to afford me a reply , or that some of your correspondents will do so , as I am credibly informed that the ridicule and assertions in the Rev . Mr . Carter ' s edition of the book alluded
to are totally void of truth . If so , it is , indeed , a pity that clergymen should so employ their time as to publish erroneous opinions of others , thereby preventing well-meaning persons from entering the Order of Masonry , which , as far as I can understand , is an institution much older than that of Christianity ,
and founded upon the same sacred principles . Moreover , I am also very respectably assured that the late Archbishop of Canterbury was a Mason , and that many of our bishops belong to the fraternity , and , if so , Masonry cannot be a bad or even a farcical institution .
Waiting a reply to these queries ere I submit to the rite , * I remain , Sir , yours obediently , ENQTJIEEE . [ Our correspondent may rest assured that there is no truth in the statement referred to . It is not
possible to prevent clergymen more than any other men from making erroneous statements on subjects of which they are totally ignorant . Some of the most distinguished ornaments of the Church are Ereemasons , and , as a rule , clergymen once initiated are the most earnest defenders of the tenets of Ereemasonry . It is not our business , however , to recommend anyone to join the Order . —EB . 1
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We regret to hear that Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the Boys ' School , met with an accident on AVednesday evening , hy which he broke his leg .
: CojfSECEATiosr or THE MONTEHOKE LODGE ( No . 1 , 017 ) . Several HehreAV brethren having been desirous of establisbinga new lodge do not appear to have had to travel far for its name . Most appropriately , they selected that of a brother Freemason , a member of their own faith , and a philanthropist of whom this country—eminently philanthropic as it is—has good reason tobe proud . To enter into a recapitulation of the good deeds of
Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore would be superfluous ; and to chronicle them here would be to suppose that Freemasons in generah paid no attention to those acts of mercy and beneficence , extended to the outer world , which they inculcate within their own society . Suffice it , therefore , to say that the Hebrew , Sir-Moses Montefiore , has done such brave , generous , and important works of mercy that they may well claim to he recognised and ; admired by every one Avho—Christianpagan , infidel , hereticor
, , Hebrew—can love his fellow-man Avithout distinction of creed , colour , or nationality , and act , as it can he expressed in a single word , like a Freemason . Under such a name , then , new the lodge has chosen to be incorporated , and was consecrated on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro ., Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D ., in that style which is so well known . The singers Avere Bros . Fielding , 6 . T .
Carter , Shoubridge , and Lawler , Bro . A an Noorden presiding at tbe harmonium . After the consecration , Bro . S . B . Wilson installed Bro . Benjamin Alexander the first AV . M . of the Montefiore Lodge ( No . 1 , 017 ) . AA'hen the brethren , below the chairhad been re-admitted , the following were appointed and invested officers of the lodge : —Bros . S . V . Abraham , S . W . ; Eskell , J . W . ; Levy , Chap . ; Marcus , Treas . ; Norden , Sec . ; Kisch , S . D . ; Blumenthal , J . D . ; A . Swanborough , I . G . ; Van Noorden , Org . j Lewis Jacobs , Steward ; and Couchman , Tyler . The visitors Avere Bros . J . Udall and S . B . AVilson , P . G . D . ' s ; F . Binckes , P . M .
10 ; Matthew Cooke , Sec . 23 , AV . M . 905 ; Levy and Landye , 25 ; Speight , 27 ; England and Glaisher , 33 ; Ohren , 38 ; Lambe , 92 j . AVebb , 155 ; S . Abraham , Russell , Hart , Camora , Moss Phillips ,. Shoubridge , all of 158 ; Irons , 186 ; Barringer , 191 , ; G . T » Carter , 202 ; H . L . Harris , 205 ; MeConnell , 213 ; Lazarus , 218 ; Marchant , 704 ; H . Coxwell , 742 ; E . Woodman , 90 L ; besides several others whose names were illegible , too late , or not signed . A vote of thanks was proposed to Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson ,
for consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M ., thisattempted to be seconded by , at least , a dozen members—was carried by acclamation and ordered to he entered on the minutes .. The lodge was then called off and the brethren adjourned to one of the very best dinners served in the tavern for many years . The attention of Bro . Blumenthal to the comforts of all the bretliren being most assiduous . The dinner being over the Chaplain'Bro . Levyintoned the Hebrew Gracecopies of which
, , , , accompanied by an English translation , Avere distributed round the table , after which an English Grace AVUS said by Bro . A .. Swanborough . After the removal of the cloth , the AV . M ., in appropriate terms , gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and coming to that of the D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Bipoii , said the Craft were proud of him . Notwithstanding his lordship ' s public
duties he was a most efficient officer , and had won the greatest respect from their body . ( Hear , hear . ) He coupled the toast with the names of Bros . Udall and S . B . Wilson , P . G . D . ' s . Bro . UDAIA said it Avas a very pleasing duty to return thanks on behalf the noble earl . No one could be found Avho took a greater interest in Freemasonry and there was no one more honoured by the Craft for taking that interest . Bro . S . B . WILSON had hoped to have had another opportunity of saying a few words ; hut , even at the risk of not doing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
its broad bosom the freight of untold treasures—corn from Egypt , gold from Ophir , myrrh and frankincense from Arabia , silks from Persia , oil and honey from Syria , and its own richest wealth from Judah ' s sacred mount—still pouring onward with its deepening and resistless tide , as from the hollow of God ' s own handat once iving a refreshing draught to a
, g thirsty soul , and fertilising provinces and kingdoms with its inexhaustible streams . What if it have a tinge and a taste from the soils it has passed through , a sediment from the affluence of its tributaries , and a bitter and a sweet from the luxuriant vegetation which adorns its banks and dips into its current ? Is it not
still the Great River of the Avaters of life , making glad the city and church of our God , rolling ever around with its majestic sweep , and carrying with it the innumerable commerce from every kindred , and tongue , and people under heaven towards the Greater Sea ?—LIVEEMOEE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents , CARTER'S LIEE OE BISHOP ARMSTRONG . TO THE IDITOB OP THE FltEESrASOXS' MAGAZINE AITD MASONIC StIBEOE . SIR , —Not being a Mason , but wishing to become one , aud having read your interesting journal , I am
induced to ask whether any faith may be put in the account given of Ereemasons as reported in Carter's " Life of Bishop Armstrong ? " and I do hope your goodness will extend so far as to afford me a reply , or that some of your correspondents will do so , as I am credibly informed that the ridicule and assertions in the Rev . Mr . Carter ' s edition of the book alluded
to are totally void of truth . If so , it is , indeed , a pity that clergymen should so employ their time as to publish erroneous opinions of others , thereby preventing well-meaning persons from entering the Order of Masonry , which , as far as I can understand , is an institution much older than that of Christianity ,
and founded upon the same sacred principles . Moreover , I am also very respectably assured that the late Archbishop of Canterbury was a Mason , and that many of our bishops belong to the fraternity , and , if so , Masonry cannot be a bad or even a farcical institution .
Waiting a reply to these queries ere I submit to the rite , * I remain , Sir , yours obediently , ENQTJIEEE . [ Our correspondent may rest assured that there is no truth in the statement referred to . It is not
possible to prevent clergymen more than any other men from making erroneous statements on subjects of which they are totally ignorant . Some of the most distinguished ornaments of the Church are Ereemasons , and , as a rule , clergymen once initiated are the most earnest defenders of the tenets of Ereemasonry . It is not our business , however , to recommend anyone to join the Order . —EB . 1
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We regret to hear that Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the Boys ' School , met with an accident on AVednesday evening , hy which he broke his leg .
: CojfSECEATiosr or THE MONTEHOKE LODGE ( No . 1 , 017 ) . Several HehreAV brethren having been desirous of establisbinga new lodge do not appear to have had to travel far for its name . Most appropriately , they selected that of a brother Freemason , a member of their own faith , and a philanthropist of whom this country—eminently philanthropic as it is—has good reason tobe proud . To enter into a recapitulation of the good deeds of
Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore would be superfluous ; and to chronicle them here would be to suppose that Freemasons in generah paid no attention to those acts of mercy and beneficence , extended to the outer world , which they inculcate within their own society . Suffice it , therefore , to say that the Hebrew , Sir-Moses Montefiore , has done such brave , generous , and important works of mercy that they may well claim to he recognised and ; admired by every one Avho—Christianpagan , infidel , hereticor
, , Hebrew—can love his fellow-man Avithout distinction of creed , colour , or nationality , and act , as it can he expressed in a single word , like a Freemason . Under such a name , then , new the lodge has chosen to be incorporated , and was consecrated on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro ., Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D ., in that style which is so well known . The singers Avere Bros . Fielding , 6 . T .
Carter , Shoubridge , and Lawler , Bro . A an Noorden presiding at tbe harmonium . After the consecration , Bro . S . B . Wilson installed Bro . Benjamin Alexander the first AV . M . of the Montefiore Lodge ( No . 1 , 017 ) . AA'hen the brethren , below the chairhad been re-admitted , the following were appointed and invested officers of the lodge : —Bros . S . V . Abraham , S . W . ; Eskell , J . W . ; Levy , Chap . ; Marcus , Treas . ; Norden , Sec . ; Kisch , S . D . ; Blumenthal , J . D . ; A . Swanborough , I . G . ; Van Noorden , Org . j Lewis Jacobs , Steward ; and Couchman , Tyler . The visitors Avere Bros . J . Udall and S . B . AVilson , P . G . D . ' s ; F . Binckes , P . M .
10 ; Matthew Cooke , Sec . 23 , AV . M . 905 ; Levy and Landye , 25 ; Speight , 27 ; England and Glaisher , 33 ; Ohren , 38 ; Lambe , 92 j . AVebb , 155 ; S . Abraham , Russell , Hart , Camora , Moss Phillips ,. Shoubridge , all of 158 ; Irons , 186 ; Barringer , 191 , ; G . T » Carter , 202 ; H . L . Harris , 205 ; MeConnell , 213 ; Lazarus , 218 ; Marchant , 704 ; H . Coxwell , 742 ; E . Woodman , 90 L ; besides several others whose names were illegible , too late , or not signed . A vote of thanks was proposed to Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson ,
for consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M ., thisattempted to be seconded by , at least , a dozen members—was carried by acclamation and ordered to he entered on the minutes .. The lodge was then called off and the brethren adjourned to one of the very best dinners served in the tavern for many years . The attention of Bro . Blumenthal to the comforts of all the bretliren being most assiduous . The dinner being over the Chaplain'Bro . Levyintoned the Hebrew Gracecopies of which
, , , , accompanied by an English translation , Avere distributed round the table , after which an English Grace AVUS said by Bro . A .. Swanborough . After the removal of the cloth , the AV . M ., in appropriate terms , gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and coming to that of the D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Bipoii , said the Craft were proud of him . Notwithstanding his lordship ' s public
duties he was a most efficient officer , and had won the greatest respect from their body . ( Hear , hear . ) He coupled the toast with the names of Bros . Udall and S . B . Wilson , P . G . D . ' s . Bro . UDAIA said it Avas a very pleasing duty to return thanks on behalf the noble earl . No one could be found Avho took a greater interest in Freemasonry and there was no one more honoured by the Craft for taking that interest . Bro . S . B . WILSON had hoped to have had another opportunity of saying a few words ; hut , even at the risk of not doing